Opecart module ============= Opencart module for interaction with [IntaroCRM](http://www.intarocrm.com) through [REST API](http://docs.intarocrm.ru/rest-api/). Module allows: * Send to IntaroCRM new orders * Configure relations between dictionaries of IntaroCRM and Opencart (statuses, payments, delivery types and etc) * Generate [ICML](http://docs.intarocrm.ru/index.php?n=Пользователи.ФорматICML) (IntaroCRM Markup Language) for catalog loading by IntaroCRM Installation ------------- ### 1. Manual installation #### Clone module. ``` git clone git@github.com:/intarocrm/opencart-module.git ``` #### Install Rest API Client. ``` cd opencart-module/system/library/intarocrm ./composer.phar install ``` #### Install module ``` cp -r opencart-module/* /path/to/opecart/instance ``` #### Activate via Admin interface. Go to Modules -> Intstall module. #### Export Catalog export script will be here ``` /index.php?route=export/intarocrm ``` #### Exchange setup Look into example folder #### TODO * Edit order hook * Export old customers & orders * Generate static xml * New customers export