new NameNode(['value' => 'foo']) ]); $this->assertEquals('scalar foo', Printer::doPrint($ast)); } /** * @it produces helpful error messages */ public function testProducesHelpfulErrorMessages() { // $badAst1 = { random: 'Data' }; $badAst = (object) ['random' => 'Data']; $this->setExpectedException('Exception', 'Invalid AST Node: {"random":"Data"}'); Printer::doPrint($badAst); } /** * @it does not alter ast */ public function testDoesNotAlterAst() { $kitchenSink = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/schema-kitchen-sink.graphql'); $ast = Parser::parse($kitchenSink); $astCopy = $ast->cloneDeep(); Printer::doPrint($ast); $this->assertEquals($astCopy, $ast); } public function testPrintsKitchenSink() { $kitchenSink = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/schema-kitchen-sink.graphql'); $ast = Parser::parse($kitchenSink); $printed = Printer::doPrint($ast); $expected = 'schema { query: QueryType mutation: MutationType } """ This is a description of the `Foo` type. """ type Foo implements Bar { one: Type two(argument: InputType!): Type three(argument: InputType, other: String): Int four(argument: String = "string"): String five(argument: [String] = ["string", "string"]): String six(argument: InputType = {key: "value"}): Type seven(argument: Int = null): Type } type AnnotatedObject @onObject(arg: "value") { annotatedField(arg: Type = "default" @onArg): Type @onField } interface Bar { one: Type four(argument: String = "string"): String } interface AnnotatedInterface @onInterface { annotatedField(arg: Type @onArg): Type @onField } union Feed = Story | Article | Advert union AnnotatedUnion @onUnion = A | B union AnnotatedUnionTwo @onUnion = A | B scalar CustomScalar scalar AnnotatedScalar @onScalar enum Site { DESKTOP MOBILE } enum AnnotatedEnum @onEnum { ANNOTATED_VALUE @onEnumValue OTHER_VALUE } input InputType { key: String! answer: Int = 42 } input AnnotatedInput @onInputObjectType { annotatedField: Type @onField } extend type Foo { seven(argument: [String]): Type } extend type Foo @onType directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @include2(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT '; $this->assertEquals($expected, $printed); } }