<?php namespace Grav\Plugin; use Grav\Common\Cache; use Grav\Common\Plugin; use Grav\Common\Uri; class ProblemsPlugin extends Plugin { protected $results = array(); protected $check; /** * @return array */ public static function getSubscribedEvents() { return [ 'onPluginsInitialized' => ['onPluginsInitialized', 100001], 'onFatalException' => ['onFatalException', 0] ]; } public function onFatalException() { if ($this->isAdmin()) { $this->active = false; return; } // Run through potential issues if ($this->problemChecker()) { $this->renderProblems(); } } public function onPluginsInitialized() { if ($this->isAdmin()) { $this->active = false; return; } /** @var Cache $cache */ $cache = $this->grav['cache']; $validated_prefix = 'problem-check-'; $this->check = CACHE_DIR . $validated_prefix . $cache->getKey(); if (!file_exists($this->check)) { // If no issues remain, save a state file in the cache if (!$this->problemChecker()) { // delete any existing validated files foreach (new \GlobIterator(CACHE_DIR . $validated_prefix . '*') as $fileInfo) { @unlink($fileInfo->getPathname()); } // create a file in the cache dir so it only runs on cache changes touch($this->check); } else { $this->renderProblems(); } } } protected function renderProblems() { $theme = 'antimatter'; /** @var Uri $uri */ $uri = $this->grav['uri']; $baseUrlRelative = $uri->rootUrl(false); $themeUrl = $baseUrlRelative . '/' . USER_PATH . basename(THEMES_DIR) . '/' . $theme; $problemsUrl = $baseUrlRelative . '/user/plugins/problems'; $html = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/html/problems.html'); /** * Process the results, ignore the statuses passed as $ignore_status * * @param $results * @param $ignore_status */ $processResults = function ($results, $ignore_status) { $problems = ''; foreach ($results as $key => $result) { if ($key == 'files' || $key == 'apache' || $key == 'execute') { foreach ($result as $key_text => $value_text) { foreach ($value_text as $status => $text) { if ($status == $ignore_status) continue; $problems .= $this->getListRow($status, '<b>' . $key_text . '</b> ' . $text); } } } else { foreach ($result as $status => $text) { if ($status == $ignore_status) continue; $problems .= $this->getListRow($status, $text); } } } return $problems; }; // First render the errors $problems = $processResults($this->results, 'success'); // Then render the successful checks $problems .= $processResults($this->results, 'error'); $html = str_replace('%%BASE_URL%%', $baseUrlRelative, $html); $html = str_replace('%%THEME_URL%%', $themeUrl, $html); $html = str_replace('%%PROBLEMS_URL%%', $problemsUrl, $html); $html = str_replace('%%PROBLEMS%%', $problems, $html); echo $html; http_response_code(500); exit(); } protected function getListRow($status, $text) { if ($status == 'error') { $icon = 'fa-times'; } elseif ($status == 'info') { $icon = 'fa-info'; } else { $icon = 'fa-check'; } $output = "\n"; $output .= '<li class="' . $status . ' clearfix"><i class="fa fa-fw '. $icon . '"></i><p>'. $text . '</p></li>'; return $output; } protected function problemChecker() { $min_php_version = defined('GRAV_PHP_MIN') ? GRAV_PHP_MIN : '5.4.0'; $problems_found = false; $essential_files = [ 'cache' => true, 'logs' => true, 'images' => true, 'assets' => true, 'system' => false, 'user/data' => true, 'user/pages' => false, 'user/config' => false, 'user/plugins/error' => false, 'user/plugins' => false, 'user/themes' => false, 'vendor' => false ]; if (version_compare(GRAV_VERSION, '0.9.27', ">=")) { $essential_files['backup'] = true; $backup_folder = ROOT_DIR . 'backup'; // try to create backup folder if missing if (!file_exists($backup_folder)) { @mkdir($backup_folder, 0770); } } if (version_compare(GRAV_VERSION, '1.1.4', ">=")) { $essential_files['tmp'] = true; $tmp_folder = ROOT_DIR . 'tmp'; // try to create tmp folder if missing if (!file_exists($tmp_folder)) { @mkdir($tmp_folder, 0770); } } // Perform some Apache checks if (strpos(php_sapi_name(), 'apache') !== false) { $require_apache_modules = ['mod_rewrite']; $apache_modules = apache_get_modules(); $apache_status = []; foreach ($require_apache_modules as $module) { if (in_array($module, $apache_modules)) { $apache_module_adjective = ' Apache module is enabled'; $apache_module_status = 'success'; } else { $problems_found = true; $apache_module_adjective = ' Apache module is not installed or enabled'; $apache_module_status = 'error'; } $apache_status[$module] = [$apache_module_status => $apache_module_adjective]; } if (sizeof($apache_status) > 0) { $this->results['apache'] = $apache_status; } } // Check PHP version if (version_compare(phpversion(), $min_php_version, '<')) { $problems_found = true; $php_version_adjective = 'lower'; $php_version_status = 'error'; } else { $php_version_adjective = 'greater'; $php_version_status = 'success'; } $this->results['php'] = [$php_version_status => 'Your PHP version (' . phpversion() . ') is '. $php_version_adjective . ' than the minimum required: <b>' . $min_php_version . '</b> - <a href="http://getgrav.org/blog/changing-php-requirements-to-5.5">Additional Information</a>']; // Check for GD library if (defined('GD_VERSION') && function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd_adjective = ''; $gd_status = 'success'; } else { $problems_found = true; $gd_adjective = 'not '; $gd_status = 'error'; } $this->results['gd'] = [$gd_status => 'PHP GD (Image Manipulation Library) is '. $gd_adjective . 'installed']; // Check for PHP CURL library if (function_exists('curl_version')) { $curl_adjective = ''; $curl_status = 'success'; } else { $problems_found = true; $curl_adjective = 'not '; $curl_status = 'error'; } $this->results['curl'] = [$curl_status => 'PHP Curl (Data Transfer Library) is '. $curl_adjective . 'installed']; // Check for PHP Open SSL library if (extension_loaded('openssl') && defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT')) { $ssl_adjective = ''; $ssl_status = 'success'; } else { $problems_found = true; $ssl_adjective = 'not '; $ssl_status = 'error'; } $this->results['ssl'] = [$ssl_status => 'PHP OpenSSL (Secure Sockets Library) is '. $ssl_adjective . 'installed']; // Check for PHP XML library if (extension_loaded('xml')) { $xml_adjective = ''; $xml_status = 'success'; } else { $problems_found = true; $xml_adjective = 'not '; $xml_status = 'error'; } $this->results['xml'] = [$xml_status => 'PHP XML Library is '. $xml_adjective . 'installed']; // Check for PHP MbString library if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $mbstring_adjective = ''; $mbstring_status = 'success'; } else { $problems_found = true; $mbstring_adjective = 'not '; $mbstring_status = 'error'; } $this->results['mbstring'] = [$mbstring_status => 'PHP Mbstring (Multibyte String Library) is '. $mbstring_adjective . 'installed']; // Check Exif if enabled if ($this->grav['config']->get('system.media.auto_metadata_exif')) { if(extension_loaded('exif')) { $exif_adjective = ''; $exif_status = 'success'; } else { $problems_found = true; $exif_adjective = 'not '; $exif_status = 'error'; } $this->results['exif'] = [$exif_status => 'PHP Exif (Exchangeable Image File Format) is '. $exif_adjective . 'installed']; } // Check for PHP Zip library if (extension_loaded('zip')) { $zip_adjective = ''; $zip_status = 'success'; } else { $problems_found = true; $zip_adjective = 'not '; $zip_status = 'error'; } $this->results['zip'] = [$zip_status => 'PHP Zip extension is '. $zip_adjective . 'installed']; // Check for essential files & perms $file_problems = []; foreach ($essential_files as $file => $check_writable) { $file_path = ROOT_DIR . $file; $is_dir = false; if (!file_exists($file_path)) { $problems_found = true; $file_status = 'error'; $file_adjective = 'does not exist'; } else { $file_status = 'success'; $file_adjective = 'exists'; $is_writeable = is_writable($file_path); $is_dir = is_dir($file_path); if ($check_writable) { if (!$is_writeable) { $file_status = 'error'; $problems_found = true; $file_adjective .= ' but is <b class="underline">not writeable</b>'; } else { $file_adjective .= ' and <b class="underline">is writeable</b>'; } } } $file_problems[$file_path] = [$file_status => $file_adjective]; } if (sizeof($file_problems) > 0) { $this->results['files'] = $file_problems; } return $problems_found; } }