<?php namespace GraphQL\Tests\Validator; use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError; use GraphQL\Language\SourceLocation; use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\KnownDirectives; class KnownDirectivesTest extends TestCase { // Validate: Known directives /** * @it with no directives */ public function testWithNoDirectives() { $this->expectPassesRule(new KnownDirectives, ' query Foo { name ...Frag } fragment Frag on Dog { name } '); } /** * @it with known directives */ public function testWithKnownDirectives() { $this->expectPassesRule(new KnownDirectives, ' { dog @include(if: true) { name } human @skip(if: true) { name } } '); } /** * @it with unknown directive */ public function testWithUnknownDirective() { $this->expectFailsRule(new KnownDirectives, ' { dog @unknown(directive: "value") { name } } ', [ $this->unknownDirective('unknown', 3, 13) ]); } /** * @it with many unknown directives */ public function testWithManyUnknownDirectives() { $this->expectFailsRule(new KnownDirectives, ' { dog @unknown(directive: "value") { name } human @unknown(directive: "value") { name pets @unknown(directive: "value") { name } } } ', [ $this->unknownDirective('unknown', 3, 13), $this->unknownDirective('unknown', 6, 15), $this->unknownDirective('unknown', 8, 16) ]); } /** * @it with well placed directives */ public function testWithWellPlacedDirectives() { $this->expectPassesRule(new KnownDirectives, ' query Foo { name @include(if: true) ...Frag @include(if: true) skippedField @skip(if: true) ...SkippedFrag @skip(if: true) } '); } /** * @it with misplaced directives */ public function testWithMisplacedDirectives() { $this->expectFailsRule(new KnownDirectives, ' query Foo @include(if: true) { name @operationOnly ...Frag @operationOnly } ', [ $this->misplacedDirective('include', 'QUERY', 2, 17), $this->misplacedDirective('operationOnly', 'FIELD', 3, 14), $this->misplacedDirective('operationOnly', 'FRAGMENT_SPREAD', 4, 17), ]); } private function unknownDirective($directiveName, $line, $column) { return FormattedError::create( KnownDirectives::unknownDirectiveMessage($directiveName), [ new SourceLocation($line, $column) ] ); } function misplacedDirective($directiveName, $placement, $line, $column) { return FormattedError::create( KnownDirectives::misplacedDirectiveMessage($directiveName, $placement), [new SourceLocation($line, $column)] ); } }