<?php namespace GraphQL\Tests\Utils; use GraphQL\GraphQL; use GraphQL\Language\AST\EnumTypeDefinitionNode; use GraphQL\Language\AST\InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode; use GraphQL\Language\AST\InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode; use GraphQL\Language\AST\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode; use GraphQL\Language\AST\TypeNode; use GraphQL\Language\Parser; use GraphQL\Utils\BuildSchema; use GraphQL\Utils\SchemaPrinter; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Directive; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\EnumValueDefinition; class BuildSchemaTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { // Describe: Schema Builder private function cycleOutput($body) { $ast = Parser::parse($body); $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($ast); return "\n" . SchemaPrinter::doPrint($schema); } /** * @it can use built schema for limited execution */ public function testUseBuiltSchemaForLimitedExecution() { $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST(Parser::parse(' schema { query: Query } type Query { str: String } ')); $result = GraphQL::execute($schema, '{ str }', ['str' => 123]); $this->assertEquals($result['data'], ['str' => 123]); } /** * @it can build a schema directly from the source */ public function testBuildSchemaDirectlyFromSource() { $schema = BuildSchema::build(" schema { query: Query } type Query { add(x: Int, y: Int): Int } "); $result = GraphQL::execute( $schema, '{ add(x: 34, y: 55) }', [ 'add' => function ($root, $args) { return $args['x'] + $args['y']; } ] ); $this->assertEquals($result, ['data' => ['add' => 89]]); } /** * @it Simple Type */ public function testSimpleType() { $body = ' schema { query: HelloScalars } type HelloScalars { str: String int: Int float: Float id: ID bool: Boolean } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it With directives */ public function testWithDirectives() { $body = ' schema { query: Hello } directive @foo(arg: Int) on FIELD type Hello { str: String } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Supports descriptions */ public function testSupportsDescriptions() { $body = ' schema { query: Hello } # This is a directive directive @foo( # It has an argument arg: Int ) on FIELD # With an enum enum Color { RED # Not a creative color GREEN BLUE } # What a great type type Hello { # And a field to boot str: String } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($body, $output); } /** * @it Maintains @skip & @include */ public function testMaintainsSkipAndInclude() { $body = ' schema { query: Hello } type Hello { str: String } '; $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST(Parser::parse($body)); $this->assertEquals(count($schema->getDirectives()), 3); $this->assertEquals($schema->getDirective('skip'), Directive::skipDirective()); $this->assertEquals($schema->getDirective('include'), Directive::includeDirective()); $this->assertEquals($schema->getDirective('deprecated'), Directive::deprecatedDirective()); } /** * @it Overriding directives excludes specified */ public function testOverridingDirectivesExcludesSpecified() { $body = ' schema { query: Hello } directive @skip on FIELD directive @include on FIELD directive @deprecated on FIELD_DEFINITION type Hello { str: String } '; $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST(Parser::parse($body)); $this->assertEquals(count($schema->getDirectives()), 3); $this->assertNotEquals($schema->getDirective('skip'), Directive::skipDirective()); $this->assertNotEquals($schema->getDirective('include'), Directive::includeDirective()); $this->assertNotEquals($schema->getDirective('deprecated'), Directive::deprecatedDirective()); } /** * @it Type modifiers */ public function testTypeModifiers() { $body = ' schema { query: HelloScalars } type HelloScalars { nonNullStr: String! listOfStrs: [String] listOfNonNullStrs: [String!] nonNullListOfStrs: [String]! nonNullListOfNonNullStrs: [String!]! } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Recursive type */ public function testRecursiveType() { $body = ' schema { query: Recurse } type Recurse { str: String recurse: Recurse } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Two types circular */ public function testTwoTypesCircular() { $body = ' schema { query: TypeOne } type TypeOne { str: String typeTwo: TypeTwo } type TypeTwo { str: String typeOne: TypeOne } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Single argument field */ public function testSingleArgumentField() { $body = ' schema { query: Hello } type Hello { str(int: Int): String floatToStr(float: Float): String idToStr(id: ID): String booleanToStr(bool: Boolean): String strToStr(bool: String): String } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Simple type with multiple arguments */ public function testSimpleTypeWithMultipleArguments() { $body = ' schema { query: Hello } type Hello { str(int: Int, bool: Boolean): String } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Simple type with interface */ public function testSimpleTypeWithInterface() { $body = ' schema { query: Hello } type Hello implements WorldInterface { str: String } interface WorldInterface { str: String } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Simple output enum */ public function testSimpleOutputEnum() { $body = ' schema { query: OutputEnumRoot } enum Hello { WORLD } type OutputEnumRoot { hello: Hello } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Multiple value enum */ public function testMultipleValueEnum() { $body = ' schema { query: OutputEnumRoot } enum Hello { WO RLD } type OutputEnumRoot { hello: Hello } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Simple Union */ public function testSimpleUnion() { $body = ' schema { query: Root } union Hello = World type Root { hello: Hello } type World { str: String } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Multiple Union */ public function testMultipleUnion() { $body = ' schema { query: Root } union Hello = WorldOne | WorldTwo type Root { hello: Hello } type WorldOne { str: String } type WorldTwo { str: String } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it CustomScalar */ public function testCustomScalar() { $body = ' schema { query: Root } scalar CustomScalar type Root { customScalar: CustomScalar } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it CustomScalar */ public function testInputObject() { $body = ' schema { query: Root } input Input { int: Int } type Root { field(in: Input): String } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Simple argument field with default */ public function testSimpleArgumentFieldWithDefault() { $body = ' schema { query: Hello } type Hello { str(int: Int = 2): String } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Simple type with mutation */ public function testSimpleTypeWithMutation() { $body = ' schema { query: HelloScalars mutation: Mutation } type HelloScalars { str: String int: Int bool: Boolean } type Mutation { addHelloScalars(str: String, int: Int, bool: Boolean): HelloScalars } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Simple type with subscription */ public function testSimpleTypeWithSubscription() { $body = ' schema { query: HelloScalars subscription: Subscription } type HelloScalars { str: String int: Int bool: Boolean } type Subscription { subscribeHelloScalars(str: String, int: Int, bool: Boolean): HelloScalars } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Unreferenced type implementing referenced interface */ public function testUnreferencedTypeImplementingReferencedInterface() { $body = ' type Concrete implements Iface { key: String } interface Iface { key: String } type Query { iface: Iface } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Unreferenced type implementing referenced union */ public function testUnreferencedTypeImplementingReferencedUnion() { $body = ' type Concrete { key: String } type Query { union: Union } union Union = Concrete '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); } /** * @it Supports @deprecated */ public function testSupportsDeprecated() { $body = ' enum MyEnum { VALUE OLD_VALUE @deprecated OTHER_VALUE @deprecated(reason: "Terrible reasons") } type Query { field1: String @deprecated field2: Int @deprecated(reason: "Because I said so") enum: MyEnum } '; $output = $this->cycleOutput($body); $this->assertEquals($output, $body); $ast = Parser::parse($body); $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($ast); $this->assertEquals($schema->getType('MyEnum')->getValues(), [ new EnumValueDefinition([ 'name' => 'VALUE', 'description' => '', 'deprecationReason' => null, 'value' => 'VALUE' ]), new EnumValueDefinition([ 'name' => 'OLD_VALUE', 'description' => '', 'deprecationReason' => 'No longer supported', 'value' => 'OLD_VALUE' ]), new EnumValueDefinition([ 'name' => 'OTHER_VALUE', 'description' => '', 'deprecationReason' => 'Terrible reasons', 'value' => 'OTHER_VALUE' ]) ]); $rootFields = $schema->getType('Query')->getFields(); $this->assertEquals($rootFields['field1']->isDeprecated(), true); $this->assertEquals($rootFields['field1']->deprecationReason, 'No longer supported'); $this->assertEquals($rootFields['field2']->isDeprecated(), true); $this->assertEquals($rootFields['field2']->deprecationReason, 'Because I said so'); } // Describe: Failures /** * @it Requires a schema definition or Query type */ public function testRequiresSchemaDefinitionOrQueryType() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide schema definition with query type or a type named Query.'); $body = ' type Hello { bar: Bar } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Allows only a single schema definition */ public function testAllowsOnlySingleSchemaDefinition() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide only one schema definition.'); $body = ' schema { query: Hello } schema { query: Hello } type Hello { bar: Bar } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Requires a query type */ public function testRequiresQueryType() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide schema definition with query type or a type named Query.'); $body = ' schema { mutation: Hello } type Hello { bar: Bar } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Allows only a single query type */ public function testAllowsOnlySingleQueryType() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide only one query type in schema.'); $body = ' schema { query: Hello query: Yellow } type Hello { bar: Bar } type Yellow { isColor: Boolean } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Allows only a single mutation type */ public function testAllowsOnlySingleMutationType() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide only one mutation type in schema.'); $body = ' schema { query: Hello mutation: Hello mutation: Yellow } type Hello { bar: Bar } type Yellow { isColor: Boolean } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Allows only a single subscription type */ public function testAllowsOnlySingleSubscriptionType() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Must provide only one subscription type in schema.'); $body = ' schema { query: Hello subscription: Hello subscription: Yellow } type Hello { bar: Bar } type Yellow { isColor: Boolean } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Unknown type referenced */ public function testUnknownTypeReferenced() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Type "Bar" not found in document.'); $body = ' schema { query: Hello } type Hello { bar: Bar } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); $schema->getTypeMap(); } /** * @it Unknown type in interface list */ public function testUnknownTypeInInterfaceList() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Type "Bar" not found in document.'); $body = ' schema { query: Hello } type Hello implements Bar { } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); $schema->getTypeMap(); } /** * @it Unknown type in union list */ public function testUnknownTypeInUnionList() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Type "Bar" not found in document.'); $body = ' schema { query: Hello } union TestUnion = Bar type Hello { testUnion: TestUnion } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); $schema->getTypeMap(); } /** * @it Unknown query type */ public function testUnknownQueryType() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified query type "Wat" not found in document.'); $body = ' schema { query: Wat } type Hello { str: String } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Unknown mutation type */ public function testUnknownMutationType() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified mutation type "Wat" not found in document.'); $body = ' schema { query: Hello mutation: Wat } type Hello { str: String } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Unknown subscription type */ public function testUnknownSubscriptionType() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified subscription type "Awesome" not found in document.'); $body = ' schema { query: Hello mutation: Wat subscription: Awesome } type Hello { str: String } type Wat { str: String } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Does not consider operation names */ public function testDoesNotConsiderOperationNames() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified query type "Foo" not found in document.'); $body = ' schema { query: Foo } query Foo { field } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Does not consider fragment names */ public function testDoesNotConsiderFragmentNames() { $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Specified query type "Foo" not found in document.'); $body = ' schema { query: Foo } fragment Foo on Type { field } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } /** * @it Forbids duplicate type definitions */ public function testForbidsDuplicateTypeDefinitions() { $body = ' schema { query: Repeated } type Repeated { id: Int } type Repeated { id: String } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $this->setExpectedException('GraphQL\Error\Error', 'Type "Repeated" was defined more than once.'); BuildSchema::buildAST($doc); } public function testSupportsTypeConfigDecorator() { $body = ' schema { query: Query } type Query { str: String color: Color hello: Hello } enum Color { RED GREEN BLUE } interface Hello { world: String } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $decorated = []; $calls = []; $typeConfigDecorator = function($node, $defaultConfig, $allNodesMap) use (&$decorated, &$calls) { $decorated[] = $node->name->value; $calls[] = [$node, $defaultConfig, $allNodesMap]; return ['description' => 'My description of ' . $node->name->value] + $defaultConfig; }; $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($doc, $typeConfigDecorator); $schema->getTypeMap(); $this->assertEquals(['Query', 'Color', 'Hello'], $decorated); list($node, $defaultConfig, $allNodesMap) = $calls[0]; $this->assertInstanceOf(ObjectTypeDefinitionNode::class, $node); $this->assertEquals('Query', $defaultConfig['name']); $this->assertInstanceOf(\Closure::class, $defaultConfig['fields']); $this->assertInstanceOf(\Closure::class, $defaultConfig['interfaces']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('description', $defaultConfig); $this->assertCount(4, $defaultConfig); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($allNodesMap), ['Query', 'Color', 'Hello']); $this->assertEquals('My description of Query', $schema->getType('Query')->description); list($node, $defaultConfig, $allNodesMap) = $calls[1]; $this->assertInstanceOf(EnumTypeDefinitionNode::class, $node); $this->assertEquals('Color', $defaultConfig['name']); $enumValue = [ 'description' => '', 'deprecationReason' => '' ]; $this->assertEquals([ 'RED' => $enumValue, 'GREEN' => $enumValue, 'BLUE' => $enumValue, ], $defaultConfig['values']); $this->assertCount(3, $defaultConfig); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($allNodesMap), ['Query', 'Color', 'Hello']); $this->assertEquals('My description of Color', $schema->getType('Color')->description); list($node, $defaultConfig, $allNodesMap) = $calls[2]; $this->assertInstanceOf(InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode::class, $node); $this->assertEquals('Hello', $defaultConfig['name']); $this->assertInstanceOf(\Closure::class, $defaultConfig['fields']); $this->assertInstanceOf(\Closure::class, $defaultConfig['resolveType']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('description', $defaultConfig); $this->assertCount(4, $defaultConfig); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($allNodesMap), ['Query', 'Color', 'Hello']); $this->assertEquals('My description of Hello', $schema->getType('Hello')->description); } public function testCreatesTypesLazily() { $body = ' schema { query: Query } type Query { str: String color: Color hello: Hello } enum Color { RED GREEN BLUE } interface Hello { world: String } type World implements Hello { world: String } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $created = []; $typeConfigDecorator = function($node, $config) use (&$created) { $created[] = $node->name->value; return $config; }; $schema = BuildSchema::buildAST($doc, $typeConfigDecorator); $this->assertEquals(['Query'], $created); $schema->getType('Color'); $this->assertEquals(['Query', 'Color'], $created); $schema->getType('Hello'); $this->assertEquals(['Query', 'Color', 'Hello'], $created); $types = $schema->getTypeMap(); $this->assertEquals(['Query', 'Color', 'Hello', 'World'], $created); $this->assertArrayHasKey('Query', $types); $this->assertArrayHasKey('Color', $types); $this->assertArrayHasKey('Hello', $types); $this->assertArrayHasKey('World', $types); } }