mirror of https://github.com/retailcrm/graphql-php.git synced 2025-03-22 07:43:50 +03:00
Daniel Tschinder 06c6c4bd97 Validate schema root types and directives
This moves validation out of GraphQLSchema's constructor (but not yet from other type constructors), which is responsible for root type validation and interface implementation checking.

Reduces time to construct GraphQLSchema significantly, shifting the time to validation.

This also allows for much looser rules within the schema builders, which implicitly validate while trying to adhere to flow types. Instead we use any casts to loosen the rules to defer that to validation where errors can be richer.

This also loosens the rule that a schema can only be constructed if it has a query type, moving that to validation as well. That makes flow typing slightly less nice, but allows for incremental schema building which is valuable

2018-02-13 10:42:35 +01:00

627 lines
22 KiB

namespace GraphQL\Tests;
use GraphQL\Error\Debug;
use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError;
use GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation;
use GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError;
use GraphQL\Error\UserError;
use GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Adapter\SyncPromiseAdapter;
use GraphQL\Schema;
use GraphQL\Server;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Directive;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use GraphQL\Type\EagerResolution;
use GraphQL\Validator\DocumentValidator;
class ServerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testDefaults()
$server = @new Server();
$this->assertEquals(null, $server->getQueryType());
$this->assertEquals(null, $server->getMutationType());
$this->assertEquals(null, $server->getSubscriptionType());
$this->assertEquals(Directive::getInternalDirectives(), $server->getDirectives());
$this->assertEquals([], $server->getTypes());
$this->assertEquals(null, $server->getTypeResolutionStrategy());
$this->assertEquals(null, $server->getContext());
$this->assertEquals(null, $server->getRootValue());
$this->assertEquals(0, $server->getDebug());
$this->assertEquals(['GraphQL\Error\FormattedError', 'createFromException'], $server->getExceptionFormatter());
$this->assertEquals(['GraphQL\Error\FormattedError', 'createFromPHPError'], $server->getPhpErrorFormatter());
$this->assertEquals(null, $server->getPromiseAdapter());
$this->assertEquals('Unexpected Error', $server->getUnexpectedErrorMessage());
$this->assertEquals(500, $server->getUnexpectedErrorStatus());
$this->assertEquals(DocumentValidator::allRules(), $server->getValidationRules());
$schema = $server->getSchema();
$this->setExpectedException(InvariantViolation::class, 'Query root type must be provided.');
public function testCannotUseSetQueryTypeAndSetSchema()
$queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Schema on Server: Query Type is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setQueryType is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
public function testCannotUseSetMutationTypeAndSetSchema()
$mutationType = $queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Schema on Server: Mutation Type is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setMutationType is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
public function testCannotUseSetSubscriptionTypeAndSetSchema()
$subscriptionType = $queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Schema on Server: Subscription Type is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setSubscriptionType is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
public function testCannotUseSetDirectivesAndSetSchema()
$queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Schema on Server: Directives are already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setDirectives is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
public function testCannotUseAddTypesAndSetSchema()
$mutationType = $queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Schema on Server: Additional types are already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::addTypes is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
->addTypes([$queryType, $mutationType])
public function testCannotUseSetTypeResolutionStrategyAndSetSchema()
$mutationType = $queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Schema on Server: Type Resolution Strategy is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setTypeResolutionStrategy is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
->setTypeResolutionStrategy(new EagerResolution([$queryType, $mutationType]))
public function testCannotUseSetSchemaAndSetQueryType()
$queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Query Type on Server: Schema is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setQueryType is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
public function testCannotUseSetSchemaAndSetMutationType()
$mutationType = $queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Mutation Type on Server: Schema is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setMutationType is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
public function testCannotUseSetSchemaAndSetSubscriptionType()
$subscriptionType = $queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Subscription Type on Server: Schema is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setSubscriptionType is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
public function testCannotUseSetSchemaAndSetDirectives()
$queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Directives on Server: Schema is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setDirectives is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
public function testCannotUseSetSchemaAndAddTypes()
$mutationType = $queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Types on Server: Schema is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::addTypes is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
->addTypes([$queryType, $mutationType]);
public function testCanUseSetSchemaAndAddEmptyTypes()
$queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
// But empty types should work (as they don't change anything):
public function testCannotUseSetSchemaAndSetTypeResolutionStrategy()
$mutationType = $queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Type Resolution Strategy on Server: Schema is already set ' .
'(GraphQL\Server::setTypeResolutionStrategy is mutually exclusive with GraphQL\Server::setSchema)');
->setTypeResolutionStrategy(new EagerResolution([$queryType, $mutationType]));
public function testCannotUseSetSchemaAndSetSchema()
$queryType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
'Cannot set Schema on Server: Different schema is already set');
->setSchema(new Schema(['query' => $queryType]));
$this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
public function testSchemaDefinition()
$mutationType = $queryType = $subscriptionType = new ObjectType(['name' => 'A', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => $queryType,
$server = Server::create()
$this->assertSame($schema, $server->getSchema());
$server = Server::create()
$this->assertSame($queryType, $server->getQueryType());
$this->assertSame($queryType, $server->getSchema()->getQueryType());
$server = Server::create()
$this->assertSame($mutationType, $server->getMutationType());
$this->assertSame($mutationType, $server->getSchema()->getMutationType());
$server = Server::create()
$this->assertSame($subscriptionType, $server->getSubscriptionType());
$this->assertSame($subscriptionType, $server->getSchema()->getSubscriptionType());
$server = Server::create()
->addTypes($types = [$queryType, $subscriptionType]);
$this->assertSame($types, $server->getTypes());
$this->assertSame(array_merge($types, [$mutationType]), $server->getTypes());
$server = Server::create()
->setDirectives($directives = []);
$this->assertSame($directives, $server->getDirectives());
public function testParse()
$server = Server::create();
$ast = $server->parse('{q}');
$this->assertInstanceOf('GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode', $ast);
public function testParseFailure()
$server = Server::create();
try {
$this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
} catch (SyntaxError $error) {
$this->assertContains('{q', (string) $error);
$this->assertEquals('Syntax Error: Expected Name, found <EOF>', $error->getMessage());
public function testValidate()
$server = Server::create()
->setQueryType(new ObjectType(['name' => 'Q', 'fields' => ['a' => Type::string()]]));
$ast = $server->parse('{q}');
$errors = $server->validate($ast);
$this->assertInternalType('array', $errors);
$server = Server::create();
$this->setExpectedException(InvariantViolation::class, 'Cannot validate, schema contains errors: Query root type must be provided.');
public function testPromiseAdapter()
$adapter1 = new SyncPromiseAdapter();
$adapter2 = new SyncPromiseAdapter();
$server = Server::create()
$this->assertSame($adapter1, $server->getPromiseAdapter());
$this->setExpectedException(InvariantViolation::class, 'Cannot set promise adapter: Different adapter is already set');
public function testValidationRules()
$rules = [];
$server = Server::create()
$this->assertSame($rules, $server->getValidationRules());
public function testExecuteQuery()
$called = false;
$queryType = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Q',
'fields' => [
'field' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function($value, $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info) use (&$called) {
$called = true;
$this->assertEquals(null, $context);
$this->assertEquals(null, $value);
$this->assertEquals(null, $info->rootValue);
return 'ok';
$server = Server::create()
$result = $server->executeQuery('{field}');
$this->assertEquals(true, $called);
$this->assertInstanceOf('GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult', $result);
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['field' => 'ok']], $result->toArray());
$called = false;
$contextValue = new \stdClass();
$rootValue = new \stdClass();
$queryType = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'QueryType',
'fields' => [
'field' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function($value, $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info) use (&$called, $contextValue, $rootValue) {
$called = true;
$this->assertSame($rootValue, $value);
$this->assertSame($contextValue, $context);
$this->assertEquals($rootValue, $info->rootValue);
return 'ok';
$server = Server::create()
$result = $server->executeQuery('{field}');
$this->assertEquals(true, $called);
$this->assertInstanceOf('GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult', $result);
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['field' => 'ok']], $result->toArray());
public function testDebugPhpErrors()
$queryType = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Query',
'fields' => [
'err' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function() {
trigger_error('notice', E_USER_NOTICE);
return 'err';
$server = Server::create()
$prevEnabled = \PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice::$enabled;
\PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice::$enabled = false;
$result = @$server->executeQuery('{err}');
$expected = [
'data' => ['err' => 'err']
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());
$result = @$server->executeQuery('{err}');
$expected = [
'data' => ['err' => 'err'],
'extensions' => [
'phpErrors' => [
'message' => 'notice',
'severity' => 1024,
// 'trace' => [...]
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result->toArray());
$server->setPhpErrorFormatter(function(\ErrorException $e) {
return ['test' => $e->getMessage()];
$result = $server->executeQuery('{err}');
$expected = [
'data' => ['err' => 'err'],
'extensions' => [
'phpErrors' => [
'test' => 'notice'
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());
\PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice::$enabled = $prevEnabled;
public function testDebugExceptions()
$queryType = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Query',
'fields' => [
'withException' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function() {
throw new UserError("Error");
$server = Server::create()
$result = $server->executeQuery('{withException}');
$expected = [
'data' => [
'withException' => null
'errors' => [[
'message' => 'Error',
'path' => ['withException'],
'locations' => [[
'line' => 1,
'column' => 2
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result->toArray());
$server->setExceptionFormatter(function($e) {
$debug = Debug::INCLUDE_TRACE;
return FormattedError::createFromException($e, $debug);
$result = $server->executeQuery('{withException}');
$expected['errors'][0]['exception'] = ['message' => 'Error', 'trace' => []];
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result->toArray());
$server->setExceptionFormatter(function(\Exception $e) {
return ['test' => $e->getMessage()];
$result = $server->executeQuery('{withException}');
$expected['errors'][0]['exception'] = ['test' => 'Error'];
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result->toArray());
public function testHandleRequest()
$mock = $this->getMockBuilder('GraphQL\Server')
->setMethods(['readInput', 'produceOutput'])
->will($this->returnValue(json_encode(['query' => '{err}'])));
$output = null;
->will($this->returnCallback(function ($a1, $a2) use (&$output) {
$output = func_get_args();
/** @var $mock Server */
$this->assertInternalType('array', $output);
$this->assertArraySubset(['errors' => [['message' => 'Schema does not define the required query root type.']]], $output[0]);
$this->assertEquals(200, $output[1]);
$output = null;
$mock->setUnexpectedErrorMessage($newErr = 'Hey! Something went wrong!');
->will($this->throwException(new \Exception('test')));
$this->assertInternalType('array', $output);
$this->assertEquals(['errors' => [['message' => $newErr]]], $output[0]);
$this->assertEquals(501, $output[1]);
public function testHandleRequest2()
$mock = $this->getMockBuilder('GraphQL\Server')
->setMethods(['readInput', 'produceOutput'])
->will($this->returnValue(json_encode(['query' => '{err}'])));
$output = null;
->will($this->returnCallback(function ($a1, $a2) use (&$output) {
$output = func_get_args();
$mock->setQueryType(new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Query',
'fields' => [
'test' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function() {
return 'ok';
$_REQUEST = ['query' => '{err}'];
$output = null;
$this->assertInternalType('array', $output);
$expectedOutput = [
['errors' => [[
'message' => 'Cannot query field "err" on type "Query".',
'locations' => [[
'line' => 1,
'column' => 2
'category' => 'graphql',
$this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, $output);
$output = null;
$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'application/json';
$_REQUEST = [];
$this->assertInternalType('array', $output);
$this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, $output);