!(function(e, t) { 'object' == typeof exports && 'undefined' != typeof module ? t(exports) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(['exports'], t) : t(((e = e || self).select25 = {})); })(this, function(e) { 'use strict'; var o = function(e, t) { return (o = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(e, t) { e.__proto__ = t; }) || function(e, t) { for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]); })(e, t); }; function t(e, t) { function n() { this.constructor = e; } o(e, t), (e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : ((n.prototype = t.prototype), new n())); } var C = function() { return (C = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t, n = 1, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) for (var r in (t = arguments[n])) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, r) && (e[r] = t[r]); return e; }).apply(this, arguments); }; function h(s, a, i, l) { return new (i || (i = Promise))(function(e, t) { function n(e) { try { r(l.next(e)); } catch (e) { t(e); } } function o(e) { try { r(l.throw(e)); } catch (e) { t(e); } } function r(t) { t.done ? e(t.value) : new i(function(e) { e(t.value); }).then(n, o); } r((l = l.apply(s, a || [])).next()); }); } function v(n, o) { var r, s, a, e, i = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & a[0]) throw a[1]; return a[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return ( (e = { next: t(0), throw: t(1), return: t(2) }), 'function' == typeof Symbol && (e[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), e ); function t(t) { return function(e) { return (function(t) { if (r) throw new TypeError('Generator is already executing.'); for (; i; ) try { if ( ((r = 1), s && (a = 2 & t[0] ? s.return : t[0] ? s.throw || ((a = s.return) && a.call(s), 0) : s.next) && !(a = a.call(s, t[1])).done) ) return a; switch (((s = 0), a && (t = [2 & t[0], a.value]), t[0])) { case 0: case 1: a = t; break; case 4: return i.label++, { value: t[1], done: !1 }; case 5: i.label++, (s = t[1]), (t = [0]); continue; case 7: (t = i.ops.pop()), i.trys.pop(); continue; default: if ( !(a = 0 < (a = i.trys).length && a[a.length - 1]) && (6 === t[0] || 2 === t[0]) ) { i = 0; continue; } if (3 === t[0] && (!a || (t[1] > a[0] && t[1] < a[3]))) { i.label = t[1]; break; } if (6 === t[0] && i.label < a[1]) { (i.label = a[1]), (a = t); break; } if (a && i.label < a[2]) { (i.label = a[2]), i.ops.push(t); break; } a[2] && i.ops.pop(), i.trys.pop(); continue; } t = o.call(n, i); } catch (e) { (t = [6, e]), (s = 0); } finally { r = a = 0; } if (5 & t[0]) throw t[1]; return { value: t[0] ? t[1] : void 0, done: !0 }; })([t, e]); }; } } var b, n, r, u, c, w = {}, R = [], p = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|^--/i; function S(e, t) { for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n]; return e; } function _(e) { var t = e.parentNode; t && t.removeChild(e); } function D(e, t, n) { var o, r, s, a, i = arguments; if (((t = S({}, t)), 3 < arguments.length)) for (n = [n], o = 3; o < arguments.length; o++) n.push(i[o]); if ((null != n && (t.children = n), null != e && null != e.defaultProps)) for (r in e.defaultProps) void 0 === t[r] && (t[r] = e.defaultProps[r]); return (a = t.key), null != (s = t.ref) && delete t.ref, null != a && delete t.key, l(e, t, a, s); } function l(e, t, n, o) { var r = { type: e, props: t, key: n, ref: o, __k: null, __p: null, __b: 0, __e: null, l: null, __c: null, constructor: void 0 }; return b.vnode && b.vnode(r), r; } function k(e) { return e.children; } function M(e) { if (null == e || 'boolean' == typeof e) return null; if ('string' == typeof e || 'number' == typeof e) return l(null, e, null, null); if (null == e.__e && null == e.__c) return e; var t = l(e.type, e.props, e.key, null); return (t.__e = e.__e), t; } function x(e, t) { (this.props = e), (this.context = t); } function s(e) { !e.__d && (e.__d = !0) && 1 === n.push(e) && (b.debounceRendering || r)(a); } function a() { var e; for ( n.sort(function(e, t) { return t.__v.__b - e.__v.__b; }); (e = n.pop()); ) e.__d && e.forceUpdate(!1); } function I(e, t, n, o, r, s, a, i) { var l, u, c, p, d, f, h, v, m = t.__k || L(t.props.children, (t.__k = []), M, !0), g = (n && n.__k) || R, y = g.length; if (i == w) if ((i = null) != s) i = s[0]; else for (u = 0; !i && u < y; u++) i = g[u] && g[u].__e; for (u = 0; u < m.length; u++) if (null != (l = m[u] = M(m[u]))) { if ( ((l.__p = t), (l.__b = t.__b + 1), null === (p = g[u]) || (p && l.key == p.key && l.type === p.type)) ) g[u] = void 0; else for (c = 0; c < y; c++) { if ((p = g[c]) && l.key == p.key && l.type === p.type) { g[c] = void 0; break; } p = null; } if ( ((d = P(e, l, (p = p || w), o, r, s, a, null, i)), (c = l.ref) && p.ref != c && (v || (v = [])).push(c, l.__c || d), null != d) ) { if ((null == h && (h = d), null != l.l)) (d = l.l), (l.l = null); else if (s == p || d != i || null == d.parentNode) e: if (null == i || i.parentNode !== e) e.appendChild(d); else { for (f = i, c = 0; (f = f.nextSibling) && c < y; c += 2) if (f == d) break e; e.insertBefore(d, i); } (i = d.nextSibling), 'function' == typeof t.type && (t.l = d); } } if (((t.__e = h), null != s && 'function' != typeof t.type)) for (u = s.length; u--; ) null != s[u] && _(s[u]); for (u = y; u--; ) null != g[u] && F(g[u], t); if (v) for (u = 0; u < v.length; u++) A(v[u], v[++u], t); } function L(e, t, n, o) { if ((null == t && (t = []), null == e || 'boolean' == typeof e)) o && t.push(null); else if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) L(e[r], t, n, o); else t.push(n ? n(e) : e); return t; } function E(e, t, n, o, r) { var s, a, i, l; if ('style' === (t = r ? ('className' === t ? 'class' : t) : 'class' === t ? 'className' : t)) for (a in (s = S(S({}, o), n))) (n || w)[a] !== (o || w)[a] && e.style.setProperty( '-' === a[0] && '-' === a[1] ? a : a.replace(u, '-$&'), n && a in n ? ('number' == typeof s[a] && !1 === p.test(a) ? s[a] + 'px' : s[a]) : '' ); else if ('o' === t[0] && 'n' === t[1]) (i = t !== (t = t.replace(/Capture$/, ''))), (t = ((l = t.toLowerCase()) in e ? l : t).slice(2)), n ? (o || e.addEventListener(t, d, i), ((e.u || (e.u = {}))[t] = n)) : e.removeEventListener(t, d, i); else if ('list' !== t && 'tagName' !== t && !r && t in e) if (e.length && 'value' == t) for (t = e.length; t--; ) e.options[t].selected = e.options[t].value == n; else e[t] = null == n ? '' : n; else 'function' != typeof n && 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' !== t && (t !== (t = t.replace(/^xlink:?/, '')) ? null == n || !1 === n ? e.removeAttributeNS(c, t.toLowerCase()) : e.setAttributeNS(c, t.toLowerCase(), n) : null == n || !1 === n ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, n)); } function d(e) { return this.u[e.type](b.event ? b.event(e) : e); } function P(e, t, n, o, r, s, a, i, l) { var u, c, p, d, f, h, v, m, g, y, _ = t.type; if (void 0 !== t.constructor) return null; (u = b.__b) && u(t); try { e: if ('function' == typeof _) { if ( ((m = t.props), (g = (u = _.contextType) && o[u.__c]), (y = u ? (g ? g.props.value : u.__p) : o), n.__c ? (v = (c = t.__c = n.__c).__p = c.__E) : (_.prototype && _.prototype.render ? (t.__c = c = new _(m, y)) : ((t.__c = c = new x(m, y)), (c.constructor = _), (c.render = O)), g && g.sub(c), (c.props = m), c.state || (c.state = {}), (c.context = y), (c.__n = o), (p = c.__d = !0), (c.__h = [])), null == c.__s && (c.__s = c.state), null != _.getDerivedStateFromProps && S(c.__s == c.state ? (c.__s = S({}, c.__s)) : c.__s, _.getDerivedStateFromProps(m, c.__s)), p) ) null == _.getDerivedStateFromProps && null != c.componentWillMount && c.componentWillMount(), null != c.componentDidMount && a.push(c); else { if ( (null == _.getDerivedStateFromProps && null == i && null != c.componentWillReceiveProps && c.componentWillReceiveProps(m, y), !i && null != c.shouldComponentUpdate && !1 === c.shouldComponentUpdate(m, c.__s, y)) ) { (c.props = m), (c.state = c.__s), (c.__d = !1), ((c.__v = t).__e = n.__e), (t.__k = n.__k); break e; } null != c.componentWillUpdate && c.componentWillUpdate(m, c.__s, y); } (d = c.props), (f = c.state), (c.context = y), (c.props = m), (c.state = c.__s), (u = b.__r) && u(t), (c.__d = !1), (c.__v = t), (c.__P = e); try { L( null != (u = c.render(c.props, c.state, c.context)) && u.type == k && null == u.key ? u.props.children : u, (t.__k = []), M, !0 ); } catch (e) { if ((u = b.__E) && u(e, t, n)) break e; throw e; } for ( null != c.getChildContext && (o = S(S({}, o), c.getChildContext())), p || null == c.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (h = c.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(d, f)), I(e, t, n, o, r, s, a, l), c.base = t.__e; (u = c.__h.pop()); ) u.call(c); p || null == d || null == c.componentDidUpdate || c.componentDidUpdate(d, f, h), v && (c.__E = c.__p = null); } else t.__e = (function(e, t, n, o, r, s, a) { var i, l, u, c, p = n.props, d = t.props; if (((r = 'svg' === t.type || r), null == e && null != s)) for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) if (null != (l = s[i]) && (null === t.type ? 3 === l.nodeType : l.localName === t.type)) { (e = l), (s[i] = null); break; } if (null == e) { if (null === t.type) return document.createTextNode(d); (e = r ? document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', t.type) : document.createElement(t.type)), (s = null); } return ( null === t.type ? p !== d && (e.data = d) : t !== n && (null != s && (s = R.slice.call(e.childNodes)), (u = (p = n.props || w).dangerouslySetInnerHTML), ((c = d.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) || u) && null == s && ((c && u && c.__html == u.__html) || (e.innerHTML = (c && c.__html) || '')), d.multiple && (e.multiple = d.multiple), I(e, t, n, o, 'foreignObject' !== t.type && r, s, a, w), (function(e, t, n, o) { var r, s, a = Object.keys(t).sort(); for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++) 'children' === (s = a[r]) || 'key' === s || (n && ('value' === s || 'checked' === s ? e : n)[s] === t[s]) || E(e, s, t[s], n[s], o); for (r in n) 'children' === r || 'key' === r || r in t || E(e, r, null, n[r], o); })(e, d, p, r)), e ); })(n.__e, t, n, o, r, s, a); (u = b.diffed) && u(t); } catch (e) { T(e, t.__p); } return t.__e; } function i(e, t) { for (var n; (n = e.pop()); ) try { n.componentDidMount(); } catch (e) { T(e, n.__v.__p); } b.__c && b.__c(t); } function A(e, t, n) { try { 'function' == typeof e ? e(t) : (e.current = t); } catch (e) { T(e, n); } } function F(e, t, n) { var o, r, s; if ( (b.unmount && b.unmount(e), (o = e.ref) && A(o, null, t), n || 'function' == typeof e.type || (n = null != (r = e.__e)), (e.__e = e.l = null), null != (o = e.__c)) ) { if (o.componentWillUnmount) try { o.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (e) { T(e, t); } o.base = o.__P = null; } if ((o = e.__k)) for (s = 0; s < o.length; s++) o[s] && F(o[s], t, n); null != r && _(r); } function O(e, t, n) { return this.constructor(e, n); } function T(t, e) { var n; for (b.__e && b.__e(t, e); e; e = e.__p) if ((n = e.__c) && !n.__p) try { if (n.constructor && null != n.constructor.getDerivedStateFromError) n.setState(n.constructor.getDerivedStateFromError(t)); else { if (null == n.componentDidCatch) continue; n.componentDidCatch(t); } return s((n.__E = n)); } catch (e) { t = e; } throw t; } function f(e, t, n) { var o, r; b.__p && b.__p(e, t), (o = t.__k), (e = D(k, null, [e])), (r = []), P( t, n ? e : (t.__k = e), o || w, w, void 0 !== t.ownerSVGElement, n ? [n] : o ? null : R.slice.call(t.childNodes), r, !1, n || w ), i(r, e); } function m() { if (!document.getElementById('s25-live')) { var e = document.createElement('div'); e.setAttribute('id', 's25-live'), e.setAttribute('class', 's25-offscreen s25-live'), document.body.appendChild(e); var t = document.createElement('div'); t.setAttribute('id', 's25-live-assertive'), t.setAttribute('role', 'log'), t.setAttribute('aria-live', 'assertive'), t.setAttribute('aria-relevant', 'additions'), e.appendChild(t); var n = document.createElement('div'); n.setAttribute('id', 's25-live-polite'), n.setAttribute('role', 'log'), n.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite'), n.setAttribute('aria-relevant', 'additions'), e.appendChild(n); } } function g(e) { !(function(e, t) { var n = document.createElement('div'); n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)), t.appendChild(n); var o = document.getElementById('s25-live-assertive'); for (; o.firstChild && o.firstChild !== n; ) o.removeChild(o.firstChild); o = document.getElementById('s25-live-polite'); for (; o.firstChild && o.firstChild !== n; ) o.removeChild(o.firstChild); })(e, document.getElementById('s25-live-polite')); } (b = {}), (x.prototype.setState = function(e, t) { var n = (this.__s !== this.state && this.__s) || (this.__s = S({}, this.state)); ('function' == typeof e && !(e = e(n, this.props))) || S(n, e), null != e && this.__v && (t && this.__h.push(t), s(this)); }), (x.prototype.forceUpdate = function(e) { var t, n, o, r = this.__v, s = this.__v.__e, a = this.__P; a && ((t = !1 !== e), (n = []), (o = P( a, r, S({}, r), this.__n, void 0 !== a.ownerSVGElement, null, n, t, null == s ? (function e(t, n) { if (null == n) return t.__p ? e(t.__p, t.__p.__k.indexOf(t) + 1) : null; for (var o; n < t.__k.length; n++) if (null != (o = t.__k[n])) return 'function' != typeof o.type ? o.__e : e(o, 0); return 'function' == typeof t.type ? e(t) : null; })(r) : s )), i(n, r), o != s && (function e(t) { var n, o; if (null != (t = t.__p) && null != t.__c) { for (t.__e = t.__c.base = null, n = 0; n < t.__k.length; n++) if (null != (o = t.__k[n]) && null != o.__e) { t.__e = t.__c.base = o.__e; break; } return e(t); } })(r)), e && e(); }), (x.prototype.render = k), (n = []), (r = 'function' == typeof Promise ? Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout), (u = /[A-Z]/g), (c = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'); var y = new Map(); function V(e) { var t = y.get('en_us'); if (!e) return t; if ('string' != typeof e) return e; var n = y.get(e); return n || t; } function N(e) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) for (var r in arguments[o]) arguments[o].hasOwnProperty(r) && ('object' == typeof e[r] && 'object' == typeof arguments[o][r] ? N(e[r], arguments[o][r]) : (e[r] = arguments[o][r])); return e; } y.set('en_us', { noSearchResults: function() { return 'No results available'; }, searchResultsLoading: function() { return 'Loading...'; }, removeButtonTitle: function() { return 'Remove selected values'; }, clearButtonTitle: function() { return 'Clear selection'; }, valueAdded: function(e) { return e + ' added'; }, minimumCharactersMessage: function(e, t) { var n = t - e; return 'Please enter ' + n + ' more character' + (1 < n ? 's' : ''); }, multiSelectInstructions: function() { return "Items can be removed from this list box by selecting them and activating 'Remove selected values' button. Items can be added by selecting them in the adjacent combobox."; } }); var U, B, H = function(t, e) { if (!e.length) return t; var n = e.shift(); return ( void 0 === n || (j(t) && j(n) && Object.keys(n).forEach(function(e) { j(n[e]) ? (t[e] || (t[e] = {}), H(t[e], [n[e]])) : (t[e] = n[e]); })), H(t, e) ); }, j = function(e) { return ( (function(e) { return null !== e && 'object' == typeof e; })(e) && !Array.isArray(e) ); }; function q() { for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t]; for (var n = [], o = {}.hasOwnProperty, r = 0, s = e; r < s.length; r++) { var a = s[r]; if ('string' == typeof a) n.push(a); else if ('object' == typeof a) for (var i in a) o.call(a, i) && a[i] && n.push(i); } return n.join(' '); } ((B = U || (U = {})).ArrowDown = 'ArrowDown'), (B.ArrowUp = 'ArrowUp'), (B.ArrowLeft = 'ArrowLeft'), (B.ArrowRight = 'ArrowRight'), (B.Space = ' '), (B.Enter = 'Enter'), (B.Tab = 'Tab'), (B.Home = 'Home'), (B.End = 'End'), (B.PageUp = 'PageUp'), (B.PageDown = 'PageDown'), (B.Backspace = 'Backspace'), (B.Delete = 'Delete'), (B.Clear = 'Clear'), (B.Escape = 'Escape'), (B.Down = 'Down'), (B.Up = 'Up'), (B.Spacebar = 'Spacebar'), (B.Left = 'Left'), (B.Right = 'Right'); var K, W = ((K = 0), function() { return 's25-' + K++; }); function z(e) { return e(); } function X(e) { return D('div', { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: e.markup } }, ' '); } var Y, G = { allowDuplicates: !1, itemId: 'id', itemLabel: 'text', minimumCharacters: 0, quiet: 50, tabIndex: 0 }, $ = (t(J, (Y = x)), Object.defineProperty(J.prototype, 'dictionary', { get: function() { var e = this.props.dictionary; return e ? ('string' == typeof e ? V(e) : e) : V(); }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), (J.prototype.updateState = function(e, t) { var n = H(this.state, Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]); this.setState(n, t); }), (J.prototype.loadMore = function() { var e = this, t = this.state, n = t.loading, o = t.search, r = t.results.page, s = this.dictionary, a = this.props.query, i = this; if (!n) { var l = W(), u = r + 1; this.updateState({ loading: !0, results: { token: l } }, function() { return h(e, void 0, void 0, function() { var t, n; return v(this, function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return e.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, a(o, u, l)]; case 1: return ( (t = e.sent()), (n = i.state.results), t.token !== n.token ? [2] : (t.values && 0 < t.values.length ? i.updateState({ loading: !1, results: { page: u, results: n.results.concat(t.values), showLoadMoreResults: t.more } }) : (g(s.noSearchResults()), i.updateState({ loading: !1, results: { showLoadMoreResults: !1 } })), [3, 3]) ); case 2: return e.sent(), i.updateState({ loading: !1 }), [3, 3]; case 3: return [2]; } }); }); }); } }), (J.prototype.handleResultNavigationKeyDown = function(e) { switch (e.key) { case U.ArrowUp: case U.Up: return this.selectPreviousSearchResult(), e.preventDefault(), !0; case U.ArrowDown: case U.Down: return this.selectNextSearchResult(), e.preventDefault(), !0; } return !1; }), (J.prototype.selectNextSearchResult = function() { var e = this.state.results, t = e.active, n = e.results; n && t < n.length - 1 && this.updateState({ results: { active: t + 1 } }); }), (J.prototype.selectPreviousSearchResult = function() { var e = this.state.results.active; 0 < e && this.updateState({ results: { active: e - 1 } }); }), (J.prototype.getSelectedSearchResult = function() { var e = this.state.results; return e.results[e.active]; }), (J.prototype.selectSearchResult = function(e) { this.state.results.active !== e && this.updateState({ results: { active: e } }); }), (J.prototype.hasSearchResults = function() { var e = this.state.results.results; return e && 0 < e.length; }), J); function J(e) { var f = Y.call(this, e) || this; return ( (f.getItemId = function(e) { var t = f.props.itemId; return 'function' == typeof t ? t(e) : '' + e[t]; }), (f.getItemLabel = function(e) { var t = f.props.itemLabel; return 'function' == typeof t ? t(e) : '' + e[t]; }), (f.renderValue = function(e) { return f.renderItem(e, 'valueContent'); }), (f.renderResult = function(e) { return f.renderItem(e, 'resultContent'); }), (f.renderItem = function(e, t) { var n = f.props[t]; if (n) { if ('function' != typeof n) return D(X, { markup: e[n] }); var o = n(e, D); return 'string' == typeof o ? D(X, { markup: o }) : o; } return D(X, { markup: f.getItemLabel(e) }); }), (f.search = function(r, s, e, t) { var a = f.dictionary, n = f.props, o = n.minimumCharacters, i = n.allowDuplicates, l = n.quiet, u = n.query, c = (f.state.results, r.length >= o), p = c ? W() : void 0, d = f; f.updateState( [ e, { loading: c, results: { active: -1, page: 0, results: void 0, showLoadMoreResults: !1, showMinimumCharactersError: !c, showNoSearchResultsFound: !1, token: p }, search: r } ], function() { if ((t && t(), c)) { var e = function() { return h(f, void 0, void 0, function() { var t, n, o; return v(this, function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return e.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, u(r, 0, p)]; case 1: return (t = e.sent()).token !== d.state.results.token ? [2] : ((n = t.values || []), !i && 0 < n.length && 0 < s.length && ((o = new Set()), s.forEach(function(e) { return o.add(d.getItemId(e)); }), (n = n.filter(function(e) { return !o.has(d.getItemId(e)); }))), n.length < 1 && g(a.noSearchResults()), d.updateState({ loading: !1, results: { active: 0 < n.length ? 0 : -1, page: 0, results: n, showLoadMoreResults: t.more, showNoSearchResultsFound: n.length < 1 } }), [3, 3]); case 2: return e.sent(), d.updateState({ loading: !1 }), [3, 3]; case 3: return [2]; } }); }); }; l && 0 < l ? (d.searchTimeout && window.clearTimeout(d.searchTimeout), (d.searchTimeout = window.setTimeout(e, l))) : e(); } else g(a.minimumCharactersMessage(r.length, o)); } ); }), (f.searchTimeout = void 0), (f.namespace = W()), (f.state = { focused: !1, loading: !1, open: !1, results: { active: -1, page: 0, results: void 0, token: null, showLoadMoreResults: !1, showMinimumCharactersError: !1, showNoSearchResultsFound: !1 }, search: '' }), f ); } var Z, Q = (t(ee, (Z = x)), (ee.prototype.getChildContext = function() { return this.props.context; }), (ee.prototype.render = function() { return this.props.children; }), ee); function ee() { return (null !== Z && Z.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } function te(e) { var t = e.vnode, n = e.container; return f(D(Q, { context: this.context }, t), n), null; } var ne, oe = (t(re, (ne = x)), (re.prototype.componentWillMount = function() { (this.container = document.createElement('div')), this.props.class && (this.container.className = this.props.class), (this.container.tabIndex = -1), this.props.onClick && this.container.addEventListener('click', this.props.onClick), this.props.onMouseDown && this.container.addEventListener('mousedown', this.props.onMouseDown), this.props.onFocusOut && this.container.addEventListener('focusout', this.props.onFocusOut), document.body.appendChild(this.container); }), (re.prototype.componentDidMount = function() { var n = this; (this.props.dropdownRef.current = this.container), (this.scrollParents = (function(e) { var t = window.getComputedStyle(e).position; if ('fixed' === t) return [e]; for (var n = [], o = e.parentElement; o && 1 === o.nodeType; ) { var r = window.getComputedStyle(o); /(overlay|scroll|auto)/.test(r.overflow + ' ' + r.overflowX + ' ' + r.overflowY) && ('absolute' !== t || 0 <= ['relative', 'fixed', 'absolute'].indexOf(r.position || '')) && n.push(o), (o = o.parentElement); } return ( e.ownerDocument && n.push(e.ownerDocument.body), e.ownerDocument !== document && e.ownerDocument && e.ownerDocument.defaultView && n.push(e.ownerDocument.defaultView), n.push(window), n ); })(this.props.controlRef.current)), this.scrollParents.forEach(function(t) { ['resize', 'scroll', 'touchmove'].forEach(function(e) { t.addEventListener(e, n.throttledPosition); }); }), this.position(); }), (re.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function() { var n = this; this.scrollParents && (this.scrollParents.forEach(function(t) { ['resize', 'scroll', 'touchmove'].forEach(function(e) { t.removeEventListener(e, n.throttledPosition); }); }), delete this.scrollParents, (this.scrollParents = void 0)), (this.props.dropdownRef.current = void 0), this.container.parentElement.removeChild(this.container); }), (re.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function() { this.position(); }), (re.prototype.render = function() { return (function(e, t) { return D(te, { vnode: e, container: t }); })(D(k, null, this.props.children), this.container); }), (re.prototype.position = function() { var e = this.props.controlRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(), t = 'top: ' + (e.top + e.height + window.pageYOffset) + 'px;\n left: ' + (e.left + window.pageXOffset) + 'px;\n width: ' + e.width + 'px;'; this.container.setAttribute('style', t); }), re); function re(e) { var t = ne.call(this, e) || this; return ( (t.throttledPosition = (function(e, t) { var n; return function() { n = void 0 !== n ? void window.clearTimeout(n) : window.setTimeout(function() { t(), (n = void 0); }, e); }; })(50, t.position.bind(t))), t ); } function se(e) { var t = e.height, n = e.width; return D( 'svg', { height: t, width: n, viewBox: '0 0 ' + n + ' ' + t, tabIndex: -1, focusable: 'false' }, D('path', { d: 'M4.516 7.548c0.436-0.446 1.043-0.481 1.576 0l3.908 3.747 3.908-3.747c0.533-0.481 1.141-0.446 1.574 0 0.436 0.445 0.408 1.197 0 1.615-0.406 0.418-4.695 4.502-4.695 4.502-0.217 0.223-0.502 0.335-0.787 0.335s-0.57-0.112-0.789-0.335c0 0-4.287-4.084-4.695-4.502s-0.436-1.17 0-1.615z' }) ); } se.displayName = 'Toggle'; function ae(e) { var t = e.width, n = e.height; return D( 'svg', { height: n, width: t, viewBox: '0 0 ' + t + ' ' + n, tabIndex: -1, focusable: 'false' }, D('path', { d: 'M14.348 14.849c-0.469 0.469-1.229 0.469-1.697 0l-2.651-3.030-2.651 3.029c-0.469 0.469-1.229 0.469-1.697 0-0.469-0.469-0.469-1.229 0-1.697l2.758-3.15-2.759-3.152c-0.469-0.469-0.469-1.228 0-1.697s1.228-0.469 1.697 0l2.652 3.031 2.651-3.031c0.469-0.469 1.228-0.469 1.697 0s0.469 1.229 0 1.697l-2.758 3.152 2.758 3.15c0.469 0.469 0.469 1.229 0 1.698z' }) ); } var ie, le; (ae.displayName = 'Remove'), ((le = ie || (ie = {})).control = 's25-control'), (le.content = 's25-content'), (le.single = 's25-single'), (le.multi = 's25-multi'), (le.body = 's25-body'), (le.focused = 's25-focused'), (le.active = 's25-active'), (le.live = 's25-live'), (le.multiValues = 's25-multi-values'), (le.value = 's25-value'), (le.item = 's25-item'), (le.selected = 's25-selected'), (le.toggle = 's25-toggle'), (le.remove = 's25-remove'), (le.open = 's25-open'), (le.label = 's25-label'), (le.search = 's25-search'), (le.offscreen = 's25-offscreen'), (le.searchContainer = 's25-search-container'), (le.dropdown = 's25-dropdown'), (le.searchResults = 's25-search-results'), (le.options = 's25-options'), (le.noSearchResults = 's25-no-search-results'), (le.searchResultsMessage = 's25-search-results-message'), (le.searchResultsLoading = 's25-search-results-loading'), (le.searchResultsMinimumError = 's25-search-results-minimum-error'), (le.hiddenAccessible = 's25-hidden-accessible'), (le.hidden = 's25-hidden'), (le.placeholder = 's25-placeholder'); var ue, ce = (t(pe, (ue = x)), (pe.prototype.getResultDomId = function(e) { return this.props.namespace + e; }), (pe.prototype.render = function(i) { var l = this, e = i.dictionary, t = i.minimumCharacters, u = i.showLoadMoreResults, c = i.results, n = this.props.search; return D( 'div', { class: ie.body }, D( 'div', { ref: this.container, onScroll: this.onScroll, class: ie.searchResults, 'aria-busy': i.loading, style: { maxHeight: '175px' } }, i.loading && D( 'div', { class: q(ie.searchResultsLoading, ie.searchResultsMessage) }, e.searchResultsLoading() ), i.showNoSearchResultsFound && D('div', { class: q(ie.noSearchResults, ie.searchResultsMessage) }, e.noSearchResults()), i.showMinimumCharactersError && D( 'div', { class: q(ie.searchResultsMinimumError, ie.searchResultsMessage) }, e.minimumCharactersMessage(n.length, t) ), c && 0 < c.length && D( 'div', { class: ie.options, role: 'listbox', id: i.listboxDomId, 'aria-activedescendant': 0 <= i.active ? this.getResultDomId(i.active) : void 0 }, c.map(function(e, t) { var n, o = i.itemLabel(e), r = i.renderItem(e), s = i.active === t, a = q(ie.item, (((n = {})[ie.active] = s), n)); return D( 'div', { id: l.getResultDomId(t), class: a, role: 'option', onClick: l.onResultClicked(e), onMouseMove: l.onMouseMove(t), 'aria-posinset': t + 1, 'aria-setsize': u ? c.length + 1 : c, 'aria-selected': s, 'aria-label': o }, D('div', { class: ie.content }, r) ); }) ), i.showLoadMoreResults && D( 'div', { ref: this.loadMore, class: q(ie.searchResultsMinimumError, ie.searchResultsMessage) }, e.searchResultsLoading() ) ) ); }), (pe.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function(e) { var t = this.props, n = t.active, o = t.results, r = t.showLoadMoreResults; if (n !== e.active) if (0 <= n && o && 0 < o.length && n === o.length - 1 && r) { var s = this.container.current, a = this.loadMore.current; s.scrollTop = a.offsetTop + a.offsetHeight - s.clientHeight; } else if (0 <= n) { var i = this.getResultDomId(n); if (null != (a = document.getElementById(i))) { var l = (s = this.container.current).getBoundingClientRect(), u = a.getBoundingClientRect(); if (u.top < l.top && u.bottom <= l.bottom) { var c = l.top - u.top; s.scrollTop = s.scrollTop - c; } u.top >= l.top && u.bottom > l.bottom && ((c = u.bottom - l.bottom), (s.scrollTop = s.scrollTop + c)); } } }), pe); function pe(e) { var n = ue.call(this, e) || this; return ( (n.onResultClicked = function(t) { return function(e) { n.props.onResultClicked(t, e); }; }), (n.onMouseMove = function(t) { return function(e) { (n.lastMouseClientX === e.clientX && n.lastMouseClientY === e.clientY) || ((n.lastMouseClientX = e.clientX), (n.lastMouseClientY = e.clientY), n.props.onMouseMove(t, e)); }; }), (n.onScroll = function() { if (n.props.showLoadMoreResults) { var e = n.loadMore.current; 'hidden' !== (function(e, t) { var n = e.getBoundingClientRect(), o = t.getBoundingClientRect(); return o.bottom < n.top ? 'hidden' : o.top > n.bottom ? 'hidden' : o.top < n.top && o.bottom <= n.bottom ? 'partial-top' : o.top >= n.top && o.bottom > n.bottom ? 'partial-bottom' : 'visible'; })(n.container.current, e) && n.props.onLoadMore(); } }), (n.container = {}), (n.loadMore = {}), n ); } var de, fe = N({}, G, { values: [] }), he = (t(ve, (de = $)), (ve.prototype.componentWillMount = function() { m(); }), (ve.prototype.render = function(e, t) { var n, o, u = this, r = e.values, s = e.tabIndex, a = e.minimumCharacters, i = e.valuesLabel, l = (e.comboboxLabel, t.open), c = t.loading, p = t.focused, d = t.search, f = t.values, h = f.active, v = f.selected, m = t.results, g = this.dictionary, y = q(ie.control, ie.multi, (((n = {})[ie.open] = l), n), (((o = {})[ie.focused] = p), o)); e.containerClass && 0 < e.containerClass.length && (y += ' ' + e.containerClass); var _ = this.namespace + '-instructions', b = this.namespace + '-results', w = this.namespace + '-res-'; return D( k, null, D( 'div', { class: y, ref: this.containerRef, onFocusCapture: this.onFocusIn, onBlurCapture: this.onFocusOut, tabIndex: -1, onMouseDown: this.focusSearchAndStopPropagation }, D( 'div', { class: q(ie.body), ref: this.bodyRef, onClick: this.onBodyClick }, D( 'div', { id: _, class: q(ie.offscreen), style: { display: 'none' } }, g.multiSelectInstructions() ), z(function() { var e = 0 <= h ? u.namespace + '-vl-' + h : void 0; return r && 0 < r.length ? D( 'div', { ref: u.valuesRef, class: q(ie.multiValues), tabIndex: s, role: 'listbox', 'aria-orientation': 'vertical', 'aria-multiselectable': 'true', 'aria-activedescendant': e, 'aria-label': i, 'aria-describedby': _, onFocus: u.onValuesFocus, onBlur: u.onValuesBlur, onKeyDown: u.onValuesKeyDown }, r.map(function(e, t) { var n, o = v[t], r = h === t, s = q(ie.item, (((n = {})[ie.selected] = o), (n[ie.active] = r), n)), a = u.namespace + '-vl-' + t, i = u.getItemLabel(e), l = u.renderValue(e); return D( 'div', { id: a, class: s, role: 'option', 'aria-selected': o, 'aria-label': i, onMouseDown: function(e) { return e.stopPropagation(); }, onClick: u.onValueClick(t) }, D('div', { class: ie.content }, l) ); }) ) : null; }), z(function() { var e, t = !v.find(function(e) { return !0 === e; }); return D( 'button', { className: q(ie.remove, (((e = {})[ie.offscreen] = r.length < 1), e)), onClick: u.onRemoveSelectedClick, onFocus: u.onRemoveSelectedFocus, disabled: t, 'aria-disabled': t, title: g.removeButtonTitle() }, D('span', null, D(ae, { width: 20, height: 20 })) ); }), D('label', { htmlFor: void 0, className: ie.offscreen }, e.comboboxLabel), D('input', { type: 'text', ref: this.searchRef, value: d, class: q(ie.search), role: 'combobox', 'aria-label': e.comboboxLabel, 'aria-autocomplete': 'list', 'aria-haspopup': 'true', 'aria-owns': b, 'aria-controls': b, 'aria-expanded': l ? 'true' : 'false', 'aria-activedescendant': 0 <= m.active ? w + m.active : void 0, 'aria-busy': c, onInput: this.onSearchInput, onKeyDown: this.onSearchKeyDown, onFocus: this.onSearchFocus }), D( 'div', { className: q(ie.toggle), 'aria-hidden': !0, tabIndex: -1, onClick: this.onToggleClick }, D(se, { height: 20, width: 20 }) ) ) ), l && D( oe, { class: q(ie.dropdown, ie.multi), onClick: this.onDropdownClick, controlRef: this.containerRef, dropdownRef: this.dropdownRef }, D( ce, C( { namespace: w, minimumCharacters: a, dictionary: this.dictionary, itemLabel: this.getItemLabel, renderItem: this.renderResult, listboxDomId: b, search: d }, this.state.results, { loading: c, onResultClicked: this.onResultClicked, onMouseMove: this.onResultMouseMove, onLoadMore: this.onLoadMoreResults } ) ) ) ); }), (ve.prototype.componentDidMount = function() { var e = this.props.containerStyle; e && 0 < e.length && this.containerRef.current.setAttribute('style', e); }), (ve.prototype.closeIfOpen = function() { this.state.open && this.close(); }), (ve.defaultProps = fe), ve); function ve(e) { var a = de.call(this, e) || this; (a.onLoadMoreResults = function() { a.loadMore(); }), (a.focusSearchAndStopPropagation = function(e) { a.searchRef.current.focus(), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); }), (a.onToggleClick = function(e) { a.state.open ? a.close() : a.search(a.state.search, a.props.values, { open: !0 }), a.searchRef.current.focus(), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); }), (a.onBodyClick = function(e) { e.target === a.bodyRef.current && a.searchRef.current.focus(); }), (a.onFocusIn = function() { a.updateState({ focused: !0 }); }), (a.onFocusOut = function(e) { var t = e.relatedTarget, n = a.containerRef.current, o = a.dropdownRef.current, r = n.contains(t) || (o && (o === t || o.contains(t))); a.updateState({ focused: r }), r || a.closeIfOpen(); }), (a.onSearchFocus = function() { var e = a.props.openOnFocus; !a.state.open && e && a.search(a.searchRef.current.value, a.props.values, { open: !0 }); }), (a.onResultMouseMove = function(e) { a.selectSearchResult(e); }), (a.selectActiveResult = function() { a.selectResult(a.getSelectedSearchResult()); }), (a.selectResult = function(e) { var t = a.props, n = t.values, o = t.onChange, r = n.slice(); r.push(e), a.close(); var s = a.getItemLabel(e); g(a.dictionary.valueAdded(s)), o(r); }), (a.toggleValue = function(e) { var t = a.state.values.selected.slice(); (t[e] = !t[e]), a.updateState({ values: { selected: t, active: e } }); }), (a.onRemoveSelectedFocus = function() { a.closeIfOpen(); }), (a.onRemoveSelectedClick = function() { var n = a.state.values.selected, e = a.props, t = e.values, o = e.onChange, r = t.slice().filter(function(e, t) { return !n[t]; }); a.updateState({ values: { selected: r.map(function() { return !1; }) } }), o(r), a.searchRef.current.focus(); }), (a.onSearchInput = function(e) { var t = e.target.value; a.search(t, a.props.values, { open: !0 }); }), (a.onSearchKeyDown = function(e) { if (!a.handleResultNavigationKeyDown(e)) { var t = a.state.open; if (t && a.hasSearchResults) switch (e.key) { case U.Enter: a.selectActiveResult(), e.preventDefault(); break; case U.Escape: t && a.close(), e.preventDefault(); } } }), (a.onValueClick = function(t) { return function(e) { a.toggleValue(t), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); }; }), (a.onValuesFocus = function() { var e = a.state.values, t = e.active, n = e.selected, o = a.props.values; if (t < 0 && 0 < o.length) { for (var r = 0, s = 0; s < n.length; s++) if (n[s]) { r = s; break; } a.updateState({ values: { active: r } }); } a.closeIfOpen(); }), (a.close = function() { a.updateState({ open: !1, results: { results: void 0 }, search: '' }); }), (a.onValuesBlur = function() { a.updateState({ values: { active: -1 } }); }), (a.onValuesKeyDown = function(e) { var t = a.state.values.active, n = a.props.values; switch (e.key) { case U.ArrowLeft: case U.ArrowUp: case U.Up: case U.Left: 0 < t && a.updateState({ values: { active: t - 1 } }), e.preventDefault(); break; case U.ArrowRight: case U.Right: case U.ArrowDown: case U.Down: t < n.length - 1 && a.updateState({ values: { active: t + 1 } }), e.preventDefault(); break; case U.PageDown: case U.PageUp: e.preventDefault(); break; case U.Home: a.updateState({ values: { active: 0 } }), e.preventDefault(); break; case U.End: a.updateState({ values: { active: n.length - 1 } }), e.preventDefault(); break; case U.Space: case U.Spacebar: a.toggleValue(t), e.preventDefault(); } }), (a.onDropdownClick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), a.searchRef.current.focus(); }), (a.onResultClicked = function(e, t) { a.selectResult(e), a.searchRef.current.focus(), t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); }); var t = e.values; return ( (a.valuesRef = {}), (a.searchRef = {}), (a.bodyRef = {}), (a.containerRef = {}), (a.dropdownRef = {}), (a.state = N(a.state, { values: { active: -1, selected: t.map(function() { return !1; }) } })), a ); } var me, ge = N({}, G, { allowClear: !1 }), ye = (t(_e, (me = $)), (_e.prototype.componentWillMount = function() { m(); }), (_e.prototype.render = function(e, t) { var n, o, r = this, s = e.minimumCharacters, a = e.tabIndex, i = e.label, l = e.allowClear, u = e.placeholder, c = t.value, p = t.open, d = t.loading, f = t.focused, h = t.search, v = t.results, m = q(ie.control, ie.single, (((n = {})[ie.open] = p), n), (((o = {})[ie.focused] = f), o)); e.containerClass && 0 < e.containerClass.length && (m += ' ' + e.containerClass); var g = this.namespace + '-results', y = this.namespace + '-val', _ = this.namespace + '-res-', b = this.dictionary, w = !c && u && 0 < u.length, R = this.namespace + '-placeholder'; return D( k, null, D( 'div', { class: m, ref: this.containerRef, onFocusCapture: this.onFocusIn, onBlurCapture: this.onFocusOut, tabIndex: -1, onMouseDown: this.onContainerMouseDown }, D( 'div', { class: q(ie.body), ref: this.bodyRef }, D( 'div', { 'aria-label': i, role: 'listbox', 'aria-activedescendant': y, 'aria-expanded': 'false', class: q(ie.value), tabIndex: a, ref: this.valueRef, onKeyDown: this.onValueKeyDown, 'aria-describedby': w ? R : void 0 }, c && D( 'div', { class: ie.item, role: 'option', 'aria-selected': 'true', 'aria-label': this.getItemLabel(c), 'aria-setsize': -1, 'aria-posinset': -1, id: y }, D('div', { class: ie.content }, this.renderValue(c)) ), w && D('div', { class: q(ie.placeholder), id: R }, u) ), z(function() { var e, t = !c; return D( 'button', { class: q(ie.remove, (((e = {})[ie.offscreen] = !l), e)), onClick: r.onClearClick, onFocus: r.onClearFocus, onMouseDown: r.onClearMouseDown, disabled: t, 'aria-disabled': t, title: b.clearButtonTitle() }, D('span', null, D(ae, { width: 20, height: 20 })) ); }), D('div', { className: ie.toggle, 'aria-hidden': !0 }, D(se, { height: 20, width: 20 })) ) ), p && D( oe, { class: q(ie.dropdown, ie.single), onMouseDown: this.onDropdownMouseDown, controlRef: this.containerRef, dropdownRef: this.dropdownRef, onFocusOut: this.onFocusOut }, D( 'div', null, D('input', { type: 'text', ref: this.searchRef, value: h, class: q(ie.search), role: 'combobox', 'aria-autocomplete': 'list', 'aria-haspopup': 'true', 'aria-owns': g, 'aria-controls': g, 'aria-expanded': p ? 'true' : 'false', 'aria-activedescendant': 0 <= v.active ? _ + v.active : void 0, 'aria-busy': d, onInput: this.onSearchInput, onKeyDown: this.onSearchKeyDown, onFocus: this.onSearchFocus }), D( ce, C( { namespace: _, minimumCharacters: s, dictionary: this.dictionary, itemLabel: this.getItemLabel, renderItem: this.renderResult, listboxDomId: g, search: h }, this.state.results, { loading: d, onResultClicked: this.onResultClicked, onMouseMove: this.onResultMouseMove, onLoadMore: this.onLoadMoreResults } ) ) ) ) ); }), (_e.prototype.componentDidMount = function() { var e = this.props.containerStyle; e && 0 < e.length && this.containerRef.current.setAttribute('style', e); }), (_e.prototype.closeIfOpen = function() { this.state.open && this.close(); }), (_e.prototype.getValueAsArray = function() { return this.state.value ? [this.state.value] : []; }), (_e.prototype.open = function(e) { var t = this; void 0 === e && (e = ''), this.search(e, this.getValueAsArray(), { open: !0 }, function() { t.searchRef.current.focus(); }); }), (_e.defaultProps = ge), _e); function _e(e) { var a = me.call(this, e) || this; return ( (a.onLoadMoreResults = function() { a.loadMore(); }), (a.onFocusIn = function() { a.updateState({ focused: !0 }); var e = a.props.openOnFocus; !a.state.open && e && a.searchRef.current !== document.activeElement && a.open(); }), (a.onFocusOut = function(e) { var t = e.relatedTarget, n = a.containerRef.current, o = a.dropdownRef.current, r = a.searchRef.current, s = n.contains(t) || (o && (o === t || o.contains(t))) || t === r; a.state.focused !== s && a.updateState({ focused: s }), s || a.closeIfOpen(); }), (a.close = function(e) { a.valueRef.current.focus(), a.updateState([e, { open: !1, results: { results: null }, search: '' }]); }), (a.onContainerMouseDown = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), a.state.open ? a.close() : a.open(); }), (a.onSearchFocus = function() { a.updateState({ focused: !0 }); }), (a.onSearchInput = function(e) { var t = e.target.value; a.search(t, a.getValueAsArray()); }), (a.onClearFocus = function() { a.closeIfOpen(); }), (a.onClearClick = function(e) { a.selectResult(void 0), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); }), (a.onClearMouseDown = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(); }), (a.onSearchKeyDown = function(e) { if (!a.handleResultNavigationKeyDown(e) && (a.state.open && a.hasSearchResults)) switch (e.key) { case U.Enter: a.selectActiveResult(), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); break; case U.Escape: a.close(), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); break; case U.Tab: a.close(), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); } }), (a.selectActiveResult = function() { 0 <= a.state.results.active && a.selectResult(a.getSelectedSearchResult()); }), (a.selectResult = function(e) { var t = a.props.onChange; a.close({ value: e }), t(e); }), (a.onValueKeyDown = function(e) { switch (e.key) { case U.Space: case U.ArrowDown: case U.Down: return a.open(), e.preventDefault(), void e.stopPropagation(); } 1 === e.key.length && a.open(); }), (a.onDropdownMouseDown = function(e) { a.searchRef.current.focus(), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); }), (a.onResultMouseMove = function(e) { a.selectSearchResult(e); }), (a.onResultClicked = function(e, t) { a.selectResult(e), t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); }), (a.searchRef = {}), (a.bodyRef = {}), (a.containerRef = {}), (a.dropdownRef = {}), (a.valueRef = {}), (a.state = N(a.state, { value: a.props.value })), a ); } var be, we = ((Re.prototype.get = function(e) { return this.store.get(e); }), (Re.prototype.set = function(e, t) { this.store.set(e, t); }), (Re.getStore = function(e) { var t = Re.stores.get(e); return t || ((t = new Re()), Re.stores.set(e, t)), t; }), (Re.hasStore = function(e) { return Re.stores.has(e); }), (Re.removeStore = function(e) { Re.stores.delete(e); }), (Re.stores = new WeakMap()), Re); function Re() { this.store = new Map(); } var Ce = { allowClear: !((be || (be = {})).targetElement = 'te'), dictionary: 'en_us', hiddenValue: function(e, t) { function n(e) { return 'function' == typeof t.itemId ? t.itemId(e) : '' + e[t.itemId]; } return e ? (Array.isArray(e) ? (0 < e.length ? e.map(n).join(',') : '') : n(e)) : ''; }, itemId: 'id', itemLabel: 'text', minimumCharacters: 0, multiple: !1, openOnFocus: !1 }; function Se(e, t) { var n = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); n.initEvent('change', !1, !0), (n[t] = t), e.dispatchEvent(n); } var De, ke = (t(Me, (De = x)), (Me.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function() { this.setHiddenValue(this.state.values); }), (Me.prototype.componentDidMount = function() { this.setHiddenValue(this.state.values); }), (Me.prototype.render = function() { var e = this.props.options; return D(he, { containerClass: e.containerClass, containerStyle: e.containerStyle, valuesLabel: e.valuesLabel, comboboxLabel: e.comboboxLabel, itemId: e.itemId, itemLabel: e.itemLabel, valueContent: e.valueContent, resultContent: e.resultContent, query: e.query, quiet: e.quiet, minimumCharacters: e.minimumCharacters, openOnFocus: e.openOnFocus, dictionary: e.dictionary, tabIndex: e.tabIndex, allowDuplicates: e.allowDuplicates, values: this.state.values, onChange: this.onChange }); }), (Me.prototype.setHiddenValue = function(e) { var t = this.props, n = t.element, o = t.options; n.value = o.hiddenValue(e, o); }), Me); function Me(e) { var t = De.call(this, e) || this; return ( (t.onChange = function(e) { t.setState({ values: e }), t.setHiddenValue(e), Se(t.props.element, e); }), (t.state = { values: e.options.values }), t ); } var xe, Ie = (t(Le, (xe = x)), (Le.prototype.componentDidMount = function() { this.setHiddenValue(this.state.value); }), (Le.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function() { this.setHiddenValue(this.state.value); }), (Le.prototype.render = function() { var e = this.props.options; return D(ye, { label: e.label, comboboxLabel: e.comboboxLabel, containerClass: e.containerClass, containerStyle: e.containerStyle, allowClear: e.allowClear, placeholder: e.placeholder, itemId: e.itemId, itemLabel: e.itemLabel, valueContent: e.valueContent, resultContent: e.resultContent, query: e.query, quiet: e.quiet, minimumCharacters: e.minimumCharacters, openOnFocus: e.openOnFocus, dictionary: e.dictionary, tabIndex: e.tabIndex, allowDuplicates: e.allowDuplicates, value: this.state.value, onChange: this.onChange }); }), (Le.prototype.setHiddenValue = function(e) { var t = this.props, n = t.element, o = t.options; n.value = o.hiddenValue(e, o); }), Le); function Le(e) { var t = xe.call(this, e) || this; return ( (t.onChange = function(e) { t.setState({ value: e }), t.setHiddenValue(e), Se(t.props.element, e); }), (t.state = { value: e.options.value }), t ); } var Ee = { create: function(e, t) { var n = we.getStore(e); if ( ((t = N({}, Ce, t)).query || (t.ajax ? (t.query = (function(u) { return ( (u = N({}, u, { params: function(e, t) { return { term: e, page: t }; }, process: function(e) { var t = JSON.parse(e); return { more: t.more, values: t.values }; } })), function(a, i, l) { return new Promise(function(t, n) { var o = u.url, e = u.params(a, i); if (e) { var r = 0 <= o.indexOf('?') ? '&' : '?'; Object.entries(e).forEach(function(e) { var t = e[0], n = e[1]; (o += r), (r = '&'), (o += encodeURIComponent(t) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(n)); }); } var s = new XMLHttpRequest(); s.open('GET', o, !0), (s.onload = function() { if (200 <= s.status && s.status < 400) { var e = u.process(s.responseText); t({ values: e.values, more: e.more, token: l }); } else n(); }), (s.onerror = n), s.send(); }); } ); })(t.ajax)) : t.data && (t.query = (function(s) { return function(n, o, r) { return new Promise(function(e) { var t = s({ term: n, page: o, selected: [] }); e({ values: t.values, more: t.more, token: r }); }); }; })(t.data))), !t.tabIndex && e.tabIndex && (t.tabIndex = e.tabIndex), e.getAttribute('s25-style')) ) { var o = t.containerStyle || ''; 0 < o.length && (o += ';'), (o += e.getAttribute('s25-style')), (t.containerStyle = o); } if (e.getAttribute('s25-class')) { var r = t.containerClass || ''; 0 < r.length && (r += ' '), (r += e.getAttribute('s25-class')), (t.containerClass = r); } var s = e.parentElement, a = document.createElement('div'); s.insertBefore(a, e), n.set(be.targetElement, a), t.multiple ? f(D(ke, { element: e, options: t }), s, a) : f(D(Ie, { element: e, options: t }), s, a); }, destroy: function(e) { if (we.hasStore(e)) { var t = we.getStore(e).get(be.targetElement), n = e.parentElement; f(null, n, t), n.removeChild(t), we.removeStore(e); } } }; (window.select25 = Ee), (e.select25 = Ee), Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); }); //# sourceMappingURL=select25.js.map