queryType; } /** * @param ObjectType $queryType * @return Server */ public function setQueryType(ObjectType $queryType) { $this->assertSchemaNotSet('Query Type', __METHOD__); $this->queryType = $queryType; return $this; } /** * @return ObjectType|null */ public function getMutationType() { return $this->mutationType; } /** * @param ObjectType $mutationType * @return Server */ public function setMutationType(ObjectType $mutationType) { $this->assertSchemaNotSet('Mutation Type', __METHOD__); $this->mutationType = $mutationType; return $this; } /** * @return ObjectType|null */ public function getSubscriptionType() { return $this->subscriptionType; } /** * @param ObjectType $subscriptionType * @return Server */ public function setSubscriptionType($subscriptionType) { $this->assertSchemaNotSet('Subscription Type', __METHOD__); $this->subscriptionType = $subscriptionType; return $this; } /** * @param Type[] $types * @return Server */ public function addTypes(array $types) { if (!empty($types)) { $this->assertSchemaNotSet('Types', __METHOD__); $this->types = array_merge($this->types, $types); } return $this; } /** * @return array */ public function getTypes() { return $this->types; } /** * @return Directive[] */ public function getDirectives() { if (null === $this->directives) { $this->directives = Directive::getInternalDirectives(); } return $this->directives; } /** * @param Directive[] $directives * @return Server */ public function setDirectives(array $directives) { $this->assertSchemaNotSet('Directives', __METHOD__); $this->directives = $directives; return $this; } /** * @return int */ public function getDebug() { return $this->debug; } /** * @param int $debug * @return Server */ public function setDebug($debug = self::DEBUG_ALL) { $this->debug = (int) $debug; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getContext() { return $this->contextValue; } /** * @param mixed $context * @return Server */ public function setContext($context) { $this->contextValue = $context; return $this; } /** * @param $rootValue * @return Server */ public function setRootValue($rootValue) { $this->rootValue = $rootValue; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getRootValue() { return $this->rootValue; } /** * Set schema instance manually. Mutually exclusive with `setQueryType`, `setMutationType`, `setSubscriptionType`, `setDirectives`, `addTypes` * * @param Schema $schema * @return $this */ public function setSchema(Schema $schema) { if ($this->queryType) { $err = 'Query Type is already set'; $errMethod = __CLASS__ . '::setQueryType'; } else if ($this->mutationType) { $err = 'Mutation Type is already set'; $errMethod = __CLASS__ . '::setMutationType'; } else if ($this->subscriptionType) { $err = 'Subscription Type is already set'; $errMethod = __CLASS__ . '::setSubscriptionType'; } else if ($this->directives) { $err = 'Directives are already set'; $errMethod = __CLASS__ . '::setDirectives'; } else if ($this->types) { $err = 'Additional types are already set'; $errMethod = __CLASS__ . '::addTypes'; } else if ($this->typeResolutionStrategy) { $err = 'Type Resolution Strategy is already set'; $errMethod = __CLASS__ . '::setTypeResolutionStrategy'; } else if ($this->schema && $this->schema !== $schema) { $err = 'Different schema is already set'; } if (isset($err)) { if (isset($errMethod)) { $err .= " ($errMethod is mutually exclusive with " . __METHOD__ . ")"; } throw new InvariantViolation("Cannot set Schema on Server: $err"); } $this->schema = $schema; return $this; } /** * @param $entry * @param $mutuallyExclusiveMethod */ private function assertSchemaNotSet($entry, $mutuallyExclusiveMethod) { if ($this->schema) { $schemaMethod = __CLASS__ . '::setSchema'; throw new InvariantViolation("Cannot set $entry on Server: Schema is already set ($mutuallyExclusiveMethod is mutually exclusive with $schemaMethod)"); } } /** * @return Schema */ public function getSchema() { if (null === $this->schema) { $this->schema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'mutation' => $this->mutationType, 'subscription' => $this->subscriptionType, 'directives' => $this->directives, 'types' => $this->types, 'typeResolution' => $this->typeResolutionStrategy ]); } return $this->schema; } /** * @return callable */ public function getPhpErrorFormatter() { return $this->phpErrorFormatter; } /** * Expects function(\ErrorException $e) : array * * @param callable $phpErrorFormatter * @return $this */ public function setPhpErrorFormatter(callable $phpErrorFormatter) { $this->phpErrorFormatter = $phpErrorFormatter; return $this; } /** * @return callable */ public function getExceptionFormatter() { return $this->exceptionFormatter; } /** * Expects function(Exception $e) : array * * @param callable $exceptionFormatter * @return $this */ public function setExceptionFormatter(callable $exceptionFormatter) { $this->exceptionFormatter = $exceptionFormatter; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getUnexpectedErrorMessage() { return $this->unexpectedErrorMessage; } /** * @param string $unexpectedErrorMessage * @return $this */ public function setUnexpectedErrorMessage($unexpectedErrorMessage) { $this->unexpectedErrorMessage = $unexpectedErrorMessage; return $this; } /** * @return int */ public function getUnexpectedErrorStatus() { return $this->unexpectedErrorStatus; } /** * @param int $unexpectedErrorStatus * @return $this */ public function setUnexpectedErrorStatus($unexpectedErrorStatus) { $this->unexpectedErrorStatus = $unexpectedErrorStatus; return $this; } /** * Parses GraphQL query string and returns Abstract Syntax Tree for this query * * @param string $query * @return Language\AST\DocumentNode * @throws \GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError */ public function parse($query) { return Parser::parse($query); } /** * @return array */ public function getValidationRules() { if (null === $this->validationRules) { $this->validationRules = DocumentValidator::allRules(); } return $this->validationRules; } /** * @param array $validationRules * @return $this */ public function setValidationRules(array $validationRules) { $this->validationRules = $validationRules; return $this; } /** * EXPERIMENTAL! * This method can be removed or changed in future versions without a prior notice. * * @return Resolution */ public function getTypeResolutionStrategy() { return $this->typeResolutionStrategy; } /** * EXPERIMENTAL! * This method can be removed or changed in future versions without a prior notice. * * @param Resolution $typeResolutionStrategy * @return Server */ public function setTypeResolutionStrategy(Resolution $typeResolutionStrategy) { $this->assertSchemaNotSet('Type Resolution Strategy', __METHOD__); $this->typeResolutionStrategy = $typeResolutionStrategy; return $this; } /** * @return PromiseAdapter|null */ public function getPromiseAdapter() { return $this->promiseAdapter; } /** * See /docs/data-fetching.md#async-php * * @param PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter * @return Server */ public function setPromiseAdapter(PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter) { if ($this->promiseAdapter && $promiseAdapter !== $this->promiseAdapter) { throw new InvariantViolation("Cannot set promise adapter: Different adapter is already set"); } $this->promiseAdapter = $promiseAdapter; return $this; } /** * Returns array with validation errors (empty when there are no validation errors) * * @param DocumentNode $query * @return array */ public function validate(DocumentNode $query) { try { $schema = $this->getSchema(); } catch (InvariantViolation $e) { throw new InvariantViolation("Cannot validate, schema contains errors: {$e->getMessage()}", null, $e); } return DocumentValidator::validate($schema, $query, $this->validationRules); } /** * Executes GraphQL query against this server and returns execution result * * @param string|DocumentNode $query * @param array|null $variables * @param string|null $operationName * @return ExecutionResult */ public function executeQuery($query, array $variables = null, $operationName = null) { $this->phpErrors = []; if ($this->debug & static::DEBUG_PHP_ERRORS) { // Catch custom errors (to report them in query results) set_error_handler(function($severity, $message, $file, $line) { $this->phpErrors[] = new \ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line); }); } if ($this->promiseAdapter) { // TODO: inline GraphQL::executeAndReturnResult and pass promise adapter to executor constructor directly $promiseAdapter = Executor::getPromiseAdapter(); Executor::setPromiseAdapter($this->promiseAdapter); } $result = GraphQL::executeAndReturnResult( $this->getSchema(), $query, $this->getRootValue(), $this->getContext(), $variables, $operationName ); if (isset($promiseAdapter)) { Executor::setPromiseAdapter($promiseAdapter); } // Add details about original exception in error entry (if any) if ($this->debug & static::DEBUG_EXCEPTIONS) { $result->setErrorFormatter([$this, 'formatError']); } // Add reported PHP errors to result (if any) if (!empty($this->phpErrors) && ($this->debug & static::DEBUG_PHP_ERRORS)) { $result->extensions['phpErrors'] = array_map($this->phpErrorFormatter, $this->phpErrors); } if ($this->debug & static::DEBUG_PHP_ERRORS) { restore_error_handler(); } return $result; } /** * GraphQL HTTP endpoint compatible with express-graphql */ public function handleRequest() { try { $httpStatus = 200; if (isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) && strpos($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], 'application/json') !== false) { $raw = $this->readInput(); $data = json_decode($raw, true); Utils::invariant( is_array($data), "GraphQL Server expects JSON object with keys 'query' and 'variables', but got " . Utils::getVariableType($data) ); } else { $data = $_REQUEST ?: []; } $data += ['query' => null, 'variables' => null]; $result = $this->executeQuery($data['query'], (array) $data['variables'])->toArray(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // This is only possible for schema creation errors and some very unpredictable errors, // (all errors which occur during query execution are caught and included in final response) $httpStatus = $this->unexpectedErrorStatus; $error = new Error($this->unexpectedErrorMessage, null, null, null, null, $e); $result = ['errors' => [$this->formatError($error)]]; } catch (\Error $e) { $httpStatus = $this->unexpectedErrorStatus; $error = new Error($this->unexpectedErrorMessage, null, null, null, null, $e); $result = ['errors' => [$this->formatError($error)]]; } $this->produceOutput($result, $httpStatus); } private function formatException(\Exception $e) { $formatter = $this->exceptionFormatter; return $formatter($e); } /** * @param Error $e * @return array */ public function formatError(\GraphQL\Error\Error $e) { $result = $e->toSerializableArray(); if (($this->debug & static::DEBUG_EXCEPTIONS) && $e->getPrevious()) { $result['exception'] = $this->formatException($e->getPrevious()); } return $result; } protected function readInput() { return file_get_contents('php://input') ?: ''; } protected function produceOutput(array $result, $httpStatus) { header('Content-Type: application/json', true, $httpStatus); echo json_encode($result); } }