queryId ? static::loadPersistedQuery($config, $op) : $op->query; if (!$doc instanceof DocumentNode) { $doc = Parser::parse($doc); } if (!$op->allowsMutation() && AST::isMutation($op->operation, $doc)) { throw new UserError("Cannot execute mutation in read-only context"); } return GraphQL::executeAndReturnResult( $config->getSchema(), $doc, $config->getRootValue(), $config->getContext(), $op->variables, $op->operation, $config->getDefaultFieldResolver(), static::resolveValidationRules($config, $op), $config->getPromiseAdapter() ); }; if ($config->getDebug()) { $execute = Utils::withErrorHandling($execute, $phpErrors); } $result = $execute(); $applyErrorFormatting = function(ExecutionResult $result) use ($config, $phpErrors) { if ($config->getDebug()) { $errorFormatter = function($e) { return FormattedError::createFromException($e, true); }; } else { $errorFormatter = $config->getErrorFormatter(); } if (!empty($phpErrors)) { $result->extensions['phpErrors'] = array_map($errorFormatter, $phpErrors); } $result->setErrorFormatter($errorFormatter); return $result; }; return $result instanceof Promise ? $result->then($applyErrorFormatting) : $applyErrorFormatting($result); } /** * @param ServerConfig $config * @param OperationParams $op * @return string|DocumentNode */ private static function loadPersistedQuery(ServerConfig $config, OperationParams $op) { // Load query if we got persisted query id: $loader = $config->getPersistentQueryLoader(); if (!$loader) { throw new UserError("Persisted queries are not supported by this server"); } $source = $loader($op->queryId, $op); if (!is_string($source) && !$source instanceof DocumentNode) { throw new InvariantViolation(sprintf( "Persistent query loader must return query string or instance of %s but got: %s", DocumentNode::class, Utils::printSafe($source) )); } return $source; } /** * @param ServerConfig $config * @param OperationParams $params * @return array */ private static function resolveValidationRules(ServerConfig $config, OperationParams $params) { // Allow customizing validation rules per operation: $validationRules = $config->getValidationRules(); if (is_callable($validationRules)) { $validationRules = $validationRules($params); if (!is_array($validationRules)) { throw new InvariantViolation( "Validation rules callable must return array of rules, but got: %s" . Utils::printSafe($validationRules) ); } } return $validationRules; } /** * Parses HTTP request and returns GraphQL QueryParams contained in this request. * For batched requests it returns an array of QueryParams. * * @return OperationParams|OperationParams[] */ public static function parseHttpRequest() { $contentType = isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) ? $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] : null; $assertValid = function (OperationParams $opParams, $queryNum = null) { $errors = $opParams->validate(); if (!empty($errors[0])) { $err = $queryNum ? "Error in query #$queryNum: {$errors[0]}" : $errors[0]; throw new UserError($err); } }; if (stripos($contentType, 'application/graphql' !== false)) { $body = file_get_contents('php://input') ?: ''; $op = OperationParams::create(['query' => $body]); $assertValid($op); } else if (stripos($contentType, 'application/json') !== false || stripos($contentType, 'text/json') !== false) { $body = file_get_contents('php://input') ?: ''; $data = json_decode($body, true); if (json_last_error()) { throw new UserError("Could not parse JSON: " . json_last_error_msg()); } if (!is_array($data)) { throw new UserError( "GraphQL Server expects JSON object or array, but got %s" . Utils::printSafe($data) ); } if (isset($data[0])) { $op = []; foreach ($data as $index => $entry) { $params = OperationParams::create($entry); $assertValid($params, $index); $op[] = $params; } } else { $op = OperationParams::create($data); $assertValid($op); } } else if (stripos($contentType, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') !== false) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { $op = OperationParams::create($_GET, false); } else { $op = OperationParams::create($_POST); } $assertValid($op); } else { throw new UserError("Bad request: unexpected content type: " . Utils::printSafe($contentType)); } return $op; } }