date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 days', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))))) : array('sinceId' => $lastSync); $history = self::$api->customersHistory($filter); if ($history->isSuccessful() && count($history->history)) { $historyChanges = $history->history; $end = end($historyChanges); $sinceid = $end['id']; $customersHistory = RetailcrmHistoryHelper::assemblyCustomer($historyChanges); foreach ($customersHistory as $customerHistory) { if (isset($customerHistory['externalId'])) { $customer = new Customer($customerHistory['externalId']); if (isset($customerHistory['firstName'])) { $customer->firstname = $customerHistory['firstName']; } if (isset($customerHistory['lastName'])) { $customer->lastname = $customerHistory['lastName']; } if (isset($customerHistory['birthday'])) { $customer->birthday = $customerHistory['birthday']; } if (isset($customerHistory['email']) && Validate::isEmail($customerHistory['email'])) { $customer->email = $customerHistory['email']; } $customer->update(); } else { $customer = new Customer(); $customer->firstname = $customerHistory['firstName']; $customer->lastname = isset($customerHistory['lastName']) ? $customerHistory['lastName'] : '--'; $customer->id_lang = self::$default_lang; if (isset($customerHistory['birthday'])) { $customer->birthday = $customerHistory['birthday']; } if (isset($customerHistory['sex'])) { $customer->id_gender = $customerHistory['sex'] == 'male' ? 1 : 2; } if (isset($customerHistory['email']) && Validate::isEmail($customerHistory['email'])) { $customer->email = $customerHistory['email']; } else { $customer->email = md5($customerHistory['firstName']) . ''; } $customer->passwd = Tools::substr(str_shuffle(Tools::strtolower(sha1(rand() . time()))), 0, 5); $customer->add(); if (isset($customerHistory['address'])) { $customerAddress = new Address(); $customerAddress->id_customer = $customer->id; $customerAddress->alias = 'default'; $customerAddress->lastname = $customer->lastname; $customerAddress->firstname = $customer->firstname; if (isset($customerHistory['address']['countryIso'])) { $customerAddress->id_country = Country::getByIso($customerHistory['address']['countryIso']); } if (isset($customerHistory['address']['region'])) { $customerAddress->id_state = State::getIdByName($customerHistory['address']['region']); } $customerAddress->city = isset($customerHistory['address']['city']) ? $customerHistory['address']['city'] : '--'; $customerAddress->address1 = isset($customerHistory['address']['text']) ? $customerHistory['address']['text'] : '--'; if (isset($customerHistory['phones'])) { $phone = reset($customerHistory['phones']); $customerAddress->phone = $phone['number']; } if (isset($customerHistory['address']['index'])) { $customerAddress->postcode = $customerHistory['address']['index']; } $customerAddress->add(); } $customerFix[] = array( 'id' => $customerHistory['id'], 'externalId' => $customer->id ); } } if (!empty($customerFix)) { self::$api->customersFixExternalIds($customerFix); } /* * Update last sync id */ Configuration::updateValue('RETAILCRM_LAST_CUSTOMERS_SYNC', $sinceid); } else { return 'Nothing to sync'; } } /** * Get orders history * * @return string */ public static function ordersHistory() { $default_currency = (int) Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'); $default_country = (int) Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'); $lastSync = Configuration::get('RETAILCRM_LAST_ORDERS_SYNC'); $lastDate = Configuration::get('RETAILCRM_LAST_SYNC'); $references = new RetailcrmReferences(self::$api); if ($lastSync === false && $lastDate === false) { $filter = array('startDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 days', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))))); } elseif ($lastSync === false && $lastDate !== false) { $filter = array('startDate' => $lastDate); } elseif ($lastSync !== false) { $filter = array('sinceId' => $lastSync); } $customerFix = array(); $orderFix = array(); $history = self::$api->ordersHistory($filter); if ($history->isSuccessful() && count($history->history) > 0) { $historyChanges = $history->history; $end = end($historyChanges); $sinceId = $end['id']; $statuses = array_flip(array_filter(json_decode(Configuration::get('RETAILCRM_API_STATUS'), true))); $deliveries = array_flip(array_filter(json_decode(Configuration::get('RETAILCRM_API_DELIVERY'), true))); $payments = array_flip(array_filter(json_decode(Configuration::get('RETAILCRM_API_PAYMENT'), true))); $deliveryDefault = json_decode(Configuration::get('RETAILCRM_API_DELIVERY_DEFAULT'), true); $paymentDefault = json_decode(Configuration::get('RETAILCRM_API_PAYMENT_DEFAULT'), true); $orders = RetailcrmHistoryHelper::assemblyOrder($historyChanges); foreach ($orders as $order_history) { if (isset($order_history['deleted']) && $order_history['deleted'] == true) { continue; } if (!array_key_exists('externalId', $order_history)) { $responce = self::$api->ordersGet($order_history['id'], 'id'); if ($responce->isSuccessful()) { $order = $responce['order']; } else { continue; } $delivery = $order['delivery']['code']; if (array_key_exists($delivery, $deliveries) && $deliveries[$delivery] != '') { $deliveryType = $deliveries[$delivery]; } if (self::$apiVersion != 5) { $payment = $order['paymentType']; } else { if (isset($order['payments']) && count($order['payments']) == 1) { $paymentCRM = end($order['payments']); $payment = $paymentCRM['type']; } elseif (isset($order['payments']) && count($order['payments']) > 1) { foreach ($order['payments'] as $paymentCRM) { if ($payment['status'] != 'paid') { $payment = $paymentCRM['type']; } } } } if (array_key_exists($payment, $payments) && $payments[$payment] != '') { if (Module::getInstanceByName($payments[$payment])) { $paymentType = Module::getModuleName($payments[$payment]); } else { $paymentType = $payments[$payment]; } $paymentId = $payments[$payment]; } $state = $order['status']; if (array_key_exists($state, $statuses) && $statuses[$state] != '') { $orderStatus = $statuses[$state]; } if (!isset($paymentId) || !$paymentId) { $paymentId = $paymentDefault; } if (!$paymentType) { if ($paymentDefault) { if (Module::getInstanceByName($paymentDefault)) { $paymentType = Module::getModuleName($paymentDefault); } else { $paymentType = $paymentDefault; } } else { error_log( 'orderHistory: set default payment(error in order where id = '.$order['id'].')', 3, _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/retailcrm.log' ); continue; } } if (!$deliveryType) { if ($deliveryDefault) { $deliveryType = $deliveryDefault; } else { error_log( 'orderHistory: set default delivery(error in order where id = '.$order['id'].')', 3, _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/retailcrm.log' ); continue; } } if (array_key_exists('externalId', $order['customer'])) { $customerId = Customer::customerIdExistsStatic($order['customer']['externalId']); } if (!array_key_exists('externalId', $order['customer']) || (isset($customerId) && $customerId == 0) ) { $customer = new Customer(); $customer->firstname = $order['customer']['firstName']; $customer->lastname = !empty($order['customer']['lastName']) ? $order['customer']['lastName'] : '--'; $customer->email = Validate::isEmail($order['customer']['email']) ? $order['customer']['email'] : md5($order['customer']['firstName']) . ''; $customer->passwd = Tools::substr(str_shuffle(Tools::strtolower(sha1(rand() . time()))), 0, 5); $customer->add(); array_push( $customerFix, array( 'id' => $order['customer']['id'], 'externalId' => $customer->id ) ); } else { $customer = new Customer($customerId); } $address = new Address(); $address->id_customer = $customer->id; $address->id_country = $default_country; $address->lastname = $customer->lastname; $address->firstname = $customer->firstname; $address->alias = 'default'; $address->postcode = isset($order['delivery']['address']['index']) ? $order['delivery']['address']['index'] : '--'; $address->city = !empty($order['delivery']['address']['city']) ? $order['delivery']['address']['city'] : '--'; $address->address1 = !empty($order['delivery']['address']['text']) ? $order['delivery']['address']['text'] : '--'; $address->phone = isset($order['phone']) ? $order['phone'] : ''; $address->add(); $cart = new Cart(); $cart->id_currency = $default_currency; $cart->id_lang = self::$default_lang; $cart->id_customer = $customer->id; $cart->id_address_delivery = (int) $address->id; $cart->id_address_invoice = (int) $address->id; $cart->id_carrier = (int) $deliveryType; $cart->add(); $products = array(); if (!empty($order['items'])) { foreach ($order['items'] as $item) { $productId = explode('#', $item['offer']['externalId']); $product = array(); $product['id_product'] = (int) $productId[0]; $product['id_product_attribute'] = !empty($productId[1]) ? $productId[1] : 0; $product['quantity'] = $item['quantity']; $product['id_address_delivery'] = (int) $address->id; $products[] = $product; } } $cart->setWsCartRows($products); $cart->update(); /* * Create order */ $newOrder = new Order(); $shops = Shop::getShops(); $newOrder->id_shop = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $newOrder->id_shop_group = (int)$shops[Context::getContext()->shop->id]['id_shop_group']; $newOrder->reference = $newOrder->generateReference(); $newOrder->id_address_delivery = (int) $address->id; $newOrder->id_address_invoice = (int) $address->id; $newOrder->id_cart = (int) $cart->id; $newOrder->id_currency = $default_currency; $newOrder->id_lang = self::$default_lang; $newOrder->id_customer = (int) $customer->id; if (isset($deliveryType)) { $newOrder->id_carrier = (int) $deliveryType; } if (isset($paymentType)) { $newOrder->payment = $paymentType; $newOrder->module = $paymentId; } $newOrder->total_paid = $order['summ'] + $order['delivery']['cost']; $newOrder->total_paid_tax_incl = $order['summ'] + $order['delivery']['cost']; $newOrder->total_paid_tax_excl = $order['summ'] + $order['delivery']['cost']; $newOrder->total_paid_real = $order['summ'] + $order['delivery']['cost']; $newOrder->total_products = $order['summ']; $newOrder->total_products_wt = $order['summ']; $newOrder->total_shipping = $order['delivery']['cost']; $newOrder->total_shipping_tax_incl = $order['delivery']['cost']; $newOrder->total_shipping_tax_excl = $order['delivery']['cost']; $newOrder->conversion_rate = 1.000000; if (isset($orderStatus)) { $newOrder->current_state = (int) $orderStatus; } if (!empty($order['delivery']['date'])) { $newOrder->delivery_date = $order['delivery']['date']; } $newOrder->date_add = $order['createdAt']; $newOrder->date_upd = $order['createdAt']; $newOrder->invoice_date = $order['createdAt']; $newOrder->valid = 1; $newOrder->secure_key = md5(time()); if (isset($order['discount'])) { $newOrder->total_discounts = $order['discount']; } $product_list = array(); foreach ($order['items'] as $item) { $product = new Product((int) $item['offer']['externalId'], false, self::$default_lang); $product_id = $item['offer']['externalId']; $product_attribute_id = 0; if (strpos($item['offer']['externalId'], '#') !== false) { $product_id = explode('#', $item['offer']['externalId']); $product_attribute_id = $product_id[1]; $product_id = $product_id[0]; } if ($product_attribute_id != 0) { $productName = htmlspecialchars( strip_tags(Product::getProductName($product_id, $product_attribute_id)) ); $combinationPrice = Combination::getPrice($product_attribute_id); $productPrice = $combinationPrice > 0 ? $product->getPrice()+ $combinationPrice : $product->getPrice(); } else { $productName = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($product->name)); $productPrice = $product->getPrice(); } $product_list[] = array( 'product' => $product, 'product_attribute_id' => $product_attribute_id, 'product_price' => $product->price, 'product_price_inc_tax' => $productPrice, 'product_name' => $productName, 'quantity' => $item['quantity'] ); if (isset($item['discountTotal']) && self::$apiVersion == 5) { $newOrder->total_discounts += $item['discountTotal'] * $item['quantity']; } } $newOrder->add(false, false); if (isset($order['payments']) && !empty($order['payments'])) { foreach ($order['payments'] as $pay) { if (!isset($pay['externalId']) && $pay['status'] == 'paid') { $ptype = $payment['type']; $ptypes = $references->getSystemPaymentModules(); if ($payments[$ptype] != null) { foreach ($ptypes as $pay) { if ($pay['code'] == $payments[$ptype]) { $payType = $pay['name']; } } $paymentType = Module::getModuleName($payments[$ptype]); Db::getInstance()->execute('INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_payment` (`payment_method`, `order_reference` , `amount`, `date_add`) VALUES (\'' . $payType . '\', \'' . $newOrder->reference . '\', \'' . $payment['amount'] . '\', \'' . $payment['paidAt'] . '\')'); } } } } $carrier = new OrderCarrierCore(); $carrier->id_order = $newOrder->id; $carrier->id_carrier = $deliveryType; $carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = $order['delivery']['cost']; $carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = $order['delivery']['cost']; $carrier->date_add = isset($order['delivery']['date']) ? $order['delivery']['date'] : ''; $carrier->add(false, false); /* * collect order ids for single fix request */ array_push($orderFix, array('id' => $order['id'], 'externalId' => $newOrder->id)); /* * Create order details */ $query = 'INSERT `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` ( `id_order`, `id_order_invoice`, `id_shop`, `product_id`, `product_attribute_id`, `product_name`, `product_quantity`, `product_quantity_in_stock`, `product_price`, `product_reference`, `total_price_tax_excl`, `total_price_tax_incl`, `unit_price_tax_excl`, `unit_price_tax_incl`, `original_product_price` ) VALUES'; $context = new Context(); foreach ($product_list as $product) { $query .= '(' .(int) $newOrder->id.', 0, '. Context::getContext()->shop->id.', '.(int) $product['product']->id.', '.$product['product_attribute_id'].', '.implode('', array('\'', $product['product_name'], '\'')).', '.(int) $product['quantity'].', '.(int) $product['quantity'].', '.$product['product_price'].', '.implode('', array('\'', $product['product']->reference, '\'')).', '.$product['product_price'].', '.$product['product_price_inc_tax'].', '.$product['product_price'].', '.$product['product_price_inc_tax'].', '.$product['product_price'].' ),'; } Db::getInstance()->execute(rtrim($query, ',')); if (!empty($customerFix)) { self::$api->customersFixExternalIds($customerFix); } if (!empty($orderFix)) { self::$api->ordersFixExternalIds($orderFix); } } else { $order = $order_history; $orderToUpdate = new Order((int) $order['externalId']); /* * check delivery type */ if (!empty($order['delivery']['code'])) { $dtype = $order['delivery']['code']; $dcost = !empty($order['delivery']['cost']) ? $order['delivery']['cost'] : null; if ($deliveries[$dtype] != null) { if ($deliveries[$dtype] != $orderToUpdate->id_carrier or $dcost != null) { if ($dtype != null) { Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` SET `id_carrier` = \'' . $deliveries[$dtype] . '\' WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int)$order['externalId']); } $updateCarrierFields = array(); if ($dtype != null) { $updateCarrierFields[] = '`id_carrier` = \'' . $deliveries[$dtype] . '\' '; } if ($dcost != null) { $updateCarrierFields[] = '`shipping_cost_tax_incl` = \'' . $dcost . '\' '; $updateCarrierFields[] = '`shipping_cost_tax_excl` = \'' . $dcost . '\' '; } $updateCarrierFields = implode(', ', $updateCarrierFields); Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier` SET '.$updateCarrierFields.' WHERE `id_order` = \'' . $orderToUpdate->id . '\''); } } } /* * check payment type */ if (!empty($order['paymentType']) && self::$apiVersion != 5) { $ptype = $order['paymentType']; if ($payments[$ptype] != null) { $paymentType = Module::getModuleName($payments[$ptype]); if ($payments[$ptype] != $orderToUpdate->payment) { Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` SET `payment` = \'' . ($paymentType != null ? $paymentType : $payments[$ptype]). '\' WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int)$order['externalId']); Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_payment` SET `payment_method` = \'' . $payments[$ptype] . '\' WHERE `order_reference` = \'' . $orderToUpdate->reference . '\''); } } } elseif (!empty($order['payments']) && self::$apiVersion == 5) { foreach ($order['payments'] as $payment) { if (!isset($payment['externalId']) && isset($payment['status']) && $payment['status'] == 'paid' ) { $ptype = $payment['type']; $ptypes = $references->getSystemPaymentModules(); if ($payments[$ptype] != null) { foreach ($ptypes as $pay) { if ($pay['code'] == $payments[$ptype]) { $payType = $pay['name']; } } $paymentType = Module::getModuleName($payments[$ptype]); Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` SET `payment` = \'' . ($paymentType != null ? $paymentType : $payments[$ptype]). '\' WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int)$order['externalId']); Db::getInstance()->execute('INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_payment` (`payment_method`, `order_reference` , `amount`, `date_add`) VALUES (\'' . $payType . '\', \'' . $orderToUpdate->reference . '\', \'' . $payment['amount'] . '\', \'' . $payment['paidAt'] . '\')'); } } } } /* * Clean deleted items */ foreach ($order['items'] as $key => $item) { if (isset($item['delete']) && $item['delete'] == true) { if (strpos($item['offer']['externalId'], '#') !== false) { $itemId = explode('#', $item['offer']['externalId']); $product_id = $itemId[0]; $product_attribute_id = $itemId[1]; } else { $product_id = $item['offer']['externalId']; $product_attribute_id = 0; } Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` WHERE `id_order` = '. $orderToUpdate->id .' AND `product_id` = '.$product_id. ' AND `product_attribute_id` = '.$product_attribute_id); unset($order['items'][$key]); $ItemDiscount = true; } } /* * Check items quantity and discount */ foreach ($orderToUpdate->getProductsDetail() as $orderItem) { foreach ($order['items'] as $key => $item) { if (strpos($item['offer']['externalId'], '#') !== false) { $itemId = explode('#', $item['offer']['externalId']); $product_id = $itemId[0]; $product_attribute_id = $itemId[1]; } else { $product_id = $item['offer']['externalId']; $product_attribute_id = 0; } if ($product_id == $orderItem['product_id'] && $product_attribute_id == $orderItem['product_attribute_id']) { $product = new Product((int) $product_id, false, self::$default_lang); $tax = new TaxCore($product->id_tax_rules_group); if ($product_attribute_id != 0) { $prodPrice = Combination::getPrice($product_attribute_id); $prodPrice = $prodPrice > 0 ? $prodPrice : $product->price; } else { $prodPrice = $product->price; } $prodPrice = $prodPrice + $prodPrice / 100 * $tax->rate; // discount if (self::$apiVersion == 5) { $productPrice = $prodPrice - $item['discountTotal']; } else { $productPrice = $prodPrice - $item['discount']; if ($item['discountPercent'] > 0) { $productPrice = $productPrice - ($prodPrice / 100 * $item['discountPercent']); } } $productPrice = round($productPrice, 2); Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` SET `unit_price_tax_incl` = '.$productPrice.' WHERE `id_order_detail` = '.$orderItem['id_order_detail']); // quantity if (isset($item['quantity']) && $item['quantity'] != $orderItem['product_quantity']) { Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` SET `product_quantity` = '.$item['quantity'].', `product_quantity_in_stock` = '.$item['quantity'].' WHERE `id_order_detail` = '.$orderItem['id_order_detail']); } $ItemDiscount = true; unset($order['items'][$key]); } } } /* * Check new items */ if (!empty($order['items'])) { $query = 'INSERT `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` ( `id_order`, `id_order_invoice`, `id_shop`, `product_id`, `product_attribute_id`, `product_name`, `product_quantity`, `product_quantity_in_stock`, `product_price`, `product_reference`, `total_price_tax_excl`, `total_price_tax_incl`, `unit_price_tax_excl`, `unit_price_tax_incl`, `original_product_price` ) VALUES'; foreach ($order['items'] as $key => $newItem) { $product_id = $newItem['offer']['externalId']; $product_attribute_id = 0; if (strpos($product_id, '#') !== false) { $product_id = explode('#', $product_id); $product_attribute_id = $product_id[1]; $product_id = $product_id[0]; } $product = new Product((int) $product_id, false, self::$default_lang); $tax = new TaxCore($product->id_tax_rules_group); if ($product_attribute_id != 0) { $productName = htmlspecialchars( strip_tags(Product::getProductName($product_id, $product_attribute_id)) ); $productPrice = Combination::getPrice($product_attribute_id); $productPrice = $productPrice > 0 ? $productPrice : $product->price; } else { $productName = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($product->name)); $productPrice = $product->price; } // discount if ($newItem['discount'] || $newItem['discountPercent']|| $newItem['discountTotal']) { $productPrice = $productPrice - $newItem['discount']; $productPrice = $productPrice - $newItem['discountTotal']; $productPrice = $productPrice - ($prodPrice / 100 * $newItem['discountPercent']); $ItemDiscount = true; } $query .= '(' .(int) $orderToUpdate->id.', 0, '. Context::getContext()->shop->id.', '.(int) $product_id.', '.(int) $product_attribute_id.', '.implode('', array('\'', $productName, '\'')).', '.(int) $newItem['quantity'].', '.(int) $newItem['quantity'].', '.$productPrice.', '.implode('', array('\'', $product->reference, '\'')).', '.$productPrice * $newItem['quantity'].', '.($productPrice + $productPrice / 100 * $tax->rate) * $newItem['quantity'].', '.$productPrice.', '.($productPrice + $productPrice / 100 * $tax->rate).', '.$productPrice.' ),'; unset($order['items'][$key]); } Db::getInstance()->execute(rtrim($query, ',')); } /* * Fix prices & discounts * Discounts only for whole order */ if (isset($order['discount']) || isset($order['discountPercent']) || isset($order['delivery']['cost']) || isset($order['discountTotal']) || $ItemDiscount) { $infoOrd = self::$api->ordersGet($order['externalId']); $infoOrder = $infoOrd->order; $orderTotalProducts = $infoOrder['summ']; $totalPaid = $infoOrder['totalSumm']; $deliveryCost = $infoOrder['delivery']['cost']; $totalDiscount = $deliveryCost + $orderTotalProducts - $totalPaid; $orderCartRules = $orderToUpdate->getCartRules(); foreach ($orderCartRules as $valCartRules) { $order_cart_rule = new OrderCartRule($valCartRules['id_order_cart_rule']); $order_cart_rule->delete(); } $orderToUpdate->update(); Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` SET `total_discounts` = '.$totalDiscount.', `total_discounts_tax_incl` = '.$totalDiscount.', `total_discounts_tax_excl` = '.$totalDiscount.', `total_shipping` = '.$deliveryCost.', `total_shipping_tax_incl` = '.$deliveryCost.', `total_shipping_tax_excl` = '.$deliveryCost.', `total_paid` = '.$totalPaid.', `total_paid_tax_incl` = '.$totalPaid.', `total_paid_tax_excl` = '.$totalPaid.', `total_products_wt` = '.$orderTotalProducts.' WHERE `id_order` = '.(int) $order['externalId']); unset($ItemDiscount); } /** * check status */ if (!empty($order['status'])) { $stype = $order['status']; if ($statuses[$stype] != null) { if ($statuses[$stype] != $orderToUpdate->current_state) { Db::getInstance()->execute('INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_history` (`id_employee`, `id_order`, `id_order_state`, `date_add`) VALUES (0, ' . $orderToUpdate->id . ', ' . $statuses[$stype] . ', "' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '")'); Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` SET `current_state` = \'' . $statuses[$stype] . '\' WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int)$order['externalId']); } } } } } /* * Update last sync timestamp */ Configuration::updateValue('RETAILCRM_LAST_ORDERS_SYNC', $sinceId); } else { return 'Nothing to sync'; } } }