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<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqlgraphql">GraphQL\GraphQL</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqltypedefinitiontype">GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqltypedefinitionresolveinfo">GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqllanguagedirectivelocation">GraphQL\Language\DirectiveLocation</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqltypeschemaconfig">GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqltypeschema">GraphQL\Type\Schema</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqllanguageparser">GraphQL\Language\Parser</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqllanguageprinter">GraphQL\Language\Printer</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqllanguagevisitor">GraphQL\Language\Visitor</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqllanguageastnodekind">GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeKind</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqlexecutorexecutor">GraphQL\Executor\Executor</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqlexecutorexecutionresult">GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqlexecutorpromisepromiseadapter">GraphQL\Executor\Promise\PromiseAdapter</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqlvalidatordocumentvalidator">GraphQL\Validator\DocumentValidator</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqlerrorerror">GraphQL\Error\Error</a></li>
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<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqlutilsbuildschema">GraphQL\Utils\BuildSchema</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#graphqlutilsast">GraphQL\Utils\AST</a></li>
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<h1 id="graphqlgraphql">GraphQL\GraphQL</h1>
<p>This is the primary facade for fulfilling GraphQL operations.
See <a href="../executing-queries/">related documentation</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Executes graphql query.
* More sophisticated GraphQL servers, such as those which persist queries,
* may wish to separate the validation and execution phases to a static time
* tooling step, and a server runtime step.
* Available options:
* schema:
* The GraphQL type system to use when validating and executing a query.
* source:
* A GraphQL language formatted string representing the requested operation.
* rootValue:
* The value provided as the first argument to resolver functions on the top
* level type (e.g. the query object type).
* context:
* The value provided as the third argument to all resolvers.
* Use this to pass current session, user data, etc
* variableValues:
* A mapping of variable name to runtime value to use for all variables
* defined in the requestString.
* operationName:
* The name of the operation to use if requestString contains multiple
* possible operations. Can be omitted if requestString contains only
* one operation.
* fieldResolver:
* A resolver function to use when one is not provided by the schema.
* If not provided, the default field resolver is used (which looks for a
* value on the source value with the field's name).
* validationRules:
* A set of rules for query validation step. Default value is all available rules.
* Empty array would allow to skip query validation (may be convenient for persisted
* queries which are validated before persisting and assumed valid during execution)
* @api
* @param \GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema
* @param string|DocumentNode $source
* @param mixed $rootValue
* @param mixed $context
* @param array|null $variableValues
* @param string|null $operationName
* @param callable $fieldResolver
* @param array $validationRules
* @return ExecutionResult
static function executeQuery(
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
$rootValue = null,
$context = null,
$variableValues = null,
$operationName = null,
callable $fieldResolver = null,
array $validationRules = null
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Same as executeQuery(), but requires PromiseAdapter and always returns a Promise.
* Useful for Async PHP platforms.
* @api
* @param PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter
* @param \GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema
* @param string|DocumentNode $source
* @param mixed $rootValue
* @param mixed $context
* @param array|null $variableValues
* @param string|null $operationName
* @param callable $fieldResolver
* @param array $validationRules
* @return Promise
static function promiseToExecute(
GraphQL\Executor\Promise\PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter,
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
$rootValue = null,
$context = null,
$variableValues = null,
$operationName = null,
callable $fieldResolver = null,
array $validationRules = null
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns directives defined in GraphQL spec
* @api
* @return Directive[]
static function getStandardDirectives()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns types defined in GraphQL spec
* @api
* @return Type[]
static function getStandardTypes()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns standard validation rules implementing GraphQL spec
* @api
* @return AbstractValidationRule[]
static function getStandardValidationRules()
<h1 id="graphqltypedefinitiontype">GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type</h1>
<p>Registry of standard GraphQL types
and a base class for all other types.</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return IDType
static function id()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return StringType
static function string()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return BooleanType
static function boolean()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return IntType
static function int()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return FloatType
static function float()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Type|ObjectType|InterfaceType|UnionType|ScalarType|InputObjectType|EnumType|ListOfType|NonNull $wrappedType
* @return ListOfType
static function listOf($wrappedType)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param ObjectType|InterfaceType|UnionType|ScalarType|InputObjectType|EnumType|ListOfType $wrappedType
* @return NonNull
static function nonNull($wrappedType)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Type $type
* @return bool
static function isInputType($type)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Type $type
* @return bool
static function isOutputType($type)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param $type
* @return bool
static function isLeafType($type)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Type $type
* @return bool
static function isCompositeType($type)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Type $type
* @return bool
static function isAbstractType($type)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Type $type
* @return bool
static function isType($type)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Type $type
* @return ObjectType|InterfaceType|UnionType|ScalarType|InputObjectType|EnumType|ListOfType
static function getNullableType($type)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Type $type
* @return ObjectType|InterfaceType|UnionType|ScalarType|InputObjectType|EnumType
static function getNamedType($type)
<h1 id="graphqltypedefinitionresolveinfo">GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo</h1>
<p>Structure containing information useful for field resolution process.
Passed as 3rd argument to every field resolver. See <a href="../data-fetching/">docs on field resolving (data fetching)</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Class Props:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* The name of the field being resolved
* @api
* @var string
public $fieldName;
* AST of all nodes referencing this field in the query.
* @api
* @var FieldNode[]
public $fieldNodes;
* Expected return type of the field being resolved
* @api
* @var ScalarType|ObjectType|InterfaceType|UnionType|EnumType|ListOfType|NonNull
public $returnType;
* Parent type of the field being resolved
* @api
* @var ObjectType
public $parentType;
* Path to this field from the very root value
* @api
* @var array
public $path;
* Instance of a schema used for execution
* @api
* @var Schema
public $schema;
* AST of all fragments defined in query
* @api
* @var FragmentDefinitionNode[]
public $fragments;
* Root value passed to query execution
* @api
* @var mixed
public $rootValue;
* AST of operation definition node (query, mutation)
* @api
* @var OperationDefinitionNode
public $operation;
* Array of variables passed to query execution
* @api
* @var array
public $variableValues;
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Helper method that returns names of all fields selected in query for
* $this->fieldName up to $depth levels
* Example:
* query MyQuery{
* {
* root {
* id,
* nested {
* nested1
* nested2 {
* nested3
* }
* }
* }
* }
* Given this ResolveInfo instance is a part of "root" field resolution, and $depth === 1,
* method will return:
* [
* 'id' => true,
* 'nested' => [
* nested1 => true,
* nested2 => true
* ]
* ]
* Warning: this method it is a naive implementation which does not take into account
* conditional typed fragments. So use it with care for fields of interface and union types.
* @api
* @param int $depth How many levels to include in output
* @return array
function getFieldSelection($depth = 0)
<h1 id="graphqllanguagedirectivelocation">GraphQL\Language\DirectiveLocation</h1>
<p>List of available directive locations</p>
<p><strong>Class Constants:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">const QUERY = "QUERY";
const FIELD = "FIELD";
const SCHEMA = "SCHEMA";
const SCALAR = "SCALAR";
const OBJECT = "OBJECT";
const UNION = "UNION";
const ENUM = "ENUM";
<h1 id="graphqltypeschemaconfig">GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig</h1>
<p>Schema configuration class.
Could be passed directly to schema constructor. List of options accepted by <strong>create</strong> method is
<a href="../type-system/schema/#configuration-options">described in docs</a>.</p>
<p>Usage example:</p>
<pre><code>$config = SchemaConfig::create()
$schema = new Schema($config);
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Converts an array of options to instance of SchemaConfig
* (or just returns empty config when array is not passed).
* @api
* @param array $options
* @return SchemaConfig
static function create(array $options = [])
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param ObjectType $query
* @return SchemaConfig
function setQuery($query)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param ObjectType $mutation
* @return SchemaConfig
function setMutation($mutation)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param ObjectType $subscription
* @return SchemaConfig
function setSubscription($subscription)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Type[]|callable $types
* @return SchemaConfig
function setTypes($types)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Directive[] $directives
* @return SchemaConfig
function setDirectives(array $directives)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param callable $typeLoader
* @return SchemaConfig
function setTypeLoader(callable $typeLoader)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return ObjectType
function getQuery()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return ObjectType
function getMutation()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return ObjectType
function getSubscription()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return Type[]
function getTypes()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return Directive[]
function getDirectives()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return callable
function getTypeLoader()
<h1 id="graphqltypeschema">GraphQL\Type\Schema</h1>
<p>Schema Definition (see <a href="../type-system/schema/">related docs</a>)</p>
<p>A Schema is created by supplying the root types of each type of operation:
query, mutation (optional) and subscription (optional). A schema definition is
then supplied to the validator and executor. Usage Example:</p>
<pre><code>$schema = new GraphQL\Type\Schema([
'query' => $MyAppQueryRootType,
'mutation' => $MyAppMutationRootType,
<p>Or using Schema Config instance:</p>
<pre><code>$config = GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig::create()
$schema = new GraphQL\Type\Schema($config);
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Schema constructor.
* @api
* @param array|SchemaConfig $config
function __construct($config)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns schema query type
* @api
* @return ObjectType
function getQueryType()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns schema mutation type
* @api
* @return ObjectType|null
function getMutationType()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns schema subscription
* @api
* @return ObjectType|null
function getSubscriptionType()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @return SchemaConfig
function getConfig()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns array of all types in this schema. Keys of this array represent type names, values are instances
* of corresponding type definitions
* This operation requires full schema scan. Do not use in production environment.
* @api
* @return Type[]
function getTypeMap()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns type by it's name
* @api
* @param string $name
* @return Type
function getType($name)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns all possible concrete types for given abstract type
* (implementations for interfaces and members of union type for unions)
* This operation requires full schema scan. Do not use in production environment.
* @api
* @param AbstractType $abstractType
* @return ObjectType[]
function getPossibleTypes(GraphQL\Type\Definition\AbstractType $abstractType)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns true if object type is concrete type of given abstract type
* (implementation for interfaces and members of union type for unions)
* @api
* @param AbstractType $abstractType
* @param ObjectType $possibleType
* @return bool
function isPossibleType(
GraphQL\Type\Definition\AbstractType $abstractType,
GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType $possibleType
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns a list of directives supported by this schema
* @api
* @return Directive[]
function getDirectives()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns instance of directive by name
* @api
* @param $name
* @return Directive
function getDirective($name)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Validates schema.
* This operation requires full schema scan. Do not use in production environment.
* @api
* @return InvariantViolation[]|Error[]
function validate()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Validates schema.
* This operation requires full schema scan. Do not use in production environment.
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
function assertValid()
<h1 id="graphqllanguageparser">GraphQL\Language\Parser</h1>
<p>Parses string containing GraphQL query or <a href="../type-system/type-language/">type definition</a> to Abstract Syntax Tree.</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Given a GraphQL source, parses it into a `GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode`.
* Throws `GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError` if a syntax error is encountered.
* Available options:
* noLocation: boolean,
* (By default, the parser creates AST nodes that know the location
* in the source that they correspond to. This configuration flag
* disables that behavior for performance or testing.)
* experimentalFragmentVariables: boolean,
* (If enabled, the parser will understand and parse variable definitions
* contained in a fragment definition. They'll be represented in the
* `variableDefinitions` field of the FragmentDefinitionNode.
* The syntax is identical to normal, query-defined variables. For example:
* fragment A($var: Boolean = false) on T {
* ...
* }
* Note: this feature is experimental and may change or be removed in the
* future.)
* @api
* @param Source|string $source
* @param array $options
* @return DocumentNode
* @throws SyntaxError
static function parse($source, array $options = [])
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Given a string containing a GraphQL value (ex. `[42]`), parse the AST for
* that value.
* Throws `GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError` if a syntax error is encountered.
* This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL Values directly and
* in isolation of complete GraphQL documents.
* Consider providing the results to the utility function: `GraphQL\Utils\AST::valueFromAST()`.
* @api
* @param Source|string $source
* @param array $options
* @return BooleanValueNode|EnumValueNode|FloatValueNode|IntValueNode|ListValueNode|ObjectValueNode|StringValueNode|VariableNode
static function parseValue($source, array $options = [])
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Given a string containing a GraphQL Type (ex. `[Int!]`), parse the AST for
* that type.
* Throws `GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError` if a syntax error is encountered.
* This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL Types directly and
* in isolation of complete GraphQL documents.
* Consider providing the results to the utility function: `GraphQL\Utils\AST::typeFromAST()`.
* @api
* @param Source|string $source
* @param array $options
* @return ListTypeNode|NameNode|NonNullTypeNode
static function parseType($source, array $options = [])
<h1 id="graphqllanguageprinter">GraphQL\Language\Printer</h1>
<p>Prints AST to string. Capable of printing GraphQL queries and Type definition language.
Useful for pretty-printing queries or printing back AST for logging, documentation, etc.</p>
<p>Usage example:</p>
<pre><code class="php">$query = 'query myQuery {someField}';
$ast = GraphQL\Language\Parser::parse($query);
$printed = GraphQL\Language\Printer::doPrint($ast);
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Prints AST to string. Capable of printing GraphQL queries and Type definition language.
* @api
* @param Node $ast
* @return string
static function doPrint($ast)
<h1 id="graphqllanguagevisitor">GraphQL\Language\Visitor</h1>
<p>Utility for efficient AST traversal and modification.</p>
<p><code>visit()</code> will walk through an AST using a depth first traversal, calling
the visitor's enter function at each node in the traversal, and calling the
leave function after visiting that node and all of it's child nodes.</p>
<p>By returning different values from the enter and leave functions, the
behavior of the visitor can be altered, including skipping over a sub-tree of
the AST (by returning false), editing the AST by returning a value or null
to remove the value, or to stop the whole traversal by returning BREAK.</p>
<p>When using <code>visit()</code> to edit an AST, the original AST will not be modified, and
a new version of the AST with the changes applied will be returned from the
visit function.</p>
<pre><code>$editedAST = Visitor::visit($ast, [
'enter' => function ($node, $key, $parent, $path, $ancestors) {
// return
// null: no action
// Visitor::skipNode(): skip visiting this node
// Visitor::stop(): stop visiting altogether
// Visitor::removeNode(): delete this node
// any value: replace this node with the returned value
'leave' => function ($node, $key, $parent, $path, $ancestors) {
// return
// null: no action
// Visitor::stop(): stop visiting altogether
// Visitor::removeNode(): delete this node
// any value: replace this node with the returned value
<p>Alternatively to providing enter() and leave() functions, a visitor can
instead provide functions named the same as the <a href="./#graphqllanguageastnodekind">kinds of AST nodes</a>,
or enter/leave visitors at a named key, leading to four permutations of
visitor API:</p>
<p>1) Named visitors triggered when entering a node a specific kind.</p>
<pre><code>Visitor::visit($ast, [
'Kind' => function ($node) {
// enter the "Kind" node
<p>2) Named visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving a node of
a specific kind.</p>
<pre><code>Visitor::visit($ast, [
'Kind' => [
'enter' => function ($node) {
// enter the "Kind" node
'leave' => function ($node) {
// leave the "Kind" node
<p>3) Generic visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving any node.</p>
<pre><code>Visitor::visit($ast, [
'enter' => function ($node) {
// enter any node
'leave' => function ($node) {
// leave any node
<p>4) Parallel visitors for entering and leaving nodes of a specific kind.</p>
<pre><code>Visitor::visit($ast, [
'enter' => [
'Kind' => function($node) {
// enter the "Kind" node
'leave' => [
'Kind' => function ($node) {
// leave the "Kind" node
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Visit the AST (see class description for details)
* @api
* @param Node $root
* @param array $visitor
* @param array $keyMap
* @return Node|mixed
* @throws \Exception
static function visit($root, $visitor, $keyMap = null)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns marker for visitor break
* @api
* @return VisitorOperation
static function stop()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns marker for skipping current node
* @api
* @return VisitorOperation
static function skipNode()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns marker for removing a node
* @api
* @return VisitorOperation
static function removeNode()
<h1 id="graphqllanguageastnodekind">GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeKind</h1>
<p><strong>Class Constants:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">const NAME = "Name";
const DOCUMENT = "Document";
const OPERATION_DEFINITION = "OperationDefinition";
const VARIABLE_DEFINITION = "VariableDefinition";
const VARIABLE = "Variable";
const SELECTION_SET = "SelectionSet";
const FIELD = "Field";
const ARGUMENT = "Argument";
const FRAGMENT_SPREAD = "FragmentSpread";
const INLINE_FRAGMENT = "InlineFragment";
const FRAGMENT_DEFINITION = "FragmentDefinition";
const INT = "IntValue";
const FLOAT = "FloatValue";
const STRING = "StringValue";
const BOOLEAN = "BooleanValue";
const ENUM = "EnumValue";
const NULL = "NullValue";
const LST = "ListValue";
const OBJECT = "ObjectValue";
const OBJECT_FIELD = "ObjectField";
const DIRECTIVE = "Directive";
const NAMED_TYPE = "NamedType";
const LIST_TYPE = "ListType";
const NON_NULL_TYPE = "NonNullType";
const SCHEMA_DEFINITION = "SchemaDefinition";
const OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION = "OperationTypeDefinition";
const SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION = "ScalarTypeDefinition";
const OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = "ObjectTypeDefinition";
const FIELD_DEFINITION = "FieldDefinition";
const INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION = "InputValueDefinition";
const INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION = "InterfaceTypeDefinition";
const UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION = "UnionTypeDefinition";
const ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION = "EnumTypeDefinition";
const ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION = "EnumValueDefinition";
const INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = "InputObjectTypeDefinition";
const SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION = "ScalarTypeExtension";
const OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = "ObjectTypeExtension";
const INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION = "InterfaceTypeExtension";
const UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION = "UnionTypeExtension";
const ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION = "EnumTypeExtension";
const INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = "InputObjectTypeExtension";
const DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION = "DirectiveDefinition";
<h1 id="graphqlexecutorexecutor">GraphQL\Executor\Executor</h1>
<p>Implements the "Evaluating requests" section of the GraphQL specification.</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Executes DocumentNode against given $schema.
* Always returns ExecutionResult and never throws. All errors which occur during operation
* execution are collected in `$result->errors`.
* @api
* @param Schema $schema
* @param DocumentNode $ast
* @param $rootValue
* @param $contextValue
* @param array|\ArrayAccess $variableValues
* @param null $operationName
* @param callable $fieldResolver
* @return ExecutionResult|Promise
static function execute(
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $ast,
$rootValue = null,
$contextValue = null,
$variableValues = null,
$operationName = null,
callable $fieldResolver = null
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Same as execute(), but requires promise adapter and returns a promise which is always
* fulfilled with an instance of ExecutionResult and never rejected.
* Useful for async PHP platforms.
* @api
* @param PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter
* @param Schema $schema
* @param DocumentNode $ast
* @param null $rootValue
* @param null $contextValue
* @param null $variableValues
* @param null $operationName
* @param callable|null $fieldResolver
* @return Promise
static function promiseToExecute(
GraphQL\Executor\Promise\PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter,
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $ast,
$rootValue = null,
$contextValue = null,
$variableValues = null,
$operationName = null,
callable $fieldResolver = null
<h1 id="graphqlexecutorexecutionresult">GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult</h1>
<p>Returned after <a href="../executing-queries/">query execution</a>.
Represents both - result of successful execution and of a failed one
(with errors collected in <code>errors</code> prop)</p>
<p>Could be converted to <a href="https://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Response-Format">spec-compliant</a>
serializable array using <code>toArray()</code></p>
<p><strong>Class Props:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Data collected from resolvers during query execution
* @api
* @var array
public $data;
* Errors registered during query execution.
* If an error was caused by exception thrown in resolver, $error->getPrevious() would
* contain original exception.
* @api
* @var \GraphQL\Error\Error[]
public $errors;
* User-defined serializable array of extensions included in serialized result.
* Conforms to
* @api
* @var array
public $extensions;
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Define custom error formatting (must conform to http://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Errors)
* Expected signature is: function (GraphQL\Error\Error $error): array
* Default formatter is "GraphQL\Error\FormattedError::createFromException"
* Expected returned value must be an array:
* array(
* 'message' => 'errorMessage',
* // ... other keys
* );
* @api
* @param callable $errorFormatter
* @return $this
function setErrorFormatter(callable $errorFormatter)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Define custom logic for error handling (filtering, logging, etc).
* Expected handler signature is: function (array $errors, callable $formatter): array
* Default handler is:
* function (array $errors, callable $formatter) {
* return array_map($formatter, $errors);
* }
* @api
* @param callable $handler
* @return $this
function setErrorsHandler(callable $handler)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Converts GraphQL query result to spec-compliant serializable array using provided
* errors handler and formatter.
* If debug argument is passed, output of error formatter is enriched which debugging information
* ("debugMessage", "trace" keys depending on flags).
* $debug argument must be either bool (only adds "debugMessage" to result) or sum of flags from
* GraphQL\Error\Debug
* @api
* @param bool|int $debug
* @return array
function toArray($debug = false)
<h1 id="graphqlexecutorpromisepromiseadapter">GraphQL\Executor\Promise\PromiseAdapter</h1>
<p>Provides a means for integration of async PHP platforms (<a href="../data-fetching/#async-php">related docs</a>)</p>
<p><strong>Interface Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Return true if the value is a promise or a deferred of the underlying platform
* @api
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool
function isThenable($value)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Converts thenable of the underlying platform into GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise instance
* @api
* @param object $thenable
* @return Promise
function convertThenable($thenable)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Accepts our Promise wrapper, extracts adopted promise out of it and executes actual `then` logic described
* in Promises/A+ specs. Then returns new wrapped instance of GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise.
* @api
* @param Promise $promise
* @param callable|null $onFulfilled
* @param callable|null $onRejected
* @return Promise
function then(
GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise $promise,
callable $onFulfilled = null,
callable $onRejected = null
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Creates a Promise
* Expected resolver signature:
* function(callable $resolve, callable $reject)
* @api
* @param callable $resolver
* @return Promise
function create(callable $resolver)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Creates a fulfilled Promise for a value if the value is not a promise.
* @api
* @param mixed $value
* @return Promise
function createFulfilled($value = null)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Creates a rejected promise for a reason if the reason is not a promise. If
* the provided reason is a promise, then it is returned as-is.
* @api
* @param \Throwable $reason
* @return Promise
function createRejected($reason)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Given an array of promises (or values), returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the
* items in the array are fulfilled.
* @api
* @param array $promisesOrValues Promises or values.
* @return Promise
function all(array $promisesOrValues)
<h1 id="graphqlvalidatordocumentvalidator">GraphQL\Validator\DocumentValidator</h1>
<p>Implements the "Validation" section of the spec.</p>
<p>Validation runs synchronously, returning an array of encountered errors, or
an empty array if no errors were encountered and the document is valid.</p>
<p>A list of specific validation rules may be provided. If not provided, the
default list of rules defined by the GraphQL specification will be used.</p>
<p>Each validation rule is an instance of GraphQL\Validator\Rules\AbstractValidationRule
which returns a visitor (see the <a href="./#graphqllanguagevisitor">GraphQL\Language\Visitor API</a>).</p>
<p>Visitor methods are expected to return an instance of <a href="./#graphqlerrorerror">GraphQL\Error\Error</a>,
or array of such instances when invalid.</p>
<p>Optionally a custom TypeInfo instance may be provided. If not provided, one
will be created from the provided schema.</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Primary method for query validation. See class description for details.
* @api
* @param Schema $schema
* @param DocumentNode $ast
* @param AbstractValidationRule[]|null $rules
* @param TypeInfo|null $typeInfo
* @return Error[]
static function validate(
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $ast,
array $rules = null,
GraphQL\Utils\TypeInfo $typeInfo = null
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns all global validation rules.
* @api
* @return AbstractValidationRule[]
static function allRules()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns global validation rule by name. Standard rules are named by class name, so
* example usage for such rules:
* $rule = DocumentValidator::getRule(GraphQL\Validator\Rules\QueryComplexity::class);
* @api
* @param string $name
* @return AbstractValidationRule
static function getRule($name)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Add rule to list of global validation rules
* @api
* @param AbstractValidationRule $rule
static function addRule(GraphQL\Validator\Rules\AbstractValidationRule $rule)
<h1 id="graphqlerrorerror">GraphQL\Error\Error</h1>
<p>Describes an Error found during the parse, validate, or
execute phases of performing a GraphQL operation. In addition to a message
and stack trace, it also includes information about the locations in a
GraphQL document and/or execution result that correspond to the Error.</p>
<p>When the error was caused by an exception thrown in resolver, original exception
is available via <code>getPrevious()</code>.</p>
<p>Also read related docs on <a href="../error-handling/">error handling</a></p>
<p>Class extends standard PHP <code>\Exception</code>, so all standard methods of base <code>\Exception</code> class
are available in addition to those listed below.</p>
<p><strong>Class Constants:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">const CATEGORY_GRAPHQL = "graphql";
const CATEGORY_INTERNAL = "internal";
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* An array of locations within the source GraphQL document which correspond to this error.
* Each entry has information about `line` and `column` within source GraphQL document:
* $location->line;
* $location->column;
* Errors during validation often contain multiple locations, for example to
* point out to field mentioned in multiple fragments. Errors during execution include a
* single location, the field which produced the error.
* @api
* @return SourceLocation[]
function getLocations()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns an array describing the path from the root value to the field which produced this error.
* Only included for execution errors.
* @api
* @return array|null
function getPath()
<h1 id="graphqlerrorwarning">GraphQL\Error\Warning</h1>
<p>Encapsulates warnings produced by the library.</p>
<p>Warnings can be suppressed (individually or all) if required.
Also it is possible to override warning handler (which is <strong>trigger_error()</strong> by default)</p>
<p><strong>Class Constants:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">const WARNING_ASSIGN = 2;
const WARNING_NOT_A_TYPE = 32;
const ALL = 63;
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Sets warning handler which can intercept all system warnings.
* When not set, trigger_error() is used to notify about warnings.
* @api
* @param callable|null $warningHandler
static function setWarningHandler(callable $warningHandler = null)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Suppress warning by id (has no effect when custom warning handler is set)
* Usage example:
* Warning::suppress(Warning::WARNING_NOT_A_TYPE)
* When passing true - suppresses all warnings.
* @api
* @param bool|int $suppress
static function suppress($suppress = true)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Re-enable previously suppressed warning by id
* Usage example:
* Warning::suppress(Warning::WARNING_NOT_A_TYPE)
* When passing true - re-enables all warnings.
* @api
* @param bool|int $enable
static function enable($enable = true)
<h1 id="graphqlerrorclientaware">GraphQL\Error\ClientAware</h1>
<p>This interface is used for <a href="../error-handling/">default error formatting</a>.</p>
<p>Only errors implementing this interface (and returning true from <code>isClientSafe()</code>)
will be formatted with original error message.</p>
<p>All other errors will be formatted with generic "Internal server error".</p>
<p><strong>Interface Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns true when exception message is safe to be displayed to a client.
* @api
* @return bool
function isClientSafe()
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns string describing a category of the error.
* Value "graphql" is reserved for errors produced by query parsing or validation, do not use it.
* @api
* @return string
function getCategory()
<h1 id="graphqlerrordebug">GraphQL\Error\Debug</h1>
<p>Collection of flags for <a href="../error-handling/#debugging-tools">error debugging</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Class Constants:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">const INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE = 1;
const INCLUDE_TRACE = 2;
<h1 id="graphqlerrorformattederror">GraphQL\Error\FormattedError</h1>
<p>This class is used for <a href="../error-handling/">default error formatting</a>.
It converts PHP exceptions to <a href="https://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Errors">spec-compliant errors</a>
and provides tools for error debugging.</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Set default error message for internal errors formatted using createFormattedError().
* This value can be overridden by passing 3rd argument to `createFormattedError()`.
* @api
* @param string $msg
static function setInternalErrorMessage($msg)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Standard GraphQL error formatter. Converts any exception to array
* conforming to GraphQL spec.
* This method only exposes exception message when exception implements ClientAware interface
* (or when debug flags are passed).
* For a list of available debug flags see GraphQL\Error\Debug constants.
* @api
* @param \Throwable $e
* @param bool|int $debug
* @param string $internalErrorMessage
* @return array
* @throws \Throwable
static function createFromException($e, $debug = false, $internalErrorMessage = null)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns error trace as serializable array
* @api
* @param \Throwable $error
* @return array
static function toSafeTrace($error)
<h1 id="graphqlserverstandardserver">GraphQL\Server\StandardServer</h1>
<p>GraphQL server compatible with both: <a href="https://github.com/graphql/express-graphql">express-graphql</a>
and <a href="https://github.com/apollographql/graphql-server">Apollo Server</a>.
Usage Example:</p>
<pre><code>$server = new StandardServer([
'schema' => $mySchema
<p>Or using <a href="./#graphqlserverserverconfig">ServerConfig</a> instance:</p>
<pre><code>$config = GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig::create()
$server = new GraphQL\Server\StandardServer($config);
<p>See <a href="../executing-queries/#using-server">dedicated section in docs</a> for details.</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Converts and exception to error and sends spec-compliant HTTP 500 error.
* Useful when an exception is thrown somewhere outside of server execution context
* (e.g. during schema instantiation).
* @api
* @param \Throwable $error
* @param bool $debug
* @param bool $exitWhenDone
static function send500Error($error, $debug = false, $exitWhenDone = false)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Creates new instance of a standard GraphQL HTTP server
* @api
* @param ServerConfig|array $config
function __construct($config)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Parses HTTP request, executes and emits response (using standard PHP `header` function and `echo`)
* By default (when $parsedBody is not set) it uses PHP globals to parse a request.
* It is possible to implement request parsing elsewhere (e.g. using framework Request instance)
* and then pass it to the server.
* See `executeRequest()` if you prefer to emit response yourself
* (e.g. using Response object of some framework)
* @api
* @param OperationParams|OperationParams[] $parsedBody
* @param bool $exitWhenDone
function handleRequest($parsedBody = null, $exitWhenDone = false)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Executes GraphQL operation and returns execution result
* (or promise when promise adapter is different from SyncPromiseAdapter).
* By default (when $parsedBody is not set) it uses PHP globals to parse a request.
* It is possible to implement request parsing elsewhere (e.g. using framework Request instance)
* and then pass it to the server.
* PSR-7 compatible method executePsrRequest() does exactly this.
* @api
* @param OperationParams|OperationParams[] $parsedBody
* @return ExecutionResult|ExecutionResult[]|Promise
* @throws InvariantViolation
function executeRequest($parsedBody = null)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Executes PSR-7 request and fulfills PSR-7 response.
* See `executePsrRequest()` if you prefer to create response yourself
* (e.g. using specific JsonResponse instance of some framework).
* @api
* @param ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param ResponseInterface $response
* @param StreamInterface $writableBodyStream
* @return ResponseInterface|Promise
function processPsrRequest(
Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request,
Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response,
Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $writableBodyStream
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Executes GraphQL operation and returns execution result
* (or promise when promise adapter is different from SyncPromiseAdapter)
* @api
* @param ServerRequestInterface $request
* @return ExecutionResult|ExecutionResult[]|Promise
function executePsrRequest(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns an instance of Server helper, which contains most of the actual logic for
* parsing / validating / executing request (which could be re-used by other server implementations)
* @api
* @return Helper
function getHelper()
<h1 id="graphqlserverserverconfig">GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig</h1>
<p>Server configuration class.
Could be passed directly to server constructor. List of options accepted by <strong>create</strong> method is
<a href="../executing-queries/#server-configuration-options">described in docs</a>.</p>
<p>Usage example:</p>
<pre><code>$config = GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig::create()
$server = new GraphQL\Server\StandardServer($config);
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Converts an array of options to instance of ServerConfig
* (or just returns empty config when array is not passed).
* @api
* @param array $config
* @return ServerConfig
static function create(array $config = [])
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Schema $schema
* @return $this
function setSchema(GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param mixed|\Closure $context
* @return $this
function setContext($context)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param mixed|\Closure $rootValue
* @return $this
function setRootValue($rootValue)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Expects function(Throwable $e) : array
* @api
* @param callable $errorFormatter
* @return $this
function setErrorFormatter(callable $errorFormatter)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Expects function(array $errors, callable $formatter) : array
* @api
* @param callable $handler
* @return $this
function setErrorsHandler(callable $handler)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Set validation rules for this server.
* @api
* @param array|callable
* @return $this
function setValidationRules($validationRules)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param callable $fieldResolver
* @return $this
function setFieldResolver(callable $fieldResolver)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Expects function($queryId, OperationParams $params) : string|DocumentNode
* This function must return query string or valid DocumentNode.
* @api
* @param callable $persistentQueryLoader
* @return $this
function setPersistentQueryLoader(callable $persistentQueryLoader)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Set response debug flags. See GraphQL\Error\Debug class for a list of all available flags
* @api
* @param bool|int $set
* @return $this
function setDebug($set = true)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Allow batching queries (disabled by default)
* @api
* @param bool $enableBatching
* @return $this
function setQueryBatching($enableBatching)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter
* @return $this
function setPromiseAdapter(GraphQL\Executor\Promise\PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter)
<h1 id="graphqlserverhelper">GraphQL\Server\Helper</h1>
<p>Contains functionality that could be re-used by various server implementations</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Parses HTTP request using PHP globals and returns GraphQL OperationParams
* contained in this request. For batched requests it returns an array of OperationParams.
* This function does not check validity of these params
* (validation is performed separately in validateOperationParams() method).
* If $readRawBodyFn argument is not provided - will attempt to read raw request body
* from `php://input` stream.
* Internally it normalizes input to $method, $bodyParams and $queryParams and
* calls `parseRequestParams()` to produce actual return value.
* For PSR-7 request parsing use `parsePsrRequest()` instead.
* @api
* @param callable|null $readRawBodyFn
* @return OperationParams|OperationParams[]
* @throws RequestError
function parseHttpRequest(callable $readRawBodyFn = null)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Parses normalized request params and returns instance of OperationParams
* or array of OperationParams in case of batch operation.
* Returned value is a suitable input for `executeOperation` or `executeBatch` (if array)
* @api
* @param string $method
* @param array $bodyParams
* @param array $queryParams
* @return OperationParams|OperationParams[]
* @throws RequestError
function parseRequestParams($method, array $bodyParams, array $queryParams)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Checks validity of OperationParams extracted from HTTP request and returns an array of errors
* if params are invalid (or empty array when params are valid)
* @api
* @param OperationParams $params
* @return Error[]
function validateOperationParams(GraphQL\Server\OperationParams $params)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Executes GraphQL operation with given server configuration and returns execution result
* (or promise when promise adapter is different from SyncPromiseAdapter)
* @api
* @param ServerConfig $config
* @param OperationParams $op
* @return ExecutionResult|Promise
function executeOperation(GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig $config, GraphQL\Server\OperationParams $op)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Executes batched GraphQL operations with shared promise queue
* (thus, effectively batching deferreds|promises of all queries at once)
* @api
* @param ServerConfig $config
* @param OperationParams[] $operations
* @return ExecutionResult[]|Promise
function executeBatch(GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig $config, array $operations)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Send response using standard PHP `header()` and `echo`.
* @api
* @param Promise|ExecutionResult|ExecutionResult[] $result
* @param bool $exitWhenDone
function sendResponse($result, $exitWhenDone = false)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Converts PSR-7 request to OperationParams[]
* @api
* @param ServerRequestInterface $request
* @return array|Helper
* @throws RequestError
function parsePsrRequest(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Converts query execution result to PSR-7 response
* @api
* @param Promise|ExecutionResult|ExecutionResult[] $result
* @param ResponseInterface $response
* @param StreamInterface $writableBodyStream
* @return Promise|ResponseInterface
function toPsrResponse(
Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response,
Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $writableBodyStream
<h1 id="graphqlserveroperationparams">GraphQL\Server\OperationParams</h1>
<p>Structure representing parsed HTTP parameters for GraphQL operation</p>
<p><strong>Class Props:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Id of the query (when using persistent queries).
* Valid aliases (case-insensitive):
* - id
* - queryId
* - documentId
* @api
* @var string
public $queryId;
* @api
* @var string
public $query;
* @api
* @var string
public $operation;
* @api
* @var array
public $variables;
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Creates an instance from given array
* @api
* @param array $params
* @param bool $readonly
* @return OperationParams
static function create(array $params, $readonly = false)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
function getOriginalInput($key)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Indicates that operation is executed in read-only context
* (e.g. via HTTP GET request)
* @api
* @return bool
function isReadOnly()
<h1 id="graphqlutilsbuildschema">GraphQL\Utils\BuildSchema</h1>
<p>Build instance of <code>GraphQL\Type\Schema</code> out of type language definition (string or parsed AST)
See <a href="../type-system/type-language/">section in docs</a> for details.</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* This takes the ast of a schema document produced by the parse function in
* GraphQL\Language\Parser.
* If no schema definition is provided, then it will look for types named Query
* and Mutation.
* Given that AST it constructs a GraphQL\Type\Schema. The resulting schema
* has no resolve methods, so execution will use default resolvers.
* Accepts options as a second argument:
* - commentDescriptions:
* Provide true to use preceding comments as the description.
* @api
* @param DocumentNode $ast
* @param array $options
* @return Schema
* @throws Error
static function buildAST(GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $ast, array $options = [])
<pre><code class="php">/**
* A helper function to build a GraphQLSchema directly from a source
* document.
* @api
* @param DocumentNode|Source|string $source
* @param array $options
* @return Schema
static function build($source, array $options = [])
<h1 id="graphqlutilsast">GraphQL\Utils\AST</h1>
<p>Various utilities dealing with AST</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Convert representation of AST as an associative array to instance of GraphQL\Language\AST\Node.
* For example:
* ```php
* AST::fromArray([
* 'kind' => 'ListValue',
* 'values' => [
* ['kind' => 'StringValue', 'value' => 'my str'],
* ['kind' => 'StringValue', 'value' => 'my other str']
* ],
* 'loc' => ['start' => 21, 'end' => 25]
* ]);
* ```
* Will produce instance of `ListValueNode` where `values` prop is a lazily-evaluated `NodeList`
* returning instances of `StringValueNode` on access.
* This is a reverse operation for AST::toArray($node)
* @api
* @param array $node
* @return Node
static function fromArray(array $node)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Convert AST node to serializable array
* @api
* @param Node $node
* @return array
static function toArray(GraphQL\Language\AST\Node $node)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Produces a GraphQL Value AST given a PHP value.
* Optionally, a GraphQL type may be provided, which will be used to
* disambiguate between value primitives.
* | PHP Value | GraphQL Value |
* | ------------- | -------------------- |
* | Object | Input Object |
* | Assoc Array | Input Object |
* | Array | List |
* | Boolean | Boolean |
* | String | String / Enum Value |
* | Int | Int |
* | Float | Int / Float |
* | Mixed | Enum Value |
* | null | NullValue |
* @api
* @param $value
* @param InputType $type
* @return ObjectValueNode|ListValueNode|BooleanValueNode|IntValueNode|FloatValueNode|EnumValueNode|StringValueNode|NullValueNode
static function astFromValue($value, GraphQL\Type\Definition\InputType $type)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Produces a PHP value given a GraphQL Value AST.
* A GraphQL type must be provided, which will be used to interpret different
* GraphQL Value literals.
* Returns `null` when the value could not be validly coerced according to
* the provided type.
* | GraphQL Value | PHP Value |
* | -------------------- | ------------- |
* | Input Object | Assoc Array |
* | List | Array |
* | Boolean | Boolean |
* | String | String |
* | Int / Float | Int / Float |
* | Enum Value | Mixed |
* | Null Value | null |
* @api
* @param $valueNode
* @param InputType $type
* @param null $variables
* @return array|null|\stdClass
* @throws \Exception
static function valueFromAST($valueNode, GraphQL\Type\Definition\InputType $type, $variables = null)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Produces a PHP value given a GraphQL Value AST.
* Unlike `valueFromAST()`, no type is provided. The resulting JavaScript value
* will reflect the provided GraphQL value AST.
* | GraphQL Value | PHP Value |
* | -------------------- | ------------- |
* | Input Object | Assoc Array |
* | List | Array |
* | Boolean | Boolean |
* | String | String |
* | Int / Float | Int / Float |
* | Enum | Mixed |
* | Null | null |
* @api
* @param Node $valueNode
* @param array|null $variables
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
static function valueFromASTUntyped($valueNode, array $variables = null)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns type definition for given AST Type node
* @api
* @param Schema $schema
* @param NamedTypeNode|ListTypeNode|NonNullTypeNode $inputTypeNode
* @return Type
* @throws \Exception
static function typeFromAST(GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema, $inputTypeNode)
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Returns operation type ("query", "mutation" or "subscription") given a document and operation name
* @api
* @param DocumentNode $document
* @param string $operationName
* @return bool
static function getOperation(GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $document, $operationName = null)
<h1 id="graphqlutilsschemaprinter">GraphQL\Utils\SchemaPrinter</h1>
<p>Given an instance of Schema, prints it in GraphQL type language.</p>
<p><strong>Class Methods:</strong> </p>
<pre><code class="php">/**
* Accepts options as a second argument:
* - commentDescriptions:
* Provide true to use preceding comments as the description.
* @api
* @param Schema $schema
* @return string
static function doPrint(GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema, array $options = [])
<pre><code class="php">/**
* @api
* @param Schema $schema
* @return string
static function printIntrosepctionSchema(GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema, array $options = [])
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