module('Dropdown - attachBody - positioning'); test('appends to the dropdown parent', function (assert) { expect(4); var $ = require('jquery'); var $select = $(''); var $parent = $('
'); var $container = $(''); var container = new MockContainer(); $parent.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); $select.appendTo($parent); var Utils = require('select2/utils'); var Options = require('select2/options'); var Dropdown = require('select2/dropdown'); var AttachBody = require('select2/dropdown/attachBody'); var DropdownAdapter = Utils.Decorate(Dropdown, AttachBody); var dropdown = new DropdownAdapter($select, new Options({ dropdownParent: $parent })); assert.equal( $parent.children().length, 1, 'Only the select should be in the container' ); var $dropdown = dropdown.render(); dropdown.bind(container, $container); dropdown.position($dropdown, $container); assert.equal( $parent.children().length, 1, 'The dropdown should not be placed until after it is opened' ); dropdown._showDropdown(); assert.equal( $parent.children().length, 2, 'The dropdown should now be in the container as well' ); assert.ok( $.contains($parent[0], $dropdown[0]), 'The dropdown should be contained within the parent container' ); }); test('dropdown is positioned with static margins', function (assert) { var $ = require('jquery'); var $select = $(''); var $parent = $(''); $parent.css({ position: 'static', marginTop: '5px', marginLeft: '10px' }); var $container = $(''); var container = new MockContainer(); $('#qunit-fixture').empty(); $parent.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); $container.appendTo($parent); var Utils = require('select2/utils'); var Options = require('select2/options'); var Dropdown = require('select2/dropdown'); var AttachBody = require('select2/dropdown/attachBody'); var DropdownAdapter = Utils.Decorate(Dropdown, AttachBody); var dropdown = new DropdownAdapter($select, new Options({ dropdownParent: $parent })); var $dropdown = dropdown.render(); assert.equal( $dropdown[0], 0, 'The drodpown should not have any offset before it is displayed' ); dropdown.bind(container, $container); dropdown.position($dropdown, $container); dropdown._showDropdown(); assert.equal( $dropdown.css('top'), '5px', 'The offset should be 5px at the top' ); assert.equal( $dropdown.css('left'), '10px', 'The offset should be 10px on the left' ); }); test('dropdown is positioned with absolute offsets', function (assert) { var $ = require('jquery'); var $select = $(''); var $parent = $(''); $parent.css({ position: 'absolute', top: '10px', left: '5px' }); var $container = $(''); var container = new MockContainer(); $parent.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); $container.appendTo($parent); var Utils = require('select2/utils'); var Options = require('select2/options'); var Dropdown = require('select2/dropdown'); var AttachBody = require('select2/dropdown/attachBody'); var DropdownAdapter = Utils.Decorate(Dropdown, AttachBody); var dropdown = new DropdownAdapter($select, new Options({ dropdownParent: $parent })); var $dropdown = dropdown.render(); assert.equal( $dropdown[0], 0, 'The drodpown should not have any offset before it is displayed' ); dropdown.bind(container, $container); dropdown.position($dropdown, $container); dropdown._showDropdown(); assert.equal( $dropdown.css('top'), '0px', 'There should not be an extra top offset' ); assert.equal( $dropdown.css('left'), '0px', 'There should not be an extra left offset' ); });