<?php namespace GraphQL\Tests\Executor; use GraphQL\Executor\Executor; use GraphQL\Language\Parser; use GraphQL\Type\Schema; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type; class DirectivesTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { // Describe: Execute: handles directives /** * @describe works without directives * @it basic query works */ public function testWorksWithoutDirectives() { $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery('{ a, b }')); } /** * @describe works on scalars */ public function testWorksOnScalars() { // if true includes scalar $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery('{ a, b @include(if: true) }')); // if false omits on scalar $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery('{ a, b @include(if: false) }')); // unless false includes scalar $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery('{ a, b @skip(if: false) }')); // unless true omits scalar $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery('{ a, b @skip(if: true) }')); } /** * @describe works on fragment spreads */ public function testWorksOnFragmentSpreads() { // if false omits fragment spread $q = ' query Q { a ...Frag @include(if: false) } fragment Frag on TestType { b } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); // if true includes fragment spread $q = ' query Q { a ...Frag @include(if: true) } fragment Frag on TestType { b } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); // unless false includes fragment spread $q = ' query Q { a ...Frag @skip(if: false) } fragment Frag on TestType { b } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); // unless true omits fragment spread $q = ' query Q { a ...Frag @skip(if: true) } fragment Frag on TestType { b } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); } /** * @describe works on inline fragment */ public function testWorksOnInlineFragment() { // if false omits inline fragment $q = ' query Q { a ... on TestType @include(if: false) { b } } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); // if true includes inline fragment $q = ' query Q { a ... on TestType @include(if: true) { b } } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); // unless false includes inline fragment $q = ' query Q { a ... on TestType @skip(if: false) { b } } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); // unless true includes inline fragment $q = ' query Q { a ... on TestType @skip(if: true) { b } } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); } /** * @describe works on anonymous inline fragment */ public function testWorksOnAnonymousInlineFragment() { // if false omits anonymous inline fragment $q = ' query Q { a ... @include(if: false) { b } } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); // if true includes anonymous inline fragment $q = ' query Q { a ... @include(if: true) { b } } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); // unless false includes anonymous inline fragment $q = ' query Q { a ... @skip(if: false) { b } } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); // unless true includes anonymous inline fragment $q = ' query Q { a ... @skip(if: true) { b } } '; $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery($q)); } /** * @describe works with skip and include directives */ public function testWorksWithSkipAndIncludeDirectives() { // include and no skip $this->assertEquals( ['data' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']], $this->executeTestQuery('{ a, b @include(if: true) @skip(if: false) }') ); // include and skip $this->assertEquals( ['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery('{ a, b @include(if: true) @skip(if: true) }') ); // no include or skip $this->assertEquals( ['data' => ['a' => 'a']], $this->executeTestQuery('{ a, b @include(if: false) @skip(if: false) }') ); } private static $schema; private static $data; private static function getSchema() { if (!self::$schema) { self::$schema = new Schema([ 'query' => new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TestType', 'fields' => [ 'a' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'b' => ['type' => Type::string()] ] ]) ]); } return self::$schema; } private static function getData() { return self::$data ?: (self::$data = [ 'a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b' ]); } private function executeTestQuery($doc) { return Executor::execute(self::getSchema(), Parser::parse($doc), self::getData())->toArray(); } }