<?php namespace GraphQL\Tests\Validator; use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError; use GraphQL\Language\Source; use GraphQL\Language\SourceLocation; use GraphQL\Schema; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\InterfaceType; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\UnionType; use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged; class OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedTest extends TestCase { // Validate: Overlapping fields can be merged /** * @it unique fields */ public function testUniqueFields() { $this->expectPassesRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged(), ' fragment uniqueFields on Dog { name nickname } '); } /** * @it identical fields */ public function testIdenticalFields() { $this->expectPassesRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment mergeIdenticalFields on Dog { name name } '); } /** * @it identical fields with identical args */ public function testIdenticalFieldsWithIdenticalArgs() { $this->expectPassesRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment mergeIdenticalFieldsWithIdenticalArgs on Dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) } '); } /** * @it identical fields with identical directives */ public function testIdenticalFieldsWithIdenticalDirectives() { $this->expectPassesRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment mergeSameFieldsWithSameDirectives on Dog { name @include(if: true) name @include(if: true) } '); } /** * @it different args with different aliases */ public function testDifferentArgsWithDifferentAliases() { $this->expectPassesRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment differentArgsWithDifferentAliases on Dog { knowsSit : doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) knowsDown : doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: DOWN) } '); } /** * @it different directives with different aliases */ public function testDifferentDirectivesWithDifferentAliases() { $this->expectPassesRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment differentDirectivesWithDifferentAliases on Dog { nameIfTrue : name @include(if: true) nameIfFalse : name @include(if: false) } '); } /** * @it different skip/include directives accepted */ public function testDifferentSkipIncludeDirectivesAccepted() { // Note: Differing skip/include directives don't create an ambiguous return // value and are acceptable in conditions where differing runtime values // may have the same desired effect of including or skipping a field. $this->expectPassesRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment differentDirectivesWithDifferentAliases on Dog { name @include(if: true) name @include(if: false) } '); } /** * @it Same aliases with different field targets */ public function testSameAliasesWithDifferentFieldTargets() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment sameAliasesWithDifferentFieldTargets on Dog { fido : name fido : nickname } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('fido', 'name and nickname are different fields'), [new SourceLocation(3, 9), new SourceLocation(4, 9)] ) ]); } /** * @it Same aliases allowed on non-overlapping fields */ public function testSameAliasesAllowedOnNonOverlappingFields() { // This is valid since no object can be both a "Dog" and a "Cat", thus // these fields can never overlap. $this->expectPassesRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment sameAliasesWithDifferentFieldTargets on Pet { ... on Dog { name } ... on Cat { name: nickname } } '); } /** * @it Alias masking direct field access */ public function testAliasMaskingDirectFieldAccess() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment aliasMaskingDirectFieldAccess on Dog { name : nickname name } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('name', 'nickname and name are different fields'), [new SourceLocation(3, 9), new SourceLocation(4, 9)] ) ]); } /** * @it different args, second adds an argument */ public function testDifferentArgsSecondAddsAnArgument() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment conflictingArgs on Dog { doesKnowCommand doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: HEEL) } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('doesKnowCommand', 'they have differing arguments'), [new SourceLocation(3, 9), new SourceLocation(4, 9)] ) ]); } /** * @it different args, second missing an argument */ public function testDifferentArgsSecondMissingAnArgument() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment conflictingArgs on Dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) doesKnowCommand } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('doesKnowCommand', 'they have differing arguments'), [new SourceLocation(3, 9), new SourceLocation(4, 9)] ) ] ); } /** * @it conflicting args */ public function testConflictingArgs() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment conflictingArgs on Dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: HEEL) } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('doesKnowCommand', 'they have differing arguments'), [new SourceLocation(3,9), new SourceLocation(4,9)] ) ]); } /** * @it allows different args where no conflict is possible */ public function testAllowsDifferentArgsWhereNoConflictIsPossible() { // This is valid since no object can be both a "Dog" and a "Cat", thus // these fields can never overlap. $this->expectPassesRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' fragment conflictingArgs on Pet { ... on Dog { name(surname: true) } ... on Cat { name } } '); } /** * @it encounters conflict in fragments */ public function testEncountersConflictInFragments() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { ...A ...B } fragment A on Type { x: a } fragment B on Type { x: b } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('x', 'a and b are different fields'), [new SourceLocation(7, 9), new SourceLocation(10, 9)] ) ]); } /** * @it reports each conflict once */ public function testReportsEachConflictOnce() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { f1 { ...A ...B } f2 { ...B ...A } f3 { ...A ...B x: c } } fragment A on Type { x: a } fragment B on Type { x: b } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('x', 'a and b are different fields'), [new SourceLocation(18, 9), new SourceLocation(21, 9)] ), FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('x', 'a and c are different fields'), [new SourceLocation(18, 9), new SourceLocation(14, 11)] ), FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('x', 'b and c are different fields'), [new SourceLocation(21, 9), new SourceLocation(14, 11)] ) ]); } /** * @it deep conflict */ public function testDeepConflict() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { field { x: a }, field { x: b } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('field', [['x', 'a and b are different fields']]), [ new SourceLocation(3, 9), new SourceLocation(4, 11), new SourceLocation(6,9), new SourceLocation(7, 11) ] ) ]); } /** * @it deep conflict with multiple issues */ public function testDeepConflictWithMultipleIssues() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { field { x: a y: c }, field { x: b y: d } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('field', [ ['x', 'a and b are different fields'], ['y', 'c and d are different fields'] ]), [ new SourceLocation(3,9), new SourceLocation(4,11), new SourceLocation(5,11), new SourceLocation(7,9), new SourceLocation(8,11), new SourceLocation(9,11) ] ) ]); } /** * @it very deep conflict */ public function testVeryDeepConflict() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { field { deepField { x: a } }, field { deepField { x: b } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('field', [['deepField', [['x', 'a and b are different fields']]]]), [ new SourceLocation(3,9), new SourceLocation(4,11), new SourceLocation(5,13), new SourceLocation(8,9), new SourceLocation(9,11), new SourceLocation(10,13) ] ) ]); } /** * @it reports deep conflict to nearest common ancestor */ public function testReportsDeepConflictToNearestCommonAncestor() { $this->expectFailsRule(new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { field { deepField { x: a } deepField { x: b } }, field { deepField { y } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('deepField', [['x', 'a and b are different fields']]), [ new SourceLocation(4,11), new SourceLocation(5,13), new SourceLocation(7,11), new SourceLocation(8,13) ] ) ]); } // Describe: return types must be unambiguous /** * @it conflicting return types which potentially overlap */ public function testConflictingReturnTypesWhichPotentiallyOverlap() { // This is invalid since an object could potentially be both the Object // type IntBox and the interface type NonNullStringBox1. While that // condition does not exist in the current schema, the schema could // expand in the future to allow this. Thus it is invalid. $this->expectFailsRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ...on IntBox { scalar } ...on NonNullStringBox1 { scalar } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage( 'scalar', 'they return conflicting types Int and String!' ), [new SourceLocation(5, 15), new SourceLocation(8, 15)] ) ]); } /** * @it compatible return shapes on different return types */ public function testCompatibleReturnShapesOnDifferentReturnTypes() { // In this case `deepBox` returns `SomeBox` in the first usage, and // `StringBox` in the second usage. These return types are not the same! // however this is valid because the return *shapes* are compatible. $this->expectPassesRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ... on SomeBox { deepBox { unrelatedField } } ... on StringBox { deepBox { unrelatedField } } } } '); } /** * @it disallows differing return types despite no overlap */ public function testDisallowsDifferingReturnTypesDespiteNoOverlap() { $this->expectFailsRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ... on IntBox { scalar } ... on StringBox { scalar } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage( 'scalar', 'they return conflicting types Int and String' ), [ new SourceLocation(5, 15), new SourceLocation(8, 15)] ) ]); } /** * @it disallows differing return type nullability despite no overlap */ public function testDisallowsDifferingReturnTypeNullabilityDespiteNoOverlap() { $this->expectFailsRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ... on NonNullStringBox1 { scalar } ... on StringBox { scalar } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage( 'scalar', 'they return conflicting types String! and String' ), [new SourceLocation(5, 15), new SourceLocation(8, 15)] ) ]); } /** * @it disallows differing return type list despite no overlap */ public function testDisallowsDifferingReturnTypeListDespiteNoOverlap() { $this->expectFailsRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ... on IntBox { box: listStringBox { scalar } } ... on StringBox { box: stringBox { scalar } } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage( 'box', 'they return conflicting types [StringBox] and StringBox' ), [new SourceLocation(5, 15), new SourceLocation(10, 15)] ) ]); $this->expectFailsRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ... on IntBox { box: stringBox { scalar } } ... on StringBox { box: listStringBox { scalar } } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage( 'box', 'they return conflicting types StringBox and [StringBox]' ), [new SourceLocation(5, 15), new SourceLocation(10, 15)] ) ]); } public function testDisallowsDifferingSubfields() { $this->expectFailsRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ... on IntBox { box: stringBox { val: scalar val: unrelatedField } } ... on StringBox { box: stringBox { val: scalar } } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage( 'val', 'scalar and unrelatedField are different fields' ), [new SourceLocation(6, 17), new SourceLocation(7, 17)] ) ]); } /** * @it disallows differing deep return types despite no overlap */ public function testDisallowsDifferingDeepReturnTypesDespiteNoOverlap() { $this->expectFailsRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ... on IntBox { box: stringBox { scalar } } ... on StringBox { box: intBox { scalar } } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage( 'box', [ [ 'scalar', 'they return conflicting types String and Int' ] ] ), [ new SourceLocation(5, 15), new SourceLocation(6, 17), new SourceLocation(10, 15), new SourceLocation(11, 17) ] ) ]); } /** * @it allows non-conflicting overlaping types */ public function testAllowsNonConflictingOverlapingTypes() { $this->expectPassesRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ... on IntBox { scalar: unrelatedField } ... on StringBox { scalar } } } '); } /** * @it same wrapped scalar return types */ public function testSameWrappedScalarReturnTypes() { $this->expectPassesRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ...on NonNullStringBox1 { scalar } ...on NonNullStringBox2 { scalar } } } '); } /** * @it allows inline typeless fragments */ public function testAllowsInlineTypelessFragments() { $this->expectPassesRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { a ... { a } } '); } /** * @it compares deep types including list */ public function testComparesDeepTypesIncludingList() { $this->expectFailsRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { connection { ...edgeID edges { node { id: name } } } } fragment edgeID on Connection { edges { node { id } } } ', [ FormattedError::create( OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged::fieldsConflictMessage('edges', [['node', [['id', 'id and name are different fields']]]]), [ new SourceLocation(14, 11), new SourceLocation(15, 13), new SourceLocation(16, 15), new SourceLocation(5, 13), new SourceLocation(6, 15), new SourceLocation(7, 17), ] ) ]); } /** * @it ignores unknown types */ public function testIgnoresUnknownTypes() { $this->expectPassesRuleWithSchema($this->getTestSchema(), new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged, ' { someBox { ...on UnknownType { scalar } ...on NonNullStringBox2 { scalar } } } '); } private function getTestSchema() { $StringBox = null; $IntBox = null; $SomeBox = null; $SomeBox = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'SomeBox', 'resolveType' => function() use (&$StringBox) {return $StringBox;}, 'fields' => function() use (&$SomeBox) { return [ 'deepBox' => ['type' => $SomeBox], 'unrelatedField' => ['type' => Type::string()] ]; } ]); $StringBox = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'StringBox', 'interfaces' => [$SomeBox], 'fields' => function() use (&$StringBox, &$IntBox) { return [ 'scalar' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'deepBox' => ['type' => $StringBox], 'unrelatedField' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'listStringBox' => ['type' => Type::listOf($StringBox)], 'stringBox' => ['type' => $StringBox], 'intBox' => ['type' => $IntBox], ]; } ]); $IntBox = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'IntBox', 'interfaces' => [$SomeBox], 'fields' => function() use (&$StringBox, &$IntBox) { return [ 'scalar' => ['type' => Type::int()], 'deepBox' => ['type' => $IntBox], 'unrelatedField' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'listStringBox' => ['type' => Type::listOf($StringBox)], 'stringBox' => ['type' => $StringBox], 'intBox' => ['type' => $IntBox], ]; } ]); $NonNullStringBox1 = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'NonNullStringBox1', 'resolveType' => function() use (&$StringBox) {return $StringBox;}, 'fields' => [ 'scalar' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()) ] ] ]); $NonNullStringBox1Impl = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'NonNullStringBox1Impl', 'interfaces' => [ $SomeBox, $NonNullStringBox1 ], 'fields' => [ 'scalar' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()) ], 'unrelatedField' => ['type' => Type::string() ], 'deepBox' => [ 'type' => $SomeBox ], ] ]); $NonNullStringBox2 = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'NonNullStringBox2', 'resolveType' => function() use (&$StringBox) {return $StringBox;}, 'fields' => [ 'scalar' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string())] ] ]); $NonNullStringBox2Impl = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'NonNullStringBox2Impl', 'interfaces' => [ $SomeBox, $NonNullStringBox2 ], 'fields' => [ 'scalar' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()) ], 'unrelatedField' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ], 'deepBox' => [ 'type' => $SomeBox ], ] ]); $Connection = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Connection', 'fields' => [ 'edges' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Edge', 'fields' => [ 'node' => [ 'type' => new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Node', 'fields' => [ 'id' => ['type' => Type::id()], 'name' => ['type' => Type::string()] ] ]) ] ] ])) ] ] ]); $schema = new Schema([ 'query' => new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'QueryRoot', 'fields' => [ 'someBox' => ['type' => $SomeBox], 'connection' => ['type' => $Connection] ] ]), 'types' => [$IntBox, $StringBox, $NonNullStringBox1Impl, $NonNullStringBox2Impl] ]); return $schema; } }