# tiu-client Application for export orders from [tiu.ru](http://tiu.ru) to [retailCRM](http://retailcrm.ru) Can be used with [prom.ua](http://prom.ua), [deal.by](http://deal.by), [satu.kz](http://satu.kz) ##Setup Execute in your shell ```sh git clone https://github.com/retailcrm/tiu-client.git cd tiu-client curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php php composer.phar require retailcrm/api-client-php ~3.0.0 ``` Create & fill configuration file at config/config.php (see /config/config-dist.php) ##Usage Create a Cron job ```sh */10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/tiu-client/run.php ``` ##Data structure tiu.ru exports orders data as xml file available via special link like this ``` https://my.tiu.ru/cabinet/export_orders/xml/2372403?hash_tag=47158ffb1af38cb31f1c521dc8a1e1208 ``` This link [can be taken from backoffice](https://my.tiu.ru/cabinet/order/export_orders) ####XML example ```xml Иван Петров +79111111111 test@example.org 22.07.15 19:24
Новокузнецк, ул. Тестовая 71
Наличными Доставка курьером 691.00 717432 Hama H-74229 hdmi 1.3 a-c (mini) 1.00 RUB http://images.ru.prom.st/hama-h-74229.jpg http://example-shop.tiu.ru/hama-h-74229 366.00 717436 Hama H-74237 hdmi 1.3 a-c (mini) 1.00 RUB http://images.ru.prom.st/hama-h-74237.jpg http://example-shop.tiu.ru/hama-h-74237 325.00