Daniel Tschinder 022c490011 RFC: Descriptions as strings
As discussed in facebook/graphql#90

This proposes replacing leading comment blocks as descriptions in the schema definition language with leading strings (typically block strings).

While I think there is some reduced ergonomics of using a string literal instead of a comment to write descriptions (unless perhaps you are accustomed to Python or Clojure), there are some compelling advantages:

* Descriptions are first-class in the AST of the schema definition language.
* Comments can remain "ignored" characters.
* No ambiguity between commented out regions and descriptions.

Specific to this reference implementation, since this is a breaking change and comment descriptions in the experimental SDL have fairly wide usage, I've left the comment description implementation intact and allow it to be enabled via an option. This should help with allowing upgrading with minimal impact on existing codebases and aid in automated transforms.

BREAKING CHANGE: This does not parse descriptions from comments by default anymore and the value of description in Nodes changed from string to StringValueNode
2018-02-10 18:44:51 +01:00

711 lines
21 KiB

namespace GraphQL\Language;
use GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError;
use GraphQL\Utils\Utils;
use GraphQL\Utils\BlockString;
* A Lexer is a stateful stream generator in that every time
* it is advanced, it returns the next token in the Source. Assuming the
* source lexes, the final Token emitted by the lexer will be of kind
* EOF, after which the lexer will repeatedly return the same EOF token
* whenever called.
* Algorithm is O(N) both on memory and time
class Lexer
* @var Source
public $source;
* @var array
public $options;
* The previously focused non-ignored token.
* @var Token
public $lastToken;
* The currently focused non-ignored token.
* @var Token
public $token;
* The (1-indexed) line containing the current token.
* @var int
public $line;
* The character offset at which the current line begins.
* @var int
public $lineStart;
* Current cursor position for UTF8 encoding of the source
* @var int
private $position;
* Current cursor position for ASCII representation of the source
* @var int
private $byteStreamPosition;
* Lexer constructor.
* @param Source $source
* @param array $options
public function __construct(Source $source, array $options = [])
$startOfFileToken = new Token(Token::SOF, 0, 0, 0, 0, null);
$this->source = $source;
$this->options = $options;
$this->lastToken = $startOfFileToken;
$this->token = $startOfFileToken;
$this->line = 1;
$this->lineStart = 0;
$this->position = $this->byteStreamPosition = 0;
* @return Token
public function advance()
$this->lastToken = $this->token;
$token = $this->token = $this->lookahead();
return $token;
public function lookahead()
$token = $this->token;
if ($token->kind !== Token::EOF) {
do {
$token = $token->next ?: ($token->next = $this->readToken($token));
} while ($token->kind === Token::COMMENT);
return $token;
* @return Token
public function nextToken()
trigger_error(__METHOD__ . ' is deprecated in favor of advance()', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return $this->advance();
* @param Token $prev
* @return Token
* @throws SyntaxError
private function readToken(Token $prev)
$bodyLength = $this->source->length;
$position = $this->position;
$line = $this->line;
$col = 1 + $position - $this->lineStart;
if ($position >= $bodyLength) {
return new Token(Token::EOF, $bodyLength, $bodyLength, $line, $col, $prev);
// Read next char and advance string cursor:
list (, $code, $bytes) = $this->readChar(true);
// SourceCharacter
if ($code < 0x0020 && $code !== 0x0009 && $code !== 0x000A && $code !== 0x000D) {
throw new SyntaxError(
'Cannot contain the invalid character ' . Utils::printCharCode($code)
switch ($code) {
case 33: // !
return new Token(Token::BANG, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 35: // #
$this->moveStringCursor(-1, -1 * $bytes);
return $this->readComment($line, $col, $prev);
case 36: // $
return new Token(Token::DOLLAR, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 40: // (
return new Token(Token::PAREN_L, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 41: // )
return new Token(Token::PAREN_R, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 46: // .
list (, $charCode1) = $this->readChar(true);
list (, $charCode2) = $this->readChar(true);
if ($charCode1 === 46 && $charCode2 === 46) {
return new Token(Token::SPREAD, $position, $position + 3, $line, $col, $prev);
case 58: // :
return new Token(Token::COLON, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 61: // =
return new Token(Token::EQUALS, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 64: // @
return new Token(Token::AT, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 91: // [
return new Token(Token::BRACKET_L, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 93: // ]
return new Token(Token::BRACKET_R, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 123: // {
return new Token(Token::BRACE_L, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 124: // |
return new Token(Token::PIPE, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
case 125: // }
return new Token(Token::BRACE_R, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev);
// A-Z
case 65: case 66: case 67: case 68: case 69: case 70: case 71: case 72:
case 73: case 74: case 75: case 76: case 77: case 78: case 79: case 80:
case 81: case 82: case 83: case 84: case 85: case 86: case 87: case 88:
case 89: case 90:
// _
case 95:
// a-z
case 97: case 98: case 99: case 100: case 101: case 102: case 103: case 104:
case 105: case 106: case 107: case 108: case 109: case 110: case 111:
case 112: case 113: case 114: case 115: case 116: case 117: case 118:
case 119: case 120: case 121: case 122:
return $this->moveStringCursor(-1, -1 * $bytes)
->readName($line, $col, $prev);
// -
case 45:
// 0-9
case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52:
case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57:
return $this->moveStringCursor(-1, -1 * $bytes)
->readNumber($line, $col, $prev);
// "
case 34:
list(,$nextCode) = $this->readChar();
list(,$nextNextCode) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
if ($nextCode === 34 && $nextNextCode === 34) {
return $this->moveStringCursor(-2, (-1 * $bytes) - 1)
->readBlockString($line, $col, $prev);
return $this->moveStringCursor(-2, (-1 * $bytes) - 1)
->readString($line, $col, $prev);
$errMessage = $code === 39
? "Unexpected single quote character ('), did you mean to use ". 'a double quote (")?'
: 'Cannot parse the unexpected character ' . Utils::printCharCode($code) . '.';
throw new SyntaxError(
* Reads an alphanumeric + underscore name from the source.
* [_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*
* @param int $line
* @param int $col
* @param Token $prev
* @return Token
private function readName($line, $col, Token $prev)
$value = '';
$start = $this->position;
list ($char, $code) = $this->readChar();
while ($code && (
$code === 95 || // _
$code >= 48 && $code <= 57 || // 0-9
$code >= 65 && $code <= 90 || // A-Z
$code >= 97 && $code <= 122 // a-z
)) {
$value .= $char;
list ($char, $code) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
return new Token(
* Reads a number token from the source file, either a float
* or an int depending on whether a decimal point appears.
* Int: -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)
* Float: -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?((E|e)(+|-)?[0-9]+)?
* @param int $line
* @param int $col
* @param Token $prev
* @return Token
* @throws SyntaxError
private function readNumber($line, $col, Token $prev)
$value = '';
$start = $this->position;
list ($char, $code) = $this->readChar();
$isFloat = false;
if ($code === 45) { // -
$value .= $char;
list ($char, $code) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
// guard against leading zero's
if ($code === 48) { // 0
$value .= $char;
list ($char, $code) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
if ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57) {
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $this->position, "Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: " . Utils::printCharCode($code));
} else {
$value .= $this->readDigits();
list ($char, $code) = $this->readChar();
if ($code === 46) { // .
$isFloat = true;
$this->moveStringCursor(1, 1);
$value .= $char;
$value .= $this->readDigits();
list ($char, $code) = $this->readChar();
if ($code === 69 || $code === 101) { // E e
$isFloat = true;
$value .= $char;
list ($char, $code) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
if ($code === 43 || $code === 45) { // + -
$value .= $char;
$this->moveStringCursor(1, 1);
$value .= $this->readDigits();
return new Token(
$isFloat ? Token::FLOAT : Token::INT,
* Returns string with all digits + changes current string cursor position to point to the first char after digits
private function readDigits()
list ($char, $code) = $this->readChar();
if ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57) { // 0 - 9
$value = '';
do {
$value .= $char;
list ($char, $code) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
} while ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57); // 0 - 9
return $value;
if ($this->position > $this->source->length - 1) {
$code = null;
throw new SyntaxError(
'Invalid number, expected digit but got: ' . Utils::printCharCode($code)
* @param int $line
* @param int $col
* @param Token $prev
* @return Token
* @throws SyntaxError
private function readString($line, $col, Token $prev)
$start = $this->position;
// Skip leading quote and read first string char:
list ($char, $code, $bytes) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
$chunk = '';
$value = '';
while (
$code !== null &&
// not LineTerminator
$code !== 10 && $code !== 13
) {
// Closing Quote (")
if ($code === 34) {
$value .= $chunk;
// Skip quote
$this->moveStringCursor(1, 1);
return new Token(
$this->assertValidStringCharacterCode($code, $this->position);
$this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes);
if ($code === 92) { // \
$value .= $chunk;
list (, $code) = $this->readChar(true);
switch ($code) {
case 34: $value .= '"'; break;
case 47: $value .= '/'; break;
case 92: $value .= '\\'; break;
case 98: $value .= chr(8); break; // \b (backspace)
case 102: $value .= "\f"; break;
case 110: $value .= "\n"; break;
case 114: $value .= "\r"; break;
case 116: $value .= "\t"; break;
case 117:
$position = $this->position;
list ($hex) = $this->readChars(4, true);
if (!preg_match('/[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/', $hex)) {
throw new SyntaxError(
$position - 1,
'Invalid character escape sequence: \\u' . $hex
$code = hexdec($hex);
$this->assertValidStringCharacterCode($code, $position - 2);
$value .= Utils::chr($code);
throw new SyntaxError(
$this->position - 1,
'Invalid character escape sequence: \\' . Utils::chr($code)
$chunk = '';
} else {
$chunk .= $char;
list ($char, $code, $bytes) = $this->readChar();
throw new SyntaxError(
'Unterminated string.'
* Reads a block string token from the source file.
* """("?"?(\\"""|\\(?!=""")|[^"\\]))*"""
private function readBlockString($line, $col, Token $prev)
$start = $this->position;
// Skip leading quotes and read first string char:
list ($char, $code, $bytes) = $this->moveStringCursor(3, 3)->readChar();
$chunk = '';
$value = '';
while ($code !== null) {
// Closing Triple-Quote (""")
if ($code === 34) {
// Move 2 quotes
list(,$nextCode) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
list(,$nextNextCode) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
if ($nextCode === 34 && $nextNextCode === 34) {
$value .= $chunk;
$this->moveStringCursor(1, 1);
return new Token(
} else {
// move cursor back to before the first quote
$this->moveStringCursor(-2, -2);
$this->assertValidBlockStringCharacterCode($code, $this->position);
$this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes);
list(,$nextCode) = $this->readChar();
list(,$nextNextCode) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
list(,$nextNextNextCode) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar();
// Escape Triple-Quote (\""")
if ($code === 92 &&
$nextCode === 34 &&
$nextNextCode === 34 &&
$nextNextNextCode === 34
) {
$this->moveStringCursor(1, 1);
$value .= $chunk . '"""';
$chunk = '';
} else {
$this->moveStringCursor(-2, -2);
$chunk .= $char;
list ($char, $code, $bytes) = $this->readChar();
throw new SyntaxError(
'Unterminated string.'
private function assertValidStringCharacterCode($code, $position)
// SourceCharacter
if ($code < 0x0020 && $code !== 0x0009) {
throw new SyntaxError(
'Invalid character within String: ' . Utils::printCharCode($code)
private function assertValidBlockStringCharacterCode($code, $position)
// SourceCharacter
if ($code < 0x0020 && $code !== 0x0009 && $code !== 0x000A && $code !== 0x000D) {
throw new SyntaxError(
'Invalid character within String: ' . Utils::printCharCode($code)
* Reads from body starting at startPosition until it finds a non-whitespace
* or commented character, then places cursor to the position of that character.
private function positionAfterWhitespace()
while ($this->position < $this->source->length) {
list(, $code, $bytes) = $this->readChar();
// Skip whitespace
// tab | space | comma | BOM
if ($code === 9 || $code === 32 || $code === 44 || $code === 0xFEFF) {
$this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes);
} else if ($code === 10) { // new line
$this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes);
$this->lineStart = $this->position;
} else if ($code === 13) { // carriage return
list(, $nextCode, $nextBytes) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes)->readChar();
if ($nextCode === 10) { // lf after cr
$this->moveStringCursor(1, $nextBytes);
$this->lineStart = $this->position;
} else {
* Reads a comment token from the source file.
* #[\u0009\u0020-\uFFFF]*
* @param $line
* @param $col
* @param Token $prev
* @return Token
private function readComment($line, $col, Token $prev)
$start = $this->position;
$value = '';
$bytes = 1;
do {
list ($char, $code, $bytes) = $this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes)->readChar();
$value .= $char;
} while (
$code &&
// SourceCharacter but not LineTerminator
($code > 0x001F || $code === 0x0009)
return new Token(
* Reads next UTF8Character from the byte stream, starting from $byteStreamPosition.
* @param bool $advance
* @param int $byteStreamPosition
* @return array
private function readChar($advance = false, $byteStreamPosition = null)
if ($byteStreamPosition === null) {
$byteStreamPosition = $this->byteStreamPosition;
$code = null;
$utf8char = '';
$bytes = 0;
$positionOffset = 0;
if (isset($this->source->body[$byteStreamPosition])) {
$ord = ord($this->source->body[$byteStreamPosition]);
if ($ord < 128) {
$bytes = 1;
} else if ($ord < 224) {
$bytes = 2;
} elseif ($ord < 240) {
$bytes = 3;
} else {
$bytes = 4;
$utf8char = '';
for ($pos = $byteStreamPosition; $pos < $byteStreamPosition + $bytes; $pos++) {
$utf8char .= $this->source->body[$pos];
$positionOffset = 1;
$code = $bytes === 1 ? $ord : Utils::ord($utf8char);
if ($advance) {
$this->moveStringCursor($positionOffset, $bytes);
return [$utf8char, $code, $bytes];
* Reads next $numberOfChars UTF8 characters from the byte stream, starting from $byteStreamPosition.
* @param $numberOfChars
* @param bool $advance
* @param null $byteStreamPosition
* @return array
private function readChars($numberOfChars, $advance = false, $byteStreamPosition = null)
$result = '';
$totalBytes = 0;
$byteOffset = $byteStreamPosition ?: $this->byteStreamPosition;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfChars; $i++) {
list ($char, $code, $bytes) = $this->readChar(false, $byteOffset);
$totalBytes += $bytes;
$byteOffset += $bytes;
$result .= $char;
if ($advance) {
$this->moveStringCursor($numberOfChars, $totalBytes);
return [$result, $totalBytes];
* Moves internal string cursor position
* @param $positionOffset
* @param $byteStreamOffset
* @return $this
private function moveStringCursor($positionOffset, $byteStreamOffset)
$this->position += $positionOffset;
$this->byteStreamPosition += $byteStreamOffset;
return $this;