<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace GraphQL\Tests\Validator; use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError; use GraphQL\Language\SourceLocation; use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\PossibleFragmentSpreads; class PossibleFragmentSpreadsTest extends ValidatorTestCase { // Validate: Possible fragment spreads /** * @see it('of the same object') */ public function testOfTheSameObject() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment objectWithinObject on Dog { ...dogFragment } fragment dogFragment on Dog { barkVolume } ' ); } /** * @see it('of the same object with inline fragment') */ public function testOfTheSameObjectWithInlineFragment() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment objectWithinObjectAnon on Dog { ... on Dog { barkVolume } } ' ); } /** * @see it('object into an implemented interface') */ public function testObjectIntoAnImplementedInterface() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment objectWithinInterface on Pet { ...dogFragment } fragment dogFragment on Dog { barkVolume } ' ); } /** * @see it('object into containing union') */ public function testObjectIntoContainingUnion() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment objectWithinUnion on CatOrDog { ...dogFragment } fragment dogFragment on Dog { barkVolume } ' ); } /** * @see it('union into contained object') */ public function testUnionIntoContainedObject() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment unionWithinObject on Dog { ...catOrDogFragment } fragment catOrDogFragment on CatOrDog { __typename } ' ); } /** * @see it('union into overlapping interface') */ public function testUnionIntoOverlappingInterface() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment unionWithinInterface on Pet { ...catOrDogFragment } fragment catOrDogFragment on CatOrDog { __typename } ' ); } /** * @see it('union into overlapping union') */ public function testUnionIntoOverlappingUnion() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment unionWithinUnion on DogOrHuman { ...catOrDogFragment } fragment catOrDogFragment on CatOrDog { __typename } ' ); } /** * @see it('interface into implemented object') */ public function testInterfaceIntoImplementedObject() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment interfaceWithinObject on Dog { ...petFragment } fragment petFragment on Pet { name } ' ); } /** * @see it('interface into overlapping interface') */ public function testInterfaceIntoOverlappingInterface() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment interfaceWithinInterface on Pet { ...beingFragment } fragment beingFragment on Being { name } ' ); } /** * @see it('interface into overlapping interface in inline fragment') */ public function testInterfaceIntoOverlappingInterfaceInInlineFragment() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment interfaceWithinInterface on Pet { ... on Being { name } } ' ); } /** * @see it('interface into overlapping union') */ public function testInterfaceIntoOverlappingUnion() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment interfaceWithinUnion on CatOrDog { ...petFragment } fragment petFragment on Pet { name } ' ); } /** * @see it('ignores incorrect type (caught by FragmentsOnCompositeTypes)') */ public function testIgnoresIncorrectTypeCaughtByFragmentsOnCompositeTypes() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment petFragment on Pet { ...badInADifferentWay } fragment badInADifferentWay on String { name } ' ); } /** * @see it('different object into object') */ public function testDifferentObjectIntoObject() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidObjectWithinObject on Cat { ...dogFragment } fragment dogFragment on Dog { barkVolume } ', [$this->error('dogFragment', 'Cat', 'Dog', 2, 51)] ); } private function error($fragName, $parentType, $fragType, $line, $column) { return FormattedError::create( PossibleFragmentSpreads::typeIncompatibleSpreadMessage($fragName, $parentType, $fragType), [new SourceLocation($line, $column)] ); } /** * @see it('different object into object in inline fragment') */ public function testDifferentObjectIntoObjectInInlineFragment() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidObjectWithinObjectAnon on Cat { ... on Dog { barkVolume } } ', [$this->errorAnon('Cat', 'Dog', 3, 9)] ); } private function errorAnon($parentType, $fragType, $line, $column) { return FormattedError::create( PossibleFragmentSpreads::typeIncompatibleAnonSpreadMessage($parentType, $fragType), [new SourceLocation($line, $column)] ); } /** * @see it('object into not implementing interface') */ public function testObjectIntoNotImplementingInterface() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidObjectWithinInterface on Pet { ...humanFragment } fragment humanFragment on Human { pets { name } } ', [$this->error('humanFragment', 'Pet', 'Human', 2, 54)] ); } /** * @see it('object into not containing union') */ public function testObjectIntoNotContainingUnion() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidObjectWithinUnion on CatOrDog { ...humanFragment } fragment humanFragment on Human { pets { name } } ', [$this->error('humanFragment', 'CatOrDog', 'Human', 2, 55)] ); } /** * @see it('union into not contained object') */ public function testUnionIntoNotContainedObject() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidUnionWithinObject on Human { ...catOrDogFragment } fragment catOrDogFragment on CatOrDog { __typename } ', [$this->error('catOrDogFragment', 'Human', 'CatOrDog', 2, 52)] ); } /** * @see it('union into non overlapping interface') */ public function testUnionIntoNonOverlappingInterface() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidUnionWithinInterface on Pet { ...humanOrAlienFragment } fragment humanOrAlienFragment on HumanOrAlien { __typename } ', [$this->error('humanOrAlienFragment', 'Pet', 'HumanOrAlien', 2, 53)] ); } /** * @see it('union into non overlapping union') */ public function testUnionIntoNonOverlappingUnion() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidUnionWithinUnion on CatOrDog { ...humanOrAlienFragment } fragment humanOrAlienFragment on HumanOrAlien { __typename } ', [$this->error('humanOrAlienFragment', 'CatOrDog', 'HumanOrAlien', 2, 54)] ); } /** * @see it('interface into non implementing object') */ public function testInterfaceIntoNonImplementingObject() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidInterfaceWithinObject on Cat { ...intelligentFragment } fragment intelligentFragment on Intelligent { iq } ', [$this->error('intelligentFragment', 'Cat', 'Intelligent', 2, 54)] ); } /** * @see it('interface into non overlapping interface') */ public function testInterfaceIntoNonOverlappingInterface() : void { // Ideally this should fail, but our new lazy schema doesn't scan through all types and fields // So we don't have enough knowledge to check interface intersection and always allow this to pass: $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidInterfaceWithinInterface on Pet { ...intelligentFragment } fragment intelligentFragment on Intelligent { iq } ' ); } /** * @see it('interface into non overlapping interface in inline fragment') */ public function testInterfaceIntoNonOverlappingInterfaceInInlineFragment() : void { // Ideally this should fail, but our new lazy schema doesn't scan through all types and fields // So we don't have enough knowledge to check interface intersection and always allow this to pass: $this->expectPassesRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidInterfaceWithinInterfaceAnon on Pet { ...on Intelligent { iq } } ' ); } /** * @see it('interface into non overlapping union') */ public function testInterfaceIntoNonOverlappingUnion() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), ' fragment invalidInterfaceWithinUnion on HumanOrAlien { ...petFragment } fragment petFragment on Pet { name } ', [$this->error('petFragment', 'HumanOrAlien', 'Pet', 2, 62)] ); } }