module.exports = function (grunt) { // Full list of files that must be included by RequireJS includes = [ 'jquery.select2', 'almond', 'jquery-mousewheel' // shimmed for non-full builds ]; fullIncludes = [ 'jquery', 'select2/compat/containerCss', 'select2/compat/dropdownCss', 'select2/compat/initSelection', 'select2/compat/inputData', 'select2/compat/matcher', 'select2/compat/query', 'select2/dropdown/attachContainer', 'select2/dropdown/stopPropagation', 'select2/selection/stopPropagation' ].concat(includes); var i18nModules = []; var i18nPaths = {}; var i18nFiles = grunt.file.expand({ cwd: 'src/js' }, 'select2/i18n/*.js'); var testFiles = grunt.file.expand('tests/**/*.html'); var testUrls = (filePath) { return 'http://localhost:9999/' + filePath; }); var testBuildNumber = "unknown"; if (process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID) { testBuildNumber = "travis-" + process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID; } else { var currentTime = new Date(); testBuildNumber = "manual-" + currentTime.getTime(); } for (var i = 0; i < i18nFiles.length; i++) { var file = i18nFiles[i]; var name = file.split('.')[0]; i18nModules.push({ name: name }); i18nPaths[name] = '../../' + name; } var minifiedBanner = '/*! Select2 <%= package.version %> | */'; grunt.initConfig({ package: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), clean: { docs: ['docs/_site'] }, concat: { 'dist': { options: { banner:'src/js/wrapper.start.js'), }, src: [ 'dist/js/select2.js', 'src/js/wrapper.end.js' ], dest: 'dist/js/select2.js' }, 'dist.full': { options: { banner:'src/js/wrapper.start.js'), }, src: [ 'dist/js/select2.full.js', 'src/js/wrapper.end.js' ], dest: 'dist/js/select2.full.js' } }, connect: { tests: { options: { base: '.', hostname: '', port: 9999 } } }, uglify: { 'dist': { src: 'dist/js/select2.js', dest: 'dist/js/select2.min.js', options: { banner: minifiedBanner } }, 'dist.full': { src: 'dist/js/select2.full.js', dest: 'dist/js/select2.full.min.js', options: { banner: minifiedBanner } } }, qunit: { all: { options: { urls: testUrls } } }, 'saucelabs-qunit': { all: { options: { build: testBuildNumber, tags: ['tests', 'qunit'], urls: testUrls, statusCheckAttempts: 180, testname: 'QUnit test for Select2', browsers: [ { browserName: 'internet explorer', version: '8' }, { browserName: 'internet explorer', version: '9' }, { browserName: 'internet explorer', version: '10' }, { browserName: 'internet explorer', version: '11' }, { browserName: 'firefox', platform: 'linux' }, { browserName: 'chrome' }, { browserName: 'opera', version: '12', platform: 'linux' } ] } } }, 'gh-pages': { options: { base: 'docs', branch: 'master', clone: 'node_modules/grunt-gh-pages/repo', message: 'Updated docs with master', push: true, repo: '' }, src: '**' }, jekyll: { options: { src: 'docs', dest: 'docs/_site' }, build: { d: null }, serve: { options: { serve: true, watch: true } } }, jshint: { options: { jshintrc: true }, code: { src: ['src/js/**/*.js'] }, tests: { src: ['tests/**/*.js'] } }, sass: { dist: { options: { outputStyle: 'compressed' }, files: { 'dist/css/select2.min.css': [ 'src/scss/core.scss', 'src/scss/theme/default/layout.css' ] } }, dev: { options: { outputStyle: 'nested' }, files: { 'dist/css/select2.css': [ 'src/scss/core.scss', 'src/scss/theme/default/layout.css' ] } } }, symlink: { docs: { cwd: 'dist', expand: true, overwrite: false, src: [ '*' ], dest: 'docs/dist', filter: 'isDirectory' } }, requirejs: { 'dist': { options: { baseUrl: 'src/js', optimize: 'none', name: 'select2/core', out: 'dist/js/select2.js', include: includes, namespace: 'S2', paths: { 'almond': require.resolve('almond').slice(0, -3), 'jquery': 'jquery.shim', 'jquery-mousewheel': 'jquery.mousewheel.shim' }, wrap: { startFile: 'src/js/banner.start.js', endFile: 'src/js/banner.end.js' } } }, 'dist.full': { options: { baseUrl: 'src/js', optimize: 'none', name: 'select2/core', out: 'dist/js/select2.full.js', include: fullIncludes, namespace: 'S2', paths: { 'almond': require.resolve('almond').slice(0, -3), 'jquery': 'jquery.shim', 'jquery-mousewheel': require.resolve('jquery-mousewheel').slice(0, -3) }, wrap: { startFile: 'src/js/banner.start.js', endFile: 'src/js/banner.end.js' } } }, 'i18n': { options: { baseUrl: 'src/js/select2/i18n', dir: 'dist/js/i18n', paths: i18nPaths, modules: i18nModules, namespace: 'S2', wrap: { start: minifiedBanner +'src/js/banner.start.js'), end:'src/js/banner.end.js') } } } }, watch: { js: { files: [ 'src/js/select2/**/*.js', 'tests/**/*.js' ], tasks: [ 'compile', 'test', 'minify' ] }, css: { files: [ 'src/scss/**/*.scss' ], tasks: [ 'compile', 'minify' ] } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-qunit'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-requirejs'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-symlink'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-gh-pages'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-jekyll'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-saucelabs'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-sass'); grunt.registerTask('default', ['compile', 'test', 'minify']); grunt.registerTask('compile', [ 'requirejs:dist', 'requirejs:dist.full', 'requirejs:i18n', 'concat:dist', 'concat:dist.full', 'sass:dev' ]); grunt.registerTask('minify', ['uglify', 'sass:dist']); grunt.registerTask('test', ['connect:tests', 'qunit', 'jshint']); var ciTasks = []; ciTasks.push('compile'); ciTasks.push('connect:tests'); // Can't run Sauce Labs tests in pull requests if (process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST == 'false') { ciTasks.push('saucelabs-qunit'); } ciTasks.push('qunit'); ciTasks.push('jshint'); grunt.registerTask('ci', ciTasks); grunt.registerTask('docs', ['symlink:docs', 'jekyll:serve']); grunt.registerTask('docs-release', ['default', 'clean:docs', 'gh-pages']); };