## 1.6 (2014-1-13) Enhancement: - adjust file attachment/inline name (#21 @travelton) ## 1.5 (2013-12-13) Enhancement: - added ability to define non-https endpoint for debugging purposes (#23 @travelton) ## 1.4 (2013-10-16) Bugfixes: - template IDs were missing from recipient-variables (#15 @travelton) - batch jobs trigger on to, cc, and bcc (#18 @travelton) - batch jobs include recipient-variables for to, cc, and bcc (#18 @travelton) - added method to return message-ids, for easier access (#19 @travelton) ## 1.3 (2013-09-12) Bugfixes: - relaxed Guzzle requirement (#7 @travelton) - fixed reply-to bug (#9 @travelton) ## 1.2 (2013-09-05) Bugfixes: - fixed exception handling constants (@travelton) - fixed MessageBuilder $baseAddress return (#1 @yoye) - adjusted scope of recipient-variables (#3 @yoye) - fixed misspellings of Exceptions (#2 @dboggus) - undefined DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE (#4 @yoye) - added message IDs to return for BatchMessage (@travelton) ## 1.1 (2013-08-21) Initial Release!