module('Options - Deprecated - initSelection'); var $ = require('jquery'); var Options = require('select2/options'); test('converted into dataAdapter.current', function (assert) { expect(5); var $test = $('<select></select>'); var called = false; var options = new Options({ initSelection: function ($element, callback) { called = true; callback([{ id: '1', text: '2' }]); } }, $test); assert.ok(!called, 'initSelection should not have been called'); var DataAdapter = options.get('dataAdapter'); var data = new DataAdapter($test, options); data.current(function (data) { assert.equal( data.length, 1, 'There should have only been one object selected' ); var item = data[0]; assert.equal(, '1', 'The id should have been set by initSelection' ); assert.equal( item.text, '2', 'The text should have been set by initSelection' ); }); assert.ok(called, 'initSelection should have been called'); }); test('single option converted to array automatically', function (assert) { expect(2); var $test = $('<select></select>'); var called = false; var options = new Options({ initSelection: function ($element, callback) { called = true; callback({ id: '1', text: '2' }); } }, $test); var DataAdapter = options.get('dataAdapter'); var data = new DataAdapter($test, options); data.current(function (data) { assert.ok( $.isArray(data), 'The data should have been converted to an array' ); }); assert.ok(called, 'initSelection should have been called'); }); test('only called once', function (assert) { expect(8); var $test = $('<select><option value="3" selected>4</option></select>'); var called = 0; var options = new Options({ initSelection: function ($element, callback) { called++; callback([{ id: '1', text: '2' }]); } }, $test); var DataAdapter = options.get('dataAdapter'); var data = new DataAdapter($test, options); data.current(function (data) { assert.equal( data.length, 1, 'There should have only been a single option' ); var item = data[0]; assert.equal(, '1', 'The id should match the one given by initSelection' ); assert.equal( item.text, '2', 'The text should match the one given by initSelection' ); }); assert.equal( called, 1, 'initSelection should have been called' ); data.current(function (data) { assert.equal( data.length, 1, 'There should have only been a single option' ); var item = data[0]; assert.equal(, '3', 'The id should match the value given in the DOM' ); assert.equal( item.text, '4', 'The text should match the text given in the DOM' ); }); assert.equal( called, 1, 'initSelection should have only been called once' ); }); module('Options - Deprecated - query'); test('converted into dataAdapter.query automatically', function (assert) { expect(6); var $test = $('<select></select>'); var called = false; var options = new Options({ query: function (params) { called = true; params.callback({ results: [ { id: 'test', text: params.term } ] }); } }, $test); assert.ok(!called, 'The query option should not have been called'); var DataAdapter = options.get('dataAdapter'); var data = new DataAdapter($test, options); data.query({ term: 'term' }, function (data) { assert.ok( 'results' in data, 'It should have included the results key' ); assert.equal( data.results.length, 1, 'There should have only been a single result returned' ); var item = data.results[0]; assert.equal(, 'test', 'The id should have been returned from the query function' ); assert.equal( item.text, 'term', 'The text should have matched the term that was passed in' ); }); assert.ok(called, 'The query function should have been called'); }); module('Options - deprecated - data-ajax-url'); test('converted ajax-url to ajax--url automatically', function (assert) { var $test = $('<select data-ajax-url="test://url"></select>'); var options = new Options({}, $test); assert.ok( options.get('ajax'), 'The `ajax` key was automatically created' ); assert.equal( options.get('ajax').url, 'test://url', 'The `url` property for the `ajax` option was filled in correctly' ); }); test('converted select2-tags to data/tags automatically', function (assert) { var $test = $('<select data-select2-tags="original data"></select>'); var options = new Options({}, $test); assert.ok( options.get('tags'), 'The `tags` key is automatically set to true' ); assert.equal( options.get('data'), 'original data', 'The `data` key is created with the original data' ); });