run: skip-dirs-use-default: true allow-parallel-runners: true output: format: colored-line-number sort-results: true # Linters below do not support go1.18 yet because of generics. # See # - bodyclose # - sqlclosecheck linters: disable-all: true enable: - paralleltest - tparallel - asciicheck - asasalint - varnamelen - reassign - nilnil - nilerr - nakedret - goprintffuncname - typecheck - errchkjson - errcheck - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - staticcheck - unused - unparam - dogsled - dupl - errorlint - exhaustive - exportloopref - funlen - gocognit - goconst - gocritic - gocyclo - godot - goimports - revive - gosec - lll - makezero - misspell - nestif - prealloc - predeclared - exportloopref - unconvert - whitespace linters-settings: govet: check-shadowing: false disable-all: true enable: - assign - atomic - atomicalign - bools - buildtag - copylocks - fieldalignment - httpresponse - loopclosure - lostcancel - printf - shift - stdmethods - structtag - tests - unmarshal - unreachable - unsafeptr settings: printf: funcs: - (*log.Logger).Fatal - (*log.Logger).Fatalf - (*log.Logger).Fatalln - (*log.Logger).Panic - (*log.Logger).Panicf - (*log.Logger).Panicln - (*log.Logger).Print - (*log.Logger).Printf - (*log.Logger).Println - (*testing.common).Error - (*testing.common).Errorf - (*testing.common).Fatal - (*testing.common).Fatalf - (*testing.common).Log - (*testing.common).Logf - (*testing.common).Skip - (*testing.common).Skipf - (testing.TB).Error - (testing.TB).Errorf - (testing.TB).Fatal - (testing.TB).Fatalf - (testing.TB).Log - (testing.TB).Logf - (testing.TB).Skip - (testing.TB).Skipf - fmt.Errorf - fmt.Fprint - fmt.Fprintf - fmt.Fprintln - fmt.Print - fmt.Printf - fmt.Println - fmt.Sprint - fmt.Sprintf - fmt.Sprintln - log.Fatal - log.Fatalf - log.Fatalln - log.Panic - log.Panicf - log.Panicln - log.Print - log.Printf - log.Println - runtime/trace.Logf unused: check-exported: false unparam: check-exported: false dogsled: max-blank-identifiers: 3 dupl: threshold: 200 errorlint: errorf: true asserts: false comparison: false exhaustive: check-generated: false default-signifies-exhaustive: false funlen: lines: 90 statements: 40 gocognit: min-complexity: 25 gocyclo: min-complexity: 25 goimports: local-prefixes: lll: line-length: 120 misspell: locale: US nestif: min-complexity: 4 whitespace: multi-if: false multi-func: false varnamelen: max-distance: 10 ignore-map-index-ok: true ignore-type-assert-ok: true ignore-chan-recv-ok: true ignore-decls: - t *testing.T - e error - i int issues: exclude-rules: - path: _test\.go linters: - lll - errcheck - misspell - ineffassign - whitespace - makezero - errcheck - funlen - goconst - gocognit - gocyclo - godot - unused - errchkjson - varnamelen - path: \.go text: "Error return value of `io.WriteString` is not checked" exclude-use-default: true exclude-case-sensitive: false max-issues-per-linter: 0 max-same-issues: 0 fix: true severity: default-severity: error case-sensitive: false service: golangci-lint-version: 1.50.x