mirror of synced 2025-03-25 17:33:50 +03:00

chore!: Removed uploading functionality, dead code removals

This commit is contained in:
Zaytsev Kirill 2020-10-22 16:37:57 +03:00
parent 434b288a3c
commit cc5bb03bae
19 changed files with 159 additions and 868 deletions

View File

@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
import nanoid from 'nanoid/non-secure'
import { AxiosResponse, AxiosError } from '@/axios.types'
interface FileItem {
uuid: string;
name: string;
path: string | false;
progress: number | false;
error: any | false;
complete: boolean;
file: File;
justFinished: boolean;
removeFile(): void;
previewData: string | false;
interface ProgressSetter {
(progress: number): void;
interface ErrorHandler {
(error: AxiosError): any;
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
* The file upload class holds and represents a files upload state durring
* the upload flow.
class FileUpload {
public input: DataTransfer
public fileList: FileList
public files: FileItem[]
public options: Record<string, any>
public context: Record<string, any>
public results: any[] | boolean
constructor (input: DataTransfer, context: Record<string, any> = {}, options: Record<string, any> = {}) {
this.input = input
this.fileList = input.files
this.files = []
this.options = { mimes: {}, ...options }
this.results = false
this.context = context
if (Array.isArray(this.fileList)) {
} else {
* Given a pre-existing array of files, create a faux FileList.
* @param {array} items expects an array of objects [{ url: '/uploads/file.pdf' }]
rehydrateFileList (items: any[]): void {
const fauxFileList = items.reduce((fileList, item) => {
const key = this.options ? this.options.fileUrlKey : 'url'
const url = item[key]
const ext = (url && url.lastIndexOf('.') !== -1) ? url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) : false
const mime = this.options.mimes[ext] || false
fileList.push(Object.assign({}, item, url ? {
name: url.substr((url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) || 0),
type: item.type ? item.type : mime,
previewData: url
} : {}))
return fileList
}, [])
this.results = items
* Produce an array of files and alert the callback.
* @param {FileList} fileList
addFileList (fileList: FileList): void {
for (let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
const file: File = fileList[i]
const uuid = nanoid()
progress: false,
error: false,
complete: false,
justFinished: false,
name: file.name || 'file-upload',
path: false,
removeFile: () => this.removeFile(uuid),
// @ts-ignore
previewData: file.previewData || false
* Check if the file has an.
hasUploader (): boolean {
return !!this.context.uploader
* Check if the given uploader is axios instance. This isn't a great way of
* testing if it is or not, but AFIK there isn't a better way right now:
* https://github.com/axios/axios/issues/737
uploaderIsAxios (): boolean {
return this.hasUploader &&
typeof this.context.uploader.request === 'function' &&
typeof this.context.uploader.get === 'function' &&
typeof this.context.uploader.delete === 'function' &&
typeof this.context.uploader.post === 'function'
* Get a new uploader function.
getUploader (...args: [File, ProgressSetter, ErrorHandler, Record<string, any>]) {
if (this.uploaderIsAxios()) {
const data = new FormData()
data.append(this.context.name || 'file', args[0])
if (this.context.uploadUrl === false) {
throw new Error('No uploadURL specified: https://vueformulate.com/guide/inputs/file/#props')
return this.context.uploader.post(this.context.uploadUrl, data, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
onUploadProgress: (event: ProgressEvent) => {
// args[1] here is the upload progress handler function
args[1](Math.round((event.loaded * 100) / event.total))
.then((response: AxiosResponse) => response.data)
return this.context.uploader(...args)
* Perform the file upload.
upload () {
if (this.results) {
return Promise.resolve(this.results)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.hasUploader) {
return reject(new Error('No uploader has been defined'))
Promise.all(this.files.map(file => {
return file.path ? Promise.resolve(file.path) : this.getUploader(
progress => {
file.progress = progress
if (progress >= 100) {
if (!file.complete) {
file.justFinished = true
setTimeout(() => { file.justFinished = false }, this.options.uploadJustCompleteDuration)
file.complete = true
error => {
file.progress = 0
file.error = error
file.complete = true
.then(results => {
this.results = results
.catch(err => { throw new Error(err) })
* Remove a file from the uploader (and the file list)
removeFile (uuid: string): void {
this.files = this.files.filter(file => file.uuid !== uuid)
if (window && this.fileList instanceof FileList) {
const transfer = new DataTransfer()
this.files.map(({ file }) => transfer.items.add(file))
this.fileList = transfer.files
this.input = transfer
* load image previews for all uploads.
loadPreviews () {
this.files.map(file => {
if (!file.previewData && window && window.FileReader && /^image\//.test(file.file.type)) {
const reader = new FileReader()
// @ts-ignore
reader.onload = e => Object.assign(file, { previewData: e.target.result })
* Get the files.
getFileList () {
return this.fileList
* Get the files.
getFiles () {
return this.files
toString (): string {
const descriptor = this.files.length ? this.files.length + ' files' : 'empty'
return this.results ? JSON.stringify(this.results, null, ' ') : `FileUpload(${descriptor})`
export default FileUpload

View File

@ -1,31 +1,22 @@
import { VueConstructor } from 'vue'
import mimes from '@/libs/mimes'
import { has } from '@/libs/utils'
import fauxUploader from '@/libs/faux-uploader'
import rules from '@/validation/rules'
import messages from '@/validation/messages'
import merge from '@/utils/merge'
import FileUpload from '@/FileUpload'
import FormularioForm from '@/FormularioForm.vue'
import FormularioInput from '@/FormularioInput.vue'
import FormularioGrouping from '@/FormularioGrouping.vue'
import { ValidationContext, ValidationRule } from '@/validation/types'
import {
} from '@/validation/types'
interface FormularioOptions {
components?: { [name: string]: VueConstructor };
plugins?: any[];
rules?: any;
mimes?: any;
uploader?: any;
uploadUrl?: any;
fileUrlKey?: any;
uploadJustCompleteDuration?: any;
validationMessages?: any;
idPrefix?: string;
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
@ -38,19 +29,8 @@ export default class Formulario {
constructor () {
this.options = {
components: {
uploader: fauxUploader,
uploadUrl: false,
fileUrlKey: 'url',
uploadJustCompleteDuration: 1000,
validationMessages: messages,
idPrefix: 'formulario-'
this.idRegistry = {}
@ -60,12 +40,11 @@ export default class Formulario {
install (Vue: VueConstructor, options?: FormularioOptions): void {
Vue.prototype.$formulario = this
Vue.component('FormularioForm', FormularioForm)
Vue.component('FormularioGrouping', FormularioGrouping)
Vue.component('FormularioInput', FormularioInput)
this.extend(options || {})
for (const componentName in this.options.components) {
if (has(this.options.components, componentName)) {
Vue.component(componentName, this.options.components[componentName])
@ -75,13 +54,12 @@ export default class Formulario {
* implementation is open to community review.
nextId (vm: Vue): string {
const options = this.options as FormularioOptions
const path = vm.$route && vm.$route.path ? vm.$route.path : false
const pathPrefix = path ? vm.$route.path.replace(/[/\\.\s]/g, '-') : 'global'
if (!has(this.idRegistry, pathPrefix)) {
this.idRegistry[pathPrefix] = 0
return `${options.idPrefix}${pathPrefix}-${++this.idRegistry[pathPrefix]}`
return `formulario-${pathPrefix}-${++this.idRegistry[pathPrefix]}`
@ -112,33 +90,4 @@ export default class Formulario {
return this.options.validationMessages.default(vm, context)
* Get the file uploader.
getUploader (): any {
return this.options.uploader || false
* Get the global upload url.
getUploadUrl (): string | boolean {
return this.options.uploadUrl || false
* When re-hydrating a file uploader with an array, get the sub-object key to
* access the url of the file. Usually this is just "url".
getFileUrlKey (): string {
return this.options.fileUrlKey || 'url'
* Create a new instance of an upload.
createUpload (data: DataTransfer, context: Record<string, any>): FileUpload {
return new FileUpload(data, context, this.options)

View File

@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ import {
} from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { arrayify, cloneDeep, getNested, has, setNested, shallowEqualObjects } from '@/libs/utils'
import Registry from '@/libs/registry'
import { cloneDeep, getNested, has, setNested, shallowEqualObjects } from '@/libs/utils'
import merge from '@/utils/merge'
import Registry from '@/form/registry'
import FormularioInput from '@/FormularioInput.vue'
import {
@ -25,41 +26,21 @@ import {
import { ValidationErrorBag } from '@/validation/types'
import FileUpload from '@/FileUpload'
@Component({ name: 'FormularioForm' })
export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
@Provide() formularioFieldValidation (errorBag: ValidationErrorBag): void {
this.$emit('validation', errorBag)
@Provide() getFormValues = (): Record<string, any> => this.proxy
@Provide() path = ''
@Model('input', {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
}) readonly formularioValue!: Record<string, any>
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
}) public readonly name!: string | boolean
type: [Object, Boolean],
default: false
}) readonly values!: Record<string, any> | boolean
@Model('input', { default: () => ({}) })
public readonly formularioValue!: Record<string, any>
@Prop({ default: () => ({}) }) readonly errors!: Record<string, any>
@Prop({ default: () => ([]) }) readonly formErrors!: string[]
public path = ''
public proxy: Record<string, any> = {}
registry: Registry = new Registry(this)
childrenShouldShowErrors = false
private errorObserverRegistry = new ErrorObserverRegistry()
private localFormErrors: string[] = []
private localFieldErrors: Record<string, string[]> = {}
@ -68,35 +49,16 @@ export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
return [...this.formErrors, ...this.localFormErrors]
get mergedFieldErrors (): Record<string, any> {
const errors: Record<string, any> = {}
if (this.errors) {
for (const fieldName in this.errors) {
errors[fieldName] = arrayify(this.errors[fieldName])
for (const fieldName in this.localFieldErrors) {
errors[fieldName] = arrayify(this.localFieldErrors[fieldName])
return errors
get hasInitialValue (): boolean {
return (
(this.formularioValue && typeof this.formularioValue === 'object') ||
(this.values && typeof this.values === 'object')
get mergedFieldErrors (): Record<string, string[]> {
return merge(this.errors || {}, this.localFieldErrors)
get hasModel (): boolean {
return has(this.$options.propsData || {}, 'formularioValue')
get hasValue (): boolean {
return has(this.$options.propsData || {}, 'values')
get hasInitialValue (): boolean {
return this.formularioValue && typeof this.formularioValue === 'object'
get initialValues (): Record<string, any> {
@ -105,11 +67,6 @@ export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
return { ...this.formularioValue } // @todo - use a deep clone to detach reference types
if (this.hasValue && typeof this.values === 'object') {
// If there are values, use them as secondary priority
return { ...this.values }
return {}
@ -134,14 +91,14 @@ export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
onFormSubmit (): Promise<void> {
this.childrenShouldShowErrors = true
this.registry.forEach((input: FormularioInput) => {
input.formShouldShowErrors = true
getFormValues (): Record<string, any> {
return this.proxy
onFormSubmit (): Promise<void> {
return this.hasValidationErrors()
.then(hasErrors => hasErrors ? undefined : this.getValues())
.then(hasErrors => hasErrors ? undefined : cloneDeep(this.proxy))
.then(data => {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {
this.$emit('submit', data)
@ -151,6 +108,11 @@ export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
onFormularioFieldValidation (errorBag: ValidationErrorBag): void {
this.$emit('validation', errorBag)
addErrorObserver (observer: ErrorObserver): void {
@ -176,67 +138,12 @@ export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
resetValidation (): void {
this.localFormErrors = []
this.localFieldErrors = {}
this.childrenShouldShowErrors = false
this.registry.forEach((input: FormularioInput) => {
input.formShouldShowErrors = false
input.behavioralErrorVisibility = false
initProxy (): void {
if (this.hasInitialValue) {
this.proxy = this.initialValues
setFieldValue (field: string, value: any, emit = true): void {
if (value === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { [field]: value, ...proxy } = this.proxy
this.proxy = proxy
} else {
setNested(this.proxy, field, value)
if (emit) {
this.$emit('input', Object.assign({}, this.proxy))
hasValidationErrors (): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.all(this.registry.reduce((resolvers: Promise<boolean>[], input: FormularioInput) => {
resolvers.push(input.performValidation() && input.hasValidationErrors())
return resolvers
}, [])).then(results => results.some(hasErrors => hasErrors))
* Asynchronously generate the values payload of this form.
getValues (): Promise<Record<string, any>> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const pending = []
const values = cloneDeep(this.proxy)
for (const key in values) {
if (has(values, key) && typeof this.proxy[key] === 'object' && this.proxy[key] instanceof FileUpload) {
.then((data: Record<string, any>) => Object.assign(values, { [key]: data }))
.then(() => resolve(values))
.catch(err => reject(err))
setValues (values: Record<string, any>): void {
const keys = Array.from(new Set([...Object.keys(values), ...Object.keys(this.proxy)]))
let proxyHasChanges = false
@ -266,10 +173,40 @@ export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
setFieldValue (field: string, value: any, emit = true): void {
if (value === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { [field]: value, ...proxy } = this.proxy
this.proxy = proxy
} else {
setNested(this.proxy, field, value)
if (emit) {
this.$emit('input', Object.assign({}, this.proxy))
hasValidationErrors (): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.all(this.registry.reduce((resolvers: Promise<boolean>[], input: FormularioInput) => {
resolvers.push(input.performValidation() && input.hasValidationErrors())
return resolvers
}, [])).then(results => results.some(hasErrors => hasErrors))
setErrors ({ formErrors, inputErrors }: { formErrors?: string[]; inputErrors?: Record<string, string[]> }): void {
// given an object of errors, apply them to this form
this.localFormErrors = formErrors || []
this.localFieldErrors = inputErrors || {}
resetValidation (): void {
this.localFormErrors = []
this.localFieldErrors = {}
this.registry.forEach((input: FormularioInput) => {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
<slot />

View File

@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
<div class="formulario-input">
@ -23,11 +17,10 @@ import {
} from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { shallowEqualObjects, parseRules, snakeToCamel, has, arrayify } from './libs/utils'
import { arrayify, has, parseRules, shallowEqualObjects, snakeToCamel } from './libs/utils'
import {
} from '@/validation/types'
import {
@ -46,7 +39,7 @@ const ERROR_BEHAVIOR = {
@Component({ name: 'FormularioInput', inheritAttrs: false })
export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
@Inject({ default: undefined }) formularioSetter!: Function|undefined
@Inject({ default: () => (): void => {} }) formularioFieldValidation!: Function
@Inject({ default: () => (): void => {} }) onFormularioFieldValidation!: Function
@Inject({ default: undefined }) formularioRegister!: Function|undefined
@Inject({ default: undefined }) formularioDeregister!: Function|undefined
@Inject({ default: () => (): Record<string, any> => ({}) }) getFormValues!: Function
@ -56,68 +49,45 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
@Model('input', { default: '' }) formularioValue: any
type: [String, Number, Boolean],
default: false,
}) id!: string|number|boolean
@Prop({ default: 'text' }) type!: string
@Prop({ default: null }) id!: string|number|null
@Prop({ required: true }) name!: string
@Prop({ default: false }) value!: any
default: '',
}) validation!: string|any[]
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
}) validationRules!: Record<string, ValidationRule>
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
}) validationMessages!: Record<string, any>
@Prop({ default: '' }) validation!: string|any[]
@Prop({ default: () => ({}) }) validationRules!: Record<string, ValidationRule>
@Prop({ default: () => ({}) }) validationMessages!: Record<string, any>
@Prop({ default: () => [] }) errors!: string[]
type: String,
validator: behavior => [ERROR_BEHAVIOR.BLUR, ERROR_BEHAVIOR.LIVE, ERROR_BEHAVIOR.SUBMIT].includes(behavior)
}) errorBehavior!: string
@Prop({ default: false }) showErrors!: boolean
@Prop({ default: false }) disableErrors!: boolean
@Prop({ default: true }) preventWindowDrops!: boolean
@Prop({ default: 'preview' }) imageBehavior!: string
@Prop({ default: false }) uploader!: Function|Record<string, any>|boolean
@Prop({ default: false }) uploadUrl!: string|boolean
@Prop({ default: 'live' }) uploadBehavior!: string
defaultId: string = this.$formulario.nextId(this)
localErrors: string[] = []
proxy: Record<string, any> = this.getInitialValue()
behavioralErrorVisibility: boolean = this.errorBehavior === 'live'
formShouldShowErrors = false
localErrors: string[] = []
validationErrors: ValidationError[] = []
pendingValidation: Promise<any> = Promise.resolve()
get context (): Record<string, any> {
return this.defineModel({
return Object.defineProperty({
id: this.id || this.defaultId,
name: this.nameOrFallback,
blurHandler: this.blurHandler.bind(this),
errors: this.explicitErrors,
allErrors: this.allErrors,
formShouldShowErrors: this.formShouldShowErrors,
imageBehavior: this.imageBehavior,
performValidation: this.performValidation.bind(this),
showValidationErrors: this.showValidationErrors,
uploader: this.uploader || this.$formulario.getUploader(),
validationErrors: this.validationErrors,
value: this.value,
visibleValidationErrors: this.visibleValidationErrors,
}, 'model', {
get: this.modelGetter.bind(this),
set: this.modelSetter.bind(this),
@ -151,13 +121,6 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
return this.allErrors.length > 0
* Returns if form has actively visible errors (of any kind)
get hasVisibleErrors (): boolean {
return (this.validationErrors && this.showValidationErrors) || this.explicitErrors.length > 0
* The merged errors computed property.
* Each error is an object with fields message (translated message), rule (rule name) and context
@ -169,13 +132,6 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
* All of the currently visible validation errors (does not include error handling)
get visibleValidationErrors (): ValidationError[] {
return (this.showValidationErrors && this.validationErrors.length) ? this.validationErrors : []
* These are errors we that have been explicitly passed to us.
@ -190,13 +146,6 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
return has(this.$options.propsData || {}, 'formularioValue')
* Determines if the field should show it's error (if it has one)
get showValidationErrors (): boolean {
return this.showErrors || this.formShouldShowErrors || this.behavioralErrorVisibility
onProxyChanged (newValue: Record<string, any>, oldValue: Record<string, any>): void {
if (this.errorBehavior === ERROR_BEHAVIOR.LIVE) {
@ -216,11 +165,6 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
@Watch('showValidationErrors', { immediate: true })
onShowValidationErrorsChanged (val: boolean): void {
this.$emit('error-visibility', val)
created (): void {
if (this.formularioRegister && typeof this.formularioRegister === 'function') {
@ -244,16 +188,6 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
* Defines the model used throughout the existing context.
defineModel (context: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any> {
return Object.defineProperty(context, 'model', {
get: this.modelGetter.bind(this),
set: this.modelSetter.bind(this),
* Get the value from a model.
@ -283,8 +217,8 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
blurHandler (): void {
if (this.errorBehavior === 'blur') {
this.behavioralErrorVisibility = true
if (this.errorBehavior === ERROR_BEHAVIOR.BLUR) {
@ -352,10 +286,13 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
const validationChanged = !shallowEqualObjects(violations, this.validationErrors)
this.validationErrors = violations
if (validationChanged) {
const errorBag = this.getErrorObject()
const errorBag = {
name: this.context.name,
errors: this.validationErrors,
this.$emit('validation', errorBag)
if (this.formularioFieldValidation && typeof this.formularioFieldValidation === 'function') {
if (this.onFormularioFieldValidation && typeof this.onFormularioFieldValidation === 'function') {
@ -398,16 +335,13 @@ export default class FormularioInput extends Vue {
getErrorObject (): ValidationErrorBag {
return {
name: this.context.nameOrFallback || this.context.name,
errors: this.validationErrors.filter(s => typeof s === 'object'),
hasErrors: !!this.validationErrors.length
setErrors (errors: string[]): void {
this.localErrors = arrayify(errors)
resetValidation (): void {
this.localErrors = []
this.validationErrors = []

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
export interface AxiosResponse {
data: any
export interface AxiosError {}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { shallowEqualObjects, has, getNested } from './utils'
import { shallowEqualObjects, has, getNested } from '@/libs/utils'
import FormularioForm from '@/FormularioForm.vue'
import FormularioInput from '@/FormularioInput.vue'

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
interface UploadedFile {
url: string;
name: string;
* A fake uploader used by default.
* @param {File} file
* @param {function} progress
* @param {function} error
* @param {object} options
export default function (file: any, progress: any, error: any, options: any): Promise<UploadedFile> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const totalTime = (options.fauxUploaderDuration || 2000) * (0.5 + Math.random())
const start = performance.now()
* Create a recursive timeout that advances the progress.
const advance = () => setTimeout(() => {
const elapsed = performance.now() - start
const currentProgress = Math.min(100, Math.round(elapsed / totalTime * 100))
if (currentProgress >= 100) {
return resolve({
url: 'http://via.placeholder.com/350x150.png',
name: file.name
} else {
}, 20)

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
export default {
csv: 'text/csv',
gif: 'image/gif',
jpeg: 'image/jpeg',
jpg: 'image/jpeg',
png: 'image/png',
pdf: 'application/pdf',
svg: 'image/svg+xml'

View File

@ -1,20 +1,3 @@
import FileUpload from '@/FileUpload'
* Function to map over an object.
* @param {Object} original An object to map over
* @param {Function} callback
export function map (original: Record<string, any>, callback: Function): Record<string, any> {
const obj: Record<string, any> = {}
for (const key in original) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(original, key)) {
obj[key] = callback(key, original[key])
return obj
export function shallowEqualObjects (objA: Record<string, any>, objB: Record<string, any>): boolean {
if (objA === objB) {
return true
@ -148,57 +131,6 @@ export function parseRules (validation: any[]|string, rules: any): any[] {
}).filter(f => !!f)
* Given an array of rules, group them by bail signals. For example for this:
* bail|required|min:10|max:20
* we would expect:
* [[required], [min], [max]]
* because any sub-array failure would cause a shutdown. While
* ^required|min:10|max:10
* would return:
* [[required], [min, max]]
* and no bailing would produce:
* [[required, min, max]]
export function groupBails (rules: any[]): any[] {
const groups = []
const bailIndex = rules.findIndex(([,, rule]) => rule.toLowerCase() === 'bail')
if (bailIndex >= 0) {
// Get all the rules until the first bail rule (dont include the bail)
const preBail = rules.splice(0, bailIndex + 1).slice(0, -1)
// Rules before the `bail` rule are non-bailing
preBail.length && groups.push(preBail)
// All remaining rules are bailing rule groups
rules.map(rule => groups.push(Object.defineProperty([rule], 'bail', { value: true })))
} else {
return groups.reduce((groups, group) => {
// @ts-ignore
const splitByMod = (group, bailGroup = false) => {
if (group.length < 2) {
return Object.defineProperty([group], 'bail', { value: bailGroup })
const splits = []
// @ts-ignore
const modIndex = group.findIndex(([,,, modifier]) => modifier === '^')
if (modIndex >= 0) {
const preMod = group.splice(0, modIndex)
// rules before the modifier are non-bailing rules.
preMod.length && splits.push(...splitByMod(preMod, bailGroup))
splits.push(Object.defineProperty([group.shift()], 'bail', { value: true }))
// rules after the modifier are non-bailing rules.
group.length && splits.push(...splitByMod(group, bailGroup))
} else {
return splits
return groups.concat(splitByMod(group))
}, [])
* Escape a string for use in regular expressions.
@ -255,7 +187,7 @@ export function cloneDeep (value: any): any {
for (const key in value) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, key)) {
if (isScalar(value[key]) || value[key] instanceof FileUpload) {
if (isScalar(value[key])) {
copy[key] = value[key]
} else {
copy[key] = cloneDeep(value[key])

View File

@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
// @ts-ignore
import isUrl from 'is-url'
import FileUpload from '../FileUpload'
import { shallowEqualObjects, regexForFormat, has } from '@/libs/utils'
import { ValidatableData } from '@/validation/types'
* Library of rules
export default {
* Rule: the value must be "yes", "on", "1", or true
@ -155,21 +150,6 @@ export default {
* Check the file type is correct.
mime ({ value }: { value: any }, ...types: string[]): Promise<boolean> {
if (value instanceof FileUpload) {
const files = value.getFiles()
const isMimeCorrect = (file: File): boolean => types.includes(file.type)
const allValid: boolean = files.reduce((valid: boolean, { file }) => valid && isMimeCorrect(file), true)
return Promise.resolve(allValid)
return Promise.resolve(true)
* Check the minimum value of a particular.
@ -239,9 +219,6 @@ export default {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return !!value.length
if (value instanceof FileUpload) {
return value.getFiles().length > 0
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return !!value

View File

@ -31,5 +31,4 @@ export interface ValidationError {
export interface ValidationErrorBag {
name: string;
errors: ValidationError[];
hasErrors: boolean;

View File

@ -2,11 +2,6 @@ import Formulario from '@/index.ts'
describe('Formulario', () => {
it('Installs on vue instance', () => {
const components = [
const registry = []
function Vue () {}
Vue.component = function (name, instance) {
@ -14,6 +9,10 @@ describe('Formulario', () => {

View File

@ -214,20 +214,7 @@ describe('FormularioForm', () => {
expect(emitted['submit'][0]).toStrictEqual([{ fieldName: 'Justin' }])
it('accepts a values prop and uses it to set the initial values', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, {
propsData: { values: { name: 'Dave Barnett', candy: true } },
slots: { default: `
<FormularioInput v-slot="{ context }" name="name" validation="required">
<input v-model="context.model" type="text">
` }
await flushPromises()
expect(wrapper.find('input[type="text"]').element['value']).toBe('Dave Barnett')
expect(emitted['submit'][0]).toEqual([{ fieldName: 'Justin' }])
it('Receives a form-errors prop and displays it', async () => {

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Vue.use(Formulario)
describe('FormularioGrouping', () => {
it('Grouped fields to be set', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, {
propsData: { name: 'form' },
slots: {
default: `
<FormularioGrouping name="group">
@ -33,17 +32,16 @@ describe('FormularioGrouping', () => {
expect(emitted['submit'][0]).toStrictEqual([{ group: { text: 'test' } }])
expect(emitted['submit'][0]).toEqual([{ group: { text: 'test' } }])
it('Grouped fields to be got', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, {
propsData: {
name: 'form',
formularioValue: {
group: { text: 'Group text' },
text: 'Text',
slots: {
default: `
@ -79,23 +77,20 @@ describe('FormularioGrouping', () => {
it('Errors are set for grouped fields', async () => {
const wrapper = mount({
data: () => ({ values: {} }),
template: `
:errors="{'group.text': 'Test error'}"
const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, {
propsData: {
formularioValue: {},
errors: { 'group.text': 'Test error' },
slots: {
default: `
<FormularioGrouping name="group">
<FormularioInput name="text" v-slot="{ context }">
<span v-for="error in context.allErrors">
{{ error }}
<FormularioInput ref="input" name="text" v-slot="{ context }">
<span v-for="error in context.allErrors">{{ error }}</span>

View File

@ -182,74 +182,20 @@ describe('FormularioInput', () => {
const errorObject = wrapper.emitted('validation')[0][0]
name: 'testinput',
errors: [
message: expect.any(String),
rule: expect.stringContaining('required'),
context: expect.any(Object)
hasErrors: true
errors: [{
rule: expect.stringContaining('required'),
context: expect.any(Object),
message: expect.any(String),
it('emits a error-visibility event on blur', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(FormularioInput, {
propsData: {
validation: 'required',
errorBehavior: 'blur',
value: '',
name: 'testinput',
scopedSlots: {
default: `<input type="text" v-model="props.context.model" @blur="props.context.blurHandler">`
await flushPromises()
await flushPromises()
it('emits error-visibility event immediately when live', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(FormularioInput, {
propsData: {
validation: 'required',
errorBehavior: 'live',
value: '',
name: 'testinput',
await flushPromises()
it('Does not emit an error-visibility event if visibility did not change', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(FormularioInput, {
propsData: {
validation: 'in:xyz',
errorBehavior: 'live',
value: 'bar',
name: 'testinput',
scopedSlots: {
default: `<input type="text" v-model="props.context.model">`
await flushPromises()
await flushPromises()
it('can bail on validation when encountering the bail rule', async () => {
it('Can bail on validation when encountering the bail rule', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(FormularioInput, {
propsData: { name: 'test', validation: 'bail|required|in:xyz', errorBehavior: 'live' }
await flushPromises();
it('can show multiple validation errors if they occur before the bail rule', async () => {
@ -257,7 +203,7 @@ describe('FormularioInput', () => {
propsData: { name: 'test', validation: 'required|in:xyz|bail', errorBehavior: 'live' }
await flushPromises();
it('can avoid bail behavior by using modifier', async () => {
@ -265,7 +211,7 @@ describe('FormularioInput', () => {
propsData: { name: 'test', validation: '^required|in:xyz|min:10,length', errorBehavior: 'live', value: '123' }
await flushPromises();
it('prevents later error messages when modified rule fails', async () => {
@ -273,7 +219,7 @@ describe('FormularioInput', () => {
propsData: { name: 'test', validation: '^required|in:xyz|min:10,length', errorBehavior: 'live' }
await flushPromises();
it('can bail in the middle of the rule set with a modifier', async () => {
@ -281,7 +227,7 @@ describe('FormularioInput', () => {
propsData: { name: 'test', validation: 'required|^in:xyz|min:10,length', errorBehavior: 'live' }
await flushPromises();
it('does not show errors on blur when set error-behavior is submit', async () => {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { parseRules, parseLocale, regexForFormat, cloneDeep, isScalar, snakeToCamel, groupBails } from '@/libs/utils'
import { cloneDeep, isScalar, parseRules, regexForFormat, snakeToCamel } from '@/libs/utils'
import rules from '@/validation/rules.ts'
import FileUpload from '@/FileUpload'
describe('parseRules', () => {
it('parses single string rules, returning empty arguments array', () => {
@ -113,8 +112,6 @@ describe('isScalar', () => {
it('passes on undefined', () => expect(isScalar(undefined)).toBe(true))
it('fails on pojo', () => expect(isScalar({})).toBe(false))
it('fails on custom type', () => expect(isScalar(FileUpload)).toBe(false))
describe('cloneDeep', () => {
@ -175,83 +172,3 @@ describe('snakeToCamel', () => {
describe('parseLocale', () => {
it('properly orders the options', () => {
expect(parseLocale('en-US-VA')).toEqual(['en-US-VA', 'en-US', 'en'])
it('properly parses a single option', () => {
describe('groupBails', () => {
it('wraps non bailed rules in an array', () => {
const bailGroups = groupBails([[,,'required'], [,,'min']])
[ [[,,'required'], [,,'min']] ] // dont bail on either of these
expect(bailGroups.map(group => !!group.bail)).toEqual([false])
it('splits bailed rules into two arrays array', () => {
const bailGroups = groupBails([[,,'required'], [,,'max'], [,, 'bail'], [,, 'matches'], [,,'min']])
[ [,,'required'], [,,'max'] ], // dont bail on these
[ [,, 'matches'] ], // bail on this one
[ [,,'min'] ] // bail on this one
expect(bailGroups.map(group => !!group.bail)).toEqual([false, true, true])
it('splits entire rule set when bail is at the beginning', () => {
const bailGroups = groupBails([[,, 'bail'], [,,'required'], [,,'max'], [,, 'matches'], [,,'min']])
[ [,, 'required'] ], // bail on this one
[ [,, 'max'] ], // bail on this one
[ [,, 'matches'] ], // bail on this one
[ [,, 'min'] ] // bail on this one
expect(bailGroups.map(group => !!group.bail)).toEqual([true, true, true, true])
it('splits no rules when bail is at the end', () => {
const bailGroups = groupBails([[,,'required'], [,,'max'], [,, 'matches'], [,,'min'], [,, 'bail']])
[ [,, 'required'], [,, 'max'], [,, 'matches'], [,, 'min'] ] // dont bail on these
expect(bailGroups.map(group => !!group.bail)).toEqual([false])
it('splits individual modified names into two groups when at the begining', () => {
const bailGroups = groupBails([[,,'required', '^'], [,,'max'], [,, 'matches'], [,,'min'] ])
[ [,, 'required', '^'] ], // bail on this one
[ [,, 'max'], [,, 'matches'], [,, 'min'] ] // dont bail on these
expect(bailGroups.map(group => !!group.bail)).toEqual([true, false])
it('splits individual modified names into three groups when in the middle', () => {
const bailGroups = groupBails([[,,'required'], [,,'max'], [,, 'matches', '^'], [,,'min'] ])
[ [,, 'required'], [,, 'max'] ], // dont bail on these
[ [,, 'matches', '^'] ], // bail on this one
[ [,, 'min'] ] // dont bail on this
expect(bailGroups.map(group => !!group.bail)).toEqual([false, true, false])
it('splits individual modified names into four groups when used twice', () => {
const bailGroups = groupBails([[,,'required', '^'], [,,'max'], [,, 'matches', '^'], [,,'min'] ])
[ [,, 'required', '^'] ], // bail on this
[ [,, 'max'] ], // dont bail on this
[ [,, 'matches', '^'] ], // bail on this
[ [,, 'min'] ] // dont bail on this
expect(bailGroups.map(group => !!group.bail)).toEqual([true, false, true, false])

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import rules from '@/validation/rules.ts'
import FileUpload from '../../src/FileUpload'
@ -320,32 +319,6 @@ describe('matches', () => {
* Mime types.
describe('mime', () => {
it('passes basic image/jpeg stack', async () => {
const fileUpload = new FileUpload({
files: [ { type: 'image/jpeg' } ]
expect(await rules.mime({ value: fileUpload }, 'image/png', 'image/jpeg')).toBe(true)
it('passes when match is at begining of stack', async () => {
const fileUpload = new FileUpload({
files: [ { type: 'document/pdf' } ]
expect(await rules.mime({ value: fileUpload }, 'document/pdf')).toBe(true)
it('fails when not in stack', async () => {
const fileUpload = new FileUpload({
files: [ { type: 'application/json' } ]
expect(await rules.mime({ value: fileUpload }, 'image/png', 'image/jpeg')).toBe(false)
* Minimum.
@ -459,10 +432,6 @@ describe('required', () => {
it('passes with empty value if second argument is false', async () => expect(await rules.required({ value: '' }, false)).toBe(true))
it('passes with empty value if second argument is false string', async () => expect(await rules.required({ value: '' }, 'false')).toBe(true))
it('passes with FileUpload', async () => expect(await rules.required({ value: new FileUpload({ files: [{ name: 'j.png' }] }) })).toBe(true))
it('fails with empty FileUpload', async () => expect(await rules.required({ value: new FileUpload({ files: [] }) })).toBe(false))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { enlarge } from '@/validation/validator.ts'
// @TODO: Converting raw rule data to validator
describe('Validator', () => {
it ('Enlarges validator groups', () => {
validators: [],
bail: false,
}, {
validators: [],
bail: false,
}, {
validators: [],
bail: false,
}, {
validators: [],
bail: true,
}, {
validators: [],
bail: false,
}, {
validators: [],
bail: false,
validators: [],
bail: false,
}, {
validators: [],
bail: true,
}, {
validators: [],
bail: false,