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namespace Guzzle\Service\Description;
use Guzzle\Common\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
* Data object holding the information of an API command
class Operation implements OperationInterface
/** @var string Default command class to use when none is specified */
const DEFAULT_COMMAND_CLASS = 'Guzzle\\Service\\Command\\OperationCommand';
/** @var array Hashmap of properties that can be specified. Represented as a hash to speed up constructor. */
protected static $properties = array(
'name' => true, 'httpMethod' => true, 'uri' => true, 'class' => true, 'responseClass' => true,
'responseType' => true, 'responseNotes' => true, 'notes' => true, 'summary' => true, 'documentationUrl' => true,
'deprecated' => true, 'data' => true, 'parameters' => true, 'additionalParameters' => true,
'errorResponses' => true
/** @var array Parameters */
protected $parameters = array();
/** @var Parameter Additional parameters schema */
protected $additionalParameters;
/** @var string Name of the command */
protected $name;
/** @var string HTTP method */
protected $httpMethod;
/** @var string This is a short summary of what the operation does */
protected $summary;
/** @var string A longer text field to explain the behavior of the operation. */
protected $notes;
/** @var string Reference URL providing more information about the operation */
protected $documentationUrl;
/** @var string HTTP URI of the command */
protected $uri;
/** @var string Class of the command object */
protected $class;
/** @var string This is what is returned from the method */
protected $responseClass;
/** @var string Type information about the response */
protected $responseType;
/** @var string Information about the response returned by the operation */
protected $responseNotes;
/** @var bool Whether or not the command is deprecated */
protected $deprecated;
/** @var array Array of errors that could occur when running the command */
protected $errorResponses;
/** @var ServiceDescriptionInterface */
protected $description;
/** @var array Extra operation information */
protected $data;
* Builds an Operation object using an array of configuration data:
* - name: (string) Name of the command
* - httpMethod: (string) HTTP method of the operation
* - uri: (string) URI template that can create a relative or absolute URL
* - class: (string) Concrete class that implements this command
* - parameters: (array) Associative array of parameters for the command. {@see Parameter} for information.
* - summary: (string) This is a short summary of what the operation does
* - notes: (string) A longer text field to explain the behavior of the operation.
* - documentationUrl: (string) Reference URL providing more information about the operation
* - responseClass: (string) This is what is returned from the method. Can be a primitive, PSR-0 compliant
* class name, or model.
* - responseNotes: (string) Information about the response returned by the operation
* - responseType: (string) One of 'primitive', 'class', 'model', or 'documentation'. If not specified, this
* value will be automatically inferred based on whether or not there is a model matching the
* name, if a matching PSR-0 compliant class name is found, or set to 'primitive' by default.
* - deprecated: (bool) Set to true if this is a deprecated command
* - errorResponses: (array) Errors that could occur when executing the command. Array of hashes, each with a
* 'code' (the HTTP response code), 'phrase' (response reason phrase or description of the
* error), and 'class' (a custom exception class that would be thrown if the error is
* encountered).
* - data: (array) Any extra data that might be used to help build or serialize the operation
* - additionalParameters: (null|array) Parameter schema to use when an option is passed to the operation that is
* not in the schema
* @param array $config Array of configuration data
* @param ServiceDescriptionInterface $description Service description used to resolve models if $ref tags are found
public function __construct(array $config = array(), ServiceDescriptionInterface $description = null)
$this->description = $description;
// Get the intersection of the available properties and properties set on the operation
foreach (array_intersect_key($config, self::$properties) as $key => $value) {
$this->{$key} = $value;
$this->class = $this->class ?: self::DEFAULT_COMMAND_CLASS;
$this->deprecated = (bool) $this->deprecated;
$this->errorResponses = $this->errorResponses ?: array();
$this->data = $this->data ?: array();
if (!$this->responseClass) {
$this->responseClass = 'array';
$this->responseType = 'primitive';
} elseif ($this->responseType) {
// Set the response type to perform validation
} else {
// A response class was set and no response type was set, so guess what the type is
// Parameters need special handling when adding
if ($this->parameters) {
foreach ($this->parameters as $name => $param) {
if ($param instanceof Parameter) {
} elseif (is_array($param)) {
$param['name'] = $name;
$this->addParam(new Parameter($param, $this->description));
if ($this->additionalParameters) {
if ($this->additionalParameters instanceof Parameter) {
} elseif (is_array($this->additionalParameters)) {
$this->setadditionalParameters(new Parameter($this->additionalParameters, $this->description));
public function toArray()
$result = array();
// Grab valid properties and filter out values that weren't set
foreach (array_keys(self::$properties) as $check) {
if ($value = $this->{$check}) {
$result[$check] = $value;
// Remove the name property
// Parameters need to be converted to arrays
$result['parameters'] = array();
foreach ($this->parameters as $key => $param) {
$result['parameters'][$key] = $param->toArray();
// Additional parameters need to be cast to an array
if ($this->additionalParameters instanceof Parameter) {
$result['additionalParameters'] = $this->additionalParameters->toArray();
return $result;
public function getServiceDescription()
return $this->description;
public function setServiceDescription(ServiceDescriptionInterface $description)
$this->description = $description;
return $this;
public function getParams()
return $this->parameters;
public function getParamNames()
return array_keys($this->parameters);
public function hasParam($name)
return isset($this->parameters[$name]);
public function getParam($param)
return isset($this->parameters[$param]) ? $this->parameters[$param] : null;
* Add a parameter to the command
* @param Parameter $param Parameter to add
* @return self
public function addParam(Parameter $param)
$this->parameters[$param->getName()] = $param;
return $this;
* Remove a parameter from the command
* @param string $name Name of the parameter to remove
* @return self
public function removeParam($name)
return $this;
public function getHttpMethod()
return $this->httpMethod;
* Set the HTTP method of the command
* @param string $httpMethod Method to set
* @return self
public function setHttpMethod($httpMethod)
$this->httpMethod = $httpMethod;
return $this;
public function getClass()
return $this->class;
* Set the concrete class of the command
* @param string $className Concrete class name
* @return self
public function setClass($className)
$this->class = $className;
return $this;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
* Set the name of the command
* @param string $name Name of the command
* @return self
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
return $this;
public function getSummary()
return $this->summary;
* Set a short summary of what the operation does
* @param string $summary Short summary of the operation
* @return self
public function setSummary($summary)
$this->summary = $summary;
return $this;
public function getNotes()
return $this->notes;
* Set a longer text field to explain the behavior of the operation.
* @param string $notes Notes on the operation
* @return self
public function setNotes($notes)
$this->notes = $notes;
return $this;
public function getDocumentationUrl()
return $this->documentationUrl;
* Set the URL pointing to additional documentation on the command
* @param string $docUrl Documentation URL
* @return self
public function setDocumentationUrl($docUrl)
$this->documentationUrl = $docUrl;
return $this;
public function getResponseClass()
return $this->responseClass;
* Set what is returned from the method. Can be a primitive, class name, or model. For example: 'array',
* 'Guzzle\\Foo\\Baz', or 'MyModelName' (to reference a model by ID).
* @param string $responseClass Type of response
* @return self
public function setResponseClass($responseClass)
$this->responseClass = $responseClass;
return $this;
public function getResponseType()
return $this->responseType;
* Set qualifying information about the responseClass. One of 'primitive', 'class', 'model', or 'documentation'
* @param string $responseType Response type information
* @return self
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function setResponseType($responseType)
static $types = array(
self::TYPE_PRIMITIVE => true,
self::TYPE_CLASS => true,
self::TYPE_MODEL => true,
if (!isset($types[$responseType])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('responseType must be one of ' . implode(', ', array_keys($types)));
$this->responseType = $responseType;
return $this;
public function getResponseNotes()
return $this->responseNotes;
* Set notes about the response of the operation
* @param string $notes Response notes
* @return self
public function setResponseNotes($notes)
$this->responseNotes = $notes;
return $this;
public function getDeprecated()
return $this->deprecated;
* Set whether or not the command is deprecated
* @param bool $isDeprecated Set to true to mark as deprecated
* @return self
public function setDeprecated($isDeprecated)
$this->deprecated = $isDeprecated;
return $this;
public function getUri()
return $this->uri;
* Set the URI template of the command
* @param string $uri URI template to set
* @return self
public function setUri($uri)
$this->uri = $uri;
return $this;
public function getErrorResponses()
return $this->errorResponses;
* Add an error to the command
* @param string $code HTTP response code
* @param string $reason HTTP response reason phrase or information about the error
* @param string $class Exception class associated with the error
* @return self
public function addErrorResponse($code, $reason, $class)
$this->errorResponses[] = array('code' => $code, 'reason' => $reason, 'class' => $class);
return $this;
* Set all of the error responses of the operation
* @param array $errorResponses Hash of error name to a hash containing a code, reason, class
* @return self
public function setErrorResponses(array $errorResponses)
$this->errorResponses = $errorResponses;
return $this;
public function getData($name)
return isset($this->data[$name]) ? $this->data[$name] : null;
* Set a particular data point on the operation
* @param string $name Name of the data value
* @param mixed $value Value to set
* @return self
public function setData($name, $value)
$this->data[$name] = $value;
return $this;
* Get the additionalParameters of the operation
* @return Paramter|null
public function getAdditionalParameters()
return $this->additionalParameters;
* Set the additionalParameters of the operation
* @param Parameter|null $parameter Parameter to set
* @return self
public function setAdditionalParameters($parameter)
if ($this->additionalParameters = $parameter) {
return $this;
* Infer the response type from the responseClass value
protected function inferResponseType()
if (!$this->responseClass || $this->responseClass == 'array' || $this->responseClass == 'string'
|| $this->responseClass == 'boolean' || $this->responseClass == 'integer'
) {
$this->responseType = self::TYPE_PRIMITIVE;
} elseif ($this->description && $this->description->hasModel($this->responseClass)) {
$this->responseType = self::TYPE_MODEL;
} elseif (strpos($this->responseClass, '\\') !== false) {
$this->responseType = self::TYPE_CLASS;
} else {
$this->responseType = self::TYPE_PRIMITIVE;