* fix: named addresses must be surrounded by double quotes
Due to your recent API update, named addresses with special chars (like parentheses) are now rejected if they are surrounded by simple quotes
They must be surrounded by double quotes
'Whoever (SomeCompany)' <some@address.com> is no longer valid and will be rejected by your API
"Whoever (SomeCompany)" <some@address.com> is valid and will be OK
* sprintf instaead of old school concatenation
* Bug fix - Allow adding custom headers with non-array value
* Remove whitespace
* Functional test for adding custom headers (either singular or multiple)
* Style fixes for functional test
* Scrutinizer CI: Bug
The property deserializer does not seem to exist. Did you mean
* Scrutinizer CI: Coding Style + Best Practice
It seems like you are loosely comparing two booleans. Considering using
the strict comparison === instead.
* Scrutinizer CI: Bug
It seems like $variables defined by parameter $variables on line ???
can also be of type null; however,
Mailgun\Messages\MessageBuilder::addRecipient() does only seem to
accept array, maybe add an additional type check?
* Scrutinizer CI: Documentation
The doc-type $class|SimpleResponse could not be parsed: Unknown type
name "$class" at position 0
Adding `object` instead of `SimpleResponse` due we have no files called
`SimpleResponse` in our project, and PhpDoc provides the `object`
keyword as a valid option.
* Scrutinizer CI: Documentation
There is no parameter named $smtpPass. Did you maybe mean $smtpPassword?
* Scrutinizer CI: Unused Code
$resource is not used, you could remove the assignment.
* Scrutinizer CI: Unused Code
The parameter $message is not used and could be removed.
* Scrutinizer CI: Unused code
This method is not used, and could be removed. (x2)
* Scrutinizer CI: Patch
Doc Comments
* Scrutinizer CI: Patch
Doc comments
* Added base for the new API
* code style
* Added response classes
* Added support for serializer
* The abstract API should not know of Mailgun
* Minor
* minor
* Using a client configrator
* code style
* Put HTTPClient in the configurator
* Do not use the api() function
* Use stable version of Assert
* style
* Fixed tests
* make the httpClient private
* Renamed ResponseSerializer to ResponseDeserializer
* Disabled tests that are testing error messages with Assert
* style fixes
* Refactoring fix
* Write test to verify expected behaviour when we provide a String
* Fix broken test checking if the variable is an Array
* PSR Standard using single quote instead of double quote
* Added docblocks for functions and member variables.
* Updated constants to use constants classes
* Changed finalize() - removing the return (since the sendMessage() method already does not return anything)