originalInput = $params; $params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_LOWER); $params += [ 'query' => null, 'queryid' => null, 'documentid' => null, // alias to queryid 'operation' => null, 'variables' => null ]; $instance->query = $params['query']; $instance->queryId = $params['queryid'] ?: $params['documentid']; $instance->operation = $params['operation']; $instance->variables = $params['variables']; $instance->allowsMutations = (bool) $allowsMutations; return $instance; } /** * @return array */ public function validate() { $errors = []; if (!$this->query && !$this->queryId) { $errors[] = 'GraphQL Request must include at least one of those two parameters: "query" or "queryId"'; } if ($this->query && $this->queryId) { $errors[] = 'GraphQL Request parameters "query" and "queryId" are mutually exclusive'; } if ($this->query !== null && (!is_string($this->query) || empty($this->query))) { $errors[] = 'GraphQL Request parameter "query" must be string, but got ' . Utils::printSafeJson($this->query); } if ($this->queryId !== null && (!is_string($this->queryId) || empty($this->queryId))) { $errors[] = 'GraphQL Request parameter "queryId" must be string, but got ' . Utils::printSafeJson($this->queryId); } if ($this->operation !== null && (!is_string($this->operation) || empty($this->operation))) { $errors[] = 'GraphQL Request parameter "operation" must be string, but got ' . Utils::printSafeJson($this->operation); } if ($this->variables !== null && (!is_array($this->variables) || isset($this->variables[0]))) { $errors[] = 'GraphQL Request parameter "variables" must be object, but got ' . Utils::printSafeJson($this->variables); } return $errors; } public function getOriginalInput() { return $this->originalInput; } /** * @return bool */ public function allowsMutation() { return $this->allowsMutations; } }