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namespace GraphQL\Tests\Language;
use GraphQL\Language\Lexer;
use GraphQL\Language\Source;
use GraphQL\Language\SourceLocation;
use GraphQL\Language\Token;
use GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError;
use GraphQL\Utils\Utils;
class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @it disallows uncommon control characters
public function testDissallowsUncommonControlCharacters()
$char = Utils::chr(0x0007);
$this->setExpectedExceptionRegExp(SyntaxError::class, '/' . preg_quote('Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Cannot contain the invalid character "\u0007"', '/') . '/');
* @it accepts BOM header
public function testAcceptsBomHeader()
$bom = Utils::chr(0xFEFF);
$expected = [
'kind' => Token::NAME,
'start' => 2,
'end' => 5,
'value' => 'foo'
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, (array) $this->lexOne($bom . ' foo'));
* @it records line and column
public function testRecordsLineAndColumn()
$expected = [
'kind' => Token::NAME,
'start' => 8,
'end' => 11,
'line' => 4,
'column' => 3,
'value' => 'foo'
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, (array) $this->lexOne("\n \r\n \r foo\n"));
* @it skips whitespace and comments
public function testSkipsWhitespacesAndComments()
$example1 = '
$expected = [
'kind' => Token::NAME,
'start' => 6,
'end' => 9,
'value' => 'foo'
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, (array) $this->lexOne($example1));
$example2 = '
$expected = [
'kind' => Token::NAME,
'start' => 18,
'end' => 21,
'value' => 'foo'
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, (array) $this->lexOne($example2));
$expected = [
'kind' => Token::NAME,
'start' => 3,
'end' => 6,
'value' => 'foo'
$example3 = ',,,foo,,,';
$this->assertArraySubset($expected, (array) $this->lexOne($example3));
* @it errors respect whitespace
public function testErrorsRespectWhitespace()
$str = '' .
"\n" .
"\n" .
" ?\n" .
'Syntax Error GraphQL (3:5) Cannot parse the unexpected character "?".' . "\n" .
"\n" .
"2: \n" .
"3: ?\n" .
" ^\n" .
"4: \n");
* @it updates line numbers in error for file context
public function testUpdatesLineNumbersInErrorForFileContext()
$str = '' .
"\n" .
"\n" .
" ?\n" .
$source = new Source($str, 'foo.js', new SourceLocation(11, 12));
'Syntax Error foo.js (13:6) ' .
'Cannot parse the unexpected character "?".' . "\n" .
"\n" .
'12: ' . "\n" .
'13: ?' . "\n" .
' ^' . "\n" .
'14: ' . "\n"
$lexer = new Lexer($source);
public function testUpdatesColumnNumbersInErrorForFileContext()
$source = new Source('?', 'foo.js', new SourceLocation(1, 5));
'Syntax Error foo.js (1:5) ' .
'Cannot parse the unexpected character "?".' . "\n" .
"\n" .
'1: ?' . "\n" .
' ^' . "\n"
$lexer = new Lexer($source);
* @it lexes strings
public function testLexesStrings()
'kind' => Token::STRING,
'start' => 0,
'end' => 8,
'value' => 'simple'
], (array) $this->lexOne('"simple"'));
'kind' => Token::STRING,
'start' => 0,
'end' => 15,
'value' => ' white space '
], (array) $this->lexOne('" white space "'));
'kind' => Token::STRING,
'start' => 0,
'end' => 10,
'value' => 'quote "'
], (array) $this->lexOne('"quote \\""'));
'kind' => Token::STRING,
'start' => 0,
'end' => 25,
'value' => 'escaped \n\r\b\t\f'
], (array) $this->lexOne('"escaped \\\\n\\\\r\\\\b\\\\t\\\\f"'));
'kind' => Token::STRING,
'start' => 0,
'end' => 16,
'value' => 'slashes \\ \/'
], (array) $this->lexOne('"slashes \\\\ \\\\/"'));
'kind' => Token::STRING,
'start' => 0,
'end' => 13,
'value' => 'unicode яуц'
], (array) $this->lexOne('"unicode яуц"'));
$unicode = json_decode('"\u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"');
'kind' => Token::STRING,
'start' => 0,
'end' => 34,
'value' => 'unicode ' . $unicode
], (array) $this->lexOne('"unicode \u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"'));
'kind' => Token::STRING,
'start' => 0,
'end' => 26,
'value' => $unicode
], (array) $this->lexOne('"\u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"'));
public function reportsUsefulErrors() {
return [
['"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:2) Unterminated string.\n\n1: \"\n ^\n"],
['"no end quote', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:14) Unterminated string.\n\n1: \"no end quote\n ^\n"],
["'single quotes'", "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Unexpected single quote character ('), did you mean to use a double quote (\")?\n\n1: 'single quotes'\n ^\n"],
['"contains unescaped \u0007 control char"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:21) Invalid character within String: \"\\u0007\"\n\n1: \"contains unescaped \\u0007 control char\"\n ^\n"],
['"null-byte is not \u0000 end of file"', 'Syntax Error GraphQL (1:19) Invalid character within String: "\\u0000"' . "\n\n1: \"null-byte is not \\u0000 end of file\"\n ^\n"],
['"multi' . "\n" . 'line"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Unterminated string.\n\n1: \"multi\n ^\n2: line\"\n"],
['"multi' . "\r" . 'line"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Unterminated string.\n\n1: \"multi\n ^\n2: line\"\n"],
['"bad \\z esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\z\n\n1: \"bad \\z esc\"\n ^\n"],
['"bad \\x esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\x\n\n1: \"bad \\x esc\"\n ^\n"],
['"bad \\u1 esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\u1 es\n\n1: \"bad \\u1 esc\"\n ^\n"],
['"bad \\u0XX1 esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\u0XX1\n\n1: \"bad \\u0XX1 esc\"\n ^\n"],
['"bad \\uXXXX esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\uXXXX\n\n1: \"bad \\uXXXX esc\"\n ^\n"],
['"bad \\uFXXX esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\uFXXX\n\n1: \"bad \\uFXXX esc\"\n ^\n"],
['"bad \\uXXXF esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\uXXXF\n\n1: \"bad \\uXXXF esc\"\n ^\n"],
* @dataProvider reportsUsefulErrors
* @it lex reports useful string errors
public function testReportsUsefulErrors($str, $expectedMessage)
$this->setExpectedException(SyntaxError::class, $expectedMessage);
* @it lexes numbers
public function testLexesNumbers()
['kind' => Token::INT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => '4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('4')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 5, 'value' => '4.123'],
(array) $this->lexOne('4.123')
['kind' => Token::INT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 2, 'value' => '-4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('-4')
['kind' => Token::INT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => '9'],
(array) $this->lexOne('9')
['kind' => Token::INT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => '0'],
(array) $this->lexOne('0')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 6, 'value' => '-4.123'],
(array) $this->lexOne('-4.123')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 5, 'value' => '0.123'],
(array) $this->lexOne('0.123')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 5, 'value' => '123e4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('123e4')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 5, 'value' => '123E4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('123E4')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 6, 'value' => '123e-4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('123e-4')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 6, 'value' => '123e+4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('123e+4')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 8, 'value' => '-1.123e4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('-1.123e4')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 8, 'value' => '-1.123E4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('-1.123E4')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 9, 'value' => '-1.123e-4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('-1.123e-4')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 9, 'value' => '-1.123e+4'],
(array) $this->lexOne('-1.123e+4')
['kind' => Token::FLOAT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 11, 'value' => '-1.123e4567'],
(array) $this->lexOne('-1.123e4567')
public function reportsUsefulNumberErrors()
return [
[ '00', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:2) Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: \"0\"\n\n1: 00\n ^\n"],
[ '+1', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Cannot parse the unexpected character \"+\".\n\n1: +1\n ^\n"],
[ '1.', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:3) Invalid number, expected digit but got: <EOF>\n\n1: 1.\n ^\n"],
[ '.123', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Cannot parse the unexpected character \".\".\n\n1: .123\n ^\n"],
[ '1.A', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:3) Invalid number, expected digit but got: \"A\"\n\n1: 1.A\n ^\n"],
[ '-A', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:2) Invalid number, expected digit but got: \"A\"\n\n1: -A\n ^\n"],
[ '1.0e', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:5) Invalid number, expected digit but got: <EOF>\n\n1: 1.0e\n ^\n"],
[ '1.0eA', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:5) Invalid number, expected digit but got: \"A\"\n\n1: 1.0eA\n ^\n"],
* @dataProvider reportsUsefulNumberErrors
* @it lex reports useful number errors
public function testReportsUsefulNumberErrors($str, $expectedMessage)
$this->setExpectedException(SyntaxError::class, $expectedMessage);
* @it lexes punctuation
public function testLexesPunctuation()
['kind' => Token::BANG, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('!')
['kind' => Token::DOLLAR, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('$')
['kind' => Token::PAREN_L, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('(')
['kind' => Token::PAREN_R, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne(')')
['kind' => Token::SPREAD, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 3, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('...')
['kind' => Token::COLON, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne(':')
['kind' => Token::EQUALS, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('=')
['kind' => Token::AT, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('@')
['kind' => Token::BRACKET_L, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('[')
['kind' => Token::BRACKET_R, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne(']')
['kind' => Token::BRACE_L, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('{')
['kind' => Token::PIPE, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('|')
['kind' => Token::BRACE_R, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => null],
(array) $this->lexOne('}')
public function reportsUsefulUnknownCharErrors()
$unicode1 = json_decode('"\u203B"');
$unicode2 = json_decode('"\u200b"');
return [
['..', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Cannot parse the unexpected character \".\".\n\n1: ..\n ^\n"],
['?', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Cannot parse the unexpected character \"?\".\n\n1: ?\n ^\n"],
[$unicode1, "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Cannot parse the unexpected character \"\\u203b\".\n\n1: $unicode1\n ^\n"],
[$unicode2, "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Cannot parse the unexpected character \"\\u200b\".\n\n1: $unicode2\n ^\n"],
* @dataProvider reportsUsefulUnknownCharErrors
* @it lex reports useful unknown character error
public function testReportsUsefulUnknownCharErrors($str, $expectedMessage)
$this->setExpectedException(SyntaxError::class, $expectedMessage);
* @it lex reports useful information for dashes in names
public function testReportsUsefulDashesInfo()
$q = 'a-b';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Source($q));
$this->assertArraySubset(['kind' => Token::NAME, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 1, 'value' => 'a'], (array) $lexer->advance());
$this->setExpectedException(SyntaxError::class, 'Syntax Error GraphQL (1:3) Invalid number, expected digit but got: "b"' . "\n\n1: a-b\n ^\n");
* @it produces double linked list of tokens, including comments
public function testDoubleLinkedList()
$lexer = new Lexer(new Source('{
$startToken = $lexer->token;
do {
$endToken = $lexer->advance();
// Lexer advances over ignored comment tokens to make writing parsers
// easier, but will include them in the linked list result.
$this->assertNotEquals('Comment', $endToken->kind);
} while ($endToken->kind !== '<EOF>');
$this->assertEquals(null, $startToken->prev);
$this->assertEquals(null, $endToken->next);
$tokens = [];
for ($tok = $startToken; $tok; $tok = $tok->next) {
if (!empty($tokens)) {
// Tokens are double-linked, prev should point to last seen token.
$this->assertSame($tokens[count($tokens) - 1], $tok->prev);
$tokens[] = $tok;
], Utils::map($tokens, function ($tok) {
return $tok->kind;
* @param string $body
* @return Token
private function lexOne($body)
$lexer = new Lexer(new Source($body));
return $lexer->advance();