mirror of synced 2025-03-01 18:43:17 +03:00

feat!: Remove blur error behavior & blurHandler, validation logic refactor & cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Zaytsev Kirill 2020-10-25 22:17:01 +03:00
parent 3d31c461e6
commit ea93863a05
12 changed files with 336 additions and 458 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { VueConstructor } from 'vue'
import { has } from '@/libs/utils'
import rules from '@/validation/rules'
import messages from '@/validation/messages'
import merge from '@/utils/merge'
@ -11,12 +10,13 @@ import FormularioGrouping from '@/FormularioGrouping.vue'
import {
} from '@/validation/types'
} from '@/validation/validator'
interface FormularioOptions {
rules?: any;
validationMessages?: any;
validationMessages?: Record<string, Function>;
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
@ -24,15 +24,12 @@ interface FormularioOptions {
* The base formulario library.
export default class Formulario {
public options: FormularioOptions
public idRegistry: { [name: string]: number }
public rules: Record<string, CheckRuleFn> = {}
public messages: Record<string, Function> = {}
constructor () {
this.options = {
validationMessages: messages,
this.idRegistry = {}
this.rules = rules
this.messages = messages
@ -47,47 +44,35 @@ export default class Formulario {
this.extend(options || {})
* Produce a deterministically generated id based on the sequence by which it
* was requested. This should be *theoretically* the same SSR as client side.
* However, SSR and deterministic ids can be very challenging, so this
* implementation is open to community review.
nextId (vm: Vue): string {
const path = vm.$route && vm.$route.path ? vm.$route.path : false
const pathPrefix = path ? vm.$route.path.replace(/[/\\.\s]/g, '-') : 'global'
if (!has(this.idRegistry, pathPrefix)) {
this.idRegistry[pathPrefix] = 0
return `formulario-${pathPrefix}-${++this.idRegistry[pathPrefix]}`
* Given a set of options, apply them to the pre-existing options.
extend (extendWith: FormularioOptions): Formulario {
if (typeof extendWith === 'object') {
this.options = merge(this.options, extendWith)
this.rules = merge(this.rules, extendWith.rules || {})
this.messages = merge(this.messages, extendWith.validationMessages || {})
return this
throw new Error(`VueFormulario extend() should be passed an object (was ${typeof extendWith})`)
throw new Error(`[Formulario]: Formulario.extend() should be passed an object (was ${typeof extendWith})`)
* Get validation rules by merging any passed in with global rules.
rules (rules: Record<string, ValidationRule> = {}): () => Record<string, ValidationRule> {
return { ...this.options.rules, ...rules }
getRules (extendWith: Record<string, CheckRuleFn> = {}): Record<string, CheckRuleFn> {
return merge(this.rules, extendWith)
* Get the validation message for a particular error.
validationMessage (rule: string, context: ValidationContext, vm: Vue): string {
if (has(this.options.validationMessages, rule)) {
return this.options.validationMessages[rule](vm, context)
} else {
return this.options.validationMessages.default(vm, context)
getMessages (vm: Vue, extendWith: Record<string, Function>): Record<string, CreateMessageFn> {
const raw = merge(this.messages || {}, extendWith)
const messages: Record<string, CreateMessageFn> = {}
for (const name in raw) {
messages[name] = (context: ValidationContext, ...args: any[]): string => {
return typeof raw[name] === 'string' ? raw[name] : raw[name](vm, context, ...args)
return messages

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import {
} from '@/validation/ErrorObserver'
import { ValidationErrorBag } from '@/validation/types'
import { Violation } from '@/validation/validator'
@Component({ name: 'FormularioForm' })
export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
onFormularioFieldValidation (errorBag: ValidationErrorBag): void {
this.$emit('validation', errorBag)
onFormularioFieldValidation (payload: { name: string; violations: Violation[]}): void {
this.$emit('validation', payload)

View File

@ -13,23 +13,18 @@ import {
} from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { arrayify, has, parseRules, shallowEqualObjects, snakeToCamel } from './libs/utils'
import { arrayify, has, shallowEqualObjects, snakeToCamel } from './libs/utils'
import {
} from '@/validation/types'
import {
} from '@/validation/validator'
BLUR: 'blur',
DEMAND: 'demand',
LIVE: 'live',
NONE: 'none',
SUBMIT: 'submit',
@ -52,26 +47,25 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
}) name!: string
@Prop({ default: '' }) validation!: string|any[]
@Prop({ default: () => ({}) }) validationRules!: Record<string, ValidationRule>
@Prop({ default: () => ({}) }) validationMessages!: Record<string, any>
@Prop({ default: () => ({}) }) validationRules!: Record<string, CheckRuleFn>
@Prop({ default: () => ({}) }) validationMessages!: Record<string, CreateMessageFn|string>
@Prop({ default: () => [] }) errors!: string[]
validator: behavior => [
validator: behavior => Object.values(VALIDATION_BEHAVIOR).includes(behavior)
}) errorBehavior!: string
@Prop({ default: false }) errorsDisabled!: boolean
proxy: any = this.getInitialValue()
localErrors: string[] = []
violations: ValidationError[] = []
violations: Violation[] = []
pendingValidation: Promise<any> = Promise.resolve()
get fullQualifiedName (): string {
return this.path !== '' ? `${this.path}.${this.name}` : this.name
get model (): any {
const model = this.hasModel ? 'value' : 'proxy'
if (this[model] === undefined) {
@ -98,13 +92,11 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
validate: this.performValidation.bind(this),
violations: this.violations,
errors: this.mergedErrors,
// @TODO: Deprecated
// @TODO: Deprecated, will be removed in next versions, use context.violations & context.errors separately
allErrors: [
...this.mergedErrors.map(message => ({ message })),
...this.mergedErrors.map(message => ({ rule: null, args: [], context: null, message })),
blurHandler: this.blurHandler.bind(this),
performValidation: this.performValidation.bind(this),
}, 'model', {
get: () => this.model,
set: (value: any) => {
@ -113,15 +105,15 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
get parsedValidationRules (): Record<string, ValidationRule> {
const rules: Record<string, ValidationRule> = {}
get normalizedValidationRules (): Record<string, CheckRuleFn> {
const rules: Record<string, CheckRuleFn> = {}
Object.keys(this.validationRules).forEach(key => {
rules[snakeToCamel(key)] = this.validationRules[key]
return rules
get messages (): Record<string, any> {
get normalizedValidationMessages (): Record<string, any> {
const messages: Record<string, any> = {}
Object.keys(this.validationMessages).forEach((key) => {
messages[snakeToCamel(key)] = this.validationMessages[key]
@ -129,13 +121,6 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
return messages
* Return the elements name, or select a fallback.
get fullQualifiedName (): string {
return this.path !== '' ? `${this.path}.${this.name}` : this.name
* These are errors we that have been explicitly passed to us.
@ -155,7 +140,7 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
if (!this.hasModel && !shallowEqualObjects(newValue, oldValue)) {
this.context.model = newValue
if (this.errorBehavior === ERROR_BEHAVIOR.LIVE) {
if (this.errorBehavior === VALIDATION_BEHAVIOR.LIVE) {
} else {
this.violations = []
@ -177,7 +162,7 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
if (typeof this.addErrorObserver === 'function' && !this.errorsDisabled) {
this.addErrorObserver({ callback: this.setErrors, type: 'input', field: this.fullQualifiedName })
if (this.errorBehavior === ERROR_BEHAVIOR.LIVE) {
if (this.errorBehavior === VALIDATION_BEHAVIOR.LIVE) {
@ -192,16 +177,6 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
* Bound into the context object.
blurHandler (): void {
if (this.errorBehavior === ERROR_BEHAVIOR.BLUR) {
getInitialValue (): any {
return has(this.$options.propsData || {}, 'value') ? this.value : ''
@ -215,91 +190,37 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
performValidation (): Promise<void> {
this.pendingValidation = this.validate().then(errors => {
this.pendingValidation = this.validate().then(violations => {
const validationChanged = !shallowEqualObjects(violations, this.violations)
this.violations = violations
if (validationChanged) {
const payload = {
name: this.context.name,
violations: this.violations,
this.$emit('validation', payload)
if (typeof this.onFormularioFieldValidation === 'function') {
return this.violations
return this.pendingValidation
applyValidator (validator: Validator): Promise<ValidationError|false> {
return validate(validator, {
value: this.context.model,
name: this.context.name,
getFormValues: this.getFormValues.bind(this),
}).then(valid => valid ? false : this.getMessageObject(validator.name, validator.args))
applyValidatorGroup (group: ValidatorGroup): Promise<ValidationError[]> {
return Promise.all(group.validators.map(this.applyValidator))
.then(violations => (violations.filter(v => v !== false) as ValidationError[]))
validate (): Promise<ValidationError[]> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const resolveGroups = (groups: ValidatorGroup[], all: ValidationError[] = []): void => {
if (groups.length) {
const current = groups.shift() as ValidatorGroup
this.applyValidatorGroup(current).then(violations => {
// The rule passed or its a non-bailing group, and there are additional groups to check, continue
if ((violations.length === 0 || !current.bail) && groups.length) {
return resolveGroups(groups, all.concat(violations))
return resolve(all.concat(violations))
} else {
parseRules(this.validation, this.$formulario.rules(this.parsedValidationRules))
didValidate (violations: ValidationError[]): void {
const validationChanged = !shallowEqualObjects(violations, this.violations)
this.violations = violations
if (validationChanged) {
const errorBag = {
validate (): Promise<Violation[]> {
return validate(
this.$formulario.getMessages(this, this.normalizedValidationMessages),
), {
value: this.context.model,
name: this.context.name,
errors: this.violations,
formValues: this.getFormValues(),
this.$emit('validation', errorBag)
if (this.onFormularioFieldValidation && typeof this.onFormularioFieldValidation === 'function') {
getMessageObject (ruleName: string | undefined, args: any[]): ValidationError {
const context = {
name: this.name,
value: this.context.model,
formValues: this.getFormValues(),
const message = this.getMessageFunc(ruleName || '')(context)
return {
rule: ruleName,
getMessageFunc (ruleName: string): Function {
ruleName = snakeToCamel(ruleName)
if (this.messages && typeof this.messages[ruleName] !== 'undefined') {
switch (typeof this.messages[ruleName]) {
case 'function':
return this.messages[ruleName]
case 'string':
case 'boolean':
return (): string => this.messages[ruleName]
return (context: ValidationContext): string => this.$formulario.validationMessage(ruleName, context, this)
hasValidationErrors (): Promise<boolean> {

View File

@ -48,16 +48,6 @@ export function snakeToCamel (string: string | any): string | any {
return string
* Return the rule name with the applicable modifier as an array.
function parseModifier (ruleName: any): [string|any, string|null] {
if (typeof ruleName === 'string' && /^[\^]/.test(ruleName.charAt(0))) {
return [snakeToCamel(ruleName.substr(1)), ruleName.charAt(0)]
return [snakeToCamel(ruleName), null]
* Converts to array.
* If given parameter is not string, object ot array, result will be an empty array.
@ -79,58 +69,6 @@ export function arrayify (item: any): any[] {
return []
* Given a string or function, parse it and return an array in the format
* [fn, [...arguments]]
function parseRule (rule: any, rules: Record<string, any>) {
if (typeof rule === 'function') {
return [rule, []]
if (Array.isArray(rule) && rule.length) {
rule = rule.slice() // light clone
const [ruleName, modifier] = parseModifier(rule.shift())
if (typeof ruleName === 'string' && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(rules, ruleName)) {
return [rules[ruleName], rule, ruleName, modifier]
if (typeof ruleName === 'function') {
return [ruleName, rule, ruleName, modifier]
if (typeof rule === 'string') {
const segments = rule.split(':')
const [ruleName, modifier] = parseModifier(segments.shift())
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(rules, ruleName)) {
return [rules[ruleName], segments.length ? segments.join(':').split(',') : [], ruleName, modifier]
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown validation rule ${rule}`)
return false
* Given an array or string return an array of callables.
* @param {array|string} validation
* @param {array} rules and array of functions
* @return {array} an array of functions
export function parseRules (validation: any[]|string, rules: any): any[] {
if (typeof validation === 'string') {
return parseRules(validation.split('|').filter(f => f.length), rules)
if (!Array.isArray(validation)) {
return []
return validation.map(rule => {
return parseRule(rule, rules)
}).filter(f => !!f)
* Escape a string for use in regular expressions.
@ -198,20 +136,6 @@ export function cloneDeep (value: any): any {
return copy
* Given a locale string, parse the options.
* @param {string} locale
export function parseLocale (locale: string): string[] {
const segments = locale.split('-')
return segments.reduce((options: string[], segment: string) => {
if (options.length) {
return options.length ? options : [segment]
}, [])
* Shorthand for Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call (space saving)

View File

@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
import { ValidationContext } from '@/validation/types'
import { ValidationContext } from '@/validation/validator'
* This is an object of functions that each produce valid responses. There's no
* need for these to be 1-1 with english, feel free to change the wording or
* use/not use any of the variables available in the object or the
* arguments for the message to make the most sense in your language and culture.
* The validation context object includes the following properties:
* {
* args // Array of rule arguments: between:5,10 (args are ['5', '10'])
* name: // The validation name to be used
* value: // The value of the field (do not mutate!),
* formValues: // If wrapped in a FormulateForm, the value of other form fields.
* }
export default {
* The default render method for error messages.
@ -32,8 +18,8 @@ export default {
* The date is not after.
after (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext): string {
if (Array.isArray(context.args) && context.args.length) {
after (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext, compare: string | false = false): string {
if (typeof compare === 'string' && compare.length) {
return vm.$t('validation.after.compare', context)
@ -50,15 +36,15 @@ export default {
* Rule: checks if the value is alpha numeric
alphanumeric (vm: Vue, context: Record<string, any>): string {
alphanumeric (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext): string {
return vm.$t('validation.alphanumeric', context)
* The date is not before.
before (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext): string {
if (Array.isArray(context.args) && context.args.length) {
before (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext, compare: string|false = false): string {
if (typeof compare === 'string' && compare.length) {
return vm.$t('validation.before.compare', context)
@ -68,14 +54,14 @@ export default {
* The value is not between two numbers or lengths
between (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext): string {
const force = Array.isArray(context.args) && context.args[2] ? context.args[2] : false
between (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext, from: number|any = 0, to: number|any = 10, force?: string): string {
const data = { ...context, from, to }
if ((!isNaN(context.value) && force !== 'length') || force === 'value') {
return vm.$t('validation.between.force', context)
return vm.$t('validation.between.force', data)
return vm.$t('validation.between.default', context)
return vm.$t('validation.between.default', data)
@ -88,8 +74,8 @@ export default {
* Is not a valid date.
date (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext): string {
if (Array.isArray(context.args) && context.args.length) {
date (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext, format: string | false = false): string {
if (typeof format === 'string' && format.length) {
return vm.$t('validation.date.format', context)
@ -131,45 +117,30 @@ export default {
* The maximum value allowed.
max (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext): string {
const maximum = context.args[0] as number
max (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext, maximum: string | number = 10, force?: string): string {
if (Array.isArray(context.value)) {
return vm.$tc('validation.max.array', maximum, context)
const force = Array.isArray(context.args) && context.args[1] ? context.args[1] : false
if ((!isNaN(context.value) && force !== 'length') || force === 'value') {
return vm.$tc('validation.max.force', maximum, context)
return vm.$tc('validation.max.default', maximum, context)
* The (field-level) error message for mime errors.
mime (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext): string {
const types = context.args[0]
if (types) {
return vm.$t('validation.mime.default', context)
} else {
return vm.$t('validation.mime.no_formats_allowed', context)
* The maximum value allowed.
min (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext): string {
const minimum = context.args[0] as number
min (vm: Vue, context: ValidationContext, minimum: number | any = 1, force?: string): string {
if (Array.isArray(context.value)) {
return vm.$tc('validation.min.array', minimum, context)
const force = Array.isArray(context.args) && context.args[1] ? context.args[1] : false
if ((!isNaN(context.value) && force !== 'length') || force === 'value') {
return vm.$tc('validation.min.force', minimum, context)
return vm.$tc('validation.min.default', minimum, context)

View File

@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
import isUrl from 'is-url'
import { shallowEqualObjects, regexForFormat, has } from '@/libs/utils'
import { ValidatableData } from '@/validation/types'
import { ValidationContext } from '@/validation/validator'
interface DateValidationContext extends ValidationContext {
value: Date|string;
export default {
* Rule: the value must be "yes", "on", "1", or true
accepted ({ value }: ValidatableData): Promise<boolean> {
accepted ({ value }: ValidationContext): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.resolve(['yes', 'on', '1', 1, true, 'true'].includes(value))
* Rule: checks if a value is after a given date. Defaults to current time
after ({ value }: { value: Date|string }, compare: string | false = false): Promise<boolean> {
after ({ value }: DateValidationContext, compare: string | false = false): Promise<boolean> {
const timestamp = compare !== false ? Date.parse(compare) : Date.now()
const fieldValue = value instanceof Date ? value.getTime() : Date.parse(value)
return Promise.resolve(isNaN(fieldValue) ? false : (fieldValue > timestamp))
@ -23,12 +27,12 @@ export default {
* Rule: checks if the value is only alpha
alpha ({ value }: { value: string }, set = 'default'): Promise<boolean> {
const sets = {
const sets: Record<string, RegExp> = {
default: /^[a-zA-ZÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]+$/,
latin: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/
const selectedSet = has(sets, set) ? set : 'default'
// @ts-ignore
return Promise.resolve(sets[selectedSet].test(value))
@ -36,19 +40,19 @@ export default {
* Rule: checks if the value is alpha numeric
alphanumeric ({ value }: { value: string }, set = 'default'): Promise<boolean> {
const sets = {
const sets: Record<string, RegExp> = {
default: /^[a-zA-Z0-9À-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]+$/,
latin: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/
const selectedSet = has(sets, set) ? set : 'default'
// @ts-ignore
return Promise.resolve(sets[selectedSet].test(value))
* Rule: checks if a value is after a given date. Defaults to current time
before ({ value }: { value: Date|string }, compare: string|false = false): Promise<boolean> {
before ({ value }: DateValidationContext, compare: string|false = false): Promise<boolean> {
const timestamp = compare !== false ? Date.parse(compare) : Date.now()
const fieldValue = value instanceof Date ? value.getTime() : Date.parse(value)
return Promise.resolve(isNaN(fieldValue) ? false : (fieldValue < timestamp))
@ -80,13 +84,13 @@ export default {
* Confirm that the value of one field is the same as another, mostly used
* for password confirmations.
confirm ({ value, getFormValues, name }: ValidatableData, field?: string): Promise<boolean> {
confirm ({ value, formValues, name }: ValidationContext, field?: string): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.resolve(((): boolean => {
let confirmationFieldName = field
if (!confirmationFieldName) {
confirmationFieldName = /_confirm$/.test(name) ? name.substr(0, name.length - 8) : `${name}_confirm`
return getFormValues()[confirmationFieldName] === value
return formValues[confirmationFieldName] === value
@ -150,27 +154,6 @@ export default {
* Check the minimum value of a particular.
min ({ value }: { value: any }, minimum: number | any = 1, force?: string): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.resolve(((): boolean => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
minimum = !isNaN(minimum) ? Number(minimum) : minimum
return value.length >= minimum
if ((!isNaN(value) && force !== 'length') || force === 'value') {
value = !isNaN(value) ? Number(value) : value
return value >= minimum
if (typeof value === 'string' || (force === 'length')) {
value = !isNaN(value) ? value.toString() : value
return value.length >= minimum
return false
* Check the maximum value of a particular.
@ -192,6 +175,27 @@ export default {
* Check the minimum value of a particular.
min ({ value }: { value: any }, minimum: number | any = 1, force?: string): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.resolve(((): boolean => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
minimum = !isNaN(minimum) ? Number(minimum) : minimum
return value.length >= minimum
if ((!isNaN(value) && force !== 'length') || force === 'value') {
value = !isNaN(value) ? Number(value) : value
return value >= minimum
if (typeof value === 'string' || (force === 'length')) {
value = !isNaN(value) ? value.toString() : value
return value.length >= minimum
return false
* Rule: Value is not in stack.

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
export interface ValidatableData {
// The value of the field (do not mutate!),
value: any;
// If wrapped in a FormulateForm, the value of other form fields.
getFormValues(): Record<string, any>;
// The validation name to be used
name: string;
export interface ValidationContext {
// The value of the field (do not mutate!),
value: any;
// If wrapped in a FormulateForm, the value of other form fields.
formValues: Record<string, any>;
// The validation name to be used
name: string;
// Array of rule arguments: between:5,10 (args are ['5', '10'])
args: any[];
export interface ValidationRule {
(context: ValidatableData, ...args: any[]): Promise<boolean>;
export interface ValidationError {
rule?: string;
context?: ValidationContext;
message: string;
export interface ValidationErrorBag {
name: string;
errors: ValidationError[];

View File

@ -1,12 +1,31 @@
import {
} from '@/validation/types'
import { has, snakeToCamel } from '@/libs/utils'
export type Validator = {
name?: string;
rule: ValidationRule;
export interface Validator {
(context: ValidationContext): Promise<Violation|null>;
export interface Violation {
rule: string|null;
args: any[];
context: ValidationContext|null;
message: string;
export interface CheckRuleFn {
(context: ValidationContext, ...args: any[]): Promise<boolean>|boolean;
export interface CreateMessageFn {
(context: ValidationContext, ...args: any[]): string;
export interface ValidationContext {
// The value of the field (do not mutate!),
value: any;
// If wrapped in a FormulateForm, the value of other form fields.
formValues: Record<string, any>;
// The validation name to be used
name: string;
export type ValidatorGroup = {
@ -14,6 +33,128 @@ export type ValidatorGroup = {
bail: boolean;
export function createValidator (
ruleFn: CheckRuleFn,
ruleName: string|null,
ruleArgs: any[],
messageFn: CreateMessageFn
): Validator {
return (context: ValidationContext): Promise<Violation|null> => {
return Promise.resolve(ruleFn(context, ...ruleArgs))
.then(valid => {
return !valid ? {
rule: ruleName,
args: ruleArgs,
message: messageFn(context, ...ruleArgs),
} : null
export function parseModifier (ruleName: string): [string, string|null] {
if (/^[\^]/.test(ruleName.charAt(0))) {
return [snakeToCamel(ruleName.substr(1)), ruleName.charAt(0)]
return [snakeToCamel(ruleName), null]
export function processArrayConstraint (
constraint: any[],
rules: Record<string, CheckRuleFn>,
messages: Record<string, CreateMessageFn>
): [Validator, string|null, string|null] {
const args = constraint.slice()
const first = args.shift()
if (typeof first === 'function') {
return [first, null, null]
if (typeof first !== 'string') {
throw new Error('[Formulario]: For array constraint first element must be rule name or Validator function')
const [name, modifier] = parseModifier(first)
if (has(rules, name)) {
return [
messages[name] || messages.default
throw new Error(`[Formulario] Can't create validator for constraint: ${JSON.stringify(constraint)}`)
export function processStringConstraint (
constraint: string,
rules: Record<string, CheckRuleFn>,
messages: Record<string, CreateMessageFn>
): [Validator, string|null, string|null] {
const args = constraint.split(':')
const [name, modifier] = parseModifier(args.shift() || '')
if (has(rules, name)) {
return [
args.length ? args.join(':').split(',') : [],
messages[name] || messages.default
throw new Error(`[Formulario] Can't create validator for constraint: ${constraint}`)
* Given a string or function, parse it and return an array in the format
* [fn, [...arguments]]
export function processConstraint (
constraint: any,
rules: Record<string, CheckRuleFn>,
messages: Record<string, CreateMessageFn>
): [Validator, string|null, string|null] {
if (typeof constraint === 'function') {
return [constraint, null, null]
if (Array.isArray(constraint) && constraint.length) {
return processArrayConstraint(constraint, rules, messages)
if (typeof constraint === 'string') {
return processStringConstraint(constraint, rules, messages)
return [(): Promise<Violation|null> => Promise.resolve(null), null, null]
export function processConstraints (
constraints: string|any[],
rules: Record<string, CheckRuleFn>,
messages: Record<string, CreateMessageFn>
): [Validator, string|null, string|null][] {
if (typeof constraints === 'string') {
return processConstraints(constraints.split('|').filter(f => f.length), rules, messages)
if (!Array.isArray(constraints)) {
return []
return constraints.map(constraint => processConstraint(constraint, rules, messages))
export function enlarge (groups: ValidatorGroup[]): ValidatorGroup[] {
const enlarged: ValidatorGroup[] = []
@ -46,25 +187,20 @@ export function enlarge (groups: ValidatorGroup[]): ValidatorGroup[] {
* [[required, min, max]]
* @param {array} rules
export function createValidatorGroups (rules: [ValidationRule, any[], string, string|null][]): ValidatorGroup[] {
const mapper = ([
]: [ValidationRule, any[], string, any]): ValidatorGroup => ({
validators: [{ name, rule, args }],
export function createValidatorGroups (rules: [Validator, string|null, string|null][]): ValidatorGroup[] {
const mapper = ([validator, /** name */, modifier]: [Validator, string|null, string|null]): ValidatorGroup => ({
validators: [validator],
bail: modifier === '^',
const groups: ValidatorGroup[] = []
const bailIndex = rules.findIndex(([,, rule]) => rule.toLowerCase() === 'bail')
const bailIndex = rules.findIndex(([, name]) => name && name.toLowerCase() === 'bail')
if (bailIndex >= 0) {
groups.push(...enlarge(rules.splice(0, bailIndex + 1).slice(0, -1).map(mapper)))
groups.push(...rules.map(([rule, args, name]) => ({
validators: [{ rule, args, name }],
groups.push(...rules.map(([validator]) => ({
validators: [validator],
bail: true,
} else {
@ -74,6 +210,33 @@ export function createValidatorGroups (rules: [ValidationRule, any[], string, st
return groups
export function validate (validator: Validator, data: ValidatableData): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.resolve(validator.rule(data, ...validator.args))
function validateByGroup (group: ValidatorGroup, context: ValidationContext): Promise<Violation[]> {
return Promise.all(
group.validators.map(validate => validate(context))
.then(violations => (violations.filter(v => v !== null) as Violation[]))
export function validate (
validators: [Validator, string|null, string|null][],
context: ValidationContext
): Promise<Violation[]> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const resolveGroups = (groups: ValidatorGroup[], all: Violation[] = []): void => {
if (groups.length) {
const current = groups.shift() as ValidatorGroup
validateByGroup(current, context).then(violations => {
// The rule passed or its a non-bailing group, and there are additional groups to check, continue
if ((violations.length === 0 || !current.bail) && groups.length) {
return resolveGroups(groups, all.concat(violations))
return resolve(all.concat(violations))
} else {

View File

@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ describe('FormularioForm', () => {
slots: {
default: `
<FormularioInput v-slot="{ context }" name="foo" validation="required|in:foo">
<input v-model="context.model" type="text" @blur="context.blurHandler">
<input v-model="context.model" type="text" @blur="context.validate()">
<FormularioInput name="bar" validation="required" />
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ describe('FormularioForm', () => {
name: 'foo',
errors: [],
violations: [],
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ describe('FormularioForm', () => {
const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, {
slots: { default: `
<FormularioInput v-slot="{ context }" name="foo" validation="required|in:foo">
<input v-model="context.model" type="text" @blur="context.blurHandler">
<input v-model="context.model" type="text" @blur="context.validate()">
<FormularioInput name="bar" validation="required" />
` }
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ describe('FormularioForm', () => {
name: 'foo',
errors: [ expect.any(Object) ], // @TODO: Check object structure
violations: [ expect.any(Object) ], // @TODO: Check object structure
@ -399,6 +399,6 @@ describe('FormularioForm', () => {
await flushPromises()

View File

@ -178,15 +178,17 @@ describe('FormularioInput', () => {
validation: 'required',
errorBehavior: 'live',
value: '',
name: 'testinput',
name: 'fieldName',
await flushPromises()
const errorObject = wrapper.emitted('validation')[0][0]
name: 'testinput',
errors: [{
name: 'fieldName',
violations: [{
rule: expect.stringContaining('required'),
args: expect.any(Array),
context: expect.any(Object),
message: expect.any(String),
@ -243,7 +245,7 @@ describe('FormularioInput', () => {
scopedSlots: {
default: `
<input v-model="props.context.model" @blur="props.context.blurHandler">
<input v-model="props.context.model" @blur="props.context.validate()">
<span v-if="props.context.formShouldShowErrors" v-for="error in props.context.allErrors">{{ error.message }}</span>

View File

@ -1,62 +1,4 @@
import { cloneDeep, isScalar, parseRules, regexForFormat, snakeToCamel } from '@/libs/utils'
import rules from '@/validation/rules.ts'
describe('parseRules', () => {
it('parses single string rules, returning empty arguments array', () => {
expect(parseRules('required', rules)).toEqual([
[rules.required, [], 'required', null]
it('throws errors for invalid validation rules', () => {
expect(() => {
parseRules('required|notarule', rules, null)
it('parses arguments for a rule', () => {
expect(parseRules('in:foo,bar', rules)).toEqual([
[rules.in, ['foo', 'bar'], 'in', null]
it('parses multiple string rules and arguments', () => {
expect(parseRules('required|in:foo,bar', rules)).toEqual([
[rules.required, [], 'required', null],
[rules.in, ['foo', 'bar'], 'in', null]
it('parses multiple array rules and arguments', () => {
expect(parseRules(['required', 'in:foo,bar'], rules)).toEqual([
[rules.required, [], 'required', null],
[rules.in, ['foo', 'bar'], 'in', null]
it('parses array rules with expression arguments', () => {
['matches', /^abc/, '1234']
], rules)).toEqual([
[rules.matches, [/^abc/, '1234'], 'matches', null]
it('parses string rules with caret modifier', () => {
expect(parseRules('^required|min:10', rules)).toEqual([
[rules.required, [], 'required', '^'],
[rules.min, ['10'], 'min', null],
it('parses array rule with caret modifier', () => {
expect(parseRules([['required'], ['^max', '10']], rules)).toEqual([
[rules.required, [], 'required', null],
[rules.max, ['10'], 'max', '^'],
import { cloneDeep, isScalar, regexForFormat, snakeToCamel } from '@/libs/utils'
describe('regexForFormat', () => {
it('allows MM format with other characters', () => expect(regexForFormat('abc/MM').test('abc/01')).toBe(true))

View File

@ -143,29 +143,29 @@ describe('between', () => {
* Confirm
describe('confirm', () => {
it('passes when the values are the same strings', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: 'abc', name: 'password', getFormValues: () => ({ password_confirm: 'abc' }) }
it('Passes when the values are the same strings', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: 'abc', name: 'password', formValues: { password_confirm: 'abc' } }
it('passes when the values are the same integers', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: 4422132, name: 'xyz', getFormValues: () => ({ xyz_confirm: 4422132 }) }
it('Passes when the values are the same integers', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: 4422132, name: 'xyz', formValues: { xyz_confirm: 4422132 } }
it('passes when using a custom field', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: 4422132, name: 'name', getFormValues: () => ({ other_field: 4422132 }) },
it('Passes when using a custom field', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: 4422132, name: 'name', formValues: { other_field: 4422132 } },
it('passes when using a field ends in _confirm', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: '$ecret', name: 'password_confirm', getFormValues: () => ({ password: '$ecret' }) }
it('Passes when using a field ends in _confirm', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: '$ecret', name: 'password_confirm', formValues: { password: '$ecret' } }
it('fails when using different strings', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: 'Justin', name: 'name', getFormValues: () => ({ name_confirm: 'Daniel' }) },
it('Fails when using different strings', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: 'Justin', name: 'name', formValues: { name_confirm: 'Daniel' } },
it('fails when the types are different', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: '1234', name: 'num', getFormValues: () => ({ num_confirm: 1234 }) },
it('Fails when the types are different', async () => expect(await rules.confirm(
{ value: '1234', name: 'num', formValues: { num_confirm: 1234 } },