<?php namespace GraphQL\Tests\Utils; use GraphQL\Language\AST\NullValueNode; use GraphQL\Language\Parser; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\EnumType; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\InputObjectType; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type; use GraphQL\Utils; use GraphQL\Utils\AST; class ValueFromAstTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { private function runTestCase($type, $valueText, $expected) { $this->assertEquals($expected, AST::valueFromAST(Parser::parseValue($valueText), $type)); } private function runTestCaseWithVars($variables, $type, $valueText, $expected) { $this->assertEquals($expected, AST::valueFromAST(Parser::parseValue($valueText), $type, $variables)); } /** * @it rejects empty input */ public function testRejectsEmptyInput() { $this->assertEquals(Utils::undefined(), AST::valueFromAST(null, Type::boolean())); } /** * @it converts according to input coercion rules */ public function testConvertsAccordingToInputCoercionRules() { $this->runTestCase(Type::boolean(), 'true', true); $this->runTestCase(Type::boolean(), 'false', false); $this->runTestCase(Type::int(), '123', 123); $this->runTestCase(Type::float(), '123', 123); $this->runTestCase(Type::float(), '123.456', 123.456); $this->runTestCase(Type::string(), '"abc123"', 'abc123'); $this->runTestCase(Type::id(), '123456', '123456'); $this->runTestCase(Type::id(), '"123456"', '123456'); } /** * @it does not convert when input coercion rules reject a value */ public function testDoesNotConvertWhenInputCoercionRulesRejectAValue() { $undefined = Utils::undefined(); $this->runTestCase(Type::boolean(), '123', $undefined); $this->runTestCase(Type::int(), '123.456', $undefined); $this->runTestCase(Type::int(), 'true', $undefined); $this->runTestCase(Type::int(), '"123"', $undefined); $this->runTestCase(Type::float(), '"123"', $undefined); $this->runTestCase(Type::string(), '123', $undefined); $this->runTestCase(Type::string(), 'true', $undefined); $this->runTestCase(Type::id(), '123.456', $undefined); } /** * @it converts enum values according to input coercion rules */ public function testConvertsEnumValuesAccordingToInputCoercionRules() { $testEnum = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'TestColor', 'values' => [ 'RED' => ['value' => 1], 'GREEN' => ['value' => 2], 'BLUE' => ['value' => 3], ] ]); $this->runTestCase($testEnum, 'RED', 1); $this->runTestCase($testEnum, 'BLUE', 3); $this->runTestCase($testEnum, '3', Utils::undefined()); $this->runTestCase($testEnum, '"BLUE"', Utils::undefined()); $this->runTestCase($testEnum, 'null', null); } /** * @it coerces to null unless non-null */ public function testCoercesToNullUnlessNonNull() { $this->runTestCase(Type::boolean(), 'null', null); $this->runTestCase(Type::nonNull(Type::boolean()), 'null', Utils::undefined()); } /** * @it coerces lists of values */ public function testCoercesListsOfValues() { $listOfBool = Type::listOf(Type::boolean()); $undefined = Utils::undefined(); $this->runTestCase($listOfBool, 'true', [ true ]); $this->runTestCase($listOfBool, '123', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($listOfBool, 'null', null); $this->runTestCase($listOfBool, '[true, false]', [ true, false ]); $this->runTestCase($listOfBool, '[true, 123]', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($listOfBool, '[true, null]', [ true, null ]); $this->runTestCase($listOfBool, '{ true: true }', $undefined); } /** * @it coerces non-null lists of values */ public function testCoercesNonNullListsOfValues() { $nonNullListOfBool = Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::boolean())); $undefined = Utils::undefined(); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfBool, 'true', [ true ]); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfBool, '123', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfBool, 'null', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfBool, '[true, false]', [ true, false ]); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfBool, '[true, 123]', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfBool, '[true, null]', [ true, null ]); } /** * @it coerces lists of non-null values */ public function testCoercesListsOfNonNullValues() { $listOfNonNullBool = Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::boolean())); $undefined = Utils::undefined(); $this->runTestCase($listOfNonNullBool, 'true', [ true ]); $this->runTestCase($listOfNonNullBool, '123', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($listOfNonNullBool, 'null', null); $this->runTestCase($listOfNonNullBool, '[true, false]', [ true, false ]); $this->runTestCase($listOfNonNullBool, '[true, 123]', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($listOfNonNullBool, '[true, null]', $undefined); } /** * @it coerces non-null lists of non-null values */ public function testCoercesNonNullListsOfNonNullValues() { $nonNullListOfNonNullBool = Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::boolean()))); $undefined = Utils::undefined(); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfNonNullBool, 'true', [ true ]); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfNonNullBool, '123', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfNonNullBool, 'null', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfNonNullBool, '[true, false]', [ true, false ]); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfNonNullBool, '[true, 123]', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($nonNullListOfNonNullBool, '[true, null]', $undefined); } private $inputObj; private function inputObj() { return $this->inputObj ?: $this->inputObj = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'TestInput', 'fields' => [ 'int' => [ 'type' => Type::int(), 'defaultValue' => 42 ], 'bool' => [ 'type' => Type::boolean() ], 'requiredBool' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::boolean()) ], ] ]); } /** * @it coerces input objects according to input coercion rules */ public function testCoercesInputObjectsAccordingToInputCoercionRules() { $testInputObj = $this->inputObj(); $undefined = Utils::undefined(); $this->runTestCase($testInputObj, 'null', null); $this->runTestCase($testInputObj, '123', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($testInputObj, '[]', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($testInputObj, '{ int: 123, requiredBool: false }', ['int' => 123, 'requiredBool' => false]); $this->runTestCase($testInputObj, '{ bool: true, requiredBool: false }', [ 'int' => 42, 'bool' => true, 'requiredBool' => false ]); $this->runTestCase($testInputObj, '{ int: true, requiredBool: true }', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($testInputObj, '{ requiredBool: null }', $undefined); $this->runTestCase($testInputObj, '{ bool: true }', $undefined); } /** * @it accepts variable values assuming already coerced */ public function testAcceptsVariableValuesAssumingAlreadyCoerced() { $this->runTestCaseWithVars([], Type::boolean(), '$var', Utils::undefined()); $this->runTestCaseWithVars([ 'var' => true ], Type::boolean(), '$var', true); $this->runTestCaseWithVars([ 'var' => null ], Type::boolean(), '$var', null); } /** * @it asserts variables are provided as items in lists */ public function testAssertsVariablesAreProvidedAsItemsInLists() { $listOfBool = Type::listOf(Type::boolean()); $listOfNonNullBool = Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::boolean())); $this->runTestCaseWithVars([], $listOfBool, '[ $foo ]', [ null ]); $this->runTestCaseWithVars([], $listOfNonNullBool, '[ $foo ]', Utils::undefined()); $this->runTestCaseWithVars([ 'foo' => true ], $listOfNonNullBool, '[ $foo ]', [ true ]); // Note: variables are expected to have already been coerced, so we // do not expect the singleton wrapping behavior for variables. $this->runTestCaseWithVars([ 'foo' => true ], $listOfNonNullBool, '$foo', true); $this->runTestCaseWithVars([ 'foo' => [ true ] ], $listOfNonNullBool, '$foo', [ true ]); } /** * @it omits input object fields for unprovided variables */ public function testOmitsInputObjectFieldsForUnprovidedVariables() { $testInputObj = $this->inputObj(); $this->runTestCaseWithVars( [], $testInputObj, '{ int: $foo, bool: $foo, requiredBool: true }', [ 'int' => 42, 'requiredBool' => true ] ); $this->runTestCaseWithVars( [], $testInputObj, '{ requiredBool: $foo }', Utils::undefined() ); $this->runTestCaseWithVars( [ 'foo' => true ], $testInputObj, '{ requiredBool: $foo }', [ 'int' => 42, 'requiredBool' => true ] ); } }