
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Mailgun
 * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
 * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

namespace Mailgun\Tests\Mock\Connection;

use Mailgun\Connection\Exceptions\GenericHTTPError;
use Mailgun\Connection\Exceptions\InvalidCredentials;
use Mailgun\Connection\Exceptions\MissingEndpoint;
use Mailgun\Connection\RestClient;
use Mailgun\Messages\Exceptions\MissingRequiredMIMEParameters;

class TestBroker extends RestClient
    private $apiKey;

    protected $apiEndpoint;

    public function __construct($apiKey = null, $apiHost = 'api.mailgun.net', $apiVersion = 'v3')
        $this->apiKey = $apiKey;
        $this->apiEndpoint = $apiHost;

    public function post($endpointUrl, array $postData = [], $files = [])
        return $this->testResponseHandler($endpointUrl, $httpResponseCode = 200);

    public function get($endpointUrl, $queryString = [])
        return $this->testResponseHandler($endpointUrl, $httpResponseCode = 200);

    public function delete($endpointUrl)
        return $this->testResponseHandler($endpointUrl, $httpResponseCode = 200);

    public function put($endpointUrl, $queryString)
        return $this->testResponseHandler($endpointUrl, $httpResponseCode = 200);

    public function testResponseHandler($endpointUrl, $httpResponseCode = 200)
        if ($httpResponseCode === 200) {
            $result = new \stdClass();
            $result->http_response_body = new \stdClass();
            $jsonResponseData = json_decode('{"message": "Some JSON Response Data", "id": "1234"}');
            foreach ($jsonResponseData as $key => $value) {
                $result->http_response_body->$key = $value;
        } elseif ($httpResponseCode == 400) {
            throw new MissingRequiredMIMEParameters(EXCEPTION_MISSING_REQUIRED_MIME_PARAMETERS);
        } elseif ($httpResponseCode == 401) {
            throw new InvalidCredentials(EXCEPTION_INVALID_CREDENTIALS);
        } elseif ($httpResponseCode == 401) {
            throw new GenericHTTPError(EXCEPTION_INVALID_CREDENTIALS);
        } elseif ($httpResponseCode == 404) {
            throw new MissingEndpoint(EXCEPTION_MISSING_ENDPOINT);
        } else {
            throw new GenericHTTPError(EXCEPTION_GENERIC_HTTP_ERROR);
            return false;
        $result->http_response_code = $httpResponseCode;
        $result->http_endpoint_url = $endpointUrl;

        return $result;