

 * Copyright (C) 2013 Mailgun
 * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
 * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

namespace Mailgun\Tests\Api\MailingList;

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use Mailgun\Api\MailingList;
use Mailgun\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Mailgun\Tests\Api\TestCase;

class MemberTest extends TestCase
    public function testIndexAll()
        $data = [
            'limit' => 100,

        $api = $this->getApiMock();
            ->with('/v3/lists/address/members/pages', $data)
            ->willReturn(new Response());

        $api->index('address', 100, null);

    public function testIndexSubscribed()
        $data = [
            'limit' => 100,
            'subscribed' => 'yes',

        $api = $this->getApiMock();
            ->with('/v3/lists/address/members/pages', $data)
            ->willReturn(new Response());

        $api->index('address', 100, true);

    public function testIndexUnsubscribed()
        $data = [
            'limit' => 100,
            'subscribed' => 'no',

        $api = $this->getApiMock();
            ->with('/v3/lists/address/members/pages', $data)
            ->willReturn(new Response());

        $api->index('address', 100, false);

    public function testCreate()
        $data = [
            'address' => 'foo@example.com',
            'name' => 'Foo',
            'vars' => [],
            'subscribed' => 'yes',
            'upsert' => 'no',

        $api = $this->getApiMock();
            ->with('/v3/lists/address/members', $data)
            ->willReturn(new Response());

        $api->create($list = 'address', $address = 'foo@example.com', $name = 'Foo', $vars = [], $subscribed = true, $upsert = false);

    public function testCreateInvalidAddress()
        $api = $this->getApiMock();
        $api->create('address', '');

    public function testCreateInvalidSubscribed()
        $api = $this->getApiMock();
        $api->create('', 'foo@example.com');

    public function testCreateMultiple()
        $data = [
            'members' => json_encode([
                    'address' => 'billy@example.com',
                    'name' => 'Billy',
                    'subscribed' => 'yes',
            'upsert' => 'no',

        $api = $this->getApiMock();
            ->with('/v3/lists/address/members.json', $data)
            ->willReturn(new Response());

        $api->createMultiple($list = 'address', [
                'address' => 'billy@example.com',
                'name' => 'Billy',
                'subscribed' => 'yes',
        ], false);

    public function testCreateMultipleInvalidMemberArgument()

        $data = [
                'address' => 'billy@example.com',
                'name' => 'Billy',
                'subscribed' => true,

        $api = $this->getApiMock();
        $api->createMultiple('address', $data);

    public function testCreateMultipleCountMax1000()

        $members = range(1, 1001);
        $members = array_map('strval', $members);

        $api = $this->getApiMock();
        $api->createMultiple('address', $members);

    public function testUpdate()
        $data = [
            'vars' => [
                'foo' => 'bar',
            'subscribed' => 'yes',

        $api = $this->getApiMock();
            ->with('/v3/lists/address/members/member', $data)
            ->willReturn(new Response());

        $api->update('address', 'member', $data);

    public function testUpdateInvalidArgument()

        $data = [
            'vars' => 'foo=bar',
            'subscribed' => 'yes',

        $api = $this->getApiMock();
        $api->update('address', 'member', $data);

    public function testDelete()
        $api = $this->getApiMock();
            ->willReturn(new Response());

        $api->delete('address', 'member');

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function getApiClass()
        return MailingList\Member::class;