## What is Vue Formulario? Vue Formulario is a library, inspired by Vue Formulate, that handles the core logic for working with forms and gives full control on the form presentation. ## Examples Every form control have to rendered inside FormularioField component. This component provides `id` and `context` in v-slot props. Control should use `context.model` as v-model and `context.runValidation` as handler for `blur` event (it is necessary for validation when property `validationBehavior` is `demand`). Errors list for a field can be accessed through `context.allErrors`. The example below creates the authorization form from data: ```json { "username": "", "password": "", "options": { "anonymous": false, "tags": ["test"] } } ``` ```html
{{ error }}
``` ## License [MIT](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) Copyright (c) 2020-present, [RetailDriver LLC](https://www.retailcrm.pro)
Copyright (c) 2020-present, [Braid LLC](https://www.wearebraid.com/)