mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 23:36:14 +03:00
specification. The framework currently coerces query variables similar to the way it treats output values, which means it attempts to coerce the value into the field's corresponding data type regardless of the received value. According to items 3f and 3g in section 6.1.2 (http://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Validating-Requests) of Facebook's GraphQL specification query variables should be coerced according to their type's input coercion rules laid out in section 3.1.1 (http://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Scalars). If the value can not be coerced into the correct type according the the input coercion rules for the type a query error should be thrown. This ensures that client provided query variables were of the correct format and will be a valid format and type by the time they are passed into an implementing resolver. This patch fixes the above issue by updating the way query variables are sanitized during the process of parsing the query. It directly follows the rules for scalar input coercion laid out by the specification and throws query errors when a value that cannot be coerced to the correct type is given. Tests for isValidPHPValue will also be updated to ensure that it is doing the correct type checks on Values::isValidPHPValue for the given type and value provided. A new test case will also be added to test Values::getVariableValues and make sure it is also enforcing the scalar input coercion rules and throwing errors for invalid values.
1161 lines
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1161 lines
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namespace GraphQL\Tests\Executor;
require_once __DIR__ . '/TestClasses.php';
use GraphQL\Deferred;
use GraphQL\Error\Error;
use GraphQL\Error\UserError;
use GraphQL\Executor\Executor;
use GraphQL\Language\Parser;
use GraphQL\Schema;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\InputObjectType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\InterfaceType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
class ExecutorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function tearDown()
// Execute: Handles basic execution tasks
* @it executes arbitrary code
public function testExecutesArbitraryCode()
$deepData = null;
$data = null;
$promiseData = function () use (&$data) {
return new Deferred(function () use (&$data) {
return $data;
$data = [
'a' => function () { return 'Apple';},
'b' => function () {return 'Banana';},
'c' => function () {return 'Cookie';},
'd' => function () {return 'Donut';},
'e' => function () {return 'Egg';},
'f' => 'Fish',
'pic' => function ($size = 50) {
return 'Pic of size: ' . $size;
'promise' => function() use ($promiseData) {
return $promiseData();
'deep' => function () use (&$deepData) {
return $deepData;
$deepData = [
'a' => function () { return 'Already Been Done'; },
'b' => function () { return 'Boring'; },
'c' => function () {
return ['Contrived', null, 'Confusing'];
'deeper' => function () use (&$data) {
return [$data, null, $data];
$doc = '
query Example($size: Int) {
x: c
...on DataType {
pic(size: $size)
promise {
deep {
deeper {
fragment c on DataType {
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$expected = [
'data' => [
'a' => 'Apple',
'b' => 'Banana',
'x' => 'Cookie',
'd' => 'Donut',
'e' => 'Egg',
'f' => 'Fish',
'pic' => 'Pic of size: 100',
'promise' => [
'a' => 'Apple'
'deep' => [
'a' => 'Already Been Done',
'b' => 'Boring',
'c' => [ 'Contrived', null, 'Confusing' ],
'deeper' => [
[ 'a' => 'Apple', 'b' => 'Banana' ],
[ 'a' => 'Apple', 'b' => 'Banana' ]
$deepDataType = null;
$dataType = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'DataType',
'fields' => function() use (&$dataType, &$deepDataType) {
return [
'a' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'b' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'c' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'd' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'e' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'f' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'pic' => [
'args' => [ 'size' => ['type' => Type::int() ] ],
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function($obj, $args) {
return $obj['pic']($args['size']);
'promise' => ['type' => $dataType],
'deep' => ['type' => $deepDataType],
$deepDataType = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'DeepDataType',
'fields' => [
'a' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'b' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'c' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::string()) ],
'deeper' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf($dataType) ]
$schema = new Schema(['query' => $dataType]);
$this->assertEquals($expected, Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data, null, ['size' => 100], 'Example')->toArray());
* @it merges parallel fragments
public function testMergesParallelFragments()
$ast = Parser::parse('
{ a, ...FragOne, ...FragTwo }
fragment FragOne on Type {
deep { b, deeper: deep { b } }
fragment FragTwo on Type {
deep { c, deeper: deep { c } }
$Type = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => function() use (&$Type) {
return [
'a' => ['type' => Type::string(), 'resolve' => function () {
return 'Apple';
'b' => ['type' => Type::string(), 'resolve' => function () {
return 'Banana';
'c' => ['type' => Type::string(), 'resolve' => function () {
return 'Cherry';
'deep' => [
'type' => $Type,
'resolve' => function () {
return [];
$schema = new Schema(['query' => $Type]);
$expected = [
'data' => [
'a' => 'Apple',
'b' => 'Banana',
'c' => 'Cherry',
'deep' => [
'b' => 'Banana',
'c' => 'Cherry',
'deeper' => [
'b' => 'Banana',
'c' => 'Cherry'
$this->assertEquals($expected, Executor::execute($schema, $ast)->toArray());
* @it provides info about current execution state
public function testProvidesInfoAboutCurrentExecutionState()
$ast = Parser::parse('query ($var: String) { result: test }');
/** @var ResolveInfo $info */
$info = null;
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Test',
'fields' => [
'test' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function($val, $args, $ctx, $_info) use (&$info) {
$info = $_info;
$rootValue = [ 'root' => 'val' ];
Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $rootValue, null, [ 'var' => '123' ]);
], array_keys((array) $info));
$this->assertEquals('test', $info->fieldName);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($info->fieldNodes));
$this->assertSame($ast->definitions[0]->selectionSet->selections[0], $info->fieldNodes[0]);
$this->assertSame(Type::string(), $info->returnType);
$this->assertSame($schema->getQueryType(), $info->parentType);
$this->assertEquals(['result'], $info->path);
$this->assertSame($schema, $info->schema);
$this->assertSame($rootValue, $info->rootValue);
$this->assertEquals($ast->definitions[0], $info->operation);
$this->assertEquals(['var' => '123'], $info->variableValues);
* @it threads root value context correctly
public function testThreadsContextCorrectly()
// threads context correctly
$doc = 'query Example { a }';
$gotHere = false;
$data = [
'contextThing' => 'thing',
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'a' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function ($context) use ($doc, &$gotHere) {
$this->assertEquals('thing', $context['contextThing']);
$gotHere = true;
Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data, null, [], 'Example');
$this->assertEquals(true, $gotHere);
* @it correctly threads arguments
public function testCorrectlyThreadsArguments()
$doc = '
query Example {
b(numArg: 123, stringArg: "foo")
$gotHere = false;
$docAst = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'b' => [
'args' => [
'numArg' => ['type' => Type::int()],
'stringArg' => ['type' => Type::string()]
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function ($_, $args) use (&$gotHere) {
$this->assertEquals(123, $args['numArg']);
$this->assertEquals('foo', $args['stringArg']);
$gotHere = true;
Executor::execute($schema, $docAst, null, null, [], 'Example');
$this->assertSame($gotHere, true);
* @it nulls out error subtrees
public function testNullsOutErrorSubtrees()
$doc = '{
$data = [
'sync' => function () {
return 'sync';
'syncError' => function () {
throw new UserError('Error getting syncError');
'syncRawError' => function() {
throw new UserError('Error getting syncRawError');
// inherited from JS reference implementation, but make no sense in this PHP impl
// leaving it just to simplify migrations from newer js versions
'syncReturnError' => function() {
return new UserError('Error getting syncReturnError');
'syncReturnErrorList' => function () {
return [
new UserError('Error getting syncReturnErrorList1'),
new UserError('Error getting syncReturnErrorList3')
'async' => function() {
return new Deferred(function() { return 'async'; });
'asyncReject' => function() {
return new Deferred(function() { throw new UserError('Error getting asyncReject'); });
'asyncRawReject' => function () {
return new Deferred(function() {
throw new UserError('Error getting asyncRawReject');
'asyncEmptyReject' => function () {
return new Deferred(function() {
throw new UserError();
'asyncError' => function() {
return new Deferred(function() {
throw new UserError('Error getting asyncError');
// inherited from JS reference implementation, but make no sense in this PHP impl
// leaving it just to simplify migrations from newer js versions
'asyncRawError' => function() {
return new Deferred(function() {
throw new UserError('Error getting asyncRawError');
'asyncReturnError' => function() {
return new Deferred(function() {
throw new UserError('Error getting asyncReturnError');
$docAst = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'sync' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'syncError' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'syncRawError' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'syncReturnError' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'syncReturnErrorList' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::string())],
'async' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'asyncReject' => ['type' => Type::string() ],
'asyncRawReject' => ['type' => Type::string() ],
'asyncEmptyReject' => ['type' => Type::string() ],
'asyncError' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'asyncRawError' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'asyncReturnError' => ['type' => Type::string()],
$expected = [
'data' => [
'sync' => 'sync',
'syncError' => null,
'syncRawError' => null,
'syncReturnError' => null,
'syncReturnErrorList' => ['sync0', null, 'sync2', null],
'async' => 'async',
'asyncReject' => null,
'asyncRawReject' => null,
'asyncEmptyReject' => null,
'asyncError' => null,
'asyncRawError' => null,
'asyncReturnError' => null,
'errors' => [
'message' => 'Error getting syncError',
'locations' => [['line' => 3, 'column' => 7]],
'path' => ['syncError']
'message' => 'Error getting syncRawError',
'locations' => [ [ 'line' => 4, 'column' => 7 ] ],
'path'=> [ 'syncRawError' ]
'message' => 'Error getting syncReturnError',
'locations' => [['line' => 5, 'column' => 7]],
'path' => ['syncReturnError']
'message' => 'Error getting syncReturnErrorList1',
'locations' => [['line' => 6, 'column' => 7]],
'path' => ['syncReturnErrorList', 1]
'message' => 'Error getting syncReturnErrorList3',
'locations' => [['line' => 6, 'column' => 7]],
'path' => ['syncReturnErrorList', 3]
'message' => 'Error getting asyncReject',
'locations' => [['line' => 8, 'column' => 7]],
'path' => ['asyncReject']
'message' => 'Error getting asyncRawReject',
'locations' => [['line' => 9, 'column' => 7]],
'path' => ['asyncRawReject']
'message' => 'An unknown error occurred.',
'locations' => [['line' => 10, 'column' => 7]],
'path' => ['asyncEmptyReject']
'message' => 'Error getting asyncError',
'locations' => [['line' => 11, 'column' => 7]],
'path' => ['asyncError']
'message' => 'Error getting asyncRawError',
'locations' => [ [ 'line' => 12, 'column' => 7 ] ],
'path' => [ 'asyncRawError' ]
'message' => 'Error getting asyncReturnError',
'locations' => [['line' => 13, 'column' => 7]],
'path' => ['asyncReturnError']
$result = Executor::execute($schema, $docAst, $data)->toArray();
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result);
* @it uses the inline operation if no operation name is provided
public function testUsesTheInlineOperationIfNoOperationIsProvided()
$doc = '{ a }';
$data = ['a' => 'b'];
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::string()],
$ex = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data);
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'b']], $ex->toArray());
* @it uses the only operation if no operation name is provided
public function testUsesTheOnlyOperationIfNoOperationIsProvided()
$doc = 'query Example { a }';
$data = [ 'a' => 'b' ];
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'a' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
$ex = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data);
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'b']], $ex->toArray());
* @it uses the named operation if operation name is provided
public function testUsesTheNamedOperationIfOperationNameIsProvided()
$doc = 'query Example { first: a } query OtherExample { second: a }';
$data = [ 'a' => 'b' ];
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'a' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
$result = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data, null, null, 'OtherExample');
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['second' => 'b']], $result->toArray());
* @it provides error if no operation is provided
public function testProvidesErrorIfNoOperationIsProvided()
$doc = 'fragment Example on Type { a }';
$data = [ 'a' => 'b' ];
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'a' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
$result = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data);
$expected = [
'errors' => [
'message' => 'Must provide an operation.',
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result->toArray());
* @it errors if no op name is provided with multiple operations
public function testErrorsIfNoOperationIsProvidedWithMultipleOperations()
$doc = 'query Example { a } query OtherExample { a }';
$data = ['a' => 'b'];
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::string()],
$result = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data);
$expected = [
'errors' => [
'message' => 'Must provide operation name if query contains multiple operations.',
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result->toArray());
* @it errors if unknown operation name is provided
public function testErrorsIfUnknownOperationNameIsProvided()
$doc = 'query Example { a } query OtherExample { a }';
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::string()],
$result = Executor::execute(
$expected = [
'errors' => [
'message' => 'Unknown operation named "UnknownExample".',
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result->toArray());
* @it uses the query schema for queries
public function testUsesTheQuerySchemaForQueries()
$doc = 'query Q { a } mutation M { c }';
$data = ['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd'];
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Q',
'fields' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'mutation' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'M',
'fields' => [
'c' => ['type' => Type::string()],
$queryResult = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data, null, [], 'Q');
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'b']], $queryResult->toArray());
* @it uses the mutation schema for mutations
public function testUsesTheMutationSchemaForMutations()
$doc = 'query Q { a } mutation M { c }';
$data = [ 'a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd' ];
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Q',
'fields' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'mutation' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'M',
'fields' => [
'c' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
$mutationResult = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data, null, [], 'M');
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['c' => 'd']], $mutationResult->toArray());
* @it uses the subscription schema for subscriptions
public function testUsesTheSubscriptionSchemaForSubscriptions()
$doc = 'query Q { a } subscription S { a }';
$data = [ 'a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd' ];
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Q',
'fields' => [
'a' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'subscription' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'S',
'fields' => [
'a' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
$subscriptionResult = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data, null, [], 'S');
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'b']], $subscriptionResult->toArray());
public function testCorrectFieldOrderingDespiteExecutionOrder()
$doc = '{
$data = [
'a' => function () {
return 'a';
'b' => function () {
return new Deferred(function () { return 'b'; });
'c' => function () {
return 'c';
'd' => function () {
return new Deferred(function () { return 'd'; });
'e' => function () {
return 'e';
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$queryType = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'DeepDataType',
'fields' => [
'a' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'b' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'c' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'd' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
'e' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ],
$schema = new Schema(['query' => $queryType]);
$expected = [
'data' => [
'a' => 'a',
'b' => 'b',
'c' => 'c',
'd' => 'd',
'e' => 'e',
$this->assertEquals($expected, Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data)->toArray());
* @it Avoids recursion
public function testAvoidsRecursion()
$doc = '
query Q {
fragment Frag on DataType {
$data = ['a' => 'b'];
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::string()],
$queryResult = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, $data, null, [], 'Q');
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'b']], $queryResult->toArray());
* @it does not include illegal fields in output
public function testDoesNotIncludeIllegalFieldsInOutput()
$doc = 'mutation M {
$ast = Parser::parse($doc);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Q',
'fields' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::string()],
'mutation' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'M',
'fields' => [
'c' => ['type' => Type::string()],
$mutationResult = Executor::execute($schema, $ast);
$this->assertEquals(['data' => []], $mutationResult->toArray());
* @it does not include arguments that were not set
public function testDoesNotIncludeArgumentsThatWereNotSet()
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'field' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function($data, $args) {return $args ? json_encode($args) : '';},
'args' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::boolean()],
'b' => ['type' => Type::boolean()],
'c' => ['type' => Type::boolean()],
'd' => ['type' => Type::int()],
'e' => ['type' => Type::int()]
$query = Parser::parse('{ field(a: true, c: false, e: 0) }');
$result = Executor::execute($schema, $query);
$expected = [
'data' => [
'field' => '{"a":true,"c":false,"e":0}'
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());
* @it fails when an isTypeOf check is not met
public function testFailsWhenAnIsTypeOfCheckIsNotMet()
$SpecialType = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'SpecialType',
'isTypeOf' => function($obj) {
return $obj instanceof Special;
'fields' => [
'value' => ['type' => Type::string()]
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Query',
'fields' => [
'specials' => [
'type' => Type::listOf($SpecialType),
'resolve' => function($rootValue) {
return $rootValue['specials'];
$query = Parser::parse('{ specials { value } }');
$value = [
'specials' => [ new Special('foo'), new NotSpecial('bar') ]
$result = Executor::execute($schema, $query, $value);
'specials' => [
['value' => 'foo'],
], $result->data);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result->errors));
'message' => 'Expected value of type "SpecialType" but got: instance of GraphQL\Tests\Executor\NotSpecial.',
'locations' => [['line' => 1, 'column' => 3]],
'path' => ['specials', 1]
], $result->errors[0]->toSerializableArray());
* @it fails to execute a query containing a type definition
public function testFailsToExecuteQueryContainingTypeDefinition()
$query = Parser::parse('
{ foo }
type Query { foo: String }
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Query',
'fields' => [
'foo' => ['type' => Type::string()]
$result = Executor::execute($schema, $query);
$expected = [
'errors' => [
'message' => 'GraphQL cannot execute a request containing a ObjectTypeDefinition.',
'locations' => [['line' => 4, 'column' => 7]],
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result->toArray());
* @it uses a custom field resolver
public function testUsesACustomFieldResolver()
$query = Parser::parse('{ foo }');
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Query',
'fields' => [
'foo' => ['type' => Type::string()]
// For the purposes of test, just return the name of the field!
$customResolver = function ($source, $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info) {
return $info->fieldName;
$result = Executor::execute(
$expected = [
'data' => ['foo' => 'foo']
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());
public function testSubstitutesArgumentWithDefaultValue()
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Type',
'fields' => [
'field' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function($data, $args) {return $args ? json_encode($args) : '';},
'args' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::boolean(), 'defaultValue' => 1],
'b' => ['type' => Type::boolean(), 'defaultValue' => null],
'c' => ['type' => Type::boolean(), 'defaultValue' => 0],
'd' => ['type' => Type::int(), 'defaultValue' => false],
'e' => ['type' => Type::int(), 'defaultValue' => '0'],
'f' => ['type' => Type::int(), 'defaultValue' => 'some-string'],
'g' => ['type' => Type::boolean()],
'h' => ['type' => new InputObjectType([
'name' => 'ComplexType',
'fields' => [
'a' => ['type' => Type::int()],
'b' => ['type' => Type::string()]
]), 'defaultValue' => ['a' => 1, 'b' => 'test']]
$query = Parser::parse('{ field }');
$result = Executor::execute($schema, $query);
$expected = [
'data' => [
'field' => '{"a":1,"b":null,"c":0,"d":false,"e":"0","f":"some-string","h":{"a":1,"b":"test"}}'
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());
* @see https://github.com/webonyx/graphql-php/issues/59
public function testSerializesToEmptyObjectVsEmptyArray()
$iface = null;
$a = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'A',
'fields' => [
'id' => Type::id()
'interfaces' => function() use (&$iface) {
return [$iface];
$b = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'B',
'fields' => [
'id' => Type::id()
'interfaces' => function() use (&$iface) {
return [$iface];
$iface = new InterfaceType([
'name' => 'Iface',
'fields' => [
'id' => Type::id()
'resolveType' => function($v) use ($a, $b) {
return $v['type'] === 'A' ? $a : $b;
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Query',
'fields' => [
'ab' => Type::listOf($iface)
'types' => [$a, $b]
$data = [
'ab' => [
['id' => 1, 'type' => 'A'],
['id' => 2, 'type' => 'A'],
['id' => 3, 'type' => 'B'],
['id' => 4, 'type' => 'B']
$query = Parser::parse('
ab {
... on A{
$result = Executor::execute($schema, $query, $data, null);
'data' => [
'ab' => [
['id' => '1'],
['id' => '2'],
new \stdClass(),
new \stdClass()
], $result->toArray());