{{ header }}{{ column_left }}
{% if error_warning %}
{{ error_warning }}
{% endif %} {% if saved_settings.module_retailcrm_url is defined %} {% endif %}

{{ retailcrm_base_settings }}

{{ retailcrm_countries_settings }}

{% for country in countries %}
{% endfor %}
{% if saved_settings.module_retailcrm_apikey is defined and saved_settings.module_retailcrm_apikey and saved_settings.module_retailcrm_url is defined and saved_settings.module_retailcrm_url %} {% if retailcrm_errors|length %} {% for retailcrm_error in retailcrm_errors %}
{{ retailcrm_error }}
{% endfor %} {% else %}

{{ retailcrm_upload_order }}

{{ retailcrm_dict_settings }}

{{ retailcrm_dict_delivery }}

{% for value in delivery.opencart %}
{{ value.title ~ ':' }}
{% for key, val in value %} {% if key != 'title' %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}

{{ retailcrm_dict_status }}

{% for status in statuses.opencart %} {% set uid = status.order_status_id %}
{% endfor %}

{{ retailcrm_dict_payment }}

{% for key, value in payments.opencart %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{{ daemon_collector }}

{% if saved_settings.module_retailcrm_collector.site_key is not empty and saved_settings.module_retailcrm_collector_active == 1 %}
{% if saved_settings.module_retailcrm_collector.form_capture is defined and saved_settings.module_retailcrm_collector.form_capture == 1 %}
{% if saved_settings.module_retailcrm_collector.custom_form is defined and saved_settings.module_retailcrm_collector.custom_form == 1 %} {% for field, label in collectorFields %}
{# #}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if saved_settings.retailcrm_apiversion is defined and saved_settings.retailcrm_apiversion == 'v5' and customFields is defined %}

{{ retailcrm_dict_custom_fields }}

{% if customFields.retailcrm is not empty and customFields.opencart is not empty %} {% for customField in customFields.opencart %} {% set fid = customField.custom_field_id %}
{% endfor %} {% elseif customFields.retailcrm is empty and customFields.opencart is empty %}
{{ text_error_custom_field }}
{% elseif customFields.retailcrm is empty %}
{{ text_error_cf_retailcrm }}
{% elseif customFields.opencart is empty %}
{{ text_error_cf_opencart }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ footer }}