<?php // Heading Goes here: $_['heading_title'] = 'RetailCRM'; $_['retailcrm_title'] = 'RetailCRM'; // Text $_['text_module'] = 'Modules'; $_['text_success'] = 'Setting saved'; $_['text_notice'] = 'Warning! Timezone in CRM & your shop must be equal, you must setup it here:'; $_['retailcrm_base_settings'] = 'Connection settings'; $_['retailcrm_dict_settings'] = 'Dictionary settings'; $_['retailcrm_countries_settings'] = 'Trading zones setting'; $_['retailcrm_upload_order'] = 'Unload single order'; $_['retailcrm_url'] = 'RetailCRM URL'; $_['retailcrm_apikey'] = 'RetailCRM API Key'; $_['text_success_export'] = 'Orders and customers successfully unloaded'; $_['text_success_export_order'] = 'Order successfully unloaded'; $_['text_button_export'] = 'Unload all orders and customers'; $_['text_button_export_order'] = 'Unload order'; $_['text_button_catalog'] = 'Unload catalog'; $_['text_success_catalog'] = 'Catalog successfully unloaded'; $_['text_error_order'] = 'Error! Order is not unloaded!'; $_['text_error_order_id'] = 'Error! Enter the correct order number!'; $_['retailcrm_dict_delivery'] = 'Shipment methods'; $_['retailcrm_dict_status'] = 'Order statuses'; $_['retailcrm_dict_payment'] = 'Payment methods'; $_['column_total'] = 'Total'; $_['product_summ'] = 'Amount'; $_['article'] = 'SKU'; $_['color'] = 'Color'; $_['weight'] = 'Weight'; $_['size'] = 'Size'; // Errors $_['error_permission'] = 'Warning! You do not have permission to modify module';