# PHP_CodeCoverage **PHP_CodeCoverage** is a library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information. ## Requirements * PHP_CodeCoverage 1.2 requires PHP 5.3.3 (or later) but PHP 5.4.7 (or later) is highly recommended. * [Xdebug](http://xdebug.org/) 2.0.5 (or later) is required but Xdebug 2.2.1 (or later) is highly recommended. ## Installation You can use the [PEAR Installer](http://pear.php.net/manual/en/guide.users.commandline.cli.php) or [Composer](http://getcomposer.org/) to download and install PHP_CodeCoverage as well as its dependencies ### PEAR Installer Depending on your OS distribution and/or your PHP environment, you may need to install PEAR or update your existing PEAR installation before you can proceed with the following instructions. `sudo pear upgrade PEAR` usually suffices to upgrade an existing PEAR installation. The [PEAR Manual ](http://pear.php.net/manual/en/installation.getting.php) explains how to perform a fresh installation of PEAR. The following two commands (which you may have to run as `root`) are all that is required to install PHP_CodeCoverage using the PEAR Installer: pear config-set auto_discover 1 pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHP_CodeCoverage After the installation you can find the PHP_CodeCoverage source files inside your local PEAR directory; the path is usually `/usr/lib/php/PHP/CodeCoverage`. ### Composer To add PHP_CodeCoverage as a local, per-project dependency to your project, simply add a dependency on `phpunit/php-code-coverage` to your project's `composer.json` file. Here is a minimal example of a `composer.json` file that just defines a dependency on PHP_CodeCoverage 1.2: { "require": { "phpunit/php-code-coverage": ">=1.2.10,<1.3.0" } } ## Using the PHP_CodeCoverage API ```php start(''); // ... $coverage->stop(); $writer = new PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Clover; $writer->process($coverage, '/tmp/clover.xml'); $writer = new PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_HTML; $writer->process($coverage, '/tmp/code-coverage-report'); ```