<?php namespace GraphQL\Tests; use GraphQL\Error\Error; use GraphQL\Language\Parser; use GraphQL\Language\Source; use GraphQL\Language\SourceLocation; class ErrorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @it uses the stack of an original error */ public function testUsesTheStackOfAnOriginalError() { $prev = new \Exception("Original"); $err = new Error('msg', null, null, null, null, $prev); $this->assertSame($err->getPrevious(), $prev); } /** * @it converts nodes to positions and locations */ public function testConvertsNodesToPositionsAndLocations() { $source = new Source('{ field }'); $ast = Parser::parse($source); $fieldNode = $ast->definitions[0]->selectionSet->selections[0]; $e = new Error('msg', [ $fieldNode ]); $this->assertEquals([$fieldNode], $e->nodes); $this->assertEquals($source, $e->getSource()); $this->assertEquals([8], $e->getPositions()); $this->assertEquals([new SourceLocation(2, 7)], $e->getLocations()); } /** * @it converts node with loc.start === 0 to positions and locations */ public function testConvertsNodeWithStart0ToPositionsAndLocations() { $source = new Source('{ field }'); $ast = Parser::parse($source); $operationNode = $ast->definitions[0]; $e = new Error('msg', [ $operationNode ]); $this->assertEquals([$operationNode], $e->nodes); $this->assertEquals($source, $e->getSource()); $this->assertEquals([0], $e->getPositions()); $this->assertEquals([new SourceLocation(1, 1)], $e->getLocations()); } /** * @it converts source and positions to locations */ public function testConvertsSourceAndPositionsToLocations() { $source = new Source('{ field }'); $e = new Error('msg', null, $source, [ 10 ]); $this->assertEquals(null, $e->nodes); $this->assertEquals($source, $e->getSource()); $this->assertEquals([10], $e->getPositions()); $this->assertEquals([new SourceLocation(2, 9)], $e->getLocations()); } /** * @it serializes to include message */ public function testSerializesToIncludeMessage() { $e = new Error('msg'); $this->assertEquals(['message' => 'msg'], $e->toSerializableArray()); } /** * @it serializes to include message and locations */ public function testSerializesToIncludeMessageAndLocations() { $node = Parser::parse('{ field }')->definitions[0]->selectionSet->selections[0]; $e = new Error('msg', [ $node ]); $this->assertEquals( ['message' => 'msg', 'locations' => [['line' => 1, 'column' => 3]]], $e->toSerializableArray() ); } /** * @it serializes to include path */ public function testSerializesToIncludePath() { $e = new Error( 'msg', null, null, null, [ 'path', 3, 'to', 'field' ] ); $this->assertEquals([ 'path', 3, 'to', 'field' ], $e->path); $this->assertEquals(['message' => 'msg', 'path' => [ 'path', 3, 'to', 'field' ]], $e->toSerializableArray()); } }