import Vue from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import Formulate from '../dist/formulate.esm.js' import FormulateInput from '../src/FormulateInput.vue' import FormulateInputBox from '../src/inputs/FormulateInputBox.vue' import FormulateInputGroup from '../src/FormulateInputGroup.vue' Vue.use(Formulate) test('type "checkbox" renders a box element', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox' } }) expect(wrapper.contains(FormulateInputBox)).toBe(true) }) test('type "radio" renders a box element', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio' } }) expect(wrapper.contains(FormulateInputBox)).toBe(true) }) test('box inputs properly process options object in context library', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(Array.isArray(wrapper.vm.context.options)).toBe(true) }) test('type "checkbox" with options renders a group', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(wrapper.contains(FormulateInputGroup)).toBe(true) }) test('type "radio" with options renders a group', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(wrapper.contains(FormulateInputGroup)).toBe(true) }) test('labelPosition of type "checkbox" defaults to after', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox' } }) expect(wrapper.vm.context.labelPosition).toBe('after') }) test('labelPosition of type "checkbox" with options defaults to before', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', options: {a: '1', b: '2'}}}) expect(wrapper.vm.context.labelPosition).toBe('before') })