'SomeScalar', 'serialize' => static function ($x) { return $x; }, ]); $SomeInterfaceType = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'SomeInterface', 'fields' => static function () use (&$SomeInterfaceType) { return [ 'name' => [ 'type' => Type::string()], 'some' => [ 'type' => $SomeInterfaceType], ]; }, ]); $FooType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Foo', 'interfaces' => [$SomeInterfaceType], 'fields' => static function () use ($SomeInterfaceType, &$FooType) { return [ 'name' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ], 'some' => [ 'type' => $SomeInterfaceType ], 'tree' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf($FooType))], ]; }, ]); $BarType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Bar', 'interfaces' => [$SomeInterfaceType], 'fields' => static function () use ($SomeInterfaceType, $FooType) : array { return [ 'name' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ], 'some' => [ 'type' => $SomeInterfaceType ], 'foo' => [ 'type' => $FooType ], ]; }, ]); $BizType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Biz', 'fields' => static function () : array { return [ 'fizz' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ], ]; }, ]); $SomeUnionType = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'SomeUnion', 'types' => [$FooType, $BizType], ]); $SomeEnumType = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'SomeEnum', 'values' => [ 'ONE' => [ 'value' => 1 ], 'TWO' => [ 'value' => 2 ], ], ]); $SomeInputType = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'SomeInput', 'fields' => static function () : array { return [ 'fooArg' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ], ]; }, ]); $FooDirective = new Directive([ 'name' => 'foo', 'args' => [ new FieldArgument([ 'name' => 'input', 'type' => $SomeInputType, ]), ], 'locations' => [ DirectiveLocation::SCHEMA, DirectiveLocation::SCALAR, DirectiveLocation::OBJECT, DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION, DirectiveLocation::ARGUMENT_DEFINITION, DirectiveLocation::IFACE, DirectiveLocation::UNION, DirectiveLocation::ENUM, DirectiveLocation::ENUM_VALUE, DirectiveLocation::INPUT_OBJECT, DirectiveLocation::INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION, ], ]); $this->testSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Query', 'fields' => static function () use ($FooType, $SomeScalarType, $SomeUnionType, $SomeEnumType, $SomeInterfaceType, $SomeInputType) : array { return [ 'foo' => [ 'type' => $FooType ], 'someScalar' => [ 'type' => $SomeScalarType ], 'someUnion' => [ 'type' => $SomeUnionType ], 'someEnum' => [ 'type' => $SomeEnumType ], 'someInterface' => [ 'args' => [ 'id' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::id()), ], ], 'type' => $SomeInterfaceType, ], 'someInput' => [ 'args' => [ 'input' => [ 'type' => $SomeInputType ] ], 'type' => Type::string(), ], ]; }, ]), 'types' => [$FooType, $BarType], 'directives' => array_merge(GraphQL::getStandardDirectives(), [$FooDirective]), ]); $testSchemaAst = Parser::parse(SchemaPrinter::doPrint($this->testSchema)); $this->testSchemaDefinitions = array_map(static function ($node) { return Printer::doPrint($node); }, iterator_to_array($testSchemaAst->definitions->getIterator())); $this->FooDirective = $FooDirective; $this->FooType = $FooType; } protected function dedent(string $str) : string { $trimmedStr = trim($str, "\n"); $trimmedStr = preg_replace('/[ \t]*$/', '', $trimmedStr); preg_match('/^[ \t]*/', $trimmedStr, $indentMatch); $indent = $indentMatch[0]; return preg_replace('/^' . $indent . '/m', '', $trimmedStr); } /** * @param mixed[]|null $options */ protected function extendTestSchema(string $sdl, ?array $options = null) : Schema { $originalPrint = SchemaPrinter::doPrint($this->testSchema); $ast = Parser::parse($sdl); $extendedSchema = SchemaExtender::extend($this->testSchema, $ast, $options); self::assertEquals(SchemaPrinter::doPrint($this->testSchema), $originalPrint); return $extendedSchema; } protected function printTestSchemaChanges(Schema $extendedSchema) : string { $ast = Parser::parse(SchemaPrinter::doPrint($extendedSchema)); $ast->definitions = array_values(array_filter( $ast->definitions instanceof NodeList ? iterator_to_array($ast->definitions->getIterator()) : $ast->definitions, function (Node $node) : bool { return ! in_array(Printer::doPrint($node), $this->testSchemaDefinitions, true); } )); return Printer::doPrint($ast); } /** * @see it('returns the original schema when there are no type definitions') */ public function testReturnsTheOriginalSchemaWhenThereAreNoTypeDefinitions() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema('{ field }'); self::assertEquals($extendedSchema, $this->testSchema); } /** * @see it('extends without altering original schema') */ public function testExtendsWithoutAlteringOriginalSchema() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Query { newField: String }'); self::assertNotEquals($extendedSchema, $this->testSchema); self::assertContains('newField', SchemaPrinter::doPrint($extendedSchema)); self::assertNotContains('newField', SchemaPrinter::doPrint($this->testSchema)); } /** * @see it('can be used for limited execution') */ public function testCanBeUsedForLimitedExecution() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Query { newField: String } '); $result = GraphQL::executeQuery($extendedSchema, '{ newField }', ['newField' => 123]); self::assertEquals($result->toArray(), [ 'data' => ['newField' => '123'], ]); } /** * @see it('can describe the extended fields') */ public function testCanDescribeTheExtendedFields() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Query { "New field description." newField: String } '); self::assertEquals( $extendedSchema->getQueryType()->getField('newField')->description, 'New field description.' ); } /** * @see it('can describe the extended fields with legacy comments') */ public function testCanDescribeTheExtendedFieldsWithLegacyComments() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Query { # New field description. newField: String } ', ['commentDescriptions' => true]); self::assertEquals( $extendedSchema->getQueryType()->getField('newField')->description, 'New field description.' ); } /** * @see it('describes extended fields with strings when present') */ public function testDescribesExtendedFieldsWithStringsWhenPresent() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Query { # New field description. "Actually use this description." newField: String } ', ['commentDescriptions' => true ]); self::assertEquals( $extendedSchema->getQueryType()->getField('newField')->description, 'Actually use this description.' ); } /** * @see it('extends objects by adding new fields') */ public function testExtendsObjectsByAddingNewFields() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema( ' extend type Foo { newField: String } ' ); self::assertEquals( $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema), $this->dedent(' type Foo implements SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface tree: [Foo]! newField: String } ') ); $fooType = $extendedSchema->getType('Foo'); $fooField = $extendedSchema->getQueryType()->getField('foo'); self::assertEquals($fooField->getType(), $fooType); } /** * @see it('extends enums by adding new values') */ public function testExtendsEnumsByAddingNewValues() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend enum SomeEnum { NEW_ENUM } '); self::assertEquals( $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema), $this->dedent(' enum SomeEnum { ONE TWO NEW_ENUM } ') ); $someEnumType = $extendedSchema->getType('SomeEnum'); $enumField = $extendedSchema->getQueryType()->getField('someEnum'); self::assertEquals($enumField->getType(), $someEnumType); } /** * @see it('extends unions by adding new types') */ public function testExtendsUnionsByAddingNewTypes() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend union SomeUnion = Bar '); self::assertEquals( $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema), $this->dedent(' union SomeUnion = Foo | Biz | Bar ') ); $someUnionType = $extendedSchema->getType('SomeUnion'); $unionField = $extendedSchema->getQueryType()->getField('someUnion'); self::assertEquals($unionField->getType(), $someUnionType); } /** * @see it('allows extension of union by adding itself') */ public function testAllowsExtensionOfUnionByAddingItself() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend union SomeUnion = SomeUnion '); $errors = $extendedSchema->validate(); self::assertGreaterThan(0, count($errors)); self::assertEquals( $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema), $this->dedent(' union SomeUnion = Foo | Biz | SomeUnion ') ); } /** * @see it('extends inputs by adding new fields') */ public function testExtendsInputsByAddingNewFields() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend input SomeInput { newField: String } '); self::assertEquals( $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema), $this->dedent(' input SomeInput { fooArg: String newField: String } ') ); $someInputType = $extendedSchema->getType('SomeInput'); $inputField = $extendedSchema->getQueryType()->getField('someInput'); self::assertEquals($inputField->args[0]->getType(), $someInputType); $fooDirective = $extendedSchema->getDirective('foo'); self::assertEquals($fooDirective->args[0]->getType(), $someInputType); } /** * @see it('extends scalars by adding new directives') */ public function testExtendsScalarsByAddingNewDirectives() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend scalar SomeScalar @foo '); $someScalar = $extendedSchema->getType('SomeScalar'); self::assertCount(1, $someScalar->extensionASTNodes); self::assertEquals( Printer::doPrint($someScalar->extensionASTNodes[0]), 'extend scalar SomeScalar @foo' ); } /** * @see it('correctly assign AST nodes to new and extended types') */ public function testCorrectlyAssignASTNodesToNewAndExtendedTypes() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Query { newField(testArg: TestInput): TestEnum } extend scalar SomeScalar @foo extend enum SomeEnum { NEW_VALUE } extend union SomeUnion = Bar extend input SomeInput { newField: String } extend interface SomeInterface { newField: String } enum TestEnum { TEST_VALUE } input TestInput { testInputField: TestEnum } '); $ast = Parser::parse(' extend type Query { oneMoreNewField: TestUnion } extend scalar SomeScalar @test extend enum SomeEnum { ONE_MORE_NEW_VALUE } extend union SomeUnion = TestType extend input SomeInput { oneMoreNewField: String } extend interface SomeInterface { oneMoreNewField: String } union TestUnion = TestType interface TestInterface { interfaceField: String } type TestType implements TestInterface { interfaceField: String } directive @test(arg: Int) on FIELD | SCALAR '); $extendedTwiceSchema = SchemaExtender::extend($extendedSchema, $ast); $query = $extendedTwiceSchema->getQueryType(); /** @var ScalarType $someScalar */ $someScalar = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('SomeScalar'); /** @var EnumType $someEnum */ $someEnum = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('SomeEnum'); /** @var UnionType $someUnion */ $someUnion = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('SomeUnion'); /** @var InputObjectType $someInput */ $someInput = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('SomeInput'); /** @var InterfaceType $someInterface */ $someInterface = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('SomeInterface'); /** @var InputObjectType $testInput */ $testInput = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('TestInput'); /** @var EnumType $testEnum */ $testEnum = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('TestEnum'); /** @var UnionType $testUnion */ $testUnion = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('TestUnion'); /** @var InterfaceType $testInterface */ $testInterface = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('TestInterface'); /** @var ObjectType $testType */ $testType = $extendedTwiceSchema->getType('TestType'); /** @var Directive $testDirective */ $testDirective = $extendedTwiceSchema->getDirective('test'); self::assertCount(2, $query->extensionASTNodes); self::assertCount(2, $someScalar->extensionASTNodes); self::assertCount(2, $someEnum->extensionASTNodes); self::assertCount(2, $someUnion->extensionASTNodes); self::assertCount(2, $someInput->extensionASTNodes); self::assertCount(2, $someInterface->extensionASTNodes); self::assertCount(0, $testType->extensionASTNodes ?? []); self::assertCount(0, $testEnum->extensionASTNodes ?? []); self::assertCount(0, $testUnion->extensionASTNodes ?? []); self::assertCount(0, $testInput->extensionASTNodes ?? []); self::assertCount(0, $testInterface->extensionASTNodes ?? []); $restoredExtensionAST = new DocumentNode([ 'definitions' => array_merge( $query->extensionASTNodes, $someScalar->extensionASTNodes, $someEnum->extensionASTNodes, $someUnion->extensionASTNodes, $someInput->extensionASTNodes, $someInterface->extensionASTNodes, [ $testInput->astNode, $testEnum->astNode, $testUnion->astNode, $testInterface->astNode, $testType->astNode, $testDirective->astNode, ] ), ]); self::assertEquals( SchemaPrinter::doPrint(SchemaExtender::extend($this->testSchema, $restoredExtensionAST)), SchemaPrinter::doPrint($extendedTwiceSchema) ); $newField = $query->getField('newField'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($newField->astNode), 'newField(testArg: TestInput): TestEnum'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($newField->args[0]->astNode), 'testArg: TestInput'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($query->getField('oneMoreNewField')->astNode), 'oneMoreNewField: TestUnion'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($someEnum->getValue('NEW_VALUE')->astNode), 'NEW_VALUE'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($someEnum->getValue('ONE_MORE_NEW_VALUE')->astNode), 'ONE_MORE_NEW_VALUE'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($someInput->getField('newField')->astNode), 'newField: String'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($someInput->getField('oneMoreNewField')->astNode), 'oneMoreNewField: String'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($someInterface->getField('newField')->astNode), 'newField: String'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($someInterface->getField('oneMoreNewField')->astNode), 'oneMoreNewField: String'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($testInput->getField('testInputField')->astNode), 'testInputField: TestEnum'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($testEnum->getValue('TEST_VALUE')->astNode), 'TEST_VALUE'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($testInterface->getField('interfaceField')->astNode), 'interfaceField: String'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($testType->getField('interfaceField')->astNode), 'interfaceField: String'); self::assertEquals(Printer::doPrint($testDirective->args[0]->astNode), 'arg: Int'); } /** * @see it('builds types with deprecated fields/values') */ public function testBuildsTypesWithDeprecatedFieldsOrValues() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' type TypeWithDeprecatedField { newDeprecatedField: String @deprecated(reason: "not used anymore") } enum EnumWithDeprecatedValue { DEPRECATED @deprecated(reason: "do not use") } '); /** @var ObjectType $typeWithDeprecatedField */ $typeWithDeprecatedField = $extendedSchema->getType('TypeWithDeprecatedField'); $deprecatedFieldDef = $typeWithDeprecatedField->getField('newDeprecatedField'); self::assertEquals(true, $deprecatedFieldDef->isDeprecated()); self::assertEquals('not used anymore', $deprecatedFieldDef->deprecationReason); /** @var EnumType $enumWithDeprecatedValue */ $enumWithDeprecatedValue = $extendedSchema->getType('EnumWithDeprecatedValue'); $deprecatedEnumDef = $enumWithDeprecatedValue->getValue('DEPRECATED'); self::assertEquals(true, $deprecatedEnumDef->isDeprecated()); self::assertEquals('do not use', $deprecatedEnumDef->deprecationReason); } /** * @see it('extends objects with deprecated fields') */ public function testExtendsObjectsWithDeprecatedFields() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Foo { deprecatedField: String @deprecated(reason: "not used anymore") } '); /** @var ObjectType $fooType */ $fooType = $extendedSchema->getType('Foo'); $deprecatedFieldDef = $fooType->getField('deprecatedField'); self::assertTrue($deprecatedFieldDef->isDeprecated()); self::assertEquals('not used anymore', $deprecatedFieldDef->deprecationReason); } /** * @see it('extends enums with deprecated values') */ public function testExtendsEnumsWithDeprecatedValues() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend enum SomeEnum { DEPRECATED @deprecated(reason: "do not use") } '); /** @var EnumType $someEnumType */ $someEnumType = $extendedSchema->getType('SomeEnum'); $deprecatedEnumDef = $someEnumType->getValue('DEPRECATED'); self::assertTrue($deprecatedEnumDef->isDeprecated()); self::assertEquals('do not use', $deprecatedEnumDef->deprecationReason); } /** * @see it('adds new unused object type') */ public function testAddsNewUnusedObjectType() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' type Unused { someField: String } '); self::assertNotEquals($this->testSchema, $extendedSchema); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' type Unused { someField: String } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('adds new unused enum type') */ public function testAddsNewUnusedEnumType() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' enum UnusedEnum { SOME } '); self::assertNotEquals($extendedSchema, $this->testSchema); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' enum UnusedEnum { SOME } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('adds new unused input object type') */ public function testAddsNewUnusedInputObjectType() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' input UnusedInput { someInput: String } '); self::assertNotEquals($extendedSchema, $this->testSchema); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' input UnusedInput { someInput: String } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('adds new union using new object type') */ public function testAddsNewUnionUsingNewObjectType() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' type DummyUnionMember { someField: String } union UnusedUnion = DummyUnionMember '); self::assertNotEquals($extendedSchema, $this->testSchema); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' type DummyUnionMember { someField: String } union UnusedUnion = DummyUnionMember '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('extends objects by adding new fields with arguments') */ public function testExtendsObjectsByAddingNewFieldsWithArguments() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Foo { newField(arg1: String, arg2: NewInputObj!): String } input NewInputObj { field1: Int field2: [Float] field3: String! } '); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' type Foo implements SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface tree: [Foo]! newField(arg1: String, arg2: NewInputObj!): String } input NewInputObj { field1: Int field2: [Float] field3: String! } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('extends objects by adding new fields with existing types') */ public function testExtendsObjectsByAddingNewFieldsWithExistingTypes() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Foo { newField(arg1: SomeEnum!): SomeEnum } '); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' type Foo implements SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface tree: [Foo]! newField(arg1: SomeEnum!): SomeEnum } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('extends objects by adding implemented interfaces') */ public function testExtendsObjectsByAddingImplementedInterfaces() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Biz implements SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface } '); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' type Biz implements SomeInterface { fizz: String name: String some: SomeInterface } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('extends objects by including new types') */ public function testExtendsObjectsByIncludingNewTypes() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Foo { newObject: NewObject newInterface: NewInterface newUnion: NewUnion newScalar: NewScalar newEnum: NewEnum newTree: [Foo]! } type NewObject implements NewInterface { baz: String } type NewOtherObject { fizz: Int } interface NewInterface { baz: String } union NewUnion = NewObject | NewOtherObject scalar NewScalar enum NewEnum { OPTION_A OPTION_B } '); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' type Foo implements SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface tree: [Foo]! newObject: NewObject newInterface: NewInterface newUnion: NewUnion newScalar: NewScalar newEnum: NewEnum newTree: [Foo]! } enum NewEnum { OPTION_A OPTION_B } interface NewInterface { baz: String } type NewObject implements NewInterface { baz: String } type NewOtherObject { fizz: Int } scalar NewScalar union NewUnion = NewObject | NewOtherObject '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('extends objects by adding implemented new interfaces') */ public function testExtendsObjectsByAddingImplementedNewInterfaces() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Foo implements NewInterface { baz: String } interface NewInterface { baz: String } '); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' type Foo implements SomeInterface & NewInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface tree: [Foo]! baz: String } interface NewInterface { baz: String } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('extends different types multiple times') */ public function testExtendsDifferentTypesMultipleTimes() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend type Biz implements NewInterface { buzz: String } extend type Biz implements SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface newFieldA: Int } extend type Biz { newFieldA: Int newFieldB: Float } interface NewInterface { buzz: String } extend enum SomeEnum { THREE } extend enum SomeEnum { FOUR } extend union SomeUnion = Boo extend union SomeUnion = Joo type Boo { fieldA: String } type Joo { fieldB: String } extend input SomeInput { fieldA: String } extend input SomeInput { fieldB: String } '); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' type Biz implements NewInterface & SomeInterface { fizz: String buzz: String name: String some: SomeInterface newFieldA: Int newFieldB: Float } type Boo { fieldA: String } type Joo { fieldB: String } interface NewInterface { buzz: String } enum SomeEnum { ONE TWO THREE FOUR } input SomeInput { fooArg: String fieldA: String fieldB: String } union SomeUnion = Foo | Biz | Boo | Joo '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('extends interfaces by adding new fields') */ public function testExtendsInterfacesByAddingNewFields() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend interface SomeInterface { newField: String } extend type Bar { newField: String } extend type Foo { newField: String } '); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' type Bar implements SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface foo: Foo newField: String } type Foo implements SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface tree: [Foo]! newField: String } interface SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface newField: String } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('allows extension of interface with missing Object fields') */ public function testAllowsExtensionOfInterfaceWithMissingObjectFields() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend interface SomeInterface { newField: String } '); $errors = $extendedSchema->validate(); self::assertGreaterThan(0, $errors); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' interface SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface newField: String } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('extends interfaces multiple times') */ public function testExtendsInterfacesMultipleTimes() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend interface SomeInterface { newFieldA: Int } extend interface SomeInterface { newFieldB(test: Boolean): String } '); self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' interface SomeInterface { name: String some: SomeInterface newFieldA: Int newFieldB(test: Boolean): String } '), $this->printTestSchemaChanges($extendedSchema) ); } /** * @see it('may extend mutations and subscriptions') */ public function testMayExtendMutationsAndSubscriptions() { $mutationSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Query', 'fields' => static function () { return [ 'queryField' => [ 'type' => Type::string() ] ]; }, ]), 'mutation' => new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Mutation', 'fields' => static function () { return [ 'mutationField' => ['type' => Type::string() ] ]; }, ]), 'subscription' => new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Subscription', 'fields' => static function () { return ['subscriptionField' => ['type' => Type::string()]]; }, ]), ]); $ast = Parser::parse(' extend type Query { newQueryField: Int } extend type Mutation { newMutationField: Int } extend type Subscription { newSubscriptionField: Int } '); $originalPrint = SchemaPrinter::doPrint($mutationSchema); $extendedSchema = SchemaExtender::extend($mutationSchema, $ast); self::assertNotEquals($mutationSchema, $extendedSchema); self::assertEquals(SchemaPrinter::doPrint($mutationSchema), $originalPrint); self::assertEquals(SchemaPrinter::doPrint($extendedSchema), $this->dedent(' type Mutation { mutationField: String newMutationField: Int } type Query { queryField: String newQueryField: Int } type Subscription { subscriptionField: String newSubscriptionField: Int } ')); } /** * @see it('may extend directives with new simple directive') */ public function testMayExtendDirectivesWithNewSimpleDirective() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' directive @neat on QUERY '); $newDirective = $extendedSchema->getDirective('neat'); self::assertEquals($newDirective->name, 'neat'); self::assertContains('QUERY', $newDirective->locations); } /** * @see it('sets correct description when extending with a new directive') */ public function testSetsCorrectDescriptionWhenExtendingWithANewDirective() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' """ new directive """ directive @new on QUERY '); $newDirective = $extendedSchema->getDirective('new'); self::assertEquals('new directive', $newDirective->description); } /** * @see it('sets correct description using legacy comments') */ public function testSetsCorrectDescriptionUsingLegacyComments() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema( ' # new directive directive @new on QUERY ', [ 'commentDescriptions' => true ] ); $newDirective = $extendedSchema->getDirective('new'); self::assertEquals('new directive', $newDirective->description); } /** * @see it('may extend directives with new complex directive') */ public function testMayExtendDirectivesWithNewComplexDirective() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' directive @profile(enable: Boolean! tag: String) on QUERY | FIELD '); $extendedDirective = $extendedSchema->getDirective('profile'); self::assertContains('QUERY', $extendedDirective->locations); self::assertContains('FIELD', $extendedDirective->locations); $args = $extendedDirective->args; self::assertCount(2, $args); $arg0 = $args[0]; $arg1 = $args[1]; /** @var NonNull $arg0Type */ $arg0Type = $arg0->getType(); self::assertEquals('enable', $arg0->name); self::assertTrue($arg0Type instanceof NonNull); self::assertTrue($arg0Type->getWrappedType() instanceof ScalarType); self::assertEquals('tag', $arg1->name); self::assertTrue($arg1->getType() instanceof ScalarType); } /** * @see it('Rejects invalid SDL') */ public function testRejectsInvalidSDL() { $sdl = ' extend schema @unknown '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($sdl); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Unknown directive "unknown".', $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('Allows to disable SDL validation') */ public function testAllowsToDisableSDLValidation() { $sdl = ' extend schema @unknown '; $this->extendTestSchema($sdl, [ 'assumeValid' => true ]); $this->extendTestSchema($sdl, [ 'assumeValidSDL' => true ]); } /** * @see it('does not allow replacing a default directive') */ public function testDoesNotAllowReplacingADefaultDirective() { $sdl = ' directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($sdl); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Directive "include" already exists in the schema. It cannot be redefined.', $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('does not allow replacing a custom directive') */ public function testDoesNotAllowReplacingACustomDirective() { $extendedSchema = $this->extendTestSchema(' directive @meow(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD '); $replacementAST = Parser::parse(' directive @meow(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | QUERY '); try { SchemaExtender::extend($extendedSchema, $replacementAST); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Directive "meow" already exists in the schema. It cannot be redefined.', $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('does not allow replacing an existing type') */ public function testDoesNotAllowReplacingAnExistingType() { $existingTypeError = static function ($type) { return 'Type "' . $type . '" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type definition.'; }; $typeSDL = ' type Bar '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($typeSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($existingTypeError('Bar'), $error->getMessage()); } $scalarSDL = ' scalar SomeScalar '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($scalarSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($existingTypeError('SomeScalar'), $error->getMessage()); } $interfaceSDL = ' interface SomeInterface '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($interfaceSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($existingTypeError('SomeInterface'), $error->getMessage()); } $enumSDL = ' enum SomeEnum '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($enumSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($existingTypeError('SomeEnum'), $error->getMessage()); } $unionSDL = ' union SomeUnion '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($unionSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($existingTypeError('SomeUnion'), $error->getMessage()); } $inputSDL = ' input SomeInput '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($inputSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($existingTypeError('SomeInput'), $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('does not allow replacing an existing field') */ public function testDoesNotAllowReplacingAnExistingField() { $existingFieldError = static function (string $type, string $field) { return 'Field "' . $type . '.' . $field . '" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type extension.'; }; $typeSDL = ' extend type Bar { foo: Foo } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($typeSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($existingFieldError('Bar', 'foo'), $error->getMessage()); } $interfaceSDL = ' extend interface SomeInterface { some: Foo } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($interfaceSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($existingFieldError('SomeInterface', 'some'), $error->getMessage()); } $inputSDL = ' extend input SomeInput { fooArg: String } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($inputSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($existingFieldError('SomeInput', 'fooArg'), $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('does not allow replacing an existing enum value') */ public function testDoesNotAllowReplacingAnExistingEnumValue() { $sdl = ' extend enum SomeEnum { ONE } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($sdl); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Enum value "SomeEnum.ONE" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type extension.', $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('does not allow referencing an unknown type') */ public function testDoesNotAllowReferencingAnUnknownType() { $unknownTypeError = 'Unknown type: "Quix". Ensure that this type exists either in the original schema, or is added in a type definition.'; $typeSDL = ' extend type Bar { quix: Quix } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($typeSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($unknownTypeError, $error->getMessage()); } $interfaceSDL = ' extend interface SomeInterface { quix: Quix } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($interfaceSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($unknownTypeError, $error->getMessage()); } $unionSDL = ' extend union SomeUnion = Quix '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($unionSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($unknownTypeError, $error->getMessage()); } $inputSDL = ' extend input SomeInput { quix: Quix } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($inputSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals($unknownTypeError, $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('does not allow extending an unknown type') */ public function testDoesNotAllowExtendingAnUnknownType() { $sdls = [ 'extend scalar UnknownType @foo', 'extend type UnknownType @foo', 'extend interface UnknownType @foo', 'extend enum UnknownType @foo', 'extend union UnknownType @foo', 'extend input UnknownType @foo', ]; foreach ($sdls as $sdl) { try { $this->extendTestSchema($sdl); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Cannot extend type "UnknownType" because it does not exist in the existing schema.', $error->getMessage()); } } } /** * @see it('maintains configuration of the original schema object') */ public function testMaintainsConfigurationOfTheOriginalSchemaObject() { self::markTestSkipped('allowedLegacyNames currently not supported'); $testSchemaWithLegacyNames = new Schema( [ 'query' => new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Query', 'fields' => static function () { return ['id' => ['type' => Type::id()]]; }, ]), ]/*, [ 'allowedLegacyNames' => ['__badName'] ] */ ); $ast = Parser::parse(' extend type Query { __badName: String } '); $schema = SchemaExtender::extend($testSchemaWithLegacyNames, $ast); self::assertEquals(['__badName'], $schema->__allowedLegacyNames); } /** * @see it('adds to the configuration of the original schema object') */ public function testAddsToTheConfigurationOfTheOriginalSchemaObject() { self::markTestSkipped('allowedLegacyNames currently not supported'); $testSchemaWithLegacyNames = new Schema( [ 'query' => new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Query', 'fields' => static function () { return ['__badName' => ['type' => Type::string()]]; }, ]), ]/*, ['allowedLegacyNames' => ['__badName']] */ ); $ast = Parser::parse(' extend type Query { __anotherBadName: String } '); $schema = SchemaExtender::extend($testSchemaWithLegacyNames, $ast, [ 'allowedLegacyNames' => ['__anotherBadName'], ]); self::assertEquals(['__badName', '__anotherBadName'], $schema->__allowedLegacyNames); } /** * @see it('does not allow extending a mismatch type') */ public function testDoesNotAllowExtendingAMismatchType() { $typeSDL = ' extend type SomeInterface @foo '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($typeSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Cannot extend non-object type "SomeInterface".', $error->getMessage()); } $interfaceSDL = ' extend interface Foo @foo '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($interfaceSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Cannot extend non-interface type "Foo".', $error->getMessage()); } $enumSDL = ' extend enum Foo @foo '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($enumSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Cannot extend non-enum type "Foo".', $error->getMessage()); } $unionSDL = ' extend union Foo @foo '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($unionSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Cannot extend non-union type "Foo".', $error->getMessage()); } $inputSDL = ' extend input Foo @foo '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($inputSDL); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Cannot extend non-input object type "Foo".', $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('does not automatically include common root type names') */ public function testDoesNotAutomaticallyIncludeCommonRootTypeNames() { $schema = $this->extendTestSchema(' type Mutation { doSomething: String } '); self::assertNull($schema->getMutationType()); } /** * @see it('adds schema definition missing in the original schema') */ public function testAddsSchemaDefinitionMissingInTheOriginalSchema() { $schema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [$this->FooDirective], 'types' => [$this->FooType], ]); self::assertNull($schema->getQueryType()); $ast = Parser::parse(' schema @foo { query: Foo } '); $schema = SchemaExtender::extend($schema, $ast); $queryType = $schema->getQueryType(); self::assertEquals($queryType->name, 'Foo'); } /** * @see it('adds new root types via schema extension') */ public function testAddsNewRootTypesViaSchemaExtension() { $schema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend schema { mutation: Mutation } type Mutation { doSomething: String } '); $mutationType = $schema->getMutationType(); self::assertEquals($mutationType->name, 'Mutation'); } /** * @see it('adds multiple new root types via schema extension') */ public function testAddsMultipleNewRootTypesViaSchemaExtension() { $schema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend schema { mutation: Mutation subscription: Subscription } type Mutation { doSomething: String } type Subscription { hearSomething: String } '); $mutationType = $schema->getMutationType(); $subscriptionType = $schema->getSubscriptionType(); self::assertEquals('Mutation', $mutationType->name); self::assertEquals('Subscription', $subscriptionType->name); } /** * @see it('applies multiple schema extensions') */ public function testAppliesMultipleSchemaExtensions() { $schema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend schema { mutation: Mutation } extend schema { subscription: Subscription } type Mutation { doSomething: String } type Subscription { hearSomething: String } '); $mutationType = $schema->getMutationType(); $subscriptionType = $schema->getSubscriptionType(); self::assertEquals('Mutation', $mutationType->name); self::assertEquals('Subscription', $subscriptionType->name); } /** * @see it('schema extension AST are available from schema object') */ public function testSchemaExtensionASTAreAvailableFromSchemaObject() { $schema = $this->extendTestSchema(' extend schema { mutation: Mutation } extend schema { subscription: Subscription } type Mutation { doSomething: String } type Subscription { hearSomething: String } '); $ast = Parser::parse(' extend schema @foo '); $schema = SchemaExtender::extend($schema, $ast); $nodes = $schema->extensionASTNodes; self::assertEquals( $this->dedent(' extend schema { mutation: Mutation } extend schema { subscription: Subscription } extend schema @foo '), implode( "\n", array_map(static function ($node) { return Printer::doPrint($node) . "\n"; }, $nodes) ) ); } /** * @see it('does not allow redefining an existing root type') */ public function testDoesNotAllowRedefiningAnExistingRootType() { $sdl = ' extend schema { query: SomeType } type SomeType { seeSomething: String } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($sdl); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Must provide only one query type in schema.', $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('does not allow defining a root operation type twice') */ public function testDoesNotAllowDefiningARootOperationTypeTwice() { $sdl = ' extend schema { mutation: Mutation } extend schema { mutation: Mutation } type Mutation { doSomething: String } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($sdl); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Must provide only one mutation type in schema.', $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see it('does not allow defining a root operation type with different types') */ public function testDoesNotAllowDefiningARootOperationTypeWithDifferentTypes() { $sdl = ' extend schema { mutation: Mutation } extend schema { mutation: SomethingElse } type Mutation { doSomething: String } type SomethingElse { doSomethingElse: String } '; try { $this->extendTestSchema($sdl); self::fail(); } catch (Error $error) { self::assertEquals('Must provide only one mutation type in schema.', $error->getMessage()); } } /** * @see https://github.com/webonyx/graphql-php/pull/381 */ public function testOriginalResolversArePreserved() { $queryType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Query', 'fields' => [ 'hello' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'resolve' => static function () { return 'Hello World!'; }, ], ], ]); $schema = new Schema(['query' => $queryType]); $documentNode = Parser::parse(' extend type Query { misc: String } '); $extendedSchema = SchemaExtender::extend($schema, $documentNode); $helloResolveFn = $extendedSchema->getQueryType()->getField('hello')->resolveFn; self::assertInternalType('callable', $helloResolveFn); $query = '{ hello }'; $result = GraphQL::executeQuery($extendedSchema, $query); self::assertSame(['data' => ['hello' => 'Hello World!']], $result->toArray()); } /** * @see https://github.com/webonyx/graphql-php/issues/180 */ public function testShouldBeAbleToIntroduceNewTypesThroughExtension() { $sdl = ' type Query { defaultValue: String } type Foo { value: Int } '; $documentNode = Parser::parse($sdl); $schema = BuildSchema::build($documentNode); $extensionSdl = ' type Bar { foo: Foo } '; $extendedDocumentNode = Parser::parse($extensionSdl); $extendedSchema = SchemaExtender::extend($schema, $extendedDocumentNode); $expected = ' type Bar { foo: Foo } type Foo { value: Int } type Query { defaultValue: String } '; static::assertEquals($this->dedent($expected), SchemaPrinter::doPrint($extendedSchema)); } }