namespace GraphQL\Tests\Server;

use GraphQL\Deferred;
use GraphQL\Error\Error;
use GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation;
use GraphQL\Error\UserError;
use GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult;
use GraphQL\Language\Parser;
use GraphQL\Schema;
use GraphQL\Server\Helper;
use GraphQL\Server\OperationParams;
use GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use GraphQL\Validator\DocumentValidator;
use GraphQL\Validator\ValidationContext;

class QueryExecutionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
     * @var ServerConfig
    private $config;

    public function setUp()
        $schema = new Schema([
            'query' => new ObjectType([
                'name' => 'Query',
                'fields' => [
                    'f1' => [
                        'type' => Type::string(),
                        'resolve' => function($root, $args, $context, $info) {
                            return $info->fieldName;
                    'fieldWithPhpError' => [
                        'type' => Type::string(),
                        'resolve' => function($root, $args, $context, $info) {
                            trigger_error('deprecated', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
                            trigger_error('notice', E_USER_NOTICE);
                            trigger_error('warning', E_USER_WARNING);
                            $a = [];
                            $a['test']; // should produce PHP notice
                            return $info->fieldName;
                    'fieldWithException' => [
                        'type' => Type::string(),
                        'resolve' => function($root, $args, $context, $info) {
                            throw new UserError("This is the exception we want");
                    'testContextAndRootValue' => [
                        'type' => Type::string(),
                        'resolve' => function($root, $args, $context, $info) {
                            $context->testedRootValue = $root;
                            return $info->fieldName;
                    'fieldWithArg' => [
                        'type' => Type::string(),
                        'args' => [
                            'arg' => [
                                'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string())
                        'resolve' => function($root, $args) {
                            return $args['arg'];
                    'dfd' => [
                        'type' => Type::string(),
                        'args' => [
                            'num' => [
                                'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::int())
                        'resolve' => function($root, $args, $context) {

                            return new Deferred(function() use ($args, $context) {
                                return $context['load']($args['num']);
            'mutation' => new ObjectType([
                'name' => 'Mutation',
                'fields' => [
                    'm1' => [
                        'type' => new ObjectType([
                            'name' => 'TestMutation',
                            'fields' => [
                                'result' => Type::string()

        $this->config = ServerConfig::create()->setSchema($schema);

    public function testSimpleQueryExecution()
        $query = '{f1}';

        $expected = [
            'data' => [
                'f1' => 'f1'

        $this->assertQueryResultEquals($expected, $query);

    public function testReturnsSyntaxErrors()
        $query = '{f1';

        $result = $this->executeQuery($query);
        $this->assertSame(null, $result->data);
        $this->assertCount(1, $result->errors);
            'Syntax Error GraphQL (1:4) Expected Name, found <EOF>',

    public function testDebugExceptions()

        $query = '

        $expected = [
            'data' => [
                'fieldWithException' => null,
                'f1' => 'f1'
            'errors' => [
                    'message' => 'This is the exception we want',
                    'path' => ['fieldWithException'],
                    'trace' => []

        $result = $this->executeQuery($query)->toArray();
        $this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result);

    public function testPassesRootValueAndContext()
        $rootValue = 'myRootValue';
        $context = new \stdClass();


        $query = '

        $this->assertSame($rootValue, $context->testedRootValue);

    public function testPassesVariables()
        $variables = ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b'];
        $query = '
            query ($a: String!, $b: String!) {
                a: fieldWithArg(arg: $a)
                b: fieldWithArg(arg: $b)
        $expected = [
            'data' => [
                'a' => 'a',
                'b' => 'b'
        $this->assertQueryResultEquals($expected, $query, $variables);

    public function testPassesCustomValidationRules()
        $query = '
        $expected = [
            'errors' => [
                ['message' => 'Cannot query field "nonExistentField" on type "Query".']

        $this->assertQueryResultEquals($expected, $query);

        $called = false;

        $rules = [
            function() use (&$called) {
                $called = true;
                return [];

        $expected = [
            'data' => []
        $this->assertQueryResultEquals($expected, $query);

    public function testAllowsDifferentValidationRulesDependingOnOperation()
        $q1 = '{f1}';
        $q2 = '{invalid}';
        $called1 = false;
        $called2 = false;

        $this->config->setValidationRules(function(OperationParams $params) use ($q1, $q2, &$called1, &$called2) {
            if ($params->query === $q1) {
                $called1 = true;
                return DocumentValidator::allRules();
            } else {
                $called2 = true;
                return [
                    function(ValidationContext $context) {
                        $context->reportError(new Error("This is the error we are looking for!"));

        $expected = ['data' => ['f1' => 'f1']];
        $this->assertQueryResultEquals($expected, $q1);

        $called1 = false;
        $called2 = false;
        $expected = ['errors' => [['message' => 'This is the error we are looking for!']]];
        $this->assertQueryResultEquals($expected, $q2);

    public function testAllowsSkippingValidation()
        $query = '{nonExistentField}';
        $expected = ['data' => []];
        $this->assertQueryResultEquals($expected, $query);

    public function testPersistedQueriesAreDisabledByDefault()
        $result = $this->executePersistedQuery('some-id');

        $expected = [
            'errors' => [
                    'message' => 'Persisted queries are not supported by this server',
                    'category' => 'request'
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());

    public function testMutationsAreNotAllowedInReadonlyMode()
        $mutation = 'mutation { a }';

        $expected = [
            'errors' => [
                    'message' => 'GET supports only query operation',
                    'category' => 'request'

        $result = $this->executeQuery($mutation, null, true);
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());

    public function testAllowsPersistentQueries()
        $called = false;
        $this->config->setPersistentQueryLoader(function($queryId, OperationParams $params) use (&$called) {
            $called = true;
            $this->assertEquals('some-id', $queryId);
            return '{f1}';

        $result = $this->executePersistedQuery('some-id');

        $expected = [
            'data' => [
                'f1' => 'f1'
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());

        // Make sure it allows returning document node:
        $called = false;
        $this->config->setPersistentQueryLoader(function($queryId, OperationParams $params) use (&$called) {
            $called = true;
            $this->assertEquals('some-id', $queryId);
            return Parser::parse('{f1}');
        $result = $this->executePersistedQuery('some-id');
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());

    public function testProhibitsInvalidPersistedQueryLoader()
            'Persistent query loader must return query string or instance of GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode '.
            'but got: associative array(1) with first key: "err"'
        $this->config->setPersistentQueryLoader(function($queryId, OperationParams $params) use (&$called) {
            return ['err' => 'err'];

    public function testPersistedQueriesAreStillValidatedByDefault()
        $this->config->setPersistentQueryLoader(function() {
            return '{invalid}';
        $result = $this->executePersistedQuery('some-id');
        $expected = [
            'errors' => [
                    'message' => 'Cannot query field "invalid" on type "Query".',
                    'locations' => [ ['line' => 1, 'column' => 2] ],
                    'category' => 'graphql'
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());


    public function testAllowSkippingValidationForPersistedQueries()
            ->setPersistentQueryLoader(function($queryId) {
                if ($queryId === 'some-id') {
                    return '{invalid}';
                } else {
                    return '{invalid2}';
            ->setValidationRules(function(OperationParams $params) {
                if ($params->queryId === 'some-id') {
                    return [];
                } else {
                    return DocumentValidator::allRules();

        $result = $this->executePersistedQuery('some-id');
        $expected = [
            'data' => []
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());

        $result = $this->executePersistedQuery('some-other-id');
        $expected = [
            'errors' => [
                    'message' => 'Cannot query field "invalid2" on type "Query".',
                    'locations' => [ ['line' => 1, 'column' => 2] ],
                    'category' => 'graphql'
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result->toArray());

    public function testProhibitsUnexpectedValidationRules()
            'Expecting validation rules to be array or callable returning array, but got: instance of stdClass'
        $this->config->setValidationRules(function(OperationParams $params) {
            return new \stdClass();

    public function testExecutesBatchedQueries()
        $batch = [
                'query' => '{invalid}'
                'query' => '{f1,fieldWithException}'
                'query' => '
                    query ($a: String!, $b: String!) {
                        a: fieldWithArg(arg: $a)
                        b: fieldWithArg(arg: $b)
                'variables' => ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b'],

        $result = $this->executeBatchedQuery($batch);

        $expected = [
                'errors' => [['message' => 'Cannot query field "invalid" on type "Query".']]
                'data' => [
                    'f1' => 'f1',
                    'fieldWithException' => null
                'errors' => [
                    ['message' => 'This is the exception we want']
                'data' => [
                    'a' => 'a',
                    'b' => 'b'

        $this->assertArraySubset($expected[0], $result[0]->toArray());
        $this->assertArraySubset($expected[1], $result[1]->toArray());
        $this->assertArraySubset($expected[2], $result[2]->toArray());

    public function testDeferredsAreSharedAmongAllBatchedQueries()
        $batch = [
                'query' => '{dfd(num: 1)}'
                'query' => '{dfd(num: 2)}'
                'query' => '{dfd(num: 3)}',

        $calls = [];

                'buffer' => function($num) use (&$calls) {
                    $calls[] = "buffer: $num";
                'load' => function($num) use (&$calls) {
                    $calls[] = "load: $num";
                    return "loaded: $num";

        $result = $this->executeBatchedQuery($batch);

        $expectedCalls = [
            'buffer: 1',
            'buffer: 2',
            'buffer: 3',
            'load: 1',
            'load: 2',
            'load: 3',
        $this->assertEquals($expectedCalls, $calls);

        $expected = [
                'data' => [
                    'dfd' => 'loaded: 1'
                'data' => [
                    'dfd' => 'loaded: 2'
                'data' => [
                    'dfd' => 'loaded: 3'

        $this->assertEquals($expected[0], $result[0]->toArray());
        $this->assertEquals($expected[1], $result[1]->toArray());
        $this->assertEquals($expected[2], $result[2]->toArray());

    private function executePersistedQuery($queryId, $variables = null)
        $op = OperationParams::create(['queryId' => $queryId, 'variables' => $variables]);
        $helper = new Helper();
        $result = $helper->executeOperation($this->config, $op);
        $this->assertInstanceOf(ExecutionResult::class, $result);
        return $result;

    private function executeQuery($query, $variables = null, $readonly = false)
        $op = OperationParams::create(['query' => $query, 'variables' => $variables], $readonly);
        $helper = new Helper();
        $result = $helper->executeOperation($this->config, $op);
        $this->assertInstanceOf(ExecutionResult::class, $result);
        return $result;

    private function executeBatchedQuery(array $qs)
        $batch = [];
        foreach ($qs as $params) {
            $batch[] = OperationParams::create($params);
        $helper = new Helper();
        $result = $helper->executeBatch($this->config, $batch);
        $this->assertInternalType('array', $result);
        $this->assertCount(count($qs), $result);

        foreach ($result as $index => $entry) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(ExecutionResult::class, $entry, "Result at $index is not an instance of " . ExecutionResult::class);
        return $result;

    private function assertQueryResultEquals($expected, $query, $variables = null)
        $result = $this->executeQuery($query, $variables);
        $this->assertArraySubset($expected, $result->toArray(true));
        return $result;