import Vue from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import Formulate from '@/Formulate.js' import FormulateInput from '@/FormulateInput.vue' import FormulateInputSlider from '@/inputs/FormulateInputSlider.vue' Vue.use(Formulate) /** * Test each type of slider element */ describe('FormulateInputSlider', () => { it('renders range input when type is "range"', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'range' } }) expect(wrapper.contains(FormulateInputSlider)).toBe(true) }) it('does not show value if the show-value prop is not set', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'range', value: '15', min: '0', max: '100' } }) expect(wrapper.find('.formulate-input-element-range-value').exists()).toBe(false) }) it('renders the value when type is "range" and show-value prop is set', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'range', showValue: 'true', value: '15', min: '0', max: '100' } }) expect(wrapper.find('.formulate-input-element-range-value').text()).toBe('15') }) it('passes an explicitly given name prop through to the root element', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'range', name: 'foo' } }) expect(wrapper.find('input[name="foo"]').exists()).toBe(true) }) it('additional context does not bleed through to range input attributes', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'range' } } ) expect(Object.keys(wrapper.find('input[type="range"]').attributes())).toEqual(["type", "id"]) }) })