mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 08:13:50 +03:00
ref: graphql/graphql-js#1000 BREAKING CHANGE: SchemaBuilder::build() and buildAST() and constructor removed the typedecorator, as not needed anymore as library can now resolve union and interfaces from generated schemas.
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1176 lines
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namespace GraphQL\Tests\Utils;
use GraphQL\GraphQL;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\EnumTypeDefinitionNode;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode;
use GraphQL\Language\Parser;
use GraphQL\Language\Printer;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\EnumType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType;
use GraphQL\Utils\BuildSchema;
use GraphQL\Utils\SchemaPrinter;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Directive;
class BuildSchemaTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
// Describe: Schema Builder
private function cycleOutput($body, $options = [])
$ast = Parser::parse($body);
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($ast, $options);
return "\n" . SchemaPrinter::doPrint($schema, $options);
* @it can use built schema for limited execution
public function testUseBuiltSchemaForLimitedExecution()
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST(Parser::parse('
schema { query: Query }
type Query {
str: String
$result = GraphQL::executeQuery($schema, '{ str }', ['str' => 123]);
$this->assertEquals(['str' => 123], $result->toArray(true)['data']);
* @it can build a schema directly from the source
public function testBuildSchemaDirectlyFromSource()
$schema = BuildSchema::build("
schema { query: Query }
type Query {
add(x: Int, y: Int): Int
$result = GraphQL::executeQuery(
'{ add(x: 34, y: 55) }',
'add' => function ($root, $args) {
return $args['x'] + $args['y'];
$this->assertEquals(['data' => ['add' => 89]], $result->toArray(true));
* @it Simple Type
public function testSimpleType()
$body = '
schema {
query: HelloScalars
type HelloScalars {
str: String
int: Int
float: Float
id: ID
bool: Boolean
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it With directives
public function testWithDirectives()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
directive @foo(arg: Int) on FIELD
type Hello {
str: String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Supports descriptions
public function testSupportsDescriptions()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
"""This is a directive"""
directive @foo(
"""It has an argument"""
arg: Int
) on FIELD
"""With an enum"""
enum Color {
"""Not a creative color"""
"""What a great type"""
type Hello {
"""And a field to boot"""
str: String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($body, $output);
* @it Supports descriptions
public function testSupportsOptionForCommentDescriptions()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
# This is a directive
directive @foo(
# It has an argument
arg: Int
) on FIELD
# With an enum
enum Color {
# Not a creative color
# What a great type
type Hello {
# And a field to boot
str: String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body, [ 'commentDescriptions' => true ]);
$this->assertEquals($body, $output);
* @it Maintains @skip & @include
public function testMaintainsSkipAndInclude()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
type Hello {
str: String
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST(Parser::parse($body));
$this->assertEquals(count($schema->getDirectives()), 3);
$this->assertEquals($schema->getDirective('skip'), Directive::skipDirective());
$this->assertEquals($schema->getDirective('include'), Directive::includeDirective());
$this->assertEquals($schema->getDirective('deprecated'), Directive::deprecatedDirective());
* @it Overriding directives excludes specified
public function testOverridingDirectivesExcludesSpecified()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
directive @skip on FIELD
directive @include on FIELD
directive @deprecated on FIELD_DEFINITION
type Hello {
str: String
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST(Parser::parse($body));
$this->assertEquals(count($schema->getDirectives()), 3);
$this->assertNotEquals($schema->getDirective('skip'), Directive::skipDirective());
$this->assertNotEquals($schema->getDirective('include'), Directive::includeDirective());
$this->assertNotEquals($schema->getDirective('deprecated'), Directive::deprecatedDirective());
* @it Type modifiers
public function testTypeModifiers()
$body = '
schema {
query: HelloScalars
type HelloScalars {
nonNullStr: String!
listOfStrs: [String]
listOfNonNullStrs: [String!]
nonNullListOfStrs: [String]!
nonNullListOfNonNullStrs: [String!]!
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Recursive type
public function testRecursiveType()
$body = '
schema {
query: Recurse
type Recurse {
str: String
recurse: Recurse
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Two types circular
public function testTwoTypesCircular()
$body = '
schema {
query: TypeOne
type TypeOne {
str: String
typeTwo: TypeTwo
type TypeTwo {
str: String
typeOne: TypeOne
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Single argument field
public function testSingleArgumentField()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
type Hello {
str(int: Int): String
floatToStr(float: Float): String
idToStr(id: ID): String
booleanToStr(bool: Boolean): String
strToStr(bool: String): String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Simple type with multiple arguments
public function testSimpleTypeWithMultipleArguments()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
type Hello {
str(int: Int, bool: Boolean): String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Simple type with interface
public function testSimpleTypeWithInterface()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
type Hello implements WorldInterface {
str: String
interface WorldInterface {
str: String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Simple output enum
public function testSimpleOutputEnum()
$body = '
schema {
query: OutputEnumRoot
enum Hello {
type OutputEnumRoot {
hello: Hello
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Multiple value enum
public function testMultipleValueEnum()
$body = '
schema {
query: OutputEnumRoot
enum Hello {
type OutputEnumRoot {
hello: Hello
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Simple Union
public function testSimpleUnion()
$body = '
schema {
query: Root
union Hello = World
type Root {
hello: Hello
type World {
str: String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Multiple Union
public function testMultipleUnion()
$body = '
schema {
query: Root
union Hello = WorldOne | WorldTwo
type Root {
hello: Hello
type WorldOne {
str: String
type WorldTwo {
str: String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Specifying Union type using __typename
public function testSpecifyingUnionTypeUsingTypename()
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST(Parser::parse('
schema {
query: Root
type Root {
fruits: [Fruit]
union Fruit = Apple | Banana
type Apple {
color: String
type Banana {
length: Int
$query = '
fruits {
... on Apple {
... on Banana {
$root = [
'fruits' => [
'color' => 'green',
'__typename' => 'Apple',
'length' => 5,
'__typename' => 'Banana',
$expected = [
'data' => [
'fruits' => [
['color' => 'green'],
['length' => 5],
$result = GraphQL::executeQuery($schema, $query, $root);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray(true));
* @it Specifying Interface type using __typename
public function testSpecifyingInterfaceUsingTypename()
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST(Parser::parse('
schema {
query: Root
type Root {
characters: [Character]
interface Character {
name: String!
type Human implements Character {
name: String!
totalCredits: Int
type Droid implements Character {
name: String!
primaryFunction: String
$query = '
characters {
... on Human {
... on Droid {
$root = [
'characters' => [
'name' => 'Han Solo',
'totalCredits' => 10,
'__typename' => 'Human',
'name' => 'R2-D2',
'primaryFunction' => 'Astromech',
'__typename' => 'Droid',
$expected = [
'data' => [
'characters' => [
['name' => 'Han Solo', 'totalCredits' => 10],
['name' => 'R2-D2', 'primaryFunction' => 'Astromech'],
$result = GraphQL::executeQuery($schema, $query, $root);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray(true));
* @it CustomScalar
public function testCustomScalar()
$body = '
schema {
query: Root
scalar CustomScalar
type Root {
customScalar: CustomScalar
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it CustomScalar
public function testInputObject()
$body = '
schema {
query: Root
input Input {
int: Int
type Root {
field(in: Input): String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Simple argument field with default
public function testSimpleArgumentFieldWithDefault()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
type Hello {
str(int: Int = 2): String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Custom scalar argument field with default
public function testCustomScalarArgumentFieldWithDefault()
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
scalar CustomScalar
type Hello {
str(int: CustomScalar = 2): String
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Simple type with mutation
public function testSimpleTypeWithMutation()
$body = '
schema {
query: HelloScalars
mutation: Mutation
type HelloScalars {
str: String
int: Int
bool: Boolean
type Mutation {
addHelloScalars(str: String, int: Int, bool: Boolean): HelloScalars
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Simple type with subscription
public function testSimpleTypeWithSubscription()
$body = '
schema {
query: HelloScalars
subscription: Subscription
type HelloScalars {
str: String
int: Int
bool: Boolean
type Subscription {
subscribeHelloScalars(str: String, int: Int, bool: Boolean): HelloScalars
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Unreferenced type implementing referenced interface
public function testUnreferencedTypeImplementingReferencedInterface()
$body = '
type Concrete implements Iface {
key: String
interface Iface {
key: String
type Query {
iface: Iface
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Unreferenced type implementing referenced union
public function testUnreferencedTypeImplementingReferencedUnion()
$body = '
type Concrete {
key: String
type Query {
union: Union
union Union = Concrete
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
* @it Supports @deprecated
public function testSupportsDeprecated()
$body = '
enum MyEnum {
OLD_VALUE @deprecated
OTHER_VALUE @deprecated(reason: "Terrible reasons")
type Query {
field1: String @deprecated
field2: Int @deprecated(reason: "Because I said so")
enum: MyEnum
$output = $this->cycleOutput($body);
$this->assertEquals($output, $body);
$ast = Parser::parse($body);
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($ast);
/** @var EnumType $myEnum */
$myEnum = $schema->getType('MyEnum');
$value = $myEnum->getValue('VALUE');
$oldValue = $myEnum->getValue('OLD_VALUE');
$this->assertEquals('No longer supported', $oldValue->deprecationReason);
$otherValue = $myEnum->getValue('OTHER_VALUE');
$this->assertEquals('Terrible reasons', $otherValue->deprecationReason);
$rootFields = $schema->getType('Query')->getFields();
$this->assertEquals($rootFields['field1']->isDeprecated(), true);
$this->assertEquals($rootFields['field1']->deprecationReason, 'No longer supported');
$this->assertEquals($rootFields['field2']->isDeprecated(), true);
$this->assertEquals($rootFields['field2']->deprecationReason, 'Because I said so');
* @it Correctly assign AST nodes
public function testCorrectlyAssignASTNodes()
$schema = BuildSchema::build('
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
testField(testArg: TestInput): TestUnion
input TestInput {
testInputField: TestEnum
enum TestEnum {
union TestUnion = TestType
interface TestInterface {
interfaceField: String
type TestType implements TestInterface {
interfaceField: String
directive @test(arg: Int) on FIELD
/** @var ObjectType $query */
$query = $schema->getType('Query');
$testInput = $schema->getType('TestInput');
$testEnum = $schema->getType('TestEnum');
$testUnion = $schema->getType('TestUnion');
$testInterface = $schema->getType('TestInterface');
$testType = $schema->getType('TestType');
$testDirective = $schema->getDirective('test');
$restoredIDL = SchemaPrinter::doPrint(BuildSchema::build(
Printer::doPrint($schema->getAstNode()) . "\n" .
Printer::doPrint($query->astNode) . "\n" .
Printer::doPrint($testInput->astNode) . "\n" .
Printer::doPrint($testEnum->astNode) . "\n" .
Printer::doPrint($testUnion->astNode) . "\n" .
Printer::doPrint($testInterface->astNode) . "\n" .
Printer::doPrint($testType->astNode) . "\n" .
$this->assertEquals($restoredIDL, SchemaPrinter::doPrint($schema));
$testField = $query->getField('testField');
$this->assertEquals('testField(testArg: TestInput): TestUnion', Printer::doPrint($testField->astNode));
$this->assertEquals('testArg: TestInput', Printer::doPrint($testField->args[0]->astNode));
$this->assertEquals('testInputField: TestEnum', Printer::doPrint($testInput->getField('testInputField')->astNode));
$this->assertEquals('TEST_VALUE', Printer::doPrint($testEnum->getValue('TEST_VALUE')->astNode));
$this->assertEquals('interfaceField: String', Printer::doPrint($testInterface->getField('interfaceField')->astNode));
$this->assertEquals('interfaceField: String', Printer::doPrint($testType->getField('interfaceField')->astNode));
$this->assertEquals('arg: Int', Printer::doPrint($testDirective->args[0]->astNode));
// Describe: Failures
* @it Requires a schema definition or Query type
public function testRequiresSchemaDefinitionOrQueryType()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide schema definition with query type or a type named Query.');
$body = '
type Hello {
bar: Bar
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Allows only a single schema definition
public function testAllowsOnlySingleSchemaDefinition()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide only one schema definition.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
schema {
query: Hello
type Hello {
bar: Bar
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Requires a query type
public function testRequiresQueryType()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide schema definition with query type or a type named Query.');
$body = '
schema {
mutation: Hello
type Hello {
bar: Bar
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Allows only a single query type
public function testAllowsOnlySingleQueryType()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide only one query type in schema.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
query: Yellow
type Hello {
bar: Bar
type Yellow {
isColor: Boolean
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Allows only a single mutation type
public function testAllowsOnlySingleMutationType()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide only one mutation type in schema.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
mutation: Hello
mutation: Yellow
type Hello {
bar: Bar
type Yellow {
isColor: Boolean
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Allows only a single subscription type
public function testAllowsOnlySingleSubscriptionType()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide only one subscription type in schema.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
subscription: Hello
subscription: Yellow
type Hello {
bar: Bar
type Yellow {
isColor: Boolean
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Unknown type referenced
public function testUnknownTypeReferenced()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Type "Bar" not found in document.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
type Hello {
bar: Bar
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($doc);
* @it Unknown type in interface list
public function testUnknownTypeInInterfaceList()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Type "Bar" not found in document.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
type Hello implements Bar { }
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($doc);
* @it Unknown type in union list
public function testUnknownTypeInUnionList()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Type "Bar" not found in document.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
union TestUnion = Bar
type Hello { testUnion: TestUnion }
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
$schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($doc);
* @it Unknown query type
public function testUnknownQueryType()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified query type "Wat" not found in document.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Wat
type Hello {
str: String
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Unknown mutation type
public function testUnknownMutationType()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified mutation type "Wat" not found in document.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
mutation: Wat
type Hello {
str: String
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Unknown subscription type
public function testUnknownSubscriptionType()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified subscription type "Awesome" not found in document.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Hello
mutation: Wat
subscription: Awesome
type Hello {
str: String
type Wat {
str: String
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Does not consider operation names
public function testDoesNotConsiderOperationNames()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified query type "Foo" not found in document.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Foo
query Foo { field }
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Does not consider fragment names
public function testDoesNotConsiderFragmentNames()
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified query type "Foo" not found in document.');
$body = '
schema {
query: Foo
fragment Foo on Type { field }
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
* @it Forbids duplicate type definitions
public function testForbidsDuplicateTypeDefinitions()
$body = '
schema {
query: Repeated
type Repeated {
id: Int
type Repeated {
id: String
$doc = Parser::parse($body);
$this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Type "Repeated" was defined more than once.');