Placeholder support has been implemented as a separate module, so any selection container should be able to be decorated and get instant placeholder support. It hooks into the updating method of selections, and determines when to display the placeholder based on the options that are being updated. It works in the same way as the old placeholders. If no options are selected and being displayed, like in the case of a multiple select, then the placeholder will always be shown. If one option is being displayed, and the id of the placeholder matches the id of the selected element, then the placeholder will be shown. This is similar to the functionality that was present in Select2 2.x, where the placeholder could be passed in as an object that would be compared to the selection. This still requires that, for single selects, the first element must match the placeholder id. Because the default placeholder id is a blank string, this will maintain backwards compatibility with past versions where the first option should be blank. This can still be overridden to point at a different id, keeping support for systems where the placeholder doesn't use a blank value. **Note:** This does not hide the blank option for single selects, but that will still be maintained for backwards compatibility within the results module. It will not depend on a placeholder being present, but instead will hide any options with blank text.
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.