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synced 2025-03-18 05:53:59 +03:00
251 lines
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251 lines
6.2 KiB
// Package stacktrace contains code borrowed from the github.com/pkg/errors
package stacktrace
import (
const unknown = "unknown"
var (
dunno = []byte("???")
centerDot = []byte("·")
dot = []byte(".")
slash = []byte("/")
// Frame represents a program counter inside a stack frame.
// For historical reasons if Frame is interpreted as an uintptr
// its value represents the program counter + 1.
type Frame uintptr
// pc returns the program counter for this frame;
// multiple frames may have the same PC value.
func (f Frame) pc() uintptr { return uintptr(f) - 1 }
// file returns the full path to the file that contains the
// function for this Frame's pc.
func (f Frame) file() string {
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(f.pc())
if fn == nil {
return unknown
file, _ := fn.FileLine(f.pc())
return file
// line returns the line number of source code of the
// function for this Frame's pc.
func (f Frame) line() int {
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(f.pc())
if fn == nil {
return 0
_, line := fn.FileLine(f.pc())
return line
// name returns the name of this function, if known.
func (f Frame) name() string {
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(f.pc())
if fn == nil {
return unknown
return fn.Name()
// Format formats the frame according to the fmt.Formatter interface.
// %s source file
// %d source line
// %n function name
// %v equivalent to %s:%d
// Format accepts flags that alter the printing of some verbs, as follows:
// %+s function name and path of source file relative to the compile time
// GOPATH separated by \n\t (<funcname>\n\t<path>)
// %+v equivalent to %+s:%d
func (f Frame) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
switch verb {
case 's':
switch {
case s.Flag('+'):
io.WriteString(s, f.name())
io.WriteString(s, "\n\t")
io.WriteString(s, f.file())
io.WriteString(s, path.Base(f.file()))
case 'd':
io.WriteString(s, strconv.Itoa(f.line()))
case 'n':
io.WriteString(s, funcname(f.name()))
case 'v':
f.Format(s, 's')
io.WriteString(s, ":")
f.Format(s, 'd')
// MarshalText formats a stacktrace Frame as a text string. The output is the
// same as that of fmt.Sprintf("%+v", f), but without newlines or tabs.
func (f Frame) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
name := f.name()
if name == unknown {
return []byte(name), nil
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%d", name, f.file(), f.line())), nil
// StackTrace is stack of Frames from innermost (newest) to outermost (oldest).
type StackTrace []Frame
// Format formats the stack of Frames according to the fmt.Formatter interface.
// %s lists source files for each Frame in the stack
// %v lists the source file and line number for each Frame in the stack
// Format accepts flags that alter the printing of some verbs, as follows:
// %+v Prints filename, function, and line number for each Frame in the stack.
func (st StackTrace) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
switch verb {
case 'v':
switch {
case s.Flag('+'):
for _, f := range st {
io.WriteString(s, "\n")
f.Format(s, verb)
case s.Flag('#'):
fmt.Fprintf(s, "%#v", []Frame(st))
st.formatSlice(s, verb)
case 's':
st.formatSlice(s, verb)
// formatSlice will format this StackTrace into the given buffer as a slice of
// Frame, only valid when called with '%s' or '%v'.
func (st StackTrace) formatSlice(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
io.WriteString(s, "[")
for i, f := range st {
if i > 0 {
io.WriteString(s, " ")
f.Format(s, verb)
io.WriteString(s, "]")
// stack represents a stack of program counters.
type stack []uintptr
type StackTraced interface {
StackTrace() StackTrace
func (s *stack) Format(st fmt.State, verb rune) {
if verb == 'v' && st.Flag('+') {
for _, pc := range *s {
f := Frame(pc)
fmt.Fprintf(st, "\n%+v", f)
func (s *stack) StackTrace() StackTrace {
f := make([]Frame, len(*s))
for i := 0; i < len(f); i++ {
f[i] = Frame((*s)[i])
return f
// FormattedStack returns a nicely formatted stack frame, skipping skip frames.
func FormattedStack(skip int, prefix string) []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer) // the returned data
// As we loop, we open files and read them. These variables record the currently
// loaded file.
var lines [][]byte
var lastFile string
for i := skip; ; i++ { // Skip the expected number of frames
pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(i)
if !ok {
// Print this much at least. If we can't find the source, it won't show.
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s%s:%d (0x%x)\n", prefix, file, line, pc)
if file != lastFile {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
lines = bytes.Split(data, []byte{'\n'})
lastFile = file
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s\t%s: %s\n", prefix, function(pc), source(lines, line))
return buf.Bytes()
func callers(skip int) *stack {
const depth = 32
var pcs [depth]uintptr
n := runtime.Callers(skip, pcs[:])
var st stack = pcs[0:n]
return &st
// function returns, if possible, the name of the function containing the PC.
func function(pc uintptr) []byte {
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if fn == nil {
return dunno
name := []byte(fn.Name())
// The name includes the path name to the package, which is unnecessary
// since the file name is already included. Plus, it has center dots.
// That is, we see
// runtime/debug.*T·ptrmethod
// and want
// *T.ptrmethod
// Also the package path might contains dot (e.g. code.google.com/...),
// so first eliminate the path prefix
if lastSlash := bytes.LastIndex(name, slash); lastSlash >= 0 {
name = name[lastSlash+1:]
if period := bytes.Index(name, dot); period >= 0 {
name = name[period+1:]
name = bytes.ReplaceAll(name, centerDot, dot)
return name
// source returns a space-trimmed slice of the n'th line.
func source(lines [][]byte, n int) []byte {
n-- // in stack trace, lines are 1-indexed but our array is 0-indexed
if n < 0 || n >= len(lines) {
return dunno
return bytes.TrimSpace(lines[n])
// funcname removes the path prefix component of a function's name reported by func.Name().
func funcname(name string) string {
i := strings.LastIndex(name, "/")
name = name[i+1:]
i = strings.Index(name, ".")
return name[i+1:]