expectPassesRule(new ScalarLeafs, ' fragment scalarSelection on Dog { barks } '); } /** * @see it('object type missing selection') */ public function testObjectTypeMissingSelection() { $this->expectFailsRule(new ScalarLeafs, ' query directQueryOnObjectWithoutSubFields { human } ', [$this->missingObjSubselection('human', 'Human', 3, 9)]); } /** * @see it('interface type missing selection') */ public function testInterfaceTypeMissingSelection() { $this->expectFailsRule(new ScalarLeafs, ' { human { pets } } ', [$this->missingObjSubselection('pets', '[Pet]', 3, 17)]); } /** * @see it('valid scalar selection with args') */ public function testValidScalarSelectionWithArgs() { $this->expectPassesRule(new ScalarLeafs, ' fragment scalarSelectionWithArgs on Dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) } '); } /** * @see it('scalar selection not allowed on Boolean') */ public function testScalarSelectionNotAllowedOnBoolean() { $this->expectFailsRule(new ScalarLeafs, ' fragment scalarSelectionsNotAllowedOnBoolean on Dog { barks { sinceWhen } } ', [$this->noScalarSubselection('barks', 'Boolean', 3, 15)]); } /** * @see it('scalar selection not allowed on Enum') */ public function testScalarSelectionNotAllowedOnEnum() { $this->expectFailsRule(new ScalarLeafs, ' fragment scalarSelectionsNotAllowedOnEnum on Cat { furColor { inHexdec } } ', [$this->noScalarSubselection('furColor', 'FurColor', 3, 18)] ); } /** * @see it('scalar selection not allowed with args') */ public function testScalarSelectionNotAllowedWithArgs() { $this->expectFailsRule(new ScalarLeafs, ' fragment scalarSelectionsNotAllowedWithArgs on Dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) { sinceWhen } } ', [$this->noScalarSubselection('doesKnowCommand', 'Boolean', 3, 42)] ); } /** * @see it('Scalar selection not allowed with directives') */ public function testScalarSelectionNotAllowedWithDirectives() { $this->expectFailsRule(new ScalarLeafs, ' fragment scalarSelectionsNotAllowedWithDirectives on Dog { name @include(if: true) { isAlsoHumanName } } ', [$this->noScalarSubselection('name', 'String', 3, 33)] ); } /** * @see it('Scalar selection not allowed with directives and args') */ public function testScalarSelectionNotAllowedWithDirectivesAndArgs() { $this->expectFailsRule(new ScalarLeafs, ' fragment scalarSelectionsNotAllowedWithDirectivesAndArgs on Dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) @include(if: true) { sinceWhen } } ', [$this->noScalarSubselection('doesKnowCommand', 'Boolean', 3, 61)] ); } private function noScalarSubselection($field, $type, $line, $column) { return FormattedError::create( ScalarLeafs::noSubselectionAllowedMessage($field, $type), [new SourceLocation($line, $column)] ); } private function missingObjSubselection($field, $type, $line, $column) { return FormattedError::create( ScalarLeafs::requiredSubselectionMessage($field, $type), [new SourceLocation($line, $column)] ); } }