test('multiple elements with arguments works', function (assert) { var $ = require('jquery'); require('jquery.select2'); var $first = $( '' ); var $second = $first.clone(); var $both = $first.add($second); $both.select2(); $both.select2('val', '2'); assert.equal( $first.val(), '2', 'The call should change the value on the first element' ); assert.equal( $second.val(), '2', 'The call should also change the value on the second element' ); }); test('initializes correctly when jQuery $.data contains cyclic reference object', function (assert) { var $ = require('jquery'); require('jquery.select2'); var $select = $( '' ); // Add a circular reference object using jQuery. var recursiveObject = {}; recursiveObject['same'] = recursiveObject; $select.data('same', recursiveObject); $select.select2(); assert.equal( $select.val(), '3', 'The option value should be pulled correctly' ); });