Mailgun - Lists
This is the Mailgun PHP Lists endpoint.
The below assumes you've already installed the Mailgun PHP SDK in to your project. If not, go back to the master README for instructions.
Here's how to use the "Lists" API endpoint:
# First, instantiate the client with your PUBLIC API credentials and domain.
$mgClient = new MailgunClient("pubkey-5ogiflzbnjrljiky49qxsiozqef5jxp7", "");
# Next, instantiate a Lists object on the Lists API endpoint.
$lists = $mgClient->Lists();
# Finally, get 50 results and store in $result.
$result = $lists->getLists(50, 0);
Available Functions
getLists(int $limit, int $skip)
getList(string $listAddress)
addList(string $listAddress, string $name, string $description, string $access_level)
updateList(string $listAddress, string $name, string $description, string $access_level)
deleteList(string $listAddress)
getListMembers(string $listAddress, array $filterParams)
getListMember(string $listAddress, string $memberAddress)
addListMember(string $listAddress, string $memberAddress, string $name, array $vars, bool $subscribed, bool $upsert)
updateListMember(string $listAddress, string $memberAddress, string $name, array $vars, bool $subscribed)
deleteListMember(string $listAddress, string $memberAddress)
getListStats(string $listAddress)
More Documentation
See the official Mailgun Docs for more information.