Installation ============ ### Clone module. ``` git clone ``` ### Install Rest API Client. ``` cd opencart-module/system/library/intarocrm ./composer.phar install ``` ### Install module ``` cp -r opencart-module/* /path/to/opecart/instance ``` ### Activate via Admin interface. Go to Modules -> Intstall module. Before running exchange you must configure module. ### Export Setup cron job for periodically catalog export ``` * */12 * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/opencart/cli/cli_export.php >> /path/to/opencart/system/logs/cronjob_export.log 2>&1 ``` Into your CRM settings set path to exported file ``` /downloads/intarocrm.xml ``` ### Exchange setup #### Export new order from shop to CRM Open /catalog/model/checkout/order.php script. Into addOrder method add this line before return statement: ``` $this->crmOrderAction($data, $order_id, 'create'); ``` In the end of this file add method: ``` protected function crmOrderAction($order, $order_id, $action=null) { $this->load->model('setting/setting'); $settings = $this->model_setting_setting->getSetting('intarocrm'); $settings['domain'] = parse_url(HTTP_SERVER, PHP_URL_HOST); if(isset($settings['intarocrm_url']) && $settings['intarocrm_url'] != '' && isset($settings['intarocrm_apikey']) && $settings['intarocrm_apikey'] != '') { include_once __DIR__ . '/../../../system/library/intarocrm/apihelper.php'; $order['order_id'] = $order_id; $crm = new ApiHelper($settings); if ($action != null) { $method = 'order' . ucfirst($action); $crm->$method($order); } } } ``` #### Export new order from CRM to shop Setup cron job for exchange between CRM & your shop ``` */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/opencart/cli/cli_export.php >> /path/to/opencart/system/logs/cronjob_history.log 2>&1 ```