*/ protected $_typeMap; /** * @var array */ protected $_implementations; /** * @var array> */ protected $_possibleTypeMap; /** * Schema constructor. * @param array $config */ public function __construct($config = null) { if (func_num_args() > 1 || $config instanceof Type) { trigger_error( 'GraphQL\Schema constructor expects config object now instead of types passed as arguments. '. 'See https://github.com/webonyx/graphql-php/issues/36', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); list($queryType, $mutationType, $subscriptionType) = func_get_args() + [null, null, null]; $config = [ 'query' => $queryType, 'mutation' => $mutationType, 'subscription' => $subscriptionType ]; } $this->_init($config); } protected function _init(array $config) { $config += [ 'query' => null, 'mutation' => null, 'subscription' => null, 'types' => [], 'directives' => [], 'validate' => true ]; Utils::invariant( $config['query'] instanceof ObjectType, "Schema query must be Object Type but got: " . Utils::getVariableType($config['query']) ); $this->_queryType = $config['query']; Utils::invariant( !$config['mutation'] || $config['mutation'] instanceof ObjectType, "Schema mutation must be Object Type if provided but got: " . Utils::getVariableType($config['mutation']) ); $this->_mutationType = $config['mutation']; Utils::invariant( !$config['subscription'] || $config['subscription'] instanceof ObjectType, "Schema subscription must be Object Type if provided but got: " . Utils::getVariableType($config['subscription']) ); $this->_subscriptionType = $config['subscription']; Utils::invariant( !$config['types'] || is_array($config['types']), "Schema types must be Array if provided but got: " . Utils::getVariableType($config['types']) ); Utils::invariant( !$config['directives'] || (is_array($config['directives']) && Utils::every($config['directives'], function($d) {return $d instanceof Directive;})), "Schema directives must be Directive[] if provided but got " . Utils::getVariableType($config['directives']) ); $this->_directives = array_merge($config['directives'], [ Directive::includeDirective(), Directive::skipDirective() ]); // Build type map now to detect any errors within this schema. $initialTypes = [ $config['query'], $config['mutation'], $config['subscription'], Introspection::_schema() ]; if (!empty($config['types'])) { $initialTypes = array_merge($initialTypes, $config['types']); } foreach ($initialTypes as $type) { $this->_extractTypes($type); } $this->_typeMap += Type::getInternalTypes(); // Keep track of all implementations by interface name. $this->_implementations = []; foreach ($this->_typeMap as $typeName => $type) { if ($type instanceof ObjectType) { foreach ($type->getInterfaces() as $iface) { $this->_implementations[$iface->name][] = $type; } } } } /** * @return ObjectType */ public function getQueryType() { return $this->_queryType; } /** * @return ObjectType */ public function getMutationType() { return $this->_mutationType; } /** * @return ObjectType */ public function getSubscriptionType() { return $this->_subscriptionType; } /** * @return array */ public function getTypeMap() { return $this->_typeMap; } /** * @param string $name * @return Type */ public function getType($name) { $map = $this->getTypeMap(); return isset($map[$name]) ? $map[$name] : null; } /** * @param AbstractType $abstractType * @return ObjectType[] */ public function getPossibleTypes(AbstractType $abstractType) { if ($abstractType instanceof UnionType) { return $abstractType->getTypes(); } Utils::invariant($abstractType instanceof InterfaceType); return isset($this->_implementations[$abstractType->name]) ? $this->_implementations[$abstractType->name] : []; } /** * @param AbstractType $abstractType * @param ObjectType $possibleType * @return bool */ public function isPossibleType(AbstractType $abstractType, ObjectType $possibleType) { if (null === $this->_possibleTypeMap) { $this->_possibleTypeMap = []; } if (!isset($this->_possibleTypeMap[$abstractType->name])) { $tmp = []; foreach ($this->getPossibleTypes($abstractType) as $type) { $tmp[$type->name] = true; } $this->_possibleTypeMap[$abstractType->name] = $tmp; } return !empty($this->_possibleTypeMap[$abstractType->name][$possibleType->name]); } /** * @return Directive[] */ public function getDirectives() { return $this->_directives; } /** * @param $name * @return Directive */ public function getDirective($name) { foreach ($this->getDirectives() as $directive) { if ($directive->name === $name) { return $directive; } } return null; } protected function _extractTypes($type) { if (!$type) { return $this->_typeMap; } if ($type instanceof WrappingType) { return $this->_extractTypes($type->getWrappedType(true)); } if (!empty($this->_typeMap[$type->name])) { Utils::invariant( $this->_typeMap[$type->name] === $type, "Schema must contain unique named types but contains multiple types named \"$type\"." ); return $this->_typeMap; } $this->_typeMap[$type->name] = $type; $nestedTypes = []; if ($type instanceof UnionType) { $nestedTypes = $type->getTypes(); } if ($type instanceof ObjectType) { $nestedTypes = array_merge($nestedTypes, $type->getInterfaces()); } if ($type instanceof ObjectType || $type instanceof InterfaceType || $type instanceof InputObjectType) { foreach ((array) $type->getFields() as $fieldName => $field) { if (isset($field->args)) { $fieldArgTypes = array_map(function($arg) { return $arg->getType(); }, $field->args); $nestedTypes = array_merge($nestedTypes, $fieldArgTypes); } $nestedTypes[] = $field->getType(); } } foreach ($nestedTypes as $type) { $this->_extractTypes($type); } return $this->_typeMap; } }