import Vue from 'vue' import flushPromises from 'flush-promises' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import Formulate from '../../src/Formulate.js' import FormulateInput from '@/FormulateInput.vue' import FormulateInputBox from '@/inputs/FormulateInputBox.vue' import FormulateInputGroup from '@/FormulateInputGroup.vue' Vue.use(Formulate) describe('FormulateInputBox', () => { it('renders a box element when type "checkbox" ', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox' } }) expect(wrapper.contains(FormulateInputBox)).toBe(true) }) it('renders a box element when type "radio"', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio' } }) expect(wrapper.contains(FormulateInputBox)).toBe(true) }) it('passes an explicitly given name prop through to the root radio elements', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio', name: 'foo', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(wrapper.findAll('input[name="foo"]')).toHaveLength(2) }) it('passes an explicitly given name prop through to the root checkbox elements', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', name: 'foo', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(wrapper.findAll('input[name="foo"]')).toHaveLength(2) }) it('box inputs properly process options object in context library', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(Array.isArray(wrapper.vm.context.options)).toBe(true) }) it('renders a group when type "checkbox" with options', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(wrapper.contains(FormulateInputGroup)).toBe(true) }) it('renders a group when type "radio" with options', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(wrapper.contains(FormulateInputGroup)).toBe(true) }) it('defaults labelPosition to "after" when type "checkbox"', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox' } }) expect(wrapper.vm.context.labelPosition).toBe('after') }) it('labelPosition of defaults to before when type "checkbox" with options', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', options: {a: '1', b: '2'}}}) expect(wrapper.vm.context.labelPosition).toBe('before') }) it('renders multiple inputs with options when type "radio"', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(wrapper.findAll('input[type="radio"]').length).toBe(2) }) it('generates ids if not provided when type "radio"', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(wrapper.findAll('input[type="radio"]').is('[id]')).toBe(true) }) it('additional context does not bleed through to attributes with type "radio" and options', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(Object.keys(wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]').attributes())).toEqual(["type", "id", "value"]) }) it('additional context does not bleed through to attributes with type "checkbox" and options', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', options: {a: '1', b: '2'} } }) expect(Object.keys(wrapper.find('input[type="checkbox"]').attributes())).toEqual(["type", "id", "value"]) }) it('allows external attributes to make it down to the inner box elements', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio', options: {a: '1', b: '2'}, readonly: 'true' } }) expect(Object.keys(wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]').attributes()).includes('readonly')).toBe(true) }) it('does not use the value attribute to be checked', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', value: '123' } }) expect(wrapper.find('input').is(':checked')).toBe(false) }) it('uses the checked attribute to be checked', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', checked: 'true' } }) await flushPromises() await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('input').is(':checked')).toBe(true) }) it('uses the value attribute to select "type" radio when using options', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'radio', options: {a: '1', b: '2'}, value: 'b' } }) await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.findAll('input:checked').length).toBe(1) }) it('uses the value attribute to select "type" checkbox when using options', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormulateInput, { propsData: { type: 'checkbox', options: {a: '1', b: '2', c: '123'}, value: ['b', 'c'] } }) await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.findAll('input:checked').length).toBe(2) }) /** * it data binding */ it('sets array of values via v-model when type "checkbox"', async () => { const wrapper = mount({ data () { return { checkboxValues: [], options: {foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar', fooey: 'Fooey'} } }, template: `