[](https://travis-ci.org/retailcrm/opencart-module) [](https://github.com/retailcrm/opencart-module/releases) [](https://php.net/) Opencart module =============== Module allows integrate CMS Opencart >= 2.3 with [retailCRM](http://retailcrm.pro) ### Previous versions: [v1.x](https://github.com/retailcrm/opencart-module/tree/v1.x) [v2.x (2.0, 2.1, 2.2)](https://github.com/retailcrm/opencart-module/tree/v2.2) #### Features: * Export orders to retailCRM & fetch changes back * Export product catalog into [ICML](http://www.retailcrm.pro/docs/Developers/ICML) format #### Install Copy files to the site root ``` unzip master.zip cp -r opencart-module/* /path/to/site/root ``` #### Setup * Go to Admin -> Extensions -> Modules -> retailCRM * Fill you api url & api key * Specify directories matching #### Getting changes in orders Add to cron: ``` */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/opencart/system/cron/history.php >> /path/to/opencart/system/storage/logs/cronjob_history.log 2>&1 ``` #### Setting product catalog export Add to cron: ``` * */4 * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/opencart/system/cron/icml.php >> /path/to/opencart/system/storage/logs/cronjob_icml.log 2>&1 ``` Your export file will be available by following url ``` http://youropencartsite.com/retailcrm.xml ``` #### Export existing orders and customers You want to run this command onecly: /usr/bin/php /path/to/opencart/system/cron/export.php